What's the Brand New Feature for ED in 2024?

I guess what I'm getting at is they might as well keep all the connections static and even have them be known and listed on the galaxy map and built into our existing route plotting systems. Having them be some kind of big mystery that we all figure out together sounds nice but in practice it's just going to turn into another layer of obfuscated functionality that everyone will have to look up on a 3rd party site or use a plugin for; adding a layer of meaningless busywork for anyone who wants to use it. Not opposed to having these things serve as some kind of fast travel hubs (although I honestly don't think Elite particularly needs fast travel: what we really need is multiple save slots and meaningfully different, mutually-exclusive career paths), but we really really don't need what are essentially quality-of-life features buried beneath friction and obfuscation masquerading as gameplay. Elite has way too much of that as-is. Anyway yeah sorry didn't mean to derail or contradict your idea; it's not a bad one at all I just really really hope it doesn't become another thing which is functionally useless without 3rd party tools.
No I agree, and it was not meant as a means to ease fast travel. Rather to make it more interesting. Even after becoming transparent (which in itself should not be too easy, no matter how much people scream), a changing connection scheme would work against being able to reach any point at any chosen time, at most offer a few occasions throughout the year.
I think the big new feature was super cruise overdrive for all ships.
This is probably intended as humour, but I did consider and discard the possibility a while ago since Arf's Python Mk II and store updates announcement says "we’ll have more to show regarding Engineering and the brand-new feature coming later this year in future Frontier Unlocked livestreams."

This was from April 23rd whereas SCO FPS bug was already known by April 14th so SCO cannot be a feature which arrives "later this year", Q.E.D. ;-)
I'm actually working on a retro 1984 Elite Python right now :D
Are you building it wire frame style?

Fdev will add a brand-new feature to the core gameplay of ED. The tentative release date is end of 2024.

What could it be? Such as:
  1. Ship interiors
  2. Base building, mining resources
  3. Station management
  4. New planet types and biomes
  5. EVA outside a ship in space
  6. Deep NPC interaction with AI voices
  7. On foot VR mode
  8. Procedural cities on planets
  9. Guild system for player groups
  10. Hunt procedural alien wildlife
  11. Something else

11. The titan XXL

I'm going to tell you why ship interiors are not the new feature, with a picture.
Look at the ASP Explorer door location ¿see any ladder or access? (well, maybe an Armstrong Moment put us inside the ship so we can get access to walk around the cockpit.)

If you want ship interiors go to SC (as I do when i want to see clouds in planets), sadly they are not coming for ED.
That disconnection from ship-environment that devs see as a not necessary feature is the reason why a lot of players just ditched this game, beside another things.

Don't get me wrong, I want to support the game and I want to see all that list in ED, but they are making it very difficult.
  1. A lot of years of not reworking and polish a lot of core mechanics of the game.
    (Core mining for example, the best in the genre btw, but they forgot about ground mining (no, the actual SRV is not ground mining, is a lazy shooting experience called "mining")...salvage wrecks to dismantle with the arc tool, etc.
  2. Broken promises.
  3. BIG potential game with bad management decisions.
  4. And the most important point, the one that could bring down companies... Not listening to the players. (Look at Blizzard, for example)

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