He’s another abstract thought: ‘Cora comes home soused’. Why is she so drunk?

So theoretically Cora = Kore = Persephone, which I think we all agree to be accurate?

Persephone in game is in the Underworld zone, how applicable, so my theory previously was this marks a path to the underworld. This location is very close to Pandemonium from Paradise Lost.

Demeter is also in game; draw a line between the two, then look to systems close to Demeter, we find Fall, draw a line between Fall and Pandemonium and there is a correlation - good so far? That I felt established the Codex was identifying the Underworld section, a later part talks of Atlantis / Cities of Gold etc, which are in this sector - good, simple locational mapping.

By why is Cora drunk?
Why is she talking of pirates and stashes?
Why does she return?

In the myth of Persephone she does return after the applicable season where she allowed to leave Hades. So in my interpretation on the Codex, it’s simply alluding to Persephones journey to and back from the Underworld.

But she does not get drunk, in any of the myths to my knowledge. The only person who does drink in the myth is her mother.

If this is not simply a reference to Demeter, for us to draw such a line, then is Cora actually drunk, if so why if it’s not just another reference for us to establish the association to her mother?

If it’s not that simple, where is she getting plastered?

Is there a location in the Underworld/Lost Realms zones associated with booze?

Or is it just that simply as Ive previously established, go to the underworld, find the lost realms… but what next; Hammer in Legacy liked a drink!

Did she grab a pint at Jacques bar, it might not be canon, but he was indicted to be ‘several centuries old’. When did he start serving drinks?

I might do some booze mapping!

Source: https://youtu.be/1kBIlD8Dmr8?si=Tq7eKFX4KFVykyDM
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There are special "brews" in the game:
Raxxla is expressly linked to pirates via Tornvquist rumors.

Tornvquist was based out of Tau Ceti not in it.

From my post linking the Pegasi Sector (still pirate territory in 3310):
Skaði (Norse mountain goddess)
Skaði (/ˈskɑːði/; Old Norse: [ˈskɑðe]; sometimes anglicized as Skadi, Skade, or Skathi)

At the bottom of that entry is this in "See also":
Which leads us to ... Skaoismont deep in the Pegasi sector (no not suspicious whatsoever)
There is a Wingquist Station in Skaoismont (outpost so you need a medium ship to dock). Maybe do missions for pirates out there.

While we're mentioning Pegasi Sector it seems Harma Silver Sea Rum is quite ancient:

Based on a secret 24th Century recipe taken from the log of one Captain Smolenski, Harma Silver Sea Rum has been developed by blending a range of rare alcohols to create a beverage any corsair would be proud of. The Harma Silver Cartel, who manufacture and distribute the potent brew, enjoy the controversy their product has gleaned after it became a favourite among pirate gangs across the galaxy. This rare good is legal in all systems except for Prison Colony systems as well as Federal and Alliance Theocracy systems.

Proving yet again, FDev hides stuff via descriptions.
He’s another abstract thought: ‘Cora comes home soused’. Why is she so drunk?

So theoretically Cora = Kore = Persephone, which I think we all agree to be accurate?

Persephone in game is in the Underworld zone, how applicable, so my theory previously was this marks a path to the underworld. This location is very close to Pandemonium from Paradise Lost.

Demeter is also in game; draw a line between the two, then look to systems close to Demeter, we find Fall, draw a line between Fall and Pandemonium and there is a correlation - good so far? That I felt established the Codex was identifying the Underworld section, a later part talks of Atlantis / Cities of Gold etc, which are in this sector - good, simple locational mapping.

By why is Cora drunk?
Why is she talking of pirates and stashes?
Why does she return?

In the myth of Persephone she does return after the applicable season where she allowed to leave Hades. So in my interpretation on the Codex, it’s simply alluding to Persephones journey to and back from the Underworld.

But she does not get drunk, in any of the myths to my knowledge. The only person who does drink in the myth is her mother.

If this is not simply a reference to Demeter, for us to draw such a line, then is Cora actually drunk, if so why if it’s not just another reference for us to establish the association to her mother?

If it’s not that simple, where is she getting plastered?

Is there a location in the Underworld/Lost Realms zones associated with booze?

Or is it just that simply as Ive previously established, go to the underworld, find the lost realms… but what next; Hammer in Legacy liked a drink!

Did she grab a pint at Jacques bar, it might not be canon, but he was indicted to be ‘several centuries old’. When did he start serving drinks?

I might do some booze mapping!

Source: https://youtu.be/1kBIlD8Dmr8?si=Tq7eKFX4KFVykyDM

So long stretch, I mapped some deities linked to alcohol and two seem to be relatively close to the area of interest.

Brigid - patron saint of beer?
Bes - goddess of merriment?

My bet is on Brigid, if this is at all relevant? It’s right on the corner of a triangle of goddesses linked to Avalon

It’s also very close on the path of Brookes Tours and remember Hammer tells us of the Beaumont system (beautiful mountain) which is supposed to be below Achernar!

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Beautiful Mountain

Is the use of the name in the book Elite Legacy of the Beaumont system, a directional reference to the myth of king Arthur?

In the book Elite Legacy by Michael Brookes (MB) this location, described by a protagonist ‘Hammer’ was below Achenar, however unlike other systems referred, its not in game.

The word Beaumont is French and means Beautiful Mountain.

If Legacy is the book the Codex is referring to (via the clue ‘a children’s book’, in regards to a protagonists own children’s story book, and who longed to find Raxxla); is the omission of this system from game an intended clue?

Researching various other mountains which might hold a similar description I found the following link to Mount Etna in Sicily, which goes by the names Mongibello and Mungibeddu, both which are described to mean 'beautiful mountain'?

In Greek myth Mount Etna was said to be one of the locations for an entrance to Tartarus!

The Arthurian Romance Flouriant et Florete(c.1250) identified the island of Sicily as Avalon, Anglo-Sicilian legend, has the Archangel Michael help King Arthur weld Excalibur from the lava of Mount Etna?

Sicilian folklore has Mount Etna (Mongibello) as the dwelling place of Morgana la Fay. This likely is from Floriant et Florete and Le Chevalier du Papegau were the name 'Mongibel' is used as the mountain castle of Morgan Le Fey (Arabic description of Mount Etna). She might also be conflated to the ‘Fairy of Gibel’ Gibel also an Arabic term for Mount Etna.

So Morgana’s castle may be on the Beautiful Mountain?

Breton legend associated King Arthur likewise to reside in an underground kingdom on the island, and some literary interpretations mark Avalon’s location as ‘within the East’ associated with Paradise/Eden.

Arthur's subterranean Otherworldly dwelling

The local phenomenon common in the Straits of Messina, is so named after Morgana la Fay as Fata Morgana”. A phrased also utilised in John Milton’s text Paradise Lost, to describe Satans flight out of Hell.

So could the use of the phrase Beaumont in Elite Legacy, and its directional allusion, actually be a reference to Mongibel and to Arthurian legend - it’s sounds absurd and if correct, incredibly vague?

This association wouldn’t be so absurd if it were not for the fact that the directIonal reference just so happens to intersect systems in game that are named or linked to Arthurian mythology!

This area also holds other systems linked to the ‘land of apples’, the Land Beyond, the Edge of the World.

The Brookes Tours also passes right through this area, and there is a system called Michel and another linked to a guardian of the Eastern Gates both situated in relative close proximity!

Is this actually the correct intention, to journey to or through these very system/s, all linked to Avalon, which do fall below Achenar? One can’t quite bring oneself to accept such a link, so there exists a very healthy probability this is simply another example of pattern bias and wistful thinking.

This forms part of following an association that Robert Holdstock, in his book the ‘Dark Wheel’ drew upon his own inspiration to cast Raxxla as a type of liminal location, a place that is not a place, an Otherworld.

In another Holdstock work ‘Lost Realms’ which I feel is referenced in game as an Easter Egg, Eden was like Raxxla an Otherworld too.

In game such Otherworlds are I speculate reflected upon in the codex, and their tight focal positions below the Greek Underworld, are intentional, and collectively this is where the codex might be pointing us too, likewise Legacy and FD memorial too.

What is in this location, does it lead directly to Raxxla, or is there something here which provides some other clue?

I have long suspected this ultimately is what the Codex is alluding to, however I find the Miltonian references which have been uncovered to date, especially to the ‘pendant globe’; spatially at odds with this hypothesis, but I keep coming back to it, is this a two part puzzle, or is this zone simply a clue towards the path of Satan leaving Hell, on his return journey to the Empyrean?

I find it’s dubious, but if so it ought to advocate something obvious not esoteric resides here?

Source: https://youtu.be/JhUXRzhfjy8?si=cJ87Icj-ChxiFuu-

The Lost Realms of Robert Holdstock
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Anybody have any idea when Li Qing Jao spaceport entered the game? Was it in from the very start? And did it have the "Paradise Lost Garden" or was that added later?
These gardens seem to appear in various tourist ports. Hadn’t it been established, these types of layouts occurred prior to the Codex. Without proof I would presume maybe they were at the same time?
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So long stretch, I mapped some deities linked to alcohol and two seem to be relatively close to the area of interest.
Humor me: Dionysus is Artemis' half-brother by way of Zeus.

The Maenads play an important role in FFE lore via the journals. The Maenads are female followers of Dionysus or via Roman mythology Bacchus. Now neither is a system in game. However, Sirius Inc. has the megaship Dionysus in HIP 17044.

TDW is known for its raucous, strong-willed women. Follow the Maenads. It may be worthwhile as secondary pathway, to investigate if systems are in-game with names tied to the cults of Artemis and Dionysus.

While we on the subject of interesting family ties: at least according to many ancient stories the deity of heaven and the underworld were family. In Greek mythology, they are brothers (Zeus and Hades). In Roman mythology, the same was true (Jupiter and Pluto). This may be important in light of TDW's rumors of specific families making up the core of The Dark Wheel.

Produced by: Agricultural
Consumed by: All
Illegal in prison colonies and Federal aligned theocracies.

A luxury drink made from fermented fruits containing alcohol, a mild narcotic, and grown organically. Occasionally illegal because of the alcohol content.

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I still think the garden design is still key, it is not wholly prolific, seemingly only appearing in tourist systems.

I think it was entered as an Easter egg, maybe it was never going to be identified and acts as a type of environmental storytelling which unconsciously points the way.

I find the various allusions, contradictions in themselves.

For me personally, I feel the Codex tells us two elements, which I still can’t personally tie together logically, and feel we’re missing part of the puzzle.

I suspect the ‘toast’ actually tells us precisely the location of the Pendant globe, which I believe the garden design alludes to. But it remains vague enough to be open to interpretation. But which I suspect at least ought to exist within a boundary between the Empyrean and of Chaos?

Where as I feel the rest of the codex, uses metaphor or allegory to allude to the existence of the Lost realms zone, this I suspect is what the memorial also refers to, or at least that Legacy points to?

But these two aspects are seemingly diametrically opposed?

Miltons pendant globe was on the brow (hill) of the Empyrean, it was not in Hell. However the concept of an ‘otherworld’ as prescribed by Holdstock, and the lost realms concept does advocate the ‘underworld’, in that it was not part of heaven, but that it was a paradise for some and a hell for others, the in game location also ties in I believe with Norse cosmology of it being upon the outer rim, of the known world.

If I follow the Miltonian concept the pendant globe ought to be higher up. And I believe it ties in likewise with the traditional concept and I suspect this is reflected in Brookes tattoo.

If I follow the Holdstock concept, it would seem to make literary and logical sense, and advocates Eden as a Otherworld, this concept however might advocate my Miltionian hypothesis is totally flawed, or the model is not wholly understood in it’s true context?

Remember Brookes is mixing cosmology in his supposed ’The Space Between’ concept. And we don’t know how much accuracy made it into game.

With leaps of the imagination, one could speculate the Empyrean exists, but that the shape of Chaos, and that the Otherworld exists to advocate it is a pendant zone, hanging from its East gate?

But that’s a stretched roll of foil..

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Oh, I'm convinced that the garden is an intentional clue by MB in the "in-game Raxxla storyline"...don't forget he said "you have to make some of it a tiny little bit obvious so people know what they're doing". The garden has been in-game from the beginning, and in many stations (don't think it's just Tourist). I think FD got tired of us failing to find it, MB was proud of his work on it & wanted and expected us to find it long ago) so he put the Toast into the codex to highlight it (IMO the toast points to the garden in Li Qing Jao station). It's a storyline without words-its about gameplay. That part of the codex was introduced because we were failing in the quest, we needed extra clues.

There are various possibilities for the meaning of the garden design, which is what I was pondering the other day..the fact that the middle part of the garden has circles overlapping the edges of the panel could mean that is just a window into a larger system. There are ten lights around the edge, which might indicate ten planets?

Never been convinced by that DW hidden station suggestion as a valid clue-the rest of that paragraph about Lyta Crane pours enough doubt over her veracity that I think it's obfuscation ( the doubt didn't stop me checking out a few eighth moons though!😉). LYT are dull red star types-tbey don't provide much illumination! But getting people to go out looking for a hidden spaceport is a great marketing boost for exploration...and the livestream that announced the codex was entitled exploration:
Beyond - Chapter Four - Exploration Reveal livestream 18Oct2018

However I suspect the DW station storyline died when MB moved on. Possibly even before then.

I also think the "later" codex clues were written by MB at the very start of the game development, together with his Paradise Lost cosmos, hence the naming of the"Mother Gaia" faction and the insertion into Galnet at a very early stage of the clue that Sol is the jewel:
Galnet 14 June 3301 https://news.galnet.fr/simguru-offers-to-share-tomorrow-today/ “Sol is the birthplace of our race, the shining jewel of our galaxy.”

IMO it was all part of his "Raxxla storyline" planning.
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Interesting Discord/EDSM post from Spansh on his search data source:
"I stopped importing bodies from EDSM a few months ago, it contains too much bad data. I used to import the systems and bodies from EDSM at the beginning of each month using the archive from @Bravada Cadelanne. It did contain about 50,000-100,000 systems each month that did not go through EDDN and up to 500,000 bodies. However it also contains systems with incorrect coordinates which end up needing to be fixed manually which takes quite a lot of time. EDSM stopped sending uploaded data to EDDN a couple of years ago so those systems/bodies will stay only on EDSM until the site purges them and they will then be lost forever (except for the archive at edgalaxydata.space). Since EDSM also doesn't import NavRoute data it means that there is no longer a source of all known data in concise format. The appropriate solution is to get people who only upload to EDSM to also upload to EDDN (probably using EDDiscovery if they would like to upload old data)"

So, EDSM doesn't now seem to be as reliable as Spansh search data!

I'm remembering all the data I supplied on my long trips into the black, hunting potential Gravitational Wave sources (binary/ternary BH etc), Distant Worlds2, investigating with @Han_Zen the strange visual objects found in many systems maps...thousands of ly worth of data, but it will be lost as it's unlikely those systems will be revisited for EDSM within 2 years.☹️
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Getting a little tired of academic exploration so going to put down some roots in Avalon and look at building rep in all factions at Persephone dock, and doing what Hammer liked almost as much as drinking; killing pirates.

I’m wondering if Persephone is the eminent clue, she’s referred to indirectly in the codex, then her path can be identified through the Lost Realms via the Codex again, she’s evidently omitted from Legacy’s list of deities, her presence too is interesting, in a zone interacted by Brookes Tours, and Avalon looks hand made, raises some suspicion, who knows; but I’m realising I’ve not interacted with the factions in over a year now, so handed in a years worth of exploration data and going to see if anything drifts by,

Source: https://youtu.be/3JhzZ3y8Ps4?si=w2DId56d1XMTn_wP
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Been pondering the Paradise Lost Garden design. In the last month or so I've assumed the 6 trees in the broad path indicate 6 moons of a ringed planet. However:

ED codex was released in Beyond - Chapter Four 11 DEC 3304 (2018). Planetary ring mining hotspots were also added at the same time, while in Beyond - Chapter Four - Exploration Reveal livestream 18Oct2018 : @1:29:58 Adam Bourke-Waite (Senior Designer) said “that thing we haven’t shown” (i.e. Raxxla codex entry) “there’s elements of that that are probably my favourite parts of this”.

So, I now believe the middle part of the garden design is indicating that Raxxla is located at/in a planetary ring having 6 mineral hotspots. In the garden design the circles falling across the path edges of that middle panel suggest the system could have more than 4 bodies, which increases the potential number of systems to be investigated. Logically the right hand panel should show the location of Raxxla within the ring, but that solution is not clear to me. Perhaps the logo shows the precise location? But that solution doesn't leap out at me either.

Looking in a planetary ring for something, but I don't know what, is tedious...rings are huge! But first we've gotta find the correct ring in the correct system??? And then the correct place within the ring????????????
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