Stop trying to generalise the entire player group who play Elite Dangerous thanks.
For one, we are discussing Star Citizen.
And for the other, yes, some folks play ED to acquire the biggest, baddest, most expensive space wagon they can get their hands on as quickly as possible. There are people like that outside of the gaming circle with that same sort of mentality when it comes to purchasing expensive cars or multiple 20 to 30 room mansions, because they have the money and because they can do so.
Then there are players who look perhaps to get a ship or two that can to a specific job of them at any given moment. Wanna do trade runs for a good profit? Grab yourself a T-9 or if you have the dough and also want some protection for pirates, an Anaconda will suffice. Want to explore the Milky Way for a few weeks/months discovering new stars and never-before-seen planets and other astronomical objects? Again, if you have the cash (and with the Engineers, the required Grade 5 upgrades) the Anaconda can get you from Kremainn to 20,000 light years from inhabited space at a fair clip. Alternatively, if you haven't got those funds, you can instead stump up for the Asp Explorer or the even cheaper Diamondback Explorer.
The same with combat. The same with piracy. The same with mining.
So no, this game isn't JUST about trying to get to the biggest, best ship as quickly as possible, just so you can avoid getting "bored" (wat??). That is some low quality nonsense you spouted just then.... and not for the first time. (Or last.)