The Star Citizen Thread V10

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Melee combat hey. Seems that comes included in CryEngine although I dont doubt CIG may want to add in their own props and animations. Presume the head camera original decision and the implication in all the issues here was all about fidelity obviously, and totally necessary. Dev time well spent.
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Looking at the melee combat - am I the only one who preferred the original version? The end version looked far less realistic to me...
we want fully developed fully immersive never been done before martial arts gameplay! pledge $1000 to receive full in game MMA Champion skillsets for your avatar!
As always, completely out of touch.
Focus on the microdetails when they already have hard times figuring the overall scope. Of course I assume no direction is set, the fork can have multiple thousands of polys they will only care about it when near end of beta.
And the same process of reinventing the wheel, making it square because they don't know what they're doing and "never been done before", finding it doesn't work, waste time and money fixing this by iterating on the bad until it [mostly] works.
As always, completely out of touch.
Focus on the microdetails when they already have hard times figuring the overall scope.
the Vision is all encompassing, they don't need pathetic arbitrary limitation such as scope, all you need to do is just watch, and revel in the glory of the true savior of pc gaming unfolding before your eyes. Just don't forget to buy pledge for Idrises.
ORder of BATtle (i.e. the kit that makes up a military).

So for example we know we now have Tanks and AA assets.
There’s pots and pans,which you could technically use as a weapon and the new paintings could be deployed in the classic straight over the head impeding arm movement at which point you could set about them with a spatula.
We don’t have tanks and AA assets,we have jpegs of them available at the low low price......
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As a non-obsessive looking in, what elements of a Sci-Fi ORBAT have been covered by them this far?

None really outside listing the services there is no OOB or TOE presented for the lore, pother than there is at least 2 fleets and 87 Battlegroups as the UEES Stanton is 87th Battlegroup 2nd Fleet, but we have only seen it operate by itself and have no information on its active service compliment.
One assumes Sqn 42 is stationed on it but an Idris only carries three Fighters (but not what class of) which is surely too small to be a Squadron.
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Suppose the other thing to consider is how they will apply the Nomenclature
Corvettes, Frigates and Destroyers are all termed Capital ships and seem to be more size designations as the Carrack and 890 Jump are terms Corvette sized and Frigate sized respectively with the later being a Capital ship also.

So one wonders if a battlegroup could be formed around any "Capital ship" and thus the UEES Stantion is the capital ship of the 87th as the only thing I would actually term a Capital ship would be the Bengals and I doubt there are 87 or more, as I don't recall seeing any thing like a cruiser or military light carrier, bearing in mind the Kraken has a compliment of 6 ships and is more an "Aviation Frigate" since it not Star Citizen destroyer sized
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Pans and spatulas are all fine - but what I’m really looking forward to is the undoubtedly forthcoming procedurally generated chocolate chip tech.
Pans and spatulas are all fine - but what I’m really looking forward to is the undoubtedly forthcoming procedurally generated chocolate chip tech.
You forgot to mention "persistent universe". Seriously, did anybody count the number of times they said "persistent universe"? I know they repeat it to make it sound it was true, but it always puzzles me that people anticipate I would fall for such cheap tricks.
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