Patch Notes Update Update 1.1.05 incoming (19.02.15)

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The new stations, both of them, are perfect examples of Faction Expansion. Maybe you don't like the idea of newly colonized planets or new Stations, but if you don't expect it then you've been under a rock.

Yup; your correct, I misspoke. -Excuse me, was thinking along the lines of player created factions.
Any news on the orca assassination missions which can't be completed?

I did one last night. This time I got the message that the mission was completed when the ship was destroyed and I got the reward back at the station I got the mission from, so as far as I can tell, yes! :)

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I am curious why most patches are released in the evening British Standard Time.

Um... British company? Patch released at the end of the working day?
Will this change be retroactive? I have a bunch of these.

Doesn't appear so. Mine are all visible but not credited. I came back but cannot rescan as they are already showing as scanned (not unknown). So there is a system with 3 water worlds and 11 metal planets that are still ripe for picking but I cannot pick.

I will scan the outer planets and bring that back to see if it is actually fixed.

Edit: scanned remaining bodies, got detail scan credit and first discovered tag. Cannot rescan previous.
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- Update to friendly fire values. An increase across the board it's now possible, for example, to hit a non-targeted ship with multiple (up to 3) double small pulse laser hits before it turns aggressive

Yay, I was beginning to think I had imagined this in the list of fixes for 1.1...guess it wasn't working properly till now.

Cheers guys

Cheers Ed!

Is there going to be any further adjustment to the audio? Since 1.1 my Viper's FSD sounds rubbish, it sounds more like a Nissan Leaf than a spaceship now. Not a major problem, but I'm beginning to feel dizzy adding all my own engine noises...
So, getting instant bounties for unavoidable cases of friendly fire is apparently all better for small ships now - unlesss the idiot AI happens to already have his shields down. Or happened to be at 1% shield. Then you're SOL, apparently, because in the middle of a 6 on 1 battle, no one ever hits damaged or shieldless friendlies unintentionally. Right?

And what about people with large beam lasers or multicannons and such? Having stupid Authority eagles cut between you and your target under boost, 50m off your bow, crossing your screen so fast that by the time you realize they're coming they've already flown through your weapons fire and off the screen again, is not somehow magically limited to players flying small ships. And it sounds like clipping somebody with a large beam even for an instant (or an ill-timed burst laser) will do well over the damage threshold even if their shields are up.
I've been playing since version 1.03 and plotted routes have always been lost after a save and exit. That's still the case now so is there a fix planned for this does anyone know please? Thanks.
- Update to friendly fire values. An increase across the board it's now possible, for example, to hit a non-targeted ship with multiple (up to 3) double small pulse laser hits before it turns aggressive

a litle vague there considering the damage ratio of other weapons like beams and cannons etc however nice to see its been taken into account.

could the devs be a little more spacific on that element please as it would be interesting to know so players could adapt their fire patterns in combat with different weapons in thos case's
Fanboism. You see this with every game out there, immediate cheer leading on patches no matter how good or bad they are.

Sorry but...While your post had very interesting and worthwhile points in it, I personally don't see calling anyone a 'fanboi' just like that fair or very constructive. Assuming the people cheering have little capability to judge whether the patches are 'good' or 'bad' simply because their view of the current state of things is different from one's own is condescending behaviour. If someone is genuinely happy about seeing the game being developed further, does it make them halfwits if they decide to tell the dev team about it?

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Not sure why anyone would complain about patches, they are used to improve the game. Keep them coming and let the peasants eat cake!

+1 reputation good sir!
I open a dedicated thread in the support part of the forum as I'm not sure if this is a bug or just me messing around: I can dock anymore?!
I just bought a nice Python and tried to dock back to the same station I bought it (to change equipment) but nothing happen even after being perfectly aligned on the pad?!
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