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I've been running high inf missions for TDW from Shin Dez.
Is it normal to get donation missions for TDW wich result in a chain mission which after completing results in a tip off?
I'm off to check the tip off tonight, then I'll pick up running missions again.
I've noticed that there's a pilots federation local branch controlled station in lft 926 on that little Moon outside of Meredith. made me think what if the pilots federation local branch will exist anywhere there's a dark wheel faction or what if dark wheel faction can only exist where there's a pilots federation local branch. And what if through some crazy handmavium physics our expansion takes us to a completely unexpected system where there is a pilots federation local branch already existing? I dont actually think this is the case just thinking crazy 🤪
Got it, just point me in the direction where I can be of help the most.


...and you can always check the "standing orders" which are updated pretty much daily and copied to this thread. To find the most recent one, just go backward from the most recent post and find posts by @CMDR Kai Zen and/or @Cryptography and a couple of others. They'll be plainly marked.

I've noticed that there's a pilots federation local branch controlled station in lft 926 on that little Moon outside of Meredith. made me think what if the pilots federation local branch will exist anywhere there's a dark wheel faction or what if dark wheel faction can only exist where there's a pilots federation local branch. And what if through some crazy handmavium physics our expansion takes us to a completely unexpected system where there is a pilots federation local branch already existing? I dont actually think this is the case just thinking crazy 🤪
Hmmm. ... Well here are the systems and stations that are controlled by The Pilot's Federation Local Branch.
I've noticed that there's a pilots federation local branch controlled station in lft 926 on that little Moon outside of Meredith. made me think what if the pilots federation local branch will exist anywhere there's a dark wheel faction or what if dark wheel faction can only exist where there's a pilots federation local branch. And what if through some crazy handmavium physics our expansion takes us to a completely unexpected system where there is a pilots federation local branch already existing? I dont actually think this is the case just thinking crazy 🤪
This one is probably a leftover from the days (pre-2.4, I expect) when the Pilots Federation was an influence-holding faction, and therefore expanded from Shinrarta enough to take some other stations - they also have one in Nuenets. The conversion to an omnipresent non-influence faction (they're present - though difficult to spot except in the Journal - in every populated system) meant that they couldn't lose them again.

They were also given - after becoming a non-influence faction - certain stations in Eravate, LHS 3447 and Asellus Primus, to prevent these starter systems being affected by Lockdown or other similar BGS states and giving new players a little too difficult a start.

The ones in AY Indi and Jafnhau I don't have a good explanation for, though...

AY Indi is very weird since they own the controlling station. Can't figure out how they ended up there in the first place if it was a pre-2.4 takeover, or why Frontier would have gifted them the system if not. Maybe worth a closer look?

Jafnhau they own a non-dockable surface base according to EDDB, which might need verifying in person in case it's just bad data there. It'd make sense that they got it in the same way as places like Dirichlet Depot back when they were an influence-holding faction ... but how did they get out there if so? It's nowhere near Shinrarta or any of the starter systems.
Gonna make myself sound really stupid now but here goes. I have about 8million in TDW bounty vouchers and I know the standing orders on discord say to take them to any station in Shin Dhez but I just wanted to make sure this was still the case or should I now be taking them to Meredith City in LFT 926? It's not much but I don't want to waste it.
Gonna make myself sound really stupid now but here goes. I have about 8million in TDW bounty vouchers and I know the standing orders on discord say to take them to any station in Shin Dhez but I just wanted to make sure this was still the case or should I now be taking them to Meredith City in LFT 926? It's not much but I don't want to waste it.

I'm not sure if it matters where you deliver your bounty either.
I still had some exploration data, around 22million, and dropped it at Meredith City just to be sure since they're in expansion and the leading faction in LFT 926.
Hey guys, love the enthusiasm. For today, it doesn't really matter where you hand the bonds or Carto. Either Meredith in LFT 926 or Shinrarta at our ground ports works for Carto, any station at all for bounty vouchers.

We are trying to boost our influence in Shinrarta, as there is no further need to boost in LFT 926 for now. When our expansion completes in a few days, we expect about 15% influence drop in LFT 926, which should put us back to a reasonable level. We may need minor tweaking in LFT to adjust either our own influence or that of CIA with the aim of setting the system for long term stability.

We will arrive in a new system in about 4 more days. We will almost certainly be dropped into an invasion conflict (war or election) with the rights to stay in system up for grabs. We MUST win that conflict. The losing faction will be ejected one tick after the completion of the conflict.

The daily "standing orders" post on the discord and here is the place to look for general what-to-do to help. It is updated daily on the discord, and now that I am aware there are people who need it, also updated here on the forums. Jump on, do whatever activities from the list suit your play style and interest level and hand them in where instructed.

I am also posting additional orders, aimed at those with a little more knowledge, that will assist our aims, but do not directly involve working for TDW. At this time they are tasks that help to ensure we land in the correct system. If you want even more in-depth stuff, join our discord and send me a PM there to join the Rabid Hamsters. I will try to have something for you all to do daily but this may not always be possible.

Posts by myself, Kai Zen, or perhaps Vortex-XIII are to be considered authoritative for this project. We are the public faces of the BGS planning team.
Roger that,
Hey guys, love the enthusiasm. For today, it doesn't really matter where you hand the bonds or Carto. Either Meredith in LFT 926 or Shinrarta at our ground ports works for Carto, any station at all for bounty vouchers.

We are trying to boost our influence in Shinrarta, as there is no further need to boost in LFT 926 for now. When our expansion completes in a few days, we expect about 15% influence drop in LFT 926, which should put us back to a reasonable level. We may need minor tweaking in LFT to adjust either our own influence or that of CIA with the aim of setting the system for long term stability.

We will arrive in a new system in about 4 more days. We will almost certainly be dropped into an invasion conflict (war or election) with the rights to stay in system up for grabs. We MUST win that conflict. The losing faction will be ejected one tick after the completion of the conflict.

The daily "standing orders" post on the discord and here is the place to look for general what-to-do to help. It is updated daily on the discord, and now that I am aware there are people who need it, also updated here on the forums. Jump on, do whatever activities from the list suit your play style and interest level and hand them in where instructed.

I am also posting additional orders, aimed at those with a little more knowledge, that will assist our aims, but do not directly involve working for TDW. At this time they are tasks that help to ensure we land in the correct system. If you want even more in-depth stuff, join our discord and send me a PM there to join the Rabid Hamsters. I will try to have something for you all to do daily but this may not always be possible.

Posts by myself, Kai Zen, or perhaps Vortex-XIII are to be considered authoritative for this project. We are the public faces of the BGS planning team.
I see, so we should currently focus our efforts to expansion in shinrarta? I thought TDW expanded outwards from shinrarta
Yes, no, maybe.

I am not expecting we will be able to expand from Shinrata any time soon. There is debate among the team about if it is even possible. Public wisdom says "its impossible".

Watching influence since the start of this project indicates that movement within Shinrarta behaves as expected. We do not get the conflicts when factions cross over as we would in other systems, and Jameson is locked to The Pilot's Federation, which does not participate in BGS, so we can never take over the system. None of that however should prevent TDW from reaching 75% and expanding. We KNOW that this happened back in Dec 2019 and TDW ended up in LFT 926. There is strong evidence that this only happened due to a buggy BGS calculation introduced with the game patch at that time, so is not something really player driven.

Under the current BGS rules with predicted work done for all factions in Shinrarta and an estimate of work done by our supporters, we are unlikely to get much past the mid 60's just by piling on extra work. The diminishing returns calculations use a logarithmic function that is essentially vertical after a point. Even applying the work of thousands of commanders might only give you 0.01 extra influence.

With very careful application of positive work for TDW, lots of murders and failed missions etc against the other factions and not too much of directed opposition to the project, it might be possible to push that 75%. It is still rather unlikely, which is why we switched to the much easier effort of expanding from LFT 926.

Both KaiZen and I believe it is still worth testing expansion from Shinrarta, so getting you fine people to put effort there now is building for a future attempt, but not one that will happen now.

Keeping the momentum going for the project as a whole is at least as important as testing any one single aspect of it.

(A faction can only be expanding from one place at a time. We could perhaps push hard in Shinrarta now and get a second expansion going on the tail of the one in LFT 926, but that is not the main goal at the moment.)
For all of you who may not know this entire project stems from my weekly news show covering the world of Elite called "Elite Week" Every week we talk about all manner of things including the progress on this project and new/interesting hints and theories that you may not have heard about. It's about a 2 hour show covering alot (which Is why we put time stamps in the show notes so you can just jump to any section you want or skip any bit) but here is last nights show que'd up to this TDW Project's bit:

We record live every Friday night at 8PM EST (0:00 UTC). Also check the announcement of the giveaway if you want to win this week's prize of "The Assasins Pack" Which includes paint jobs and a decal for your ship that are exclusive items that cannot be purchased!
Is it better to hand in my TDW bounty vouchers to Shin Dhez or would it be more useful to hold onto them until expansion is complete. Never deliberately got involved in anything BGS related so forgive my ignorance.
Oh wow thats awesome! They seem genuinely excited about this. Im rather hopeful for the outcome to produce some form of results, even if they are not the results we are hoping for or potentially expecting.
Interesting and annoying. Was saving this watch for the weekend but the link seems to have dropped off
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