The Star Citizen Thread v5

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You know, i came in here thinkibg this was a forum to discuss other games, not to bash them. If im a "fan boi," its of sci fi and space sims. In not bashing ed. Its a fun game, and ive played it for years. Sc scratches a different itch ... yes it's alpha, yes its still buggy, but it has a lot if fantastic aspects to it that i wish were in ed... and what i thiygh the point of this thread was. Tbey shiuld rename it the "why you hate sc" thread :)

Not sure why this is such a sore spot in here.

It's called impatience.
My sides.... [big grin]

Look. Most of us in the forum own the game or owned it and had the sense to get a refund.
We KNOW what it's like without some theory-crafting fanboi coming in here to explain how amazing is actually isn't.
You won't persuade us because we took the blue pill.

Do you guys tag-team or something?

Ahh I see, things aren't looking too rosy back on the RSI forums, where even hard line Citizens are starting to seriously question the direction, ever-progressing scope creep, the overall parlous state of SC, the continuing no-show from SQ42 and the dollar-guzzling re-shoots for the SQ42 mo-cap.

I'll offer the only response that I feel your cheerleading comment needs and deserves...


Wow. Attack the messenger rather than the substance.

Its a fun game. Period. It has a lot to offer that ed doesnt. Ed is a fun game too, and has a lot to offer that sc doesnt.

Why does this bother you so much? Isnt the point if this sub forum to "discuss your favorite games" ?

But please, continue to flame away.
My sides.... [big grin]

Look. Most of us in the forum own the game or owned it and had the sense to get a refund.
We KNOW what it's like without some theory-crafting fanboi coming in here to explain how amazing is actually isn't.
You won't persuade us because we took the blue pill.

Do you guys tag-team or something?

Ahh I see, things aren't looking too rosy back on the RSI forums, where even hard line Citizens are starting to seriously question the direction, ever-progressing scope creep, the overall parlous state of SC, the continuing no-show from SQ42 and the dollar-guzzling re-shoots for the SQ42 mo-cap.

I'll offer the only response that I feel your cheerleading comment needs and deserves...



Oh and by the way... I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard for you to post some video evidence of you and your org mates having hours of *fun* in the PTU.... or I'll just have to assume that it was I bit of a (huge) fabrication and therefore didn't happen.

Cheers. :)

seriously, this is so absurdely easy to confirm, the videos are literally all over you tube. Denying it is.. well, its just silly.

Tell you what, get an account , ill gift you a starter pack, and join us for an org night. I gurantee you that you will enjoy the hell out of yourself. If you end of keeping it, ill trust you to paypal me the $35. If you hate it, just gift it back to me.
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Tell you what, get an account , ill gift you a starter pack, and join us for an org night. I gurantee you that you will enjoy the hell out of yourself. If you end of keeping it, ill trust you to paypal me the $35. If you hate it, just gift it back to me.

I can be bought. An Idris would do nicely.
My sides.... [big grin]

Look. Most of us in the forum own the game or owned it and had the sense to get a refund.
We KNOW what it's like without some theory-crafting fanboi coming in here to explain how amazing is actually isn't.
You won't persuade us because we took the blue pill.

Do you guys tag-team or something?

I can be bought. An Idris would do nicely.

Lol. Now that is funny.
seriously, this is so absurdely easy to confirm, the videos are literally all over you tube. Denying it is.. well, its just silly.

Tell you what, get an account , ill gift you a starter pack, and join us for an org night. I gurantee you that you will enjoy the hell out of yourself. If you end of keeping it, ill trust you to paypal me the $35. If you hate it, just gift it back to me.

Oh, relying on bribery now to try and get me to "see the Light" huh?

*Pffft!* Pull the other one mate!

Nah, I've seen *plenty* of what CIG have decided to offer the players, after $140+ million dollars and entering the sixth year of development.... and quite frankly, it's an embarrassment!

Where they are at right *now* might have been sufficient for, say, 6 months into the whole thing, not 6 *years* in.

To have five (if you include the very shoddy and rushed out Star Marine module) rather bland, featureless, largely generic, horridly buggy and crash-prone modules as the *basis* of your all-encompassing space epic, better-than-No Man's Sky/EVE/Elite: Dangerous/Space Engineers/Kerbal Space Program/etc, with first person combat and gunplay light years ahead of COD/Battlefield/Arma/Far Cry/etc.... and yet be not even *close* to achieving any of those lofty claims and aims?

Pitiful. Just pitiful.
My sides.... [big grin]

Look. Most of us in the forum own the game or owned it and had the sense to get a refund.
We KNOW what it's like without some theory-crafting fanboi coming in here to explain how amazing is actually isn't.
You won't persuade us because we took the blue pill.

Do you guys tag-team or something?

Oh, relying on bribery now to try and get me to "see the Light" huh?

*Pffft!* Pull the other one mate!

Nah, I've seen *plenty* of what CIG have decided to offer the players, after $140+ million dollars and entering the sixth year of development.... and quite frankly, it's an embarrassment!

Where they are at right *now* might have been sufficient for, say, 6 months into the whole thing, not 6 *years* in.

To have five (if you include the very shoddy and rushed out Star Marine module) rather bland, featureless, largely generic, horridly buggy and crash-prone modules as the *basis* of your all-encompassing space epic, better-than-No Man's Sky/EVE/Elite: Dangerous/Space Engineers/Kerbal Space Program/etc, with first person combat and gunplay light years ahead of COD/Battlefield/Arma/Far Cry/etc.... and yet be not even *close* to achieving any of those lofty claims and aims?

Pitiful. Just pitiful.

Your loss my friend. If you want to hide behind rhetoric and hate, be my guest. Bribe? Im just giving a fellow enthusiast an opportunity to broaden his horizens. (Pun intended). But if you dont want to put your deep-seeded anti sc beliefs to the test, well, like i said, your loss. What are you afraid of? At worst, you come away with more ammo you can lob at sc in this thread. At best, you have a new game you enjoy playing.
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Your loss my friend. If you want to hide behind rhetoric and hate, be my guest. Bribe? Im just giving a fellow enthusiast an opportunity to broaden his horizens. (Pun intended). But if you dont want to put your deep-seeded anti sc beliefs to the test, well, like i said, your loss. What are you afraid of? At worst, you come away with more ammo you can lob at sc in this thread. At best, you have a new game you enjoy playing.

A bribe is a bribe, no matter how much you try and deny it to be true.

I don't need to play Star Citizen to make my own judgements about it. You said so yourself, there areenough videos of the game floating around for me to take a gander at them and get a fairly good idea of what the game is like to play.

And my judgement of CIG's "progress" so far?

Is that Star Citizen is a very broken, very buggy, very expensive tech demo. After 6 years. And $140+ million dollars.

Until I see some actual hard *evidence* that CIG are making any sort of *real* headway in achieving their (impossible) goals (not hastily put together sizzle reel footage and demos that aren't part of the game at all, they are just there to market the game to potential new backers to part with their cash), then sorry mate, I don't know what to tell ya.... Star Citizen right now, is utter pants. *Shrugs*
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My sides.... [big grin]

Look. Most of us in the forum own the game or owned it and had the sense to get a refund.
We KNOW what it's like without some theory-crafting fanboi coming in here to explain how amazing is actually isn't.
You won't persuade us because we took the blue pill.

Do you guys tag-team or something?

A bribe is a bribe, no matter how much you try and deny it to be true.

I don't need to play Star Citizen to make my own judgements about it. You said so yourself, there areenough videos of the game floating around for me to take a gander at them and get a fairly good idea of what the game is like to play.

And my judgement of CIG's "progress" so far?

Is that Star Citizen is a very broken, very buggy, very expensive tech demo. After 6 years. And $140+ million dollars.

Until I see some actual hard *evidence* that CIG are making any sort of *real* headway in achieving their (impossible) goals (not hastily put together sizzle reel footage and demos that aren't part of the game at all, they are just there to market the game to potential new backers to part with their cash), then sorry mate, I don't know what to tell ya.... Star Citizen right now, is utter pants. *Shrugs*

Why are you so afraid? A bribe is payinh someone tonsay something they dont want to... im giving you an opportunity to try a game out ... you cansay whatever the heck you want about it, and then draw your own conclusions. Youre not bound to say anything you dont want to. Try the game out. Come iut for a pvp night with my org mates. Hate it? Come back here and talk all the trash you want.

Im willing to bet youre going to love it though. But, do what you want. Hide behibd hate and rhetoruc. Turn me down because you think im bribing you. We all jnow whats going on here.. im just willing to call you out on it.

Whatever. Offer remains open. You want to try it, and see uf you enjoy it, just get and account and ill set you up with a starter pack. Once yoour un, you can try any of dozen or so difderent ships our org owns.

Or, hide behibd the hate .. but that diesnt make much sense to me.
Why are you so afraid? A bribe is payinh someone tonsay something they dont want to... im giving you an opportunity to try a game out ... you cansay whatever the heck you want about it, and then draw your own conclusions. Youre not bound to say anything you dont want to. Try the game out. Come iut for a pvp night with my org mates. Hate it? Come back here and talk all the trash you want.

Im willing to bet youre going to love it though. But, do what you want. Hide behibd hate and rhetoruc. Turn me down because you think im bribing you. We all jnow whats going on here.. im just willing to call you out on it.

Whatever. Offer remains open. You want to try it, and see uf you enjoy it, just get and account and ill set you up with a starter pack. Once yoour un, you can try any of dozen or so difderent ships our org owns.

Or, hide behibd the hate .. but that diesnt make much sense to me.

I can guarantee you, I will be rather, um, bored out of my mind if and when I try Star Citizen's PTU again (oh there's a secret, I HAVE played SC... and I didn't like it! Sorry to bust your bubble mate).

So don't go getting your hopes up that I'll suddenly be "swayed" by your attempts at (desperate) persuasion, I'm not interested in the slightest.

Thanks for wasting your time and providing me with a weeks' worth of hilarity though. :)
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I have the demo...I've played with other people, multi-crew and whatnot. I've also followed communication from CIG/RSI up until about a year ago. Only checking in on major patches and trying it out in AC/PU.

For the time and the promises that have gone by I'm pretty underwhelmed by what has been delivered.

More specifically, I'm alarmed by the sweeping scope changes and am concerned with the clear signs of mismanagement. I've seen software projects crumble under "visionary" directors that seemed to just always say what the stakeholders wanted to hear. The similarities from my experience and what we've heard about the development of SC aren't undeniably damning but they do highlight significant risks to success.

The fact that leadership doesn't address these risks, at least not publicly, puts a lot of strain on what little trust I have left.
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I have the demo...I've played with other people, multi-crew and whatnot. I've also followed communication from CIG/RSI up until about a year ago. Only checking in on major patches and trying it out in AC/PU.

For the time and the promises that have gone by I'm pretty underwhelmed by what has been delivered.

More specifically, I'm alarmed by the sweeping scope changes and am concerned with the clear signs of mismanagement. I've seen software projects crumble under "visionary" directors that seemed to just always say what the stakeholders wanted to hear. The similarities from my experience and what we've heard about the development of SC aren't undeniably damning but they do highlight significant risks to success.

The fact that leadership doesn't address these risks, at least not publicly, puts a lot of strain on what little trust I have left.

just like ED, star citizen a year ago is a completely different game than what it is today. I ignore the drama and just enjoy the game. Maybe Chris Roberts can pull it off, maybe he won't. But the game- especially since the last 2.6 release.. is just a fun game in its own right. I respect that the rumor mill may impact your ability to enjoy it... I just don't let it bother me, and judge the game on its own.

If I listened to half the crap people spew about ED, I'd never play this game either. I just don't let the haters impact my enjoyment of either game :)

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Can you discuss the game that is Star Citizen, rather than trying to derail the thread with the tele-evangilist impersonation? :)

And I can guarantee you, I will be rather, um, bored out of my mind if and when I try Star Citizen's PTU again (oh there's a secret, I HAVE played SC... and I didn't like it! Sorry to bust your bubble mate).

So don't go getting your hopes up that I'll suddenly be "swayed" by your attempts at (desperate) persuasion, I'm not interested in the slightest.

Thanks for wasting your time and providing me with a weeks' worth of hilarity though. :)
I have been discussing the game. when I did, you called me a liar. I called you out on it, and offered to let you try the game for yourself, at no risk. You keep twisting this into something it's not-- SC vs. ED. IT's not. This thread is supposed to be discussing "other" games that we enjoy.. which I'm doing. It's not supposed to be a thread about SC hate. And, FYI, I enjoy both games.

Anyway, I'm not the one that is getting overly passionate here-- you're projecting. SC is just a game.. it's a good game, not a great game. I think you'd like it, but, whatever, don't take me up on it. If SC dies tomorrow, I'll find somethign else to play.

Just like ED is just a game-- it's a good game, not a great game. it has its flaws, but I like it. neither game are good enough to lose as much perspective over as you have ... I've been bored out of my mind by the E:D grind, but I put it down, come back after a few months, and I enjoy it.
And I certainly wouldn't get all emotional on someone in the SC forums for talking about the positives of ED in a forum that is designed to discuss the positives of other games.

But, whatever. Hide behind the hate. Don't take me up on my offer. You don't know what you're missing. I'll see you around the verse. OR maybe on the horizen (if you see a decked out 'conda, you'll know it's me.)
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just like ED, star citizen a year ago is a completely different game than what it is today. I ignore the drama and just enjoy the game. Maybe Chris Roberts can pull it off, maybe he won't. But the game- especially since the last 2.6 release.. is just a fun game in its own right. I respect that the rumor mill may impact your ability to enjoy it... I just don't let it bother me, and judge the game on its own.

If I listened to half the crap people spew about ED, I'd never play this game either. I just don't let the haters impact my enjoyment of either game :)

Well I am srry my friend but last time when I played 2.6 it was still just a bugged tech demo with one of the most borked FM and twitchy&glitchy game play......only new thing was the SM in there and I said that this could be the positive thing as test-bed for FP part of the SC PU but as an solo game it was just an mediocre-generic shooter that didn´t work well at all....Now you see I don´t have a will or passion anymore to download(again)30gb of 2.6.1 ver. and see nothing new as usual except of maybe few fixed bugs and new Regional servers.....CIG is late to the party their window of oportunity is closing and they missed so many chances to score as a possible good future SF game.....
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SC is just a game.

Not quite. I know CIG has intentions of making it into one, from its current state. But right now it's an alpha, or pre-alpha. At least, that's what I'm led to believe whenever I read any criticism about the bugs and lack of functionality within Star Marine, the P(T)U, and the lack of concrete updates on Squadron 42.
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