Bored in Space: 5K LY to unlock Palin

This ship has sailed with Horizons, introducing Engineers.
Those without Horizons get the short end of the stick, no matter how you turn it and are inferior in combat vs anyone who has Horizons and has their ship pimped.

I guess some may see it like that.

But the way I look at that is - that is an expansion pack, expansion packs are supposed to grant new features to the game. it's not a microtransaction.
1) "Super" Cruise Assist isn't something that was tested during beta and pre-beta and rejected as unwanted/undesirable.

2) SC Assist isn't something that changes the very nature of the way the game plays.

Both of these points strongly indicate it isn't happening. A great deal of content revolves around the way SC works and years of development time becomes essentially pointless if the way we traveled in-system was changed.

Not if it is changed in such a way as to support and even enhance the travel mechanics. There's been some good suggestions regarding how to do this, with various levels of intricacy/dev effort needed.
The straight line was assuming there are no other bodies of gravity in the line. Else of course, fly around them. But you get the idea.

Even with no intervening bodies the straight line is the worst and usually slowest path to follow. If you fly in a straight line between system entry point and the station you are following a trade route, you will see the notice in the bottom left of your screen, flying along a trade route increases the chances of being interdicted by a pirate, I would suggest being interdicted and pulled out of SC would increase the amount of time it takes to arrive at the station, as well as the danger of being destroyed and or having goods stolen. If you path away from the trade route you enter deep space, decreasing the chances of being interdicted. It's always best if you are trading to leave the trade route, specially if your ship isn't equipped for combat.
Not if it is changed in such a way as to support and even enhance the travel mechanics. There's been some good suggestions regarding how to do this, with various levels of intricacy/dev effort needed.

The players don't get to tell the devs where to spend development time, apart from the fact that the devs in fact can consider these suggestion and the amount of time requried to make them actually work and decide whether or not it's practicable. You can put forward as many suggestions as you like, I certainly wouldn't discourage people from doing that, but the end decision is up to the devs. There have been plenty of suggestion on ways to make the current SC travel mechanic more interesting and engaging as well that don't require mini-jumps and/or fast travel of any sort.

Suggesting mini-jumps and game mechanic changes is one thing, them actually being practical or desirable is altogether a different thing. Also don't forget the dev's also have to consider the opinions of people opposed to mini-jumps/fast travel of this sort.

This is not a democracy, the dev's get the final say, and if they decide the best thing to do is to leave it alone that's what they will do. Changing nothing annoys people a bit because they don't get what they want but since they never had it in the first place it's not a game breaker, changing things in a major way could potentially lose them part of their player base.
Instead of micro jumps, perhaps supercruise could be adjusted to have a higher top speed. There would still be the same effect of gravity wells at the current speeds, but once the ship get increasingly away from the gravity effects it can attain a much faster speed than it currently does.

The ‘movement’ animation of particles and the side bars could change, the faster the ship goes,to indicate the diffference in speed and to add interest. The pilot would need to be more engaged at these speeds to fly the ship correctly, hence it would be also more engaging as a trip.

On a side note, it’s interesting that FSD grades only affect range, not speed. Ie an A rated FSD could go to ‘warp 9’ whereas a D would only attain ‘warp 6’ (to borrow from another well known sci-if) Am sure FDev considered this sort of thing in development but I do feel that FSD and travelling could be spiced up a bit with more variables to play with in use.
I was fortunate in that I decided to make a trip to the Eta Carina nebula in my cobra just to see what was out there--BEFORE Horizons was a thing. I was quite aggravated and disappointed at finding nothing of real interest other than a red sky, but when Horizons hit, I was surprised to find Palin introduced as soon as he was available. Once I realized WHY I already had his location, I was, I admit, a bit relieved to know I had dodged a bullet.

Still had to go do the sensors garbage, but apparently I'd saved myself a trip.


That's an interesting statement.

It has taken six years to reach the Auto Cruise Assist ...... which, as it happens, points to no mini-jumps, but rather the ability to do other things while on the cruise .... maybe, other things such as walking around the ship, looking out of different windows, etc.

That's the thing with traveling in this game.

It's a long frickin' hop across systems, or even in-system (eg. Hutton).

Useless time-sink where you just spend time going wooosh in space doing crap all.
You could watch a video while travelling, but at the same time, you also have to keep an eye out on your ship just in case you overshoot.

It's a halfway nowhere scenario. Get that, FDev? Braben? Halfway nowhere.

If you want the grind to remain, fine. But add in a bloody autopilot, for God sakes. Not the supercruise assist which does crap all. But a full fledge autopilot along the lines of what FE2 gave us, hopefully more intelligent, with the ability to curve around obstacles and planets. If your NPC can do it, why not the Autopilot?

At least I can fully let the game run and watch a video while that is happening, and not be bored out of my wit just staring at stars and dots passing by, or watching a video, but always worrying about where I am.

Halfway Nowhere.

For those who oppose the idea. You don't have to buy the autopilot. U save a slot. Go, be happy, smirk your elitist purist smirk about other commanders needing automation.
The rest of us just want to get to the point of what we're doing. You like the journey. Hooray for you. Whoopsee doo. But some of us only care about the destination.
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That's the thing with traveling in this game.

It's a long frickin' hop across systems, or even in-system (eg. Hutton).

Useless time-sink where you just spend time going wooosh in space doing crap all.
You could watch a video while travelling, but at the same time, you also have to keep an eye out on your ship just in case you overshoot.

It's a halfway nowhere scenario. Get that, FDev? Braben? Halfway nowhere.

If you want the grind to remain, fine. But add in a bloody autopilot, for God sakes. Not the supercruise assist which does crap all. But a full fledge autopilot along the lines of what FE2 gave us, but more intelligent, with the ability to curve around obstacles and planets. If your NPC can do it, why not the Autopilot?

At least I can fully let the game run and watch a video while that is happening, and not be bored out of my wit just staring at stars and dots passing by, or watching a video, but always worrying about where I am.

Halfway Nowhere.
Or ..... halfway Somewhere ;)
The players don't get to tell the devs where to spend development time, apart from the fact that the devs in fact can consider these suggestion and the amount of time requried to make them actually work and decide whether or not it's practicable. You can put forward as many suggestions as you like, I certainly wouldn't discourage people from doing that, but the end decision is up to the devs. There have been plenty of suggestion on ways to make the current SC travel mechanic more interesting and engaging as well that don't require mini-jumps and/or fast travel of any sort.

Suggesting mini-jumps and game mechanic changes is one thing, them actually being practical or desirable is altogether a different thing. Also don't forget the dev's also have to consider the opinions of people opposed to mini-jumps/fast travel of this sort.

This is not a democracy, the dev's get the final say, and if they decide the best thing to do is to leave it alone that's what they will do. Changing nothing annoys people a bit because they don't get what they want but since they never had it in the first place it's not a game breaker, changing things in a major way could potentially lose them part of their player base.
Getting bugs fixed, that's the democracy.
I think I've done about 50 jumps and I'm nearly halfway to the 5K light years I need to unlock Palin. I somehow managed the 50 jumps by watching YouTube videos while playing. I'm not sure I can motivate myself to finish this trip.

How do you deep space explorers manage the tedious repetition of jump after jump?

Has anyone ever suggested to FDev that we should arrive a bit farther away from the star so that it doesn't obstruct our next jump? Jump, go around star, jump. Jump, go around star jump. Fuel scoop for 10 minutes.

Asp X 50 ly jump range with Guardian FSD booster.

If it's taking you 10 minutes to scoop then your fuel scoop is probably too small. Size 5 or 6 in the ASP, you can scoop at each star as you fly around it to the next jump.

Also, flying around the start takes much longer. If you must do it that way, point at 90 degrees from the star when you drop. Your view will be clear by the time you can start charging the FSD again.

I'm not an explorer by any stretch (though I have done the colonia trip a couple of times) the trick is to find every way you can make each jump as time efficient as possible.
Even with no intervening bodies the straight line is the worst and usually slowest path to follow. If you fly in a straight line between system entry point and the station you are following a trade route, you will see the notice in the bottom left of your screen, flying along a trade route increases the chances of being interdicted by a pirate, I would suggest being interdicted and pulled out of SC would increase the amount of time it takes to arrive at the station, as well as the danger of being destroyed and or having goods stolen. If you path away from the trade route you enter deep space, decreasing the chances of being interdicted. It's always best if you are trading to leave the trade route, specially if your ship isn't equipped for combat.
Let's set interdiction aside - optimal conditions : No stellar bodies in the way, straight path available, one station 1'000'000 ls away from point of entry.
It's still a waste of time to fly there, takes you ages to get there, no matter what. And it's just not gameplay.

The players don't get to tell the devs

This is not a democracy, the dev's get the final say, and if they decide the best thing to do is to leave it alone that's what they will do. Changing nothing annoys people a bit because they don't get what they want but since they never had it in the first place it's not a game breaker, changing things in a major way could potentially lose them part of their player base.
Actually, player do get to tell.
If players stop playing the game because it is just not what they want to play, the plug will get pulled and the devs will be out of a job.

So, YES, it is a democracy. Players do dictate to quite some extent where the game is going.
Let's just say for argument's sake, all of us stop playing the game for 30 days. We boycott the game and don't play because we want microjumps until we get it.
That goes 2 ways:
  • The devs make haste and implement it asap
  • FDev pulls the plug on Elite because no one is playing it.

I was quite aggravated and disappointed at finding nothing of real interest other than a red sky
Welcome to Elite Exploration.

That's the thing with traveling in this game.

It's a long frickin' hop across systems, or even in-system (eg. Hutton).

Useless time-sink where you just spend time going wooosh in space doing crap all.
You could watch a video while travelling, but at the same time, you also have to keep an eye out on your ship just in case you overshoot.
That's exactly the point. The game has lots if waiting timers, where all you do is just watch the clock tick down towards 0 before you get to do something. Be it landing or watch another loading screen.
A game where you are pretty much forced to occupy yourself because the game does nothing other than make you wait is badly designed. The gameloops need an overhaul, and they need it badly.
I can't believe this thread is still alive. It was just me venting about how much I hate engineers.

Anyway, I got my 5K and self-destructed as soon as I got my invite from Palin.

I play in VR but I managed to setup a YouTube window in VR, in the cockpit with me. So, I watched some javascript talks as I tediously jumped from system to system.

I did see a couple of nice looking nebulae on the way. Also saw a Lagrange cloud.

Now I just have to farm outbreak systems for pharmaceutical isolators. The fun just doesn't end thanks to engineers.
I guess some may see it like that.

But the way I look at that is - that is an expansion pack, expansion packs are supposed to grant new features to the game. it's not a microtransaction.
If folks with both are instanced together it is a DLC for P2W for all intents.


I can't believe this thread is still alive. It was just me venting about how much I hate engineers.

Anyway, I got my 5K and self-destructed as soon as I got my invite from Palin.

Good idea. I just fixed up a stripped down, G5-eng'ed FSD DBX.
Shd be good for around 60LY a pop, more with jumponium.

Maybe I can just do the 5000LY run. Should take me maybe what? 100 jumps? An hour plus perhaps.

But just to note. If you SD, won't you lose all your honking data?
If so, you mght as well just jump without honking right?
I can't believe this thread is still alive. It was just me venting about how much I hate engineers.

Anyway, I got my 5K and self-destructed as soon as I got my invite from Palin.

I play in VR but I managed to setup a YouTube window in VR, in the cockpit with me. So, I watched some javascript talks as I tediously jumped from system to system.

I did see a couple of nice looking nebulae on the way. Also saw a Lagrange cloud.

Now I just have to farm outbreak systems for pharmaceutical isolators. The fun just doesn't end thanks to engineers.

Friendly reminder: no one is forcing you to do it, if you want to do it, please cut the moaning to a minimum, we all have to do it...or not...

But just to note. If you SD, won't you lose all your honking data?
If so, you mght as well just jump without honking right?

So, YES, it is a democracy. Players do dictate to quite some extent where the game is going.
Let's just say for argument's sake, all of us stop playing the game for 30 days. We boycott the game and don't play because we want microjumps until we get it.
That goes 2 ways:
  • The devs make haste and implement it asap
  • FDev pulls the plug on Elite because no one is playing it.
Three ways:
  • Nothing changes because most people actually don't care about this / understand that unlocking engineers is optional / actually like it this way.
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