Hardware & Technical Virpil WarBRD and Mongoos T50 Throttle are now up for pre-order.

In my mind though, dual sticks feels very spacey :)

In theory maybe. But Elite is the space game that imitates atmospheric flight to the point that dogfights are more closely related to WW1, WW2 or Korea War dogfights with a bit of subdued 6dof thrown in for high level combat, rather than a full 6dof game like Descent. A throttle with mini stick will serve you just fine. And for Star Citizen... (if it ever gets into a release state that's not an embarassment for all of electronic entertainment, which may be unlikely) you can still get a cheap second stick later. Or outright stick to M+K, which will probably make you more effective in the first place, since its flight model goes more for the turrets in space vibe. At which point there's only one input the device on the PC, that is competitive: a mouse.

In Star Citizen on the other hand I can see the use for dual sticks, but that is still a few (many?) years from being playable... ;)

Any self respecting Star Citizen believer would probably assure us, that it's perfectly playable already. You can fly in space, land on two or three moons and on stations, shoot stuf and do basic missions, carrying around cargo crates. Just don't expect more than lower double digit framerates, playtimes in excess of an hour without crashes, ingame objects to act predicatlby and without being erratcially and weightlessly catapulted across space upon the slightest contact with other ojects. Just keep shoving fistfuls of hundred dollar notes down Chris Roberts' throat, so he will turn this into the "Best Damn Space Sim Ever" in the next six years burning through another 180$ Mio. from gullible people and bringing the dev time to Duke Nukem forever levels. That is, provided they don't keep crossing all their partners so badly, that they're trying to sue them out of business.
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That's what I thought too, but the lateral/vertical/yaw thrusters on Elite ships are comparatively weak, so for anything other than super precise landings you will find that the dual stick setup feels a bit redundant. Elite is set up to be dogfighting in space, combined with some long haul flights in supercruise, which means that a regular HOTAS feels considerably more natural. In Star Citizen on the other hand I can see the use for dual sticks, but that is still a few (many?) years from being playable... ;)

Edit: Maybe you can find a used T.16000 somewhere near you? Buy it, try the dual stick layout, then sell it again if you don't like it. I should have done that ;)

In theory maybe. But Elite is the space game that imitates atmospheric flight to the point that dogfights are more closely related to WW1, WW2 or Korea War dogfights with a bit of subdued 6dof thrown in for high level combat, rather than a full 6dof game like Descent. A throttle with mini stick will serve you just fine. And for Star Citizen... (if it ever gets into a release state that's not an embarassment for all of electronic entertainment, which may be unlikely) you can still get a cheap second stick later. Or outright stick to M+K, which will probably make you more effective in the first place, since its flight model goes more for the turrets in space vibe. At which point there's only one input the device on the PC, that is competitive: a mouse.

Any self respecting Star Citizen believer would probably assure us, that it's perfectly playable already. You can fly in space, land on two or three moons and on stations, shoot stuf and do basic missions, carrying around cargo crates. Just don't expect more than lower double digit framerates, playtimes in excess of an hour without crashes, ingame objects to act predicatlby and without being erratcially and weightlessly catapulted across space upon the slightest contact with other ojects. Just keep shoving fistfuls of hundred dollar notes down Chris Roberts' throat, so he will turn this into the "Best Damn Space Sim Ever" in the next six years burning through another 180$ Mio. from gullible people and bringing the dev time to Duke Nukem forever levels. That is, provided they don't keep crossing all their partners so badly, that they're trying to sue them out of business.

I have to admit that the idea of double sticks mainly came from watching videos on people playing Star Citizen. I thought that maybe the flying wouldn't differ that much. But if that is the case that the thrusters can't keep up to make it an enjoyable experience then I have to reconsider.

Thank you both for pointing all this out to me, I will then probably start out with HOTAS and pedals, and if the urge becomes to strong I can maybe get a cheap 16000 as recommended and try out the dual stick setup.

Not really trying to be competitive, don't have the time to become an ace in space in combat so getting some nice gear just for the feeling of sitting in a space craft.

Again, thank you both for giving me some facts on how the physics of flying works in Elite.


Elite Greeter
I'm currently using Dual Sticks (VPC MongoosT-50CM and VPC MongoosT-50 LH BE). I'm having a blast, I thought I'd struggle to adapt coming from the Elite Xbox Controller. Going forward I will complete my setup with the analogue stick throttle. I plan to use both sticks + throttle. Take care and Elite!
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I'm currently using Dual Sticks (VPC MongoosT-50CM and VPC MongoosT-50 LH BE). I'm having a blast, I thought I'd struggle to adapt coming from the Elite Xbox Controller. Going forward I will complete my setup with the analog stick throttle. I plan to use both sticks + throttle. Take care and Elite!

It's because of people like this I wander back and forth about my setup.
Having people tell me that the way the ships handle in Elite makes a HOTAS setup to be the better choice, and then you come along that has the setup I wanted in the first place and tell me that you are having a blast :).

Thanks for making me doubt every single choice :D.

Sounds awesome though that you can have loads of fun with dual sticks.
Sounds awesome though that you can have loads of fun with dual sticks.

There's no doubt that you can have fun with them. They're simply not necessary and in terms of versatility even an unwise expense if you'd also want to have the option to enjoy flight sims with the same budget:



Take a throttle with mini stick (and pedals) and you get to enjoy both while being effective at both. Take dual sticks and you're looking at an additional expense for a throttle to sensibly play flight sims... :p

In the meantime, don't let the lack of a HOTAS or dual sticks stop you from enjoying Elite. You'll be just as effective with M+K and you'll be pretty much able to transfer most things you learn about Elite with M+K to any other setup, making learning to play the game with any other setup considerably more easy:

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There's no doubt that you can have fun with them. They're simply not necessary and in terms of versatility even an unwise expense if you'd also want to have the option to enjoy flight sims with the same budget:

Take a throttle with mini stick (and pedals) and you get to enjoy both while being effective at both. Take dual sticks and you're looking at an additional expense for a throttle to sensibly play flight sims... :p

In the meantime, don't let the lack of a HOTAS or dual sticks stop you from enjoying Elite. You'll be just as effective with M+K and you'll be pretty much able to transfer most things you learn about Elite with M+K to any other setup, making learning to play the game with any other setup considerably more easy:

I totally understand everything you are saying.
It would be the wise decision to go for HOTAS with pedals, that way as you say I can do more than just fly in space.
As for K+M I will probably start to really try out the game next week when I am by myself and can take my time adjusting the layout for buttons etc.

Time will tell what I will buy and when, first I need an income to be able to buy anything.
I really appreciate all the feedback, always fun to see and read what other people use.
For me the novelty of the dual sticks wore off fairly quickly, I initially had the two sticks closest to me, and my Warthog Throttle on the outside of the left stick. Ended up swapping that around and having the left stick outside of the throttle, and found myself using it less and less.

The dual stick setup does, however, make for some snazzy flying around stations and especially when docking on outposts! I reckon if the lateral, vertical and yaw thrusters weren't so crippled (say maybe twice the acceleration / rotational speed?) I would have stuck with the dual sticks :)
For me the novelty of the dual sticks wore off fairly quickly, I initially had the two sticks closest to me, and my Warthog Throttle on the outside of the left stick. Ended up swapping that around and having the left stick outside of the throttle, and found myself using it less and less.

The dual stick setup does, however, make for some snazzy flying around stations and especially when docking on outposts! I reckon if the lateral, vertical and yaw thrusters weren't so crippled (say maybe twice the acceleration / rotational speed?) I would have stuck with the dual sticks :)

Yeah, that would be nice with higher speed on those thrusters to make it more appealing to use dual sticks. But that would be bad for the overall game play in open I guess.
Would maybe make sense with higher acceleration on smaller ships to make them more agile compared to big ships.
It would in any case be way more fun :D.


Elite Greeter
It's because of people like this I wander back and forth about my setup.
Having people tell me that the way the ships handle in Elite makes a HOTAS setup to be the better choice, and then you come along that has the setup I wanted in the first place and tell me that you are having a blast :).

Thanks for making me doubt every single choice :D.

Sounds awesome though that you can have loads of fun with dual sticks.

Apologies Commander. I only recently (late March/April) started using dual sticks. Previously I was having a blast (since alpha) using an Xbox 360-pad and Xbox Elite controller. I resisted the Joystick Hotas urge for so long (years of game-pad use) and believe me the learning curve is still work in progress. Absolutely you can accomplish a lot with game-pads and you can accomplish a lot with joysticks.

I don't plan on leaving my Elite Controller behind; the Elite Controller in conjunction with the official Xbox One Chatpad, REWASD and VoiceAttack is a joy to behold. The ChatPad affords me a fully backlit keyboard on the go.

No singular setup is perfect, we all fly differently and every setup will have a learning curve and some. Perfecting your settings is a long-term endeavour, I'm always adjusting my configurations to suit my playstyle and for me it's been a labour of love ever since Elite Dangerous alpha release.
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Apologies Commander. I only recently (late March/April) started using dual sticks. Previously I was having a blast (since alpha) using an Xbox 360-pad and Xbox Elite controller. I resisted the Joystick Hotas urge for so long (years of game-pad use) and believe me the learning curve is still work in progress. Absolutely you can accomplish a lot with game-pads and you can accomplish a lot with joysticks. I don't plan on leaving my Elite Controller behind; the Elite Controller in conjunction with the official Xbox One Chatpad, REWASD and VoiceAttack is a joy to behold. The ChatPad affords me a fully backlit keyboard on the go.

No singular setup is perfect, we all fly differently and every setup will have a learning curve and some. Perfecting your settings is a long-term endeavour, I'm always adjusting my configurations to suit my playstyle and for me it's been a labour of love ever since Elite Dangerous alpha release.

No worries Commander, as I've said it's fun to hear what other people use while playing. As you say there are many alternatives for moving around your ships.

For my part I need to start playing the game more regardless of what I use to play with.
Thats one problem of mine, finding something I really want and then obsessing about it until I get it, in this case some sort of controllers that are not mouse and keyboard.


Elite Greeter
No worries Commander, as I've said it's fun to hear what other people use while playing. As you say there are many alternatives for moving around your ships.

For my part I need to start playing the game more regardless of what I use to play with.
Thats one problem of mine, finding something I really want and then obsessing about it until I get it, in this case some sort of controllers that are not mouse and keyboard.

I truly recommend the Xbox Elite Controller in conjunction with official Xbox One Chatpad, REWASD and VoiceAttack. I will be switching between my peripherals now that I have a secondary option. Next I will try dual sticks with Elite Controller for driving, supercruise and exploration. REWASD will allow me to use all three without conflicts.
Shipping of the Throttle is supposed to happen close to the end of May. Really looking forward to seeing this thing in person!
Does anybody know if the MongoosT-50CM(upgraded) Flightstick has twist on it, or do you need rudder peddles?
What’s the Virpil kit like? Is it highly recommended?

Thinking of getting the throttle too, as VKB are a lost cause in every way, which is a shame as I like their kit.
Does anybody know if the MongoosT-50CM(upgraded) Flightstick has twist on it, or do you need rudder peddles?
What’s the Virpil kit like? Is it highly recommended?

Thinking of getting the throttle too, as VKB are a lost cause in every way, which is a shame as I like their kit.

It doesn't seem to have twist when I read on their web page, so I doubt the upgraded version has it. Only the Mongoos Delta stick has twist.

From what I have seen on youtube from users that has the virpil sticks they really like them.
I will totally buy a kit from them at some point.


Elite Greeter
Does anybody know if the MongoosT-50CM(upgraded) Flightstick has twist on it, or do you need rudder peddles?
What’s the Virpil kit like? Is it highly recommended?

Thinking of getting the throttle too, as VKB are a lost cause in every way, which is a shame as I like their kit.

Virpil usability and build quality is astonishing. I can confirm no twist on MongoosT-50CM. According to Virpil, going forward the twist axis family will include additional grips and sticks (alpha and beta). Take care and Elite!
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Does anyone know if it is possible to order from virpil.by even though I should use the eu-site?
The prices are much better when ordering from the .by site but don't know if the will send me what I order or just tell me to order from the eu-site.
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