Newcomer / Intro What are you up to?

On the nick (again):


"And, before we go, there's just time for the caption competition":

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The problem with joining Odyssey is not, after all, my GPU. It is that being 4000ly from the bubble I am decidedly under-dressed.
I have only a standard issue flight suit and no tools for scanning Exo-biology.
But on the plus side, by the time I get back to the bubble, I'll have most of my bindings sorted out!

On the nick (again):


"And, before we go, there's just time for the caption competition":

With all your money you have to steal soda now? :p
The problem with joining Odyssey is not, after all, my GPU. It is that being 4000ly from the bubble I am decidedly under-dressed.
I have only a standard issue flight suit and no tools for scanning Exo-biology.
But on the plus side, by the time I get back to the bubble, I'll have most of my bindings sorted out!

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You could always check for the closest DSSA carrier, and maybe find one that has a Pioneer Supplies service available. You could at least buy an Artemis suit that way, and be able to do Exobiology.

With all your money you have to steal soda now? :p

You could always check for the closest DSSA carrier, and maybe find one that has a Pioneer Supplies service available. You could at least buy an Artemis suit that way, and be able to do Exobiology.

Thanks. Just checked. The bubble is still closer than any DSSA at the moment. Besides I'm looking forwad to be able to walk around a Coriolis! See how that treats my GPU!
I've been continuing my gear search on the alt while doing chores today. The apex rides are long enough and I don't need to watch :)

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My alt account on Horizons bought an Adder last week. I was breaking up the encoded mats grind between Jameson's Cobra and Ray Gateway Diaguadri encoded trader by trying out small ships I've never used before. Some people love the Adder. I with The Pilot on this one. What the h*ll am I missing here. I forgive it the low rent used by a dozen commanders before interior, but there's way too little actual glass in the cockpit window to see much, and there is nothing appealing about the noise it makes. I turned around as soon as I left Ray Gateway on that one and swapped it for a Viper MKIII. The Viper is OK, clearly also owned by a dozen commanders over 100 years interior, but didn't win me over either.
Tried the Diamondback Scout too - hated the thruster noise. At least with the Viper and DBS I flew them long enough to do a round trip to Jameson's Cobra and back in them.
I tried an Asp and I ascended to about over 1300 LY up on no particular business. Now to flutter down and think of a name for it. I think it may be named after a leaf or a cookie


I'm taking the FC back to the bubble and using the DBX to follow along, exploring as I go. I've just found a system with 70 bodies, which I think is a record for me. Mostly low value Rocky Bodies.
I'd post a pic, but the forum's Snafu.

I found a 112-banger the other day! My scanner was like smoke coming off!

But what if there was a megaship in one of those asteroid fields, how would I have known it was there without using the FSS scanner? Would something like "Human signal detected" pop up on my canopy because I honked the system?

I often make sure the number of signals should be the number of bodies plus the number of asteroid belt clusters or else there's something else about. But the only useful thing I ever found really was avoiding thargoids. Anyway I suspect a mega ship would not be a stellar signal but a regular signal
I often make sure the number of signals should be the number of bodies plus the number of asteroid belt clusters or else there's something else about. But the only useful thing I ever found really was avoiding thargoids. Anyway I suspect a mega ship would not be a stellar signal but a regular signal
If there is a megaship present, it would show up as a signal spike all the way over to the left side, not quite at the end but close. You would see it and think it strange because it shouldn't be there in an uninhabited system.
The problem with joining Odyssey is not, after all, my GPU. It is that being 4000ly from the bubble I am decidedly under-dressed.
I have only a standard issue flight suit and no tools for scanning Exo-biology.
But on the plus side, by the time I get back to the bubble, I'll have most of my bindings sorted out!

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Find a passing FC that has pioneer supplies active. You can get all G1 suits and weapons. Keep checking any stations on the way to the bubble to get the random upGed specials after the tick. Even the long ls distant ones.
My alt account on Horizons bought an Adder last week.
Sidewinder is the answer if you don't like the cookpit. Indeed both Adder and Hauler's views seem to be too obstructed. Ofc internals are limited and you got to make sacrifices if you want to explore properly in a Sidewinder, but, if it's carrier based exploration, that's fine, you only need a DSS and a little fuel scoop. And the smallest footprint makes landings anywhere an easy matter, nice for salad hunting (i don't even look at the ground sometimes, just go to a random spot, and often it's ok). Was spotting bacteria from 50 or so meters altitude the other day too. Opens a debate though, ok i'm exploring in an Asp now what, if a find a planet with a lot of bio, i need to go back to carrier for a Sidewinder? But very nice tool anyway to have. I find an additional fuel tank is good to be added, main tank is drained too fast.
I tried an Asp
I still have my Asp. Without doubt the best view in the game. But the Anaconda has so much more range. I have it and the Krait Phantom nearly maxed out. Thing about the Anaconda nobody talks about that I like the best: It is SO easy to get in and out in the RV. Far more easy than any other ship. It's nearly automatic on the Anaconda, where on other ships it takes me forever fudging back and forth and side to side to get in the right position to board the ship.
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