The Star Citizen Thread v5

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Indeed. Or they could sell the tech to fund the game.

Now, if I was into trolling Reddit, I'd start a thread asking why they aren't doing this. But I'm not. So I won't. And I sincerely hope that nobody else does...

No you don't... :)
Indeed. Or they could sell the tech to fund the game.

Now, if I was into trolling Reddit, I'd start a thread asking why they aren't doing this. But I'm not. So I won't. And I sincerely hope that nobody else does...

Go on. You know you want to. [yesnod]
Some good videos about the professions teased for the 3.0 release made by TheN00bifier:

Star Citizen Jobs - Mining
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A lot of unhappy campers in that thread ... The tides of opinion are certainly changing .....

Not sure who GW is , so that is lost on me ..

Ohh yeah they waking up in bigger&bigger numbers......I especially like the part in that thread when some of the citizens starts comparing Hellion with SC and how the team with just 30 ppl. and tiny ammount of cash achive that kind of gameplay and fidelity in just 1+ year of the development,thats really put CIG on the way Helion is starting their earlly access tomorow.......
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But I'm not. So I won't. And I sincerely hope that nobody else does...

You definitely don't want to do that...

Ohh yeah they waking up in bigger&bigger numbers......I especially like the part in that thread when some of the citizens starts comparing Hellion with SC and how the team with just 30 ppl. and tiny ammount of cash achive that kind of gameplay and fidelity in just 1+ year of the development,thats really put CIG on the way Helion is starting their earlly access tomorow.......

Meh, CIG will release another fancy tech demo, then 3.0 with more than half of the promised features missing, the rest of them simplistic, and the dough and backer admiration will flow freely again.
…. And it has loading screens, according to CIG..

Have you played it? there are no loading screens. I play it (and E:D) several times a week. When you walk through a station, through the air lock to your ship, no loading screens. Even when you're piloting your ship and get up to walk abound, no loading screens. Or if man a turrent or engineering station, no loading screens. Also no load screens when you EVA from your ship... just, none... so.... where did CIG say they had loading screens? There is a video every time you jump, just like in E:D, though it looks nicer. but no, no loading screens.
I hate to say it, as a long-time E:D player, and I'm elite in exploration and combat, that I've been having more fun in SC than in E:D... it's nice to be away from the E:D grind :)
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Have you played it? there are no loading screens. I play it (and E:D) several times a week. When you walk through a station, through the air lock to your ship, no loading screens. Even when you're piloting your ship and get up to walk abound, no loading screens. Or if man a turrent or engineering station, no loading screens. Also no load screens when you EVA from your ship... just, none... so.... where did CIG say they had loading screens? There is a video every time you jump, just like in E:D, though it looks nicer. but no, no loading screens.
I hate to say it, as a long-time E:D player, and I'm elite in exploration and combat, that I've been having more fun in SC than in E:D... it's nice to be away from the E:D grind :)


Are you for real?

Like, really?

Are you for real?

Like, really?

not following. Perhaps some fuller sentences?
if we're going to make realistic comparisons, at least let's base them on facts, and not on fluff made our of thin air. And I like SC. It's fun, and has a lot to offer that ED doesn't. Just like I like ED, because it has a lot to offer that SC doesn't.


My employers are currently pushing from co-location to cloud, we've been avoiding in-house datacenters as much as possible - especially for externally facing apps - for years. They just aren't practical. In a lot of ways co-locations are also a pain in the backside. We had our own kit racked at the 3rd party and in some ways it can be the worst of both worlds - biggest problem being that there are some reasons that you need to get physical hands on the kit and you aren't close to it geographically. Going cloud for us (FTSE 100/NYSE listed, >100,000 employees globally split across a large number of self-contained daughter companies) is both cost-effective and gets rid of many of our hardware headaches. I'm oldschool and yet to be convinced as I like "real" boxes, but I'm getting more on board with it as a concept.

A sensible cloud solution seems to be the best for running a game like this from a standing start. Cheapest option? No, certainly not if you bare bones something with your own boxes.

Caveats being that you don't control the hardware, may have to spend $$$ for enough power and bandwidth, and make bloody sure you know what you're doing with backups.

Whole thing is kind of moot as CIG don't seem to be able to manage patching properly so all bets are off. Also whether CIG will ever need scalability to the point that they're thinking of is also up for debate... [wink]

You just nailed all the important points.

Moving to the cloud is always on a case by case basis. Anyone who thinks that we would rather spend over $250K on hardware, plus an average of $5K per month on colo fees because I want to throw money away when I can be on the "cloud", is an ignorant fool.

For one thing, the bespoke network architecture we built for this game, would be a pain to migrate to the cloud. And virtualized servers still won't give us performance benefits that we would need.

Not to mention the in/out bandwidth spikes and all that; this being a REAL TIME game whereby, even a client just sitting there doing NOTHING at all, is using up some bandwidth processing.

And every aspect of our Dell servers can be updated. They all have iDRAC cards which also give us direct hw access to them. The only downside is when we want to upgrade cpu, hdd or ram, we have to order the stuff, have it shipped to the datacenter; then either go there and do it, or pay a $300+ fee to have the data center techs do it.

If it was cheaper or best for the game to be on the cloud, we'd be on the cloud. Unlike ED and Star Citizen, the game isn't instanced. So we don't have dynamic on-demand sessions. The good part is that since the final game is going to be session based anyway; while we will be the only ones running dedicated servers, our costs are going to remain manageable since we won't be paying for client bandwidth, only the bandwidth for our databases and master servers. And that's why you have services like where anyone can setup their own dedicated game servers if they want. And we will be supporting that out of the box as that means people who buy the game, can continue to play it, regardless of whether or not we have servers for them to play on.

The danger of what backers aren't paying attention is that if/when CIG folds, the game is dead. There is no way to play it once they stop paying the server and backend bills. Similar applies to ED, though we already know that they aren't going anywhere.
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not following. Perhaps some fuller sentences?
if we're going to make realistic comparisons, at least let's base them on facts, and not on fluff made our of thin air. And I like SC. It's fun, and has a lot to offer that ED doesn't. Just like I like ED, because it has a lot to offer that SC doesn't.

Well I'm trying to wrap my head around what exactly is "fun" about running around in boringly designed, dull grey corridors, occasionally taking potshots at other players when they happen to be in the same location you are at. Or flying around a *very small* map to a few relays to fight some of the most basically programmed AI pirate enemies, collect some UEC (that you still can't do very much of anything with), head back to Port Olisar or Kareah, hand in your bounty, then.... um, start the whole thing all over again.

Or wait until the game bugs out on you.

Whichever happens to occur first.

But hey, that's just my outlook on things regarding Star Citizen. Maybe you've had a better experience than anyone else has .


Amazon AWS Prime. You order it, and a man brings it in a van to your door the next day, and installs it on your pc for a small charge.

Ho Lee Crap!! Go sit in the corner for this. I spluttered coffee all over my monitor. :D


- - - Updated - - -

Have you played it? there are no loading screens. I play it (and E:D) several times a week. When you walk through a station, through the air lock to your ship, no loading screens. Even when you're piloting your ship and get up to walk abound, no loading screens. Or if man a turrent or engineering station, no loading screens. Also no load screens when you EVA from your ship... just, none... so.... where did CIG say they had loading screens? There is a video every time you jump, just like in E:D, though it looks nicer. but no, no loading screens.
I hate to say it, as a long-time E:D player, and I'm elite in exploration and combat, that I've been having more fun in SC than in E:D... it's nice to be away from the E:D grind :)

Wait here. I'll go fetch the whip.
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Wow this thread. It's like the precursor to the E.L.E.


And this guy is one of the two who splurged on a Completionist in the past 24hrs according to metrics.

Rumplestilskin Posted: February 20
Edited: February 20 by Rumplestilskin
So many angry people. I've not been here long, but I have achieved concierge several times over already. I understand that by being relatively new to this project, I will not have the same fatigue from the long wait as many of you. I am sympathetic. But here are my thoughts, being the new eyes looking a things, but also having invested a down payment on a house already.

Yes, the end of the year was a complete disaster. From the delay of 2.6/3.0/SQ42 to the horribly managed holiday stream. However, in the time since then I have noticed many small tells that it seems people aren't seeing that make me feel all of this is much closer to done than we all think, and they will surprise the crap out of us one day with "3.0 in PTU" way before we expect it.

Why do I think this? One example, I read the interview with Chris' brother last night after work. ( He dropped a few things, unconsciously or not. It sounds to me like there is one more technical hurdle for 3.0, then it's basically just filling in the content. And perhaps I am letting my optimism read into it for me, but perhaps go read it, looking for what I am talking about, and see what you think.

And even if I am wrong, every time some small thing gets done, I take it as a sign that they are making progress, however small. That keeps the fires of hope and anticipation burning for me.

Something else I find distressing is that despite no matter how many times the concept of prioritization is explained, people still ignore it. There are many things wrong with the parts of the game we currently have, yes. However, many of them if corrected, would only have to be reworked again later due to some other change going after. Or, the fix for them needs some other change, which is still in line to get done. Do you know how angry it makes me to have to circle the desk at the Olisar ship deck in order to find a terminal that works? But, I know that it's a few seconds of annoyance, it will get fixed eventually, and it's not nearly important as many of the other things being worked on.

And some of you will call me a fan boy. And perhaps I am, even after only this short time. I am also not thinking with feelings of frustration and anger. I am attempting to look at the situation, use the limited information I have, and reach an assessment.

I still reach the same one in my mind. Things are progressing, things are getting done. It may be running behind, but it's not over.

And I am not yet ready to give up.

This is not meant to encourage anyone to contribute more. I firmly believe that is a personal decision. But I do encourage all of you who got caught up in this project to remember why. Think about how you felt about the idea of the game. About how you felt when you got into your first ship and shot up some pirates. Now hold onto that inspiration a little longer.

Don't let go until you stop seeing things happen. That's when it's time to form up the rebel army and storm the castle with torches and pitchforks.

Just my two pennies, don't spend it all in one place,


Also, here is a new contender

Feeling angry and annoyed everytime i play SC

Its maybe the only one with that feeling. I can take that. But im been honest, everytime i play SC since 1.6 (when they started to migrate to google servers) my levels of angry and annoyance hit records. I'm not pretending they to release 3.0, SQ42 or anything, but look at what we have now...lots of ships, thats true. But gamepaly wise, content wise, technically...ive never played an early access for that long been so messy.

I understand the scope, theyre pretending to make the biggest most ambitious project ever done in the videogame industry, ok im not arguing with that. But what we have now? what are the foundations? are we really demanding the BDSSE with these foundations?

When you release an FPS shooter 2 years delayed, and its the most mediocre, not fun, buggy, laggy mess ever a big budget company has produced, you don't really have good foundations. When youre changing the flight model since the very first day because you don't know yet what you want to be, you don't have good foundations, when youre balancing one time and another, patch after patch, getting more and more far from been balanced after 2 years you don't have a good foundation, all that with an exponentially more complex and messy code that multiplies bugs and techincal troubles. Can we expect a BDSSE wiht those dirty foundations?

Forget about 3.0, planetary stuff, SQ42 and everything its not playable now, im not going there, i don't even want that till they are 100% sure its fun, playable, enjoyable, and techincally acceptable. I don't want it.

Think about what we have now, and think about that been in development for about 4 years, with 2 years actively played by the comunity with lots of feedback. And now ask to yourself, is this acceptable?

Don't take me wrong, i want the project to be released as soon as posible and i want it to be a damn good game, and thats why im not asking for 3.0, SQ42 release date or more ships, ive learned to not expect new things from CIG the ahrd way, and im fine with that, lets focus on the game we play every day. I just want an acceptable game with the poor content we have now, im not asking for the moon, given that theyve been developing this part of the game 4 years and 2 been public alpha...

You can't make the most ambitious project ever, with a softy, tender community, been always gratefull, and patient. The foundations are a mess, and they are still changing pretty basic ground things as it was they first year of development.

Why they keep selling and making new ships? Do we really need more ships? at this rate they will ahve to remodel 20 ships per year to keep up with everything else, more work, more money wasted, and more to sell.

And whats wrong with the servers? why theyre always under stress? are they investing in server side? can't we expect a good server support from a hundred million dollar game funded by the backers???? is that begging for too much???
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Well I'm trying to wrap my head around what exactly is "fun" about running around in boringly designed, dull grey corridors, occasionally taking potshots at other players when they happen to be in the same location you are at. Or flying around a *very small* map to a few relays to fight some of the most basically programmed AI pirate enemies, collect some UEC (that you still can't do very much of anything with), head back to Port Olisar or Kareah, hand in your bounty, then.... um, start the whole thing all over again.

Or wait until the game bugs out on you.

Whichever happens to occur first.

But hey, that's just my outlook on things regarding Star Citizen. Maybe you've had a better experience than anyone else has .

I don't know what game you're describing, but it certainly isn't SC. The ships and stations are far from dull grey corridors, they're very richly detailed, and our org has no problem PvP with multiple players every night... SPK is a designated PvP area, and we routinely have all out fights everyn night. Just last week we ran a multi crew ship vs. fighter brawl... I had 8 of my org mates on my retaliator Manning turrets , while another of my org mates had a Connie with four org mates, vs. six other ships.

It's a very promising alpha game and, as a long time Ed player, I'm findings lot to it that is more fun than the Ed grid. Stop reading the forums and try it. My experience has been. A lot of shallow people tend tolurk the forums.
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I don't know what game you're describing, but it certainly isn't SC. The ships and stations are far from dull grey corridors, they're very richly detailed, and our org has no problem PvP with multiple players every night... SPK is a designated PvP area, and we routinely have all out fights everyn night. Just last week we ran a multi crew ship vs. fighter brawl... I had 8 of my org mates on my retaliator Manning turrets , while another of my org mates had a Connie with four org mates, vs. six other ships.

It's a very promising alpha game and, as a long time Ed player, I'm findings lot to it that is more fun than the Ed grid. Stop reading the forums and try it. My experience has been. A lot of shallow people tend tolurk the forums.

My sides.... [big grin]

Look. Most of us in the forum own the game or owned it and had the sense to get a refund.

You won't persuade us because we took the blue pill.

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My sides.... [big grin]

Look. Most of us in the forum own the game or owned it and had the sense to get a refund.
We KNOW what it's like without some theory-crafting fanboi coming in here to explain how amazing is actually isn't.
You won't persuade us because we took the blue pill.

Do you guys tag-team or something?
You know, i came in here thinkibg this was a forum to discuss other games, not to bash them. If im a "fan boi," its of sci fi and space sims. In not bashing ed. Its a fun game, and ive played it for years. Sc scratches a different itch ... yes it's alpha, yes its still buggy, but it has a lot if fantastic aspects to it that i wish were in ed... and what i thiygh the point of this thread was. Tbey shiuld rename it the "why you hate sc" thread :)

Not sure why this is such a sore spot in here.
I don't know what game you're describing, but it certainly isn't SC. The ships and stations are far from dull grey corridors, they're very richly detailed, and our org has no problem PvP with multiple players every night... SPK is a designated PvP area, and we routinely have all out fights everyn night. Just last week we ran a multi crew ship vs. fighter brawl... I had 8 of my org mates on my retaliator Manning turrets , while another of my org mates had a Connie with four org mates, vs. six other ships.

It's a very promising alpha game and, as a long time Ed player, I'm findings lot to it that is more fun than the Ed grid. Stop reading the forums and try it. My experience has been. A lot of shallow people tend tolurk the forums.

Ahh I see, things aren't looking too rosy back on the RSI forums, where even hard line Citizens are starting to seriously question the direction, ever-progressing scope creep, the overall parlous state of SC, the continuing no-show from SQ42 and the dollar-guzzling re-shoots for the SQ42 mo-cap.

I'll offer the only response that I feel your cheerleading comment needs and deserves...



Oh and by the way... I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard for you to post some video evidence of you and your org mates having hours of *fun* in the PTU.... or I'll just have to assume that it was possibly a (huge) fabrication and therefore didn't happen.

Cheers. :)
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