Welcome back!Having finally got bored with NMS I thought I'd have a peek to see if Oddity had improved much. I have basically stayed clear of EDO due to its dreadful performance issues but I was pleasantly surprised to find the game hugely improved. My PC was built years ago for flight sim really so it has an i7 6700K processor at its heart it runs at 4GHz with no OC applied - it has 32GB RAM and the gfx is a GTX1070 with 8GB memory. I mention all that because running Oddity in ultra feeding the monitor at 2560x1440 I have yet to see the frame rate drop bellow 45 in settlements or on stations - solid 60 everywhere else (locked) - with no stutter whatsoever, smooth as silk. This is a huge improvement to the situation a few months ago where stations and settlements were an embarrassment - low FPS (very variable) and loads of stuttering.
So anyone else hanging back might want to have a look and see how it runs for you now, you might be as surprised as I was.
Now I just have to learn about suit and gear mods to catch up.
In all seriousness though, you might find settlements with fires a bit of a strain. My rig did, albeit before U11... not sure if they tweaked that bottleneck.
As for suit and weapon upgrades... yeah, a bit grindy but still doable. Some downloadables are notoriously rare. Still, you can get away with quite a lot of that by finding the pre-upgraded stuff for sale at Pioneer Supplies. There's a whole thread on where stuff currently appears.
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