The Star Citizen Thread v5

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No, their main competence is engine programming and they have 3 game logic programmers now.

Any engine programmer can be a game logic programmer.
Not every game logic programmer can be an engine programmer.
This month they did a pass on improving the functionality of doors

Doors were so broken after 5 years it required 3 people to improve the functionality? When the only functionality a door requires is the ability to open and close. Or did they add extra functionality, like internet connectivity and an ice maker? "Alexa, close the door".
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voxels can look pretty nowadays, see planet coaster landscapes or EverQuest Next and EverQuest Next: Landmark,.

This is true. Also, isn't Minecraft essentially voxels? Not that they look pretty, but they still have some very handy use-cases. I don't even remember any more: is terrain modification/destruction part of that immense pile of promises CIG has produced over the years?
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someone pointed this out in the SA thread.

So 5.5 years into development and 400+ employee's and the "GAME PROGRAMMING TEAM" has only just now grown to 3.

Depends on what they mean overall. If they mean there are only 3 people in the whole of SC working on game programming, i'd be rather horrified.

What gets me more is the title of that vid. Eclipsing the competition. What competition? They need to release a game first.... and then who would they be competing with? Some might say ED, but its a completely different flight model, more akin to a ground based FPS, and its not going to win over the explorers, traders are out until they get actual trade, or mining for that matter. Combat in SC is... erm... yeah. First person? LOL.... 2 maps and from what i've seen, a pretty poor FPS game in general. Overwatch and Paladins and TF2 are all superior in terms of fun. If looking at deep immersion, which is what they are aiming for... then maybe there is a niche. Second Life has had its day.... the Sims is too abstract... maybe there is some place there where they can compete... with... erm.. not sure.
Depends on what they mean overall. If they mean there are only 3 people in the whole of SC working on game programming, i'd be rather horrified.

What gets me more is the title of that vid. Eclipsing the competition. What competition? They need to release a game first.... and then who would they be competing with? Some might say ED, but its a completely different flight model, more akin to a ground based FPS, and its not going to win over the explorers, traders are out until they get actual trade, or mining for that matter. Combat in SC is... erm... yeah. First person? LOL.... 2 maps and from what i've seen, a pretty poor FPS game in general. Overwatch and Paladins and TF2 are all superior in terms of fun. If looking at deep immersion, which is what they are aiming for... then maybe there is a niche. Second Life has had its day.... the Sims is too abstract... maybe there is some place there where they can compete... with... erm.. not sure.

I think it was supposed to be a play on words with the new Eclipse jpeg for sale.
I think it was supposed to be a play on words with the new Eclipse jpeg for sale.

Yeah I thought that but there's also the focus on moon surfaces, moon bases and fumaroles, all things currently in Elite. It does seem like a bit of a sneaky passive aggressive thing and just unnecessary if that's the case.
Yeah I thought that but there's also the focus on moon surfaces, moon bases and fumaroles, all things currently in Elite. It does seem like a bit of a sneaky passive aggressive thing and just unnecessary if that's the case.

Agreed. The original vision of SC was for a modern up-to-date version of Wing Commander and Freelancer, then they shot themselves in the foot by trying to out-do the Elite series as well. All quite unnecessary as Wing Commander and Freelancer were perfectly respectable game concepts, better in some ways and worse in others than Elite & Frontier.
Agreed. The original vision of SC was for a modern up-to-date version of Wing Commander and Freelancer, then they shot themselves in the foot by trying to out-do the Elite series as well. All quite unnecessary as Wing Commander and Freelancer were perfectly respectable game concepts, better in some ways and worse in others than Elite & Frontier.

Thats exactly what I was looking forward to as well. A reinvention of the original Wing Commander, better visuals, better physics, more ships, more missions, more everything but basically Wing Commander 20 years later. And thats exactly the angle Chris Roberts was working back then.

Star Citizen now is so far removed from the original version that it more resembles an abomination. Even IF it releases what exactly is it supposed to be? People take SQ42 as the spiritual successor of WC as a given, just a bonus that will come anyway but the truth is, we dont know if we will even get SQ42...there certainly isnt anything out there which would confirm its existence. Reworking WC just as a better version, that alone would ve taken them 2-4 years already, and that was expected. And I get the vibe that SQ42 is just the sorry stepchild at the moment. Nobody pays much attention to it, we certainly get NO upgrades or spoilers whatsoever yet overall people believe its "garantueed". Hell.....we ll see I guess. You know why so many games out there go with the multiplayer aspect? Because creating single player content is the real hard stuff which takes effort and time. A pure multiplayer game is just providing the basics a single player game would need anyway and then leaving content supply to the players. Its so lame really and its visible in so many games. The division, any of the CoDs....most of them ask for top dollars and only provide a rudimentary single player experience, 4-6 hours tops for 60$ but thats okay because you ll have HUNDREDS of hours of multiplayer fun. I cant believe that so many people swallow that bait hook and feather and all. IMO multiplayer should be the cherry on top like 20 years back when you had great games which could entertain you for dozens of hours AND then offering MP capabilities. Nowadays single player content is the smallest part but of course it is....because THATS whats actually hard to create right?

By now watching CiGs behavior and the whales reaction to it all I think its possible that they will get a "get out of jail" card even if they collapse or release a complete failure (aka MVP). I was picturing a tidal wave of salty tears when it happens and shouts for blood but so many of the white knights are so far gone that I think its possible that they will cut their losses and supress their true feelings if only to defy the nay-sayers and of course satan himself.

"They gave it their best shot"
"If only people had more trust and given them more money"

All the while CR and CiG will be praised as the ambitious saviors of PC gaming who would ve made it possible if the world would ve allowed it.

Just a scenario :) But the more pathetic and ridiculous stuff happens over at CiG and watching the gullible community keeping their faith one I fear becomes a possibility.
If they do release a rubbish MVP or similar lite release I'm quite looking forward to the 2 hour video they'll make on "chasing the vision " or some such garbage like the6 did with that cringey "road to citcon" after last year's utter fail fest.

He can then attempt to divert more blame from himself and his cronies all the while whinging about how certain media and individuals had poisoned his vision.
Thats exactly what I was looking forward to as well. A reinvention of the original Wing Commander, better visuals, better physics, more ships, more missions, more everything but basically Wing Commander 20 years later. And thats exactly the angle Chris Roberts was working back then....

Thinking back, there were a couple of things that interested me in the original kick-starter; Firstly the attempt to create a proper physics-based flight model simulating a fly-by-wire system controlling individual thrusters. Extremely difficult to do while still keeping it fun to fly and the ships looking cool, but definitely an intellectually worthwhile thing to try. Secondly SQ42, if it had a good story-line, might have attracted me.

I didn't actually back SC at the time, as I decided to put all my kickstarter cash into either ED or SC rather than divide it between the two and I picked ED, but I was always hopeful that something good would come of it in the end.
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LOL so another week of "development" and CIG add another month to the release date. So 4 steps back for ever step forward.


We’re introducing Miles Eckhart (first seen in the Gamescom video) and Ruto to provide missions to players.
Sliding this back to take in account for new requirements for additional desired behaviors
ETA is 2nd June (was 12th May)

Derelict ships will be added to the system for extra points of interest and exploration.
Art for the derelict ships is now complete, however audio will require more time to complete their work
ETA is 9th June (was 26th May)

We are adding the planet Delamar and the landing zone, Levski
Following meetings on what we could aim to achieve for 3.0.0, we have moved our date out to accommodate this goal.
ETA is 30th June (was 1st June)

As we’re introducing cargo with 3.0.0, players will be able to manually interact with their cargo to load and unload it properly on their ships.
We have decided to make further improvements to this system that will have better gameplay implications, such as interacting with cargo that is in a ZeroG environment.
ETA is 12th June (was 25th May)

This will be an alpha version of the insurance system where if your current ship becomes damaged beyond repair, you will be able to request a replacement ship (with basic loadout) from the insurance provider.
Work on this is delayed due to waiting on a needed task from the Network Engineering team
ETA is 2nd June (was 26th May)

Implementing items to represent units of tradeable cargo.
Work on this is delayed due to waiting on a needed task from the Network Engineering team
ETA is 2nd June (was 19th May)

Persistence ensures that your vehicle state is saved between sessions.
Work on this is delayed due to waiting on a needed task from the Network Engineering team.
ETA is 2nd June (was 26th May)

Players will be able to transport the Ursa Rover and the Dragonfly inside ships that are big enough to hold them
Work on this is delayed due to needing ship physics to be altered to allow for vehicles to be placed inside
ETA is 2nd June (was 31st May)

The Entity Owner Manager will track entities that are moved around the universe, making sure we spawn and unspawn them at the correct time
Feature on hold temporarily due to network system persistence dependencies.
ETA is 12th June (was 31st May)

Kiosk shopping will allow players to buy and sell commodities.
Some Kiosk tasks are taking longer than expected, and there have also been some blocking issues that were prioritized.
ETA is 7th June (was 30th May)

MFDs are being converted to work in the new item 2.0 system to give pilots even more control of their ships.
ETA is 5th June (was 26th May)

*Players will now be able to customize their characters’ heads, hair, eye color, and skin color.
ETA is 22nd June (was 31st May)

This App will allow players to review their inventory and customize various aspects of their suit and weapons.
ETA is 8th June (was 23rd May)

This is a redesign of the Mission App that is currently available within mobiGlas and is the next step to allow players more control over their mission tracking.
Revised date based on updated completion date of the Kiosk UI. This work will be started after the Kiosk UI is complete.
ETA is 2nd June (was 19th May)

After buying items at a Kiosk, players will be able to head to their ship and check their cargo manifest This incorporates the work that was previously accounted for in the “Cargo UI” task
ETA is 6th June (was 1st June)

Very closely linked to the cargo manifest App. This will be the place to look for you personal inventory.
ETA is 6th June (was 2nd June)

The StarMap will be introduced to allow players to view the PU at large and select planets to QT to.
The StarMap is now functional and in game. However, we have decided to make some further changes to the feature to make the App look more visually pleasing and also be a more intuitive experience for the player. This work is still being fully scoped out, but we will aim to have a new ETA next week
ETA is TBD (was 24th May)

The UI team doing an overhaul of the mobiGlas system so that it better reads what the gamecode is doing. This change will make the mobiGlas system easier to maintain for the UI team and has become a necessity as 3.0.0 work has progressed further.
ETA is 2nd June (was 6th June)

This will have many uses going forwards, but our focus for now is to improve UI rendering and to introduce live rendering of video communications. We’re aiming to improve rendering performance by rendering as much of the UI ahead of a frame. For video communications, this will mean that we don’t have to pre-render the comms and store those files on the hard drive, as is the case with most games, allowing us to maintain fidelity and save hard drive space.
ETA is 15th June (was 24th May)

The completion date has moved back due to unexpected issues with implementing the Volumetric fog awy from Lumberyard to work correctly with our systems.
ETA is 26th May (was 18th May)

Build issues and developer illness have had quite an impact on the delivery date for this work.
ETA is 23rd June (was 26th May)

The Solar System Mission Service dictates what missions are being offered at various locations and at what price. It is also responsible for specifying when and where dynamic content should be instantiated and how it should be customized. That way, the reality that the player sees matches what is in that area, based upon hints provided by the back end simulation/rule set. This service will split into two for 3.1, with the latter functionality becoming the responsibility of a dedicated Dynamic Content Service.
We are making making further improvements to the Mission Broker and how it ties in to the Mission System to further aid the player experience and make the missions flow better for the player. These new additions are still being fully scoped out and we aim to have a new ETA next week
ETA is TBD (was 25th May)

Now that all our messages are strictly ordered we’ve been able to streamline the processing, allowing us to send and receive messages with less overhead. The new message queue also has a few extra features to better handle packet loss and jitter, helping reduce average bandwidth and latency.
The Network team have been working through bugs that have arisen with this work that has caused the completion date to slip out
ETA is 31st May (was 22nd May)

This will fix a few long standing threading issues between the network and physics code which will improve separation of physics and netcode for better maintainability.
Delayed due to Network needing to fix bugs that were blocking other departments from continuing their feature work.
ETA is 2nd June (was 26th May)
I didn't actually back SC at the time, as I decided to put all my kickstarter cash into either ED or SC rather than divide it between the two and I picked ED, but I was always hopeful that something good would come of it in the end.

I backed both, and (taking into account my gambling record) I got 1 winner. I'm happy enough :) .

(If this was a horse racing senario by the way - SC would have been put down by now...)

Hi everyone!
Welcome to this week's Progress Watch. I wanted to start with a couple of things. First, I made a few improvements to all my Progress Watch spreadsheets. The colors have been ajusted for better visibility on low contrast monitors, and I added a progress counter for DONE / TODO tasks in each subsection.
My other remark is that the production report CIG gives us is getting more and more inconsistent week after week. Text is contradicting images on an increasing number of tasks, and the global schedule is itself drifting away from the 3.0.0 schedule on their common tasks. I'm doing my best to maintain consistency in my reports, but don't be surprised if there are a few dates jumps here and there. CIG, if you need any proofreading, I can help!!304&ithint=file%2cxlsx&app=Excel&authkey=!AHXX1ocEuJ4ftRI
It's sad really.

Features are still changing on a daily basis, they haven't completed the basic steps on which everything else depends and interacts with at even the most fundamental level. CR just doesn't seem to understand that without those in place, everything else is utterly pointless as their design and interaction depends on having (at least) a working iteration of the basics which can then be tweaked to satisfaction.

I feel sorry for the developers, I really do - that cannot be an easy environment to operate in.
It's sad really.

Features are still changing on a daily basis, they haven't completed the basic steps on which everything else depends and interacts with at even the most fundamental level. CR just doesn't seem to understand that without those in place, everything else is utterly pointless as their design and interaction depends on having (at least) a working iteration of the basics which can then be tweaked to satisfaction.

I feel sorry for the developers, I really do - that cannot be an easy environment to operate in.

I don't, they are getting a paycheck and not producing anything.
I don't, they are getting a paycheck and not producing anything.

The past three years I had a supervisor with serious psychiatric challenges. I worked my behind off producing absolutely nothing. Pretty sure that any of them would leave the second they got a job elsewhere.
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