Update 18 | Update Notes

It seems NPCs are no longer randomly shooting every which way. This issue introduced in Update 17 is now fixed: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/62015, thank you.

This one, however, remains: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/61052. This is where NPC wing supports won't shoot back, or even defend themselves against fire. Only when the lead ship dies, they'll start attacking back. Not only that but the supports are typically very weak and tend to escape mid fight.

I realize this was not targeted in U18 but just showing how bounty hunting is still not what it was before U16.
Of course you could quickly tag the other ships to make them all go hostile?

But I agree that's been a disappointment for a good while.
unless we get 4 new AX ships.. just remember we who built up our fleet carriers and did the engineer material grind instead of AX got proper screwed, we have a right to feel left out. At the end for all that play time we are left with useless ships with no content to use them in. Perhaps, in the spirit of the games original design, it is you who needs to understand that it is ONLY the players who went full "goid" that got any provision in new content for years.. off the horse pal, you don't get to tell everyone else what they are allowed to be annoyed by. You think its comical that a significant proportion of the player base got sidelined? you must be fun at parties.. i wonder how it would be if the shoe was on the other foot.
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If only they played the Thargoid content they could be complaining about that, it does seem to have a few issues at the moment 😬

But I guess they'll never know all the things they could legit be complaining about :D
It's rather comical when you think about it. It's quite obvious that many are enjoying the Thargoid content. The complainers want anything but what those many others are enjoying. It's self-inflicted suffering fueled by selfishness.

I want to extend a big THANK YOU to FDev for continuing this narrative though it's "end". I personally have no interest in Thargoid content, but I understand that's an important part of what's been "keeping the lights on" in regards to ED. That's good enough for me :)
What self respecting space game wouldn't have a war with an alien race..? :)

If in addition to disliking the thargoid content one also despises the "first person shooter" content, there's always all the old ship content to play.

And hopefully more fun stuff coming, at least we know that 4 more ships are coming.
I'm still working my way up to AX combat, I'm just worried I'm going to miss all the fun. Though I don't feel super great about blowing up the Titans with a bunch of humans still on board, my conscience might be clearer if I stayed out of this one.
Updated (long...) my home computer and my laptop. No problem for the moment. Fluidity has returned, and there seems to be an undefinable plus in graphics especially in background stars and in starports. Eagerly waiting for future additions. That's great! Thank you fdevs! Unfortunately I can't test Thargoid stuff as I'm too far away from the bubble for now.
I'm still working my way up to AX combat, I'm just worried I'm going to miss all the fun. Though I don't feel super great about blowing up the Titans with a bunch of humans still on board, my conscience might be clearer if I stayed out of this one.
Depending on one's progress or how one sees it, you won't need all that much engineering. Yes hull (possibly) shield, thrusters, and a few utilities like the thargoid pulse neutralizer and caustic sinks. For the rest you can just buy AX weapons which are more than sufficient.

I've wondered a long time if the abducted humans weren't meant to be a shield... Stupid of the thargoids to think it would have been a deterrent.. :)
Stow the big gun on the bottom.
Retracting hardpoints or not seems irrelevant. It seems like there's a geometry error on the cargo scoop that moves around when you move the ship. If a limpet dies, point the ship further upwards or something and you quite possibly will have moved the weird thing so it stops destroying limpets.

Speaking of weird, what was that about improved shadows? They're worse than they were.

And another weird thing. Here's a screenshot of the graphics completely breaking after a long play session. I used headlook to make it even weirder. Some other people get this too.


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I also wait for Odyssey VR fully implemented.
The third person view is awesome !

Come on, just need an HUD and interactions possible.

Come on Fdev's !!!!!!
So the Anaconda cargo scoop is still glitchy then :/ Things often bounce of it instead of being collected, and collector limpets are often destroyed by it.

Was it glitchy?
Because i've built a combat Conda for the last bounty CG and while i was visiting engineers i did collect quite a number of materials.
In Sirius alone i got like 8 HGE, and a bit more in another engineer system.

Then, in the haz res (were i got like 40+ millions in bounties) i kept picking materials that were of interest (G5 materials and Chemical Manipulators mostly)
And i havent noticed any issue - all materials being picked manually (no collectors)
Definitely - i was having weapons stowed in the HGE, but in the CZ i dont think i bothered to stow the weapons 🤷‍♂️
Edit: I've downloaded the update, and I'm currently out exploring in Odin's Hold. I have already noticed several improvements that are not even mentioned in the patch notes. Some less noticeable, others more so. And all I've done is jump two systems and landed on a few planets for some exobiology. I've even noticed one fix/improvement that people were complaining about for years that aren't in the patch notes. I would even go as far to say that it feels like odyssey gameplay has gotten some performance optimisations but your mileage may vary with this one.

Hello @SpaceWarpin what kind of improvements/fixes have you noticed? You mention several improvements, and specific examples?
I haven't logged in yet but would like to know what to look out for.

The constant whinging from players who aren't willing to engage in Thargoid combat is comical. The last year or so has been entirely dedicated to the Thargoid-Human war, what did you expect?

U18 signals the end of the war and the end of this chapter of the story. More will be coming, in the meantime if you still want to whinge and whine, just go play something else.
Or, for example, not to participate in it. After all, no one forces you to do something you don’t like. And we’re talking about the fact that only Thargoids are leading... well, damn, there will be a holiday on your street, because once upon a time there was not enough content on Thargoids either...
Sorry if I missed this in the notes or posts, but... HDR...

I've been using Windows HDR (I wanted to try the nVidia app HDR stuff but that's not viable on my set up) and, after the update, ED's graphics look a lot more "washed out". I've switched it off and it looks much better.

Is anyone else seeing this?
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