Patch Notes Update Update 1.1.05 incoming (19.02.15)

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Can you clarify what the issue was? There are multiple threads, and lots of tickets, on a problem that could be this. But who knows. No FD input on any of the threads, and no one has reported their ticket even being looked at.

And as others have asked, if this is the fix for the not at all rare bug, do we get stuff fixed retrospectively, including the bonus we did not get?

Well, I have just been in and checked a system where I scanned everything, but only some objects had first finder granted. It is one of the several that I provided pictures of in the ticket that has not been looked at.

No change. Objects are still fully described (showing that I must have scanned them) but do not have a discovered by CMDR.

So, either this was not the fix to the not-at-all-rare bug, or it is not retrospective.
Now back in, can't see any retrospective allocation of first discovered by flags. I had a system I detailed scanned and is still the same as before. Might go back and rescan, see if it works.

Cannot see my missing system too. And it is 'a bit' far away to go back again soon.
I'm one of those who believes that every system the Devs can automate, they should. And every system that cannot be automated, is what they should be working on until they are able to make it automated. Developers can't dedicate 10 years of baby sitting to a project that people are no longer paying for but continue to use. The Devs will move on to other projects, in a couple years, but I'd like to think that if I log into the game the universe will still operate in a meaningful way.

Faction expansion and new station construction is absolutely one of those things that should continue even after the Devs have moved on to other projects. In fact, I'd say that getting this automated should be almost at the top of the list of things the Devs should be working on.

Thast why they are recruiting just now, they have thousands of people, every time you move your ship someone has to input the new coords in the galaxy maps, they have like a huge version of a WW2 Battle of britain map with models of ships they push around with sticks and someone types the new code so you see where you end up..........
Now back in, can't see any retrospective allocation of first discovered by flags. I had a system I detailed scanned and is still the same as before. Might go back and rescan, see if it works.

Same here, nothing has been done on the systems I had a note of on my ticket (#38726)
We have a patch every week, that seems good enough to me to bring new stations into the game.
The people who are responsible for "babysitting" a project are called Game Masters, not developers.

Uh, no. When they need to take down the servers and patch the game to add in a new station? That isn't going to be done by a "Game Master" - that's going to be done by a Developer.
I'm one of those who believes that every system the Devs can automate, they should. And every system that cannot be automated, is what they should be working on until they are able to make it automated. Developers can't dedicate 10 years of baby sitting to a project that people are no longer paying for but continue to use. The Devs will move on to other projects, in a couple years, but I'd like to think that if I log into the game the universe will still operate in a meaningful way.

Faction expansion and new station construction is absolutely one of those things that should continue even after the Devs have moved on to other projects. In fact, I'd say that getting this automated should be almost at the top of the list of things the Devs should be working on.

Faction expansion? (not) expected, or desired!
Any idea what's the size of the patch?

I started playing 2-3 days ago, on initial install I had issues with slow download speeds (0.1MB/s), I have the absolute same issue now. I disabled Automatic Proxy Detection in Internet options, dont have FW running, tried a trick or two but still nothing. This is really sad :( help
Perhaps because it wasn't viewed as a 'debacle'?

Whatever word you wish to use... a 'situation' where there was a bug that in effect zapped millions of credits away from honest players (through faulty collision damage) that the devs stated would be rectified quickly through in game refunds, has quickly faded away from the forums, despite some people not getting said refunds.

Just so you know, when I lost those credits, I did not expect to get them back until the devs said that we would. I really was just curious if that has been fixed for the majority of people, and my case has somehow slipped through the cracks.
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Volunteer Moderator
Hi everyone,

The servers will be going down at 4PM GMT today (19.02.15) for a short amount of time, to allow us to update to 1.1.05. Thanks everyone for all your feedback on the latest build. See the full change log below:

- Added talk channel logging to help identify issues with people not being able to chat


This is about VOICE chat, right?
- Fix a rare issue that was not always granting first discovery credit to every stellar body when selling exploration data for certain types of star system

Ah ah, had to wait until the very end of the list to get the one I wanted so badly :) (I'm just about to come back from a 2 weeks trip of exploration !)
Thank you so much FD !
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