Patch Notes Update Update 1.1.05 incoming (19.02.15)

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No, that is not the case. I am not talking about retroactive scans. I mean I located a new system that has no tags, made a surface scan of every body in the system and sold the data. No discovered by tags, just like another user just reported above. The bug persists, it wasn't fixed.
Fantastic. So, once again, staying 5000LY+ away from Sol might pay off, someday.

It's hard to believe this game is considered production, with so many bugs introduced with ANY new feature. Discovery added! Oh, but it doesn't work. Sorry about that. Here, we'll fix it. Oh, no, that didn't do it, now it's more broken. Wait wait, here, here's another patch, oh, no that didn't work.. Oh bother, let's try flipping THIS switch? Did that fix it? No, man, this is like... hard and stuff. :mad:

Oh, and no, we can't go BACK and fix it, even though we went back and reset the combat, trading, and exploration progress of a whole bunch of people who bought ships at the founders world weeks after the fact, even after we said, sorry, you weren't exploiting after all. Sorry! (but not really, because we're not retroactively fixing the skill reset, even though we were wrong, and said so in an email) Yeah. Thumbs up all around, FDEV!

Almost like testing and quality assurance should be done PRIOR to pushing new systems live. Almost.
Dammit.. after patch i suddenly get a fine for carrying cargo that isn't even illegal at the station! i was transporting imperial slaves and have done so many times before to the same station, now i got a 1.6m credit fine for transporting non-illegal goods :eek: :(

I've raised a ticket regarding the problem, please look into this...

My buddy was just hit with a 7.4 million credit fine......

I mean really, FD. Seriously, a gargantuan cockup. These seem to happen with regularity. First entire system coalitions do an about-turn with no explanation and now stations sell goods to you which the cops then consider illegal......I mean cm'on, how are Imperial Slaves illegal in the Empire in an Empire-controlled system?

One step forward and ten steps back with a healthy amount of sideways shuffling thrown in.......
So, getting instant bounties for unavoidable cases of friendly fire is apparently all better for small ships now - unlesss the idiot AI happens to already have his shields down. Or happened to be at 1% shield. Then you're SOL, apparently, because in the middle of a 6 on 1 battle, no one ever hits damaged or shieldless friendlies unintentionally. Right?

And what about people with large beam lasers or multicannons and such? Having stupid Authority eagles cut between you and your target under boost, 50m off your bow, crossing your screen so fast that by the time you realize they're coming they've already flown through your weapons fire and off the screen again, is not somehow magically limited to players flying small ships. And it sounds like clipping somebody with a large beam even for an instant (or an ill-timed burst laser) will do well over the damage threshold even if their shields are up.

Yeah, the Friendly fire threshold is going to be hard to tweak. Somebody gets between my Asp and the wanted ship I'm firing at, they are flying through 2 medium and 2 small fixed beams.. So I'm continuing to exercise quite rigid fire discipline. The other good one is when an authority AI decides he's going to protect our mutual target by ramming the seeker missile homing on the targets tailpipe. (yes, they do do that, I've seen an AI viper that was well off to the side when I launched a pair of seekers come steaming in at full boost and collect the pair of them just short of the target.)
There is another bug that is a bit annoying which I haven't seen reported yet. Check my fines...

So, what I did is trade Imperial Slaves. I got fined twice, 8.5 million, although they are not prohibited in the station. So commanders, take care.

Screenshot 2015-02-19 22.29.16.jpg

Screenshot 2015-02-19 22.29.39.jpg
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Nope.. independent as it always has been, i've done this route many times before with no problems, comms even said i was scanned clear... and the goods were bought not picked up... :(

Its pretty annoying.. 1.6m is alot of trips going to waste.. not happy :(

Going to try it again and let them scan me again...


Tried doing the trade again and they fined me again.. funny thing is they say im clear and fine me anyway?!

If the systems controlling faction is independent, but the stations controlling faction is imperial you can hit a situation where on the station the slaves are legal but as soon as you leave the dock, you're in the cops territory, and they are owned by the systems controlling faction so while legal on the station Imperial Slaves are still prohibited cargo in that system,
Fantastic. So, once again, staying 5000LY+ away from Sol might pay off, someday.

It's hard to believe this game is considered production, with so many bugs introduced with ANY new feature. Discovery added! Oh, but it doesn't work. Sorry about that. Here, we'll fix it. Oh, no, that didn't do it, now it's more broken. Wait wait, here, here's another patch, oh, no that didn't work.. Oh bother, let's try flipping THIS switch? Did that fix it? No, man, this is like... hard and stuff. :mad:

Oh, and no, we can't go BACK and fix it, even though we went back and reset the combat, trading, and exploration progress of a whole bunch of people who bought ships at the founders world weeks after the fact, even after we said, sorry, you weren't exploiting after all. Sorry! (but not really, because we're not retroactively fixing the skill reset, even though we were wrong, and said so in an email) Yeah. Thumbs up all around, FDEV!

Almost like testing and quality assurance should be done PRIOR to pushing new systems live. Almost.

It could be that some of these so called bugged systems could be part of the originally mapped systems that are not 'first discoverable' but are discoverable to the regular commander to give them some exploration data. There are many systems within touching distance of inhabited space that have no 'first discovered by' tags but data can be sold on. If you are now getting detailed surface scans paid, but not getting the 'FDB' tag then maybe this is how it is meant to be.

It was the case prior to 1.1 the only difference is that you get no kudos tag. You get paid for the discovery, you get paid for the surface scan.

Maybe we will get some 'official' response soon™
Just been fined 8.9 million leaving an empire station with imperial slaves from that station. The imperial slaves are not illegal in this station and in fact imperial slaves are listed as a major export.

Want to know something else weird? It's the empire the fine has been attached too... 8.9 million fine carrying their non-illegal cargo out of their station. That can't be right?

Ticket submitted to request refund of fine: TICKET #00000040343
The gall with which people like you demand a 100% automated, perfect system leaves me completely speechless. I don't know where to start.

actually, with the number of system planned, and the planned evolution of the game.....damn right this should be automated .

run the number, do you really think the dev should dedicated i don't know how many hours, once or twice a week to add new stations? really?

what about in even ONE year?

sorry but this kind of thing should be automated, there is no way this can be babysat like this, it's just plain dumb waste of resources and lack of vision
My buddy was just hit with a 7.4 million credit fine......

I mean really, FD. Seriously, a gargantuan cockup. These seem to happen with regularity. First entire system coalitions do an about-turn with no explanation and now stations sell goods to you which the cops then consider illegal......I mean cm'on, how are Imperial Slaves illegal in the Empire in an Empire-controlled system?

One step forward and ten steps back with a healthy amount of sideways shuffling thrown in.......

this is the result when you don't have QA.

sorry, but at this point, it is CLEAR there is absolutely no QA at all, between the bug solved but finally not solved (and for some, this is several update in a row) or made worst, the bug re-apearing again (ever heard about non-regression testing? no? maybe? hint: this is not an exotic brazilian dance).....

seriously, this is beyond pathetic......
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A buddy of mine is stuck in station, can't undock and has so little faith in the bug reporting/support system he's planning on deleting his save to get free rather than submitting any sort of bug report/ticket...I died a little inside, he has like 4x as much credits as me.
It could be that some of these so called bugged systems could be part of the originally mapped systems that are not 'first discoverable' but are discoverable to the regular commander to give them some exploration data. There are many systems within touching distance of inhabited space that have no 'first discovered by' tags but data can be sold on. If you are now getting detailed surface scans paid, but not getting the 'FDB' tag then maybe this is how it is meant to be.

It was the case prior to 1.1 the only difference is that you get no kudos tag. You get paid for the discovery, you get paid for the surface scan.

Maybe we will get some 'official' response soon™

Again, that is not the case. This bug happened even with systems 1300ly away from Sol, such as some among the area surrounding the Orion nebula.
A buddy of mine is stuck in station, can't undock and has so little faith in the bug reporting/support system he's planning on deleting his save to get free rather than submitting any sort of bug report/ticket...I died a little inside, he has like 4x as much credits as me.
This has happened to a friend of mine once. The fix is simply a few full restarts of the client as in:
1. Quit + exit menu fully and launcher
2. Go in, check it - if not possible to undock, repeat.
I'm not demanding anything. Least of all a perfect automated system.

However, some kind of working system that's not entirely developer curated would be a start, don't you think?

And what makes you think the current system is entirely developer-curated?

There are several parts of the system that are automated. There are also several parts of the system that are partly-automated.

Additionally, it is not a requirement that a system not be developer-curated in order for it to be classified as a dynamic system.
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