Games taking 10 years to develop arent really the issue here. The issue is that in year 6 of production there pretty much is nothing that would justify a 150 million dollar investment. Pretty much everything is in the R+D stage still, features are incomplete, unbalanced, non-existant and the devs talk about stuff in concept stage which "should" be ironed out by now. If you really think that games under development resemble a complete mess for 80% of the time then suddenly at the end come together in record time then you need to get your head into game development a bit or listen to the people who have experience with such things.
SCs development has been abnormal since 2013, people gave them a years time to get their things straight and start to ramp up stuff but soon after that suspicions grew and the non-answers by CiG only enforced those feelings. It has been a decline ever since. CiGs actions will be CiGs downfall...nobodies else. Pretty much EVERY game on the market had to handle nay-sayers and doom-gloomers from the start. Game X stinks, it will fail, lol see how they struggle etc etc. Star Citizen isnt the exception here. Skeptics are pretty much the norm.
How CiG has handled skeptics is horrendous tho and the absolute exception. The amount of alienation and unprofessional behavior from Chris Roberts and his cronies is unbelievable and will (hopefully) be investigated in more detail once this abomination of a game collapses.
But mij impression of SC that there is large progress in large underconstruction game.
I see the Reclaimer is in asset production.
Then one of us is grossly mistaken eh? Time will tell and I hope sooner then later. The longer this insanity continues the more some people will hurt once its over. If one thing is certain is that the ball definitely is in CiGs court and has been since the start of the project. We have yet to see a move from them that actually scores in the gaming landscape. Its visions and ambitions have been unmatched. People expecting results after many years is only normal I think.
Looks like today will be lots of sunshine.
...sorry, dont know why I typed has nothing to do with my previous statement at all. Apologies, old age maybe
My take on it. This huge game it make no sense to check progress every hour even not every day. Not every week. A month its on the edge
I completely agree with you. Things and progress take time. You might want to check back with the previous versions of this thread tho. We are discussing things that has been issues back in 2015 and STILL ARE ISSUES. Arguments in favor for Star Citizen have been changed continuously to keep up with the companies failures and promise breaks. We have people reporting back after an hiatus of 6 months or a year and they admit there is little/no progress. So your "solution" is to stay back and keep a distance but on the other hand, if you dont follow SC every day, every hour then you dont know anything and should spend more time with it according to the haters in the SC community....some logic. Personally I have been waiting for YEARS now for CiG to come through on their promises and expectations. Lots of lies and deceptions have been uncovered in the meantime. The balance is strongly against CiG at this point yet they dont seem to feel its necessary to deliver on their promises.
2020 will be the 8th year of development for SC. Remember the golden Chris Roberts statement that everything past 2014 will begin to get stale? Boy it absolutely REEKS already in here. 2020 will be a hazard zone with lots of hot air and an explosive mood.
Whatever CiG releases at the moment or continues to talk about then NOT deliver....cant be good for marketing.
You can try to shift the blame all day long. Fact is that an individual simply cannot be responsible for a projects downfall of this magnitude. I m sure some people will believe that individual but it shouldnt make an impact. According to all the hate-cookies on the subreddit this individual is a loser, liar, failure, know-nothing and much worse.....and they have FACTS for all those claims.
Or maybe this individual speaks stuff that resonates much stronger through SC followers then they care to admit and he does have an impact. At this point its not a hate campaign anymore but a cause. And it starts to have an impact because it reflects the worries of many.
Personally I can make up my own mind. The biggest factors for me so far have been CiGs lies and deception as well as the SC communities utter toxicity. Mr Smart only wrote what I wanted to know myself, he doesnt "think" for me and whenever I read anything of his writings I m perfectly capable to make up my own mind. The quickest and most simple way to shut him up will be to start releasing quality and making progress. Anytime 2020 by your count. I suggest you come back in 2020 and tell me I was wrong about it. I ll be here. And your post will be too