Why do people insist on using the incorrect O7 for a salute?

The proper salute in both the UK and US armed services is performed with the right arm, the portion of the arm between the elbow and shoulder parallel to the ground, elbow to fingertip straight. So while it's not perfect, <Ois a far better representation than O7. I'm starting the trend. Out with with O7, in with <O !!!!
Why though? The < symbol looks hideous.
The thing is that there was a wide variation in salutes back in the 20th and early 21st centuries most of which couldn't be realised simply in text so it is not surprising in the thousand plus years since them that the salute has changed.

Ideally you need something like an inverted 7 to indicate the horizontal upper arm at shoulder height and the angled lower arm pointing to the temple/behind the eye/brim of hat of course that doesn't allow for the facing of the hand and how many fingers are used.
The proper salute in both the UK and US armed services is performed with the right arm, the portion of the arm between the elbow and shoulder parallel to the ground, elbow to fingertip straight. So while it's not perfect, <Ois a far better representation than O7. I'm starting the trend. Out with with O7, in with <O !!!!
o7 is actually the right arm, viewed from behind your head. You are facing in toward the viewer, not out toward yourself.

So there ya go.
In the year 2056 after the existing militaries blew up the world it was decided that a new salute was required that didn't have any connections to the old regime. Because most people that the pressed the button were righties we decided to honor lefties by making it a sinister salute. This was also an inclusive gesture to people that insist on using the Devil's hand, redheads and other undesirables. We were making a brand new, tolerant society so barriers had to be breached. :p
The other explanation is that changes in military culture made the switch so that you salute with your left hand and, thus, your right hand remains at your hip, ready to draw your gun at any moment if needed.

Perhaps too many traitors infiltrated the forces, so commanders must be ready for anything.
The proper salute in both the UK and US armed services is performed with the right arm, the portion of the arm between the elbow and shoulder parallel to the ground, elbow to fingertip straight. So while it's not perfect, <Ois a far better representation than O7. I'm starting the trend. Out with with O7, in with <O !!!!
It is more accurate isn't it? I've often wondered. Maybe in space everyone salutes with their left arm? Maybe we are just standing behind them? I don't know... but then saying "O7 CMDR" is one thing, saying "less than O" is another. Good luck with your mission CMDR. (This reply is set to self-destruct in 5 seconds)
No no no .... o7 is not incorrect for being the wrong arm, it's incorrect for the height the hand is in relation to the head. When they type o7, it's like they are saying "He was THIS tall!" A better way to type it is the numerical 0 and a 7 thus: 07 at least then you put the hand at the correct position on the head. But I guess once people get it into their minds to do it wrong, it's hard to get them to do it right.

That it's the wrong arm is down to there not being a reversed 7. Given that you can't do anything about that other than an emote is forgivable. Using a lower case o, is not.
Maybe it's not a salute in the accepted and recognised sense. maybe it's a pat on the head? "there's a good CMDR, well done... o7"
Yeah... this kind of says something else to me. (probably can't post it)
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