So, getting instant bounties for unavoidable cases of friendly fire is apparently all better for small ships now - unlesss the idiot AI happens to already have his shields down. Or happened to be at 1% shield. Then you're SOL, apparently, because in the middle of a 6 on 1 battle, no one ever hits damaged or shieldless friendlies unintentionally. Right?
And what about people with large beam lasers or multicannons and such? Having stupid Authority eagles cut between you and your target under boost, 50m off your bow, crossing your screen so fast that by the time you realize they're coming they've already flown through your weapons fire and off the screen again, is not somehow magically limited to players flying small ships. And it sounds like clipping somebody with a large beam even for an instant (or an ill-timed burst laser) will do well over the damage threshold even if their shields are up.