The Star Citizen Thread v5

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Unlike others in this thread I don't think SC lives and dies by it's FM or realism. I'm expecting a space adventure extravaganza with lots of set-pieces and jaw dropping moments, It doesn't have to be the best simulation experience (the Wing Commander series got away with that fine).

I wouldn't mind this as well, if I was only a regular customer who bought it for $50-60 after it was published, but I poured in >$200 on false promises, as well as many other have.
What CIG did is, they sold dreams (promises) and many people bought it. The meltdown will be epic if they don't deliver what they've promised and I assure you, they can't - simply because different people expect the game to fulfill their different dreams, which is impossible. Some will have to be disappointed, the question is, how many.

Something similar happened in 2008 with inflation of housing bubble by overvaluation of subprime mortgages (in other words faking the values) and we all know how that ended...

Try opening up through mobile. Still works.


Btw. I can confirm, mobile version works but I can't find the "view sources" option :/
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Can anyone please give me a list of games that had no VR on launch day, but had VR added after launch. Thanks!

Yes, I know one SIM, and that is ArmA, it was not in from the beginning, however Track IR was. Now they also implemented VR
and it is working great. Still need some improvements, but they will get there.

To point out, all the UI in ArmA is very intuitive and the whole experience are build around a 1st person view persona. (even if you can go to a 3rd person view)

I would also like to say that if we are getting spacelegs in ED next season (S3) it will also include VR.
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I wouldn't mind this as well, if I was only a regular customer who bought it for $50-60 after it was published, but I poured in >$200 on false promises, as well as many other have.
What CIG did is, they sold dreams (promises) and many people bought it. The meltdown will be epic if they don't deliver what they've promised and I assure you, they can't - simply because different people expect the game to fulfill their different dreams, which is impossible. Some will have to be disappointed, the question is, how many.

Something similar happened in 2008 with inflation of housing bubble by overvaluation of subprime mortgages (in other words faking the values) and we all know how that ended...

Btw. I can confirm, mobile version works but I can't find the "view sources" option :/
Next thing you know the fan boys will be screaming "LETS PRETEND IT DIDN'T HAPPEN OK!? PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES!"
Yes, I know one SIM, and that is ArmA, it was not in from the beginning, however Track IR was. Now they also implemented VR
and it is working great. Still need some improvements, but they will get there.

ArmA doesn't have official VR support, you have to use VorpX for VR injection... but what's great is because of their good TrackIR support, you can use Opentrack for the head tracking and because it allows decoupled movement/aim, much easier to deal with than gunface. The menus and HUD stuff require a lot of edgepeek, I haven't checked if anybody has modded those. Despite all the clunkiness, I had a lot of fun messing around in it regardless, vehicles are quite a blast... definitely not a smooth plug n play experience, however!

It should be interesting to see how Frontier tries to tackle it for space legs. A million comfort options? Warnings that its intense and not for everyone and hope there isn't a bunch of bad reviews because of it? Tough decisions.

back to Star Citizen!

I love that promise to rework it for EVEN BETTER CUSTOMER SERVICE to all you goons, special snowflakes, and high maintenance pitchforkers. REFFACCTORRRRRRRRRR!
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Looks like confirmation and acknowledgement of the issue. Why else would you completely take down your CS interface?

They're taking it down in the hopes that not too many people had the chance to document it and throw it back in their faces. Honestly, what will they think of next?
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ArmA doesn't have official VR support, you have to use VorpX for VR injection... but what's great is because of their good TrackIR support, you can use Opentrack for the head tracking and because it allows decoupled movement/aim, much easier to deal with than gunface. The menus and HUD stuff require a lot of edgepeek, I haven't checked if anybody has modded those. Despite all the clunkiness, I had a lot of fun messing around in it regardless, vehicles are quite a blast... definitely not a smooth plug n play experience, however!

It should be interesting to see how Frontier tries to tackle it for space legs. A million comfort options? Warnings that its intense and not for everyone and hope there isn't a bunch of bad reviews because of it? Tough decisions.

back to Star Citizen!

I love that promise to rework it for EVEN BETTER CUSTOMER SERVICE to all you goons, special snowflakes, and high maintenance pitchforkers. REFFACCTORRRRRRRRRR!

Yeah I was a bit ahead here, so I checked and BIS will not support VR officially. The issue is the requirement of 75 - 90 fps including other issues. So there you go, its not supported and probably never will.
A goon discovered that the section of the company dealing with customer service, who are in the UK, aren't on the official Data Protection register. They might be exempt, but if they aren't and they just didn't bother to register, they're committing a criminal offence.
Given that they are stalking and retaining private customer information not pertinent to their business transactions, which is also illegal in the UK, I wouldn't be surprised if they just didn't bother.

Which would certainly incentivise them to try and clean house now it has been noticed.
Yeah I was a bit ahead here, so I checked and BIS will not support VR officially. The issue is the requirement of 75 - 90 fps including other issues. So there you go, its not supported and probably never will.

Maybe in Arma 4? ;)

Good job CIG taking down your CS website BTW... nothing to see here, move along!
A goon discovered that the section of the company dealing with customer service, who are in the UK, aren't on the official Data Protection register. They might be exempt, but if they aren't and they just didn't bother to register, they're committing a criminal offence.
Given that they are stalking and retaining private customer information not pertinent to their business transactions, which is also illegal in the UK, I wouldn't be surprised if they just didn't bother.

Which would certainly incentivise them to try and clean house now it has been noticed.

I hope someone file a compliant to the authorities.
Yes must be fake...
Also a screenshot of my own request
Must be fake right?
See, this is called friendly fire. :D

The post you answered is from yesterday and I didn't expect a professional game developer to really use tags like "Goons". So while I had no reason to doubt that $40k whale being marked a "high maintenance snowflake" (given the history of CIG's CS), I dismissed the appearing screenshots listing "Goons" as the usual follow-up trolling. I also considered professional damage control in form of destroying credibility by linking it to a comedy forum.

Later Mr. Smart posted the source code (which is more hard evidence for me) and now that Zendesk interface has been taken down completely, what in my eyes is a full confession.
That's you're assessment, I don't agree with it at all, VR is still a bit behind in terms of tech and affordability for the mainstream so it's only right that Star Citizen don't build a game around it, it was never intended to go that way. I see it more useful to use in Arena Commander where you are only a ship instead of full on use in the Online Universe where you have to constantly get out of your ship and engage in FPS firefights and what not. Anyway, I have complete confidence in the CIG Engeniers to make it work.

*Sigh* Face it Ferin, Chris Roberts was, to put it mildly, being *very* lax with the truth when the subject of VR support came about. He seemed to be fully behind implementing the technology into the game (but as usual without showing any signs of proper planning for it, or even a basic understanding of just how involved such a venture is), even though when he started talking about it, development of SC was already well underway.
Then a year or so later, VR is quietly dropped from the agenda because CiG *finally* understood that they had completely missed the boat on that tech.

Virtual Reality hardware can NOT be just written into the SC code at the drop of hat at a later time either, this is something that has to be integrated into the game right from the off, and CiG missed out, and in doing so, led along a host of backers who believed their protestations that they *could* get VR into Star Citizen...

Stop digging yourself an even *bigger* hole for yourself, it's getting silly now.

It was closed in about 4 minutes, and then promptly deleted. Rule 7b violation it seems.

There is another topic on it here. It is up, for now.

Regarding the website, the page was removed for an hour or so (blank page).
Now the page is under construction and prompts to another CS process.
No idea what happened. It seems (from what the page says) like CIG is abandoning zendesk completely, and going for a new website for CS.
I am happy that CIG is addressing this issue properly. Customers should not have been able to see those tags.
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It was closed in about 4 minutes, and then promptly deleted. Rule 7b violation it seems.

There is another topic on it here. It is up, for now.

Regarding the website, the page was removed for an hour or so (blank page).
Now the page is under construction and prompts to another CS process.
No idea what happened. It seems (from what the page says) like CIG is abandoning zendesk completely, and going for a new website for CS.
I am happy that CIG is addressing this issue properly. Customers should not have been able to see those tags.
Darn I was happy about my High maintenance Goon labels
Maybe in Arma 4? ;)

Maybe SOMETHING! Bohemia Interactive announced they were working on a VR title a few months ago.

I am happy that CIG is addressing this issue properly. Customers should not have been able to see those tags.

They shouldn't be doing it period. Such contempt for the backers! Of course, using the word snowflake - we know who is responsible for it, right?
Maybe SOMETHING! Bohemia Interactive announced they were working on a VR title a few months ago.

They shouldn't be doing it period. Such contempt for the backers! Of course, using the word snowflake - we know who is responsible for it, right?
Sandi Cheeks?
I am happy that CIG is addressing this issue properly. Customers should not have been able to see those tags.

Umm no. Handling it properly would be a full and frank admission from the CEO that they screwed up. The fault lies with CiG and the tags existing in the first place. Not with Zendesk for un-hiding them!

Not sure if this is a lost in translation, your post appears to be veering towards blaming a software glitch for revealing something distasteful; rather than condemning the distasteful thing itself?
It was closed in about 4 minutes, and then promptly deleted. Rule 7b violation it seems.

There is another topic on it here. It is up, for now.

Regarding the website, the page was removed for an hour or so (blank page).
Now the page is under construction and prompts to another CS process.
No idea what happened. It seems (from what the page says) like CIG is abandoning zendesk completely, and going for a new website for CS.
I am happy that CIG is addressing this issue properly. Customers should not have been able to see those tags.

Doesn't matter, the cat is out of the bag, this only confirms what CIG think about their customers, or should I say backers because there isn't a product yet. To be honest if I saw a company openly placing people in opinion boxes, I would not buy any product from that company.

I don't know if FD do that, however if I found out that they did it this way "snowflake, etc." my money was gone from that company ASAP.

Actually i'm very happy that we now see this because now I don't need to wait for the product to release, as I will not touch it with a very long stick. I just feel sorry for the heavy true whales who supported the game in a honest way, and not to profit from grey market sales.
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Doesn't matter, the cat is out of the bag, this only confirms what CIG think about their customers, or should I say backers because there isn't a product yet. To be honest if I saw a company openly placing people in opinion boxes, I would not buy any product from that company.

I don't know if FD do that, however if I found out that they did it this way "snowflake, etc." my money was gone from that company ASAP.

Actually i'm very happy that we now see this because now I don't need to wait for the product to release, as I will not touch it with a very long stick. I just feel sorry for the heavy true whales who supported the game in a honest way, and not to profit from grey market sales.
Hi whale here. Almost $900 dollars in the hole. Will gladly take that "very long stick" across the face.
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