What's the Brand New Feature for ED in 2024?

My guessing here ....

I reckon, Engineering / Exploration / Mining will get a significant buff.

Base building ... I'm guessing no.

Mostly because this is not an additional to core gameplay ... it'd be a whole new thing.
Also, I fear, they would be great for a few hours novelty play before being largely ignored .....I'm not sold.

Who here's going to tell me I am totally wrong?
(I won't be able to argue back)

At least, just like any other activity in this game, it would be an optional activity, and grind is only in the mind, isn't it?

My amusement levels with the forum exceed the entertainment provided by the game at times. Why are people playing a game they so obviously loathe the mechanics in?
Especially when they are also so prevalent, in many cases to a greater degree, in a lot of other games that are far more popular, according to steam charts..
Discovery of an intricate network of wormholes that connects every black hole in the galaxy. Development of technology which facilitates travelling through them. The catch: We don't know which entry leads to which exit, and returning through a wormhole you just arrived at does not bring you back to your previous location. Connections might even change in time (like at every server maintainance) in some kind of cosmic Gold Code fashion. Figuring this out will take a massive effort of exploration. Sole exception is Sagittarius A at the center of the Milky Way which seems completely detached from the wormhole network. If we ever find another galaxy in the game, this would be the portal to it. But... this would be for another generation.
Fdev will add a brand-new feature to the core gameplay of ED. The tentative release date is end of 2024.

What could it be?...
:unsure:...Would it be something along the lines that Frontier hinted at aways back, the 'Never before feature seen in the Elite games' ? (or is that statement defunct at the moment?).
Anyhow, it could be several things. I'm keeping an open mind on this now, and also I'm not expecting something wonderous, (so I won't be disappointed). ;)
Introductions of brand new ships (not Variants) is about my limit for a practical wish list, and as we've seen some preliminary designs 'leaked' in various media quite a way back, I would have thought there wouldn't be that much extra development to bring these to the fore.
Come to think of it though, bearing in mind introductions of what I'd call 'semi' new designed ships (variants) have been introduced into the game alongside the new Thargoid features, I suppose it's not a big stretch of the imagination to think whatever this brand new feature is, it might also herald some 'new ships' to accompany the 'new core gameplay' feature, as we've seen in the recent past.

Jack :)
I always had a thought on where they could take Elite next, that could possibly gain new players, bring much needed new revenue, and expand the current ED game

Frontier are masters of the Sim type games, so why not complement Elite, with a Planet Elite game. Its would be a separate game, that runs alongside Elite, but uses the Stellar Forge for the galaxy, along with PP2 for the factions, allowing players the ability to build stations on planets and in space, which they manage like in the other Frontier sim games, but those built stations then become real stations in the main game, so we get cross over play, with the sim players managing the stations, and their customers would be the players in their ships.

I think it must be possible, but would the dev costs not stack up against the total sales? Would there be an appetite for something of this scale?
If this ever got realised, then each game would be be a companion game, with each feeding the other, and in doing so, double the scale of Elite, as well as introducing new players, with new playing styles, and possible future expansions
I always had a thought on where they could take Elite next, that could possibly gain new players, bring much needed new revenue, and expand the current ED game

Frontier are masters of the Sim type games, so why not complement Elite, with a Planet Elite game. Its would be a separate game, that runs alongside Elite, but uses the Stellar Forge for the galaxy, along with PP2 for the factions, allowing players the ability to build stations on planets and in space, which they manage like in the other Frontier sim games, but those built stations then become real stations in the main game, so we get cross over play, with the sim players managing the stations, and their customers would be the players in their ships.

I think it must be possible, but would the dev costs not stack up against the total sales? Would there be an appetite for something of this scale?
If this ever got realised, then each game would be be a companion game, with each feeding the other, and in doing so, double the scale of Elite, as well as introducing new players, with new playing styles, and possible future expansions
Reminds me of the old plans for Eve Online & DUST 514. It'd be very cool to see, no doubt about it. I don't think it'll happen, but it doesn't stop it being a cracking concept.
The brand new feature will have
  • nothing to do with grinding
  • it has advantages and no disadvantages
  • it comes 100 percent bug-free
  • it's fun for everyone
That would be something new.
Discovery of an intricate network of wormholes that connects every black hole in the galaxy. Development of technology which facilitates travelling through them. The catch: We don't know which entry leads to which exit, and returning through a wormhole you just arrived at does not bring you back to your previous location. Connections might even change in time (like at every server maintainance) in some kind of cosmic Gold Code fashion. Figuring this out will take a massive effort of exploration. Sole exception is Sagittarius A at the center of the Milky Way which seems completely detached from the wormhole network. If we ever find another galaxy in the game, this would be the portal to it. But... this would be for another generation.
That sounds like yet another thing people are going to have to look up on spansh every time they use it.
That sounds like yet another thing people are going to have to look up on spansh every time they use it.
I haven't designed or thought it through in any degree of detail, just throwing an idea out there which might be a logical continuation with a known science fiction motif and physical theory. If it ever happens, I'm sure they'll make it accessible enough. Or in the vein of this thread, a tall bet that they might already have...? We'll find out when this new thing arrives.
I haven't designed or thought it through in any degree of detail, just throwing an idea out there which might be a logical continuation with a known science fiction motif and physical theory. If it ever happens, I'm sure they'll make it accessible enough. Or in the vein of this thread, a tall bet that they might already have...? We'll find out when this new thing arrives.
I guess what I'm getting at is they might as well keep all the connections static and even have them be known and listed on the galaxy map and built into our existing route plotting systems. Having them be some kind of big mystery that we all figure out together sounds nice but in practice it's just going to turn into another layer of obfuscated functionality that everyone will have to look up on a 3rd party site or use a plugin for; adding a layer of meaningless busywork for anyone who wants to use it. Not opposed to having these things serve as some kind of fast travel hubs (although I honestly don't think Elite particularly needs fast travel: what we really need is multiple save slots and meaningfully different, mutually-exclusive career paths), but we really really don't need what are essentially quality-of-life features buried beneath friction and obfuscation masquerading as gameplay. Elite has way too much of that as-is. Anyway yeah sorry didn't mean to derail or contradict your idea; it's not a bad one at all I just really really hope it doesn't become another thing which is functionally useless without 3rd party tools.
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