[DW2] Distant Worlds 2 - A Journey of Discovery

Except the FSS does not show planetary details at a glance. Where before I could hunt potato planets, or super-canyon planets, etc... directly from the Honk Map, now it will require scanning EVERYTHING. That is not fun, nor is it respectful of time requirements.

The scanner gives zero info about the system layout so you've got no clue if you've found interesting configurations.

It's bad design, far more tedious, and basically destroys the traveling-explorer gametype. Unless something drastic changes (which it won't), I have a feeling there's going to be a fairly decent drop in DW2 sign-ups. Myself included. =(

I'm really sorry to hear that. And sad for you guys. It's never pleasant when the game is changed not in one's favour. Any way I could convince you to try just one expedition where you don't scan everything and try and tag along for other reasons?
While I can see many advantages of the FSS, for my part I like supercruising around a system to look at things that have caught my eye, and so far I am not liking the FSS mini-game one bit. I did a full scan of a large system this evening and it was downright painful. I'm going to persevere with it though.
Except the FSS does not show planetary details at a glance. Where before I could hunt potato planets, or super-canyon planets, etc... directly from the Honk Map, now it will require scanning EVERYTHING. That is not fun, nor is it respectful of time requirements.

The scanner gives zero info about the system layout so you've got no clue if you've found interesting configurations.

It's bad design, far more tedious, and basically destroys the traveling-explorer gametype. Unless something drastic changes (which it won't), I have a feeling there's going to be a fairly decent drop in DW2 sign-ups. Myself included. =(

Can only speak for myself, but I sure as hell ain't going on DW2 anymore having to point at dozens of balls for thousands of times. And I had spent several months getting a T-7 fully prepped for it.
Well, you still have to supercruise over to planets to probe them (Christ, we're going to be making "probing" jokes for months, aren't we?) so it's not a complete departure from traditional exploration.

Honestly, any change they make is worth it for the probes. Imagine everything that's been waiting on planets since Horizons was released, just waiting to be discovered but never found. The mind boggles at what all we're going to find now...
Sure, that's possible, but not for me. I look at every system I jump into, to me as an explorer I just need to. :)
What about all those stars you pass by a light year away to the left or right? There are a lot of stars in the Galaxy and you can't scan them all. Though clearly, you are making a strong effort to.
For me, just passing through a system doesn't compel me to scan it any more than I'm compelled to scan those other nearby systems.

Though it might be embarrassing for me later later if EDSM shows I "discovered first for EDSM" a system that someone later found 5 ELWs in, including Raxala. But I can live with that if it means I can cover 5KLys per hour and keep up with an expedition with only a couple of hours per week of play time. If I have extra time I can slow down and look for things to explore but I gave up the OCD obsession with scanning everything after my first deep space trip.

... Honestly, any change they make is worth it for the probes. Imagine everything that's been waiting on planets since Horizons was released, just waiting to be discovered but never found. The mind boggles at what all we're going to find now...
I mapped a planet last night and was amazed to find a couple of dozen volcanic sites marked for me. It was trivial to glide down right on top of one. I had only ever found two volcanic sites on my own by accident. Never found one when I was deliberately looking.
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What about all those stars you pass by a light year away to the left or right? There are a lot of stars in the Galaxy and you can't scan them all. Though clearly, you are making a strong effort to.
For me, just passing through a system doesn't compel me to scan it any more than I'm compelled to scan those other nearby systems.

No, I wouldn't always scan an entire system, but I'd always glance at the sys map while charging the FSD to see what was there and if the system was interesting enough to spend some time in.

Now in 3.3 to make the same decision I'd have to actually scan the entire system with the FSS, just to see if the system is interesting to me or not. That takes a lot longer than a casual glance, and I won't even be able to charge the FSD while doing it. So yeah, it's going to slow me down greatly.

I'm not saying I'm against slowing down per say as I'm usually not in any great rush, but on group expeditions there are schedules to keep, and I admit I'm concerned I won't be able to keep up after 3.3. Of course more practice and experience is needed with the new mechanics to tell for certain, but I am concerned nonetheless.
Can only speak for myself, but I sure as hell ain't going on DW2 anymore having to point at dozens of balls for thousands of times. And I had spent several months getting a T-7 fully prepped for it.

DWE2 isn't (primarily) about scanning every system though. It's primarily about the social aspects of a long-distance exploration mission with detailed exploration in/around the various waypoints. If you're after a detailed exploration trip it's better to do it by yourself without a timetable, where you can spend as much or as little time somewhere as you like.
No, I wouldn't always scan an entire system, but I'd always glance at the sys map while charging the FSD to see what was there and if the system was interesting enough to spend some time in.
I agree with this 100%.

Isn't it possible to look at the frequency display from the honk to see if there are any planet types you want to look at?
You can see if there are any ELWs but of course you can't see orbital periods or other details.

That said, I'm finding it impossible to cherry pick planets. I can never find a small single signal source without scanning all the other planets first.
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I agree with this 100%.

Isn't it possible to look at the frequency display from the honk to see if there are any planet types you want to look at?
You can see if there are any ELWs but of course you can't see orbital periods or other details.

That said, I'm finding it impossible to cherry pick planets. I can never find a small single signal source without scanning all the other planets first.

Yes, once you have honked the system as we did before, you can check the spectral analysis:


Once we get used to the new system and reading the analysis, it wont take long for you to scan only the cherries. ;)
If DW2 is worth dropping out of just because of that, you must not have much interest in the concept of a group expedition. So it might not interest you either way.

Way to make assumptions. My issue is with the fact that the way I played the game and traveled is going to no longer be possible. Meaning that the travels I have in the galaxy will strictly be that, instead of hunting for oddball planets. The new system has obliterated the ability to quickly identify those planets as you only get surface features now from a full scan. So my travel will be significantly slower if I tried scanning everything, the rate at which I can determine if a system is worth a closer look will be diminished greatly, and all this means I will see LESS than I would have before. So great, more time spent to see less of what I'm looking for while still trying to maintain pace to keep up with the social aspects. That's my problem atm. I have not decided I won't be on DW2, but I'm no longer a sure thing like I was.

I'm really sorry to hear that. And sad for you guys. It's never pleasant when the game is changed not in one's favour. Any way I could convince you to try just one expedition where you don't scan everything and try and tag along for other reasons?

Appreciate it drkaii. At this moment I'm not sure. The new changes just suck from my perspective, even if making exploring more than a single button press is a good thing. An idea I've been tossing around today was maybe have some groups that go off on tangents to the main exploration body hunting specific star classes or something? Have people do surveys of one or two star classes along the way, with them tasked on finding new PoI's for people to visit around each waypoint? Dunno... but something to give those of us who've lost our main hunts a new goal on this might be a fun idea. =)

Yes, once you have honked the system as we did before, you can check the spectral analysis:

Once we get used to the new system and reading the analysis, it wont take long for you to scan only the cherries. ;)

Sure... but nowhere do I see potato planets, or super-canyon planets, or planets with really tall mountains. All that you could get from the Honk Map. You cannot get that now without scanning EVERYTHING. That sucks and completely obliterates the type of exploration a lot of us did.
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Sure, that's possible, but not for me. I look at every system I jump into, to me as an explorer I just need to. :)

I do the same too.

I went on the last DWE trip using the same style of exploration that I use currently - that is Scoop, Honk, open up system map, ignore Ice/Rock worlds, then SC to & scan the rest, even in multistar systems 100's of K LS's from the main Star.

I easily kept up with, if not a lot quicker than the main fleet travelled.

Iv tried the Beta FSS, I too was concerned that I wouldn't be able to keep up in DWE2.

I picked out a route at random from were I was parked up, both in the live game & Beta.
I then scanned the same 5 Systems using both methods. 3 of these systems contained multistars with the 2nd Star 35k, 130k & 135k LS's from the main Star. One of these systems contained 85 Planetary bodies.

The only thing I did different was in the old method I didn't scan Ice/Rock worlds, in the new method I scanned the lot.

The result was...

Old method took me 75 minutes & I scanned 45 Planets
New method took me 53 minutes & I scanned 139 Planets

So I'm quicker by 22 minutes, scanning 5 systems - while still learning & gaining experience with the new system.
There was in fact only 1 system (that just contained Ice worlds) that took me longer to scan than the old method.

I know that this is only a small test batch, but it's probably typical of what would be expected while exploring in the black
Hey guys, I want to say 2 things:

1. I've said this in a previous post but let me reiterate - I am very happy for myself, but that doesn't mean I am not sad for those who have had their ways-of-playing changed to something they don't like. I've had that happen and I know it really sucks. That being said I really want to encourage everyone to come anyway, please! See if you can come just to join us, for the other things that will be going on, and in a determined effort to find the big catch and submit it and we can all meet up at your 6 legged civilisation with scoopable flatulence and 3x FSD upgrades. Or don't let me give you a reason, let me just encourage you to come, find your own reasons, come for no reason other than I am begging you to come!

2. One thing I have always been proud of in the exploration community is we are always united, we rarely argue, we don't have the extreme disagreements and politics seen in other areas of the forum (we may engage in it in the Dangerous Discussion, but rarely here). I really really don't want to see any of that creeping in now that we have a huge contentious issue, especially not in anything Distant Worlds related. I haven't seen it yet, but I can see it as something that could potentially happen, but I am also optimistic that we will hold our heads high, keep our composure and our name as united, reasonable, understanding and while maintaining our high opinions and ideas.

An idea I've been tossing around today was maybe have some groups that go off on tangents to the main exploration body hunting specific star classes or something? Have people do surveys of one or two star classes along the way, with them tasked on finding new PoI's for people to visit around each waypoint? Dunno... but something to give those of us who've lost our main hunts a new goal on this might be a fun idea. =)

Yep that's a fantastic idea. I've had things like that floating around in my head and the exploration department's job is to make sure we have lots of fun/important/interesting/useful things to do just like that. Missions. Events. Squads that go and search for something specific. Gotta balance it with not sending people specifically ahead, but off on a tangent, as we don't want everyone to constantly fly through already explored and tagged systems and lose interest. But yes, when I start planning all this I will definitely look at your post for ideas
I am very happy for myself, but that doesn't mean I am not sad for those who have had their ways-of-playing changed to something they don't like. I've had that happen and I know it really sucks. That being said I really want to encourage everyone to come anyway, please! See if you can come just to join us, for the other things that will be going on, and in a determined effort to find the big catch and submit it and we can all meet up at your 6 legged civilisation with scoopable flatulence and 3x FSD upgrades. Or don't let me give you a reason, let me just encourage you to come, find your own reasons, come for no reason other than I am begging you to come!

For the record, I have absolutely no notion of dropping from DWE2, and I actually love 90% of the new 3.3 exploration changes. I'm simply concerned they are going to slow me down so much that I won't be able to keep up, that's all.

Just wanted to make that clear. :)
For the record, I have absolutely no notion of dropping from DWE2, and I actually love 90% of the new 3.3 exploration changes. I'm simply concerned they are going to slow me down so much that I won't be able to keep up, that's all.

Just wanted to make that clear. :)

Awesome, thank you so much for still coming, I hope it ends up being a very memorable experience for you either way, and your frustration gets unexpectedly replaced with new joys.

BTW, one thing I can say for you guys who need to scan everything, I am pretty sure you are going to end up much richer than before. The game is basically now forcing you to not just honk, but discovery-scan each planet, and is still 10x faster than the old way of discovery-scanning each planet :)

Bit of a weird compromise. You are forced to take longer in each system, but are being given a shortcut to much more mollah. And then anything interesting you find get its own surface mapping bonus, plus bonus for any stuff you find to add to the codex.

To be honest, after DW2, I might just start exploring again and becoming a billionaire in the most fun way imaginable - imagine combining it with LYR's bonus :Q_
For the record, I have absolutely no notion of dropping from DWE2, and I actually love 90% of the new 3.3 exploration changes.

I'm right there with you. I'm still not 100% sold on the new mechanics, but I like most of it so far.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again-- I am (was) a traveler-explorer. I'm going to be hit hard by the changes. But I'm optimistic that I can adapt. I'd say more, but it's getting off topic. So suffice it to say, I'm still looking forward to flying off into the black with (maybe) a few thousand other crazy people. :D
Hey guys, I want to say 2 things:

1. I've said this in a previous post but let me reiterate - I am very happy for myself, but that doesn't mean I am not sad for those who have had their ways-of-playing changed to something they don't like. I've had that happen and I know it really sucks. That being said I really want to encourage everyone to come anyway, please! See if you can come just to join us, for the other things that will be going on, and in a determined effort to find the big catch and submit it and we can all meet up at your 6 legged civilisation with scoopable flatulence and 3x FSD upgrades. Or don't let me give you a reason, let me just encourage you to come, find your own reasons, come for no reason other than I am begging you to come!

dont think you need to start pleading with anyone, these are just a few of the thousands that have signed up to go. if they dont want to go then hey ho they will start to read your weekly newsletters and then realise what they are missing and jump in their souped up asp's and catch us up.

come on time......hurry the F up
I watch the live stream and videos of Obsidian Ant last night.

Such great video! Wow!

It will fit my way of exploring! (I never was the "traveler" type.)

And now, I just can't wait to start the expedition (my very first expedition) in my new engineer Krait mk2.

Can't wait to see what you guys have in store for us!

My only concern will be the binding with my warthog. I'm using Aussie droid script , so hopefully he will have time to update before release!

Fly Safe o7
I watched that stream last night too and he answered a few of my questions. it looks good, but im not sold until i get my hands on it myself, it has promise though.

I wonder if FDev thought about having 2 types of scanning modules, the old one and the new one. the old one does it well.......the old way, but the new one does it well.....the new way. you could choose.
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