So....the only one on the list that shows up is WISE 0855-0714, which turns out to be a Federal system. 🙄

Given some light research, I settled on OTS 44 (rogue proto-star/gas giant), an interesting specimen that is supposedly a proto-star with a dust ring. It's in the Chameleon constellation, near IC 2631 (can't find this nebula in game...unless it's supposed to be the Chameleon nebula). IC 2631 is illuminated by HD 97300 (aka HIP 54557). I've spent the last hour checking proto-stars all around this area and nothing.

Also, nothing showing up on my nav panel that doesn't look like a normal system. I'm not entirely sure what determines star designations. As of this writing I'm in Chamaeleon Sector JH-U b3-4...what do these letter/number designations mean?

Not an exhaustive search, nor do I feel like I'm done just yet. But, I suspect if FDev put rogues in game they're set up as normal systems or within normal systems (as is the case with WISE 0855-0714).

There used to be a very good thread that explained ED’s star naming convention. It disappeared so I deleted the link, but kept this
, however this is a useful synopsis Source:

Basically in the last part of the system name the letter is determined by the system mass, hence my comment that a “system” that is actually just a rogue planet wandering around by itself would have a low mass (by stellar standards, even if it was a gas giant) so it would be a?-?
Just some additional tinfoil to go along with this great write up. The announcement of Starship One taking an unscheduled detour for classified purposes was released in the one or two articles immediately following its disappearance. Hopefully this article links properly.

The timing of the article is very precise. I’m not sure if this emphasis on the time frame is indicative of a potential window of opportunity or not but interesting nonetheless. This is also where the unscheduled detour to Azaleach for classified reasons is mentioned.

Something that may or may not mean anything, the jump to Azaleach and the fact that Halsey’s sister is named Azalea. It could be something as simple as Halsey wanted to see a system named similarly to her sister hence the detour but why make that reason classified if that was the case?

This next bit of info is complete rumor and hearsay but I read that Rogue planets used to be implemented back in an Alpha and they’d rip you out of hyperspace if you jumped too close to one’s gravity well while going from system A to system B and a rogue was between the two locations before that mechanic was changed. Is this what really happened to Starship One?

Also the reporter that killed herself was not the only mysterious death around this time frame. At least one, maybe more, experts on the disappearance of The Highliner Antares met unfortunate deaths after Starship One went missing just as they were going to aid in the new disappearance, unless I’m misremembering.

Lastly, I distinctly remember an early dev video showing a dev jumping directly to a planet, not a star, not sure if it was shared here or elsewhere but I definitely think I’ll be taking some time to try to dig it up again.

Edit: I also forgot this: The original person of interest regarding Starship One’s potential sabotage is not the same suspect in the latest articles. Not sure if it means anything and I don’t have my easily searchable archive site anymore to find the articles mentioning the guys.

I’m still trying to find details of the unscheduled diversion “unnamed for security reasons”. The Wiki ( has a useful summary of the events timeline. There’s a post ( about 78 Ursae Majoris which says the visit there was strange, there had been unrest there until quite recently and Halsey wasn’t welcome. The post ( of 06 May 3301 gives 10 of the destinations and says another dozen were expected to be added.

Cant find anything so far about the secret diversion, other than (26 MAY 3301) the destruction occured shortly after start of the jump to Azaleach which was unscheduled.

Edit: just did another search. Someone on the forum pointed out that “The accident happened shortly after halsey met Mahon, after which she announced a deviation from the planned route.” Seems likely that meeting was relevant.
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I’m still trying to find details of the unscheduled diversion “unnamed for security reasons”. The Wiki ( has a useful summary of the events timeline. There’s a post ( about 78 Ursae Majoris which says the visit there was strange, there had been unrest there until quite recently and Halsey wasn’t welcome. The post ( of 06 May 3301 gives 10 of the destinations and says another dozen were expected to be added.

Cant find anything so far about the secret diversion, other than (26 MAY 3301) the destruction occured shortly after start of the jump to Azaleach which was unscheduled.

Edit: just did another search. Someone on the forum pointed out that “The accident happened shortly after halsey met Mahon, after which she announced a deviation from the planned route.” Seems likely that meeting was relevant.
I don't think there was anything else on Galnet. The plan was to go to Saga. The report of the detour to Azaleach, came after SS1 went missing.
List of comfirmed and suspected rogues

Perhaps this list would be a good place to start? Some, according to the list, are quite close to Sol. I'm not entirely sure how one might go about it, as I doubt any of these will show up in a Galmap search (haven't tried yet...will do within the hour).

Since I'm going to be doing some bouncing around in my DBX, I'll check out some of the systems @Jorki Rasalas posted above in relation to Halsey.
See also the catalog at which includes detection method used, confirmed (or not), etc
I don't think there was anything else on Galnet. The plan was to go to Saga. The report of the detour to Azaleach, came after SS1 went missing.

Though I’m convinced that I remember a diagram, possibly by Simulacrae ( where is he? Not heard from him for a while!) of the route and diversion.

Rereading the events timeline I’m thinking it was all about politics; we know Starship One was sabotaged, the loss was nothing to do with a hypothesised encounter with a rogue planet or Raxxla. Suspect Vincent ordered the sabotage at the instigation of Zachary Hudson who I suspect is a member of the Club (probably both of them). However Winters is also suspect (another Club member?). Don’t understand why Halsey would have had any reason for a secret diversion (to Azaleach?) after talking with Edmund Mahon (edit: I haven’t found any confirmation of this meeting yet). Only thing I can find on him around that time is
11 MAR 3301
During The War for Lugh, Mahon refused to aid the Crimson State Group when they asked for assistance in their fight against the Federation. The reason he gave was that Lugh was legally ruled by the Federation, hence the Crimson State Group did not rule a functioning independent state.

Edit: another item talks about her “bizarre choice to visit 78 Ursae Majoris (a system which overwhelmingly voted to leave the Federation nearly two months ago)”. This is twice that this destination was noted in galnet posts as a “strange” and “bizarre” destination. But I don’t understand why! it would be logical for her to show publicly an interest in such a system-28April 3301 “The purported aim of the trip is to build stronger links between Sol and its many offspring. For years, Federal frontier systems have complained that the Mars Congress has consistently failed to provide adequate support for fledgling Federal colonies.”

Think this is a red herring in the Quest for Raxxla! (Or rogue planets!). Nothing to see here, move along please!
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Report from Tyko:
At Goliath's Rest & refuelled at local NS. Carbon star is the jewel that burns...
Ships's camera working again, thankfully because the view is magnificent.
Looked into the Abyss, it looked back & stuck its tongue out at me! There are a few bright stars above me, but I think no return journey


SWOALS HG-Y F11 is a BH 263ly away but no NS for return journey, If Raxxla is a one-way trip forget it! I may be old but I ain't ready for euthansia just yet thank you, too much good Lavian brandy remains in the vat! MMmm-though could be a good hiding place for Raxxla-a one-way BH after a one-way jump!! Not going to try it though. Maybe someone with an FC might care to check this one out?
SWOALS BA-A is quite bright, has OO, B0, B0, but is 261 ly away, ditto!

Wondering where to go next...


Damn tourist ships get everywhere!






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Though I’m convinced that I remember a diagram, possibly by Simulacrae ( where is he? Not heard from him for a while!) of the route and diversion.

Rereading the events timeline I’m thinking it was all about politics; we know Starship One was sabotaged, the loss was nothing to do with a hypothesised encounter with a rogue planet or Raxxla. Suspect Vincent ordered the sabotage at the instigation of Zachary Hudson who I suspect is a member of the Club (probably both of them). However Winters is also suspect (another Club member?). Don’t understand why Halsey would have had any reason for a secret diversion (to Azaleach?) after talking with Edmund Mahon (edit: I haven’t found any confirmation of this meeting yet). Only thing I can find on him around that time is
11 MAR 3301
During The War for Lugh, Mahon refused to aid the Crimson State Group when they asked for assistance in their fight against the Federation. The reason he gave was that Lugh was legally ruled by the Federation, hence the Crimson State Group did not rule a functioning independent state.

Edit: another item talks about her “bizarre choice to visit 78 Ursae Majoris (a system which overwhelmingly voted to leave the Federation nearly two months ago)”. This is twice that this destination was noted in galnet posts as a “strange” and “bizarre” destination. But I don’t understand why! it would be logical for her to show publicly an interest in such a system-28April 3301 “The purported aim of the trip is to build stronger links between Sol and its many offspring. For years, Federal frontier systems have complained that the Mars Congress has consistently failed to provide adequate support for fledgling Federal colonies.”

Think this is a red herring in the Quest for Raxxla! (Or rogue planets!). Nothing to see here, move along please!

Hi Jorki - ya filthy IRL been keeping me busy

Here is the timeline I put together

Yup- there was an article in Galnet on 24 May 3301 that has since been expunged... It indicated that there was a meeting between Halsey and Mahon on 78 Ursae Majoris ... after which Halsey makes a change in the flight plan and heads to Azaleach... And gets blown up in route.
Hi Jorki - ya filthy IRL been keeping me busy

Here is the timeline I put together

Yup- there was an article in Galnet on 24 May 3301 that has since been expunged... It indicated that there was a meeting between Halsey and Mahon on 78 Ursae Majoris ... after which Halsey makes a change in the flight plan and heads to Azaleach... And gets blown up in route.

Good to have you back mate! RL is a pain. Did you draw up a Starship One route diagram??
Thanks, good to have that confirmed. Wonder why it was expunged?? Perhaps The Club have friends in Cambridge? Perhaps the knowledge of that meeting was too sensitive?

And I wonder what Mahon said to Halsey to cause her secret diversion to Azaleach???

Edit: but it explains the two galnet comments that it was strange & bizarre that she was visiting 78 Ursae Majoris. It was a hot date!😉
So what would the Alliance Prime Minister have to say to the Fed President for her to go off suddenly on a secret mission to Azaleach??? What was there? And was she killed (I strongly suspect by The Club) because of that meeting? Did Mahon have knowledge about the UA/TS that Fed military were retrieving (on behalf of The Club?) and taking (somewhere) but about which she had been kept in the dark by Admiral Vincent? We know The Club have greater knowledge of Thargoids than general populace, the Alliance are rumoured to have had some dealings with goids in the past (Out of The Darkness?), perhaps The Club killed her to keep their Thargoid-related activities secret?

Edit: ah, 15May3301-78 Ursae Majoris, after leaving the Federation, joined the Alliance. Makes a little more sense why Halsey & Mahon might have met, but not what was said/reason for route change.
Timing of route change & sabotage: 26May3301 “Two days ago, Navy Command received word that the President would be taking an unscheduled detour to Azaleach. Her reasons as to why remain classified.”

“12 hours ago, following entry into hyperspace, Spaceflight One went dark. All attempts by the President’s security team to trace the vessel have met with failure.”
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That XX system reference is very strange! I don’t think it’s in reference to Azaleach because that mission is being provided in Azaleach itself, and it said XX was located 75ly from that location. There’s a lot of secrecy still surrounding this whole thing. I never knew she met with Mahon. Maybe he imparted her with information to help save her presidency and all she had to do was jump to a certain system, one that Hudson and the Club wanted to stop her from getting to.
That XX system reference is very strange! I don’t think it’s in reference to Azaleach because that mission is being provided in Azaleach itself, and it said XX was located 75ly from that location. There’s a lot of secrecy still surrounding this whole thing. I never knew she met with Mahon. Maybe he imparted her with information to help save her presidency and all she had to do was jump to a certain system, one that Hudson and the Club wanted to stop her from getting to.
If i remember correctly, the system turned out to be Furuhjelm I-645. Now we only need to find system RA and system LA. :p
That XX system reference is very strange! I don’t think it’s in reference to Azaleach because that mission is being provided in Azaleach itself, and it said XX was located 75ly from that location. There’s a lot of secrecy still surrounding this whole thing. I never knew she met with Mahon. Maybe he imparted her with information to help save her presidency and all she had to do was jump to a certain system, one that Hudson and the Club wanted to stop her from getting to.
I think the last-reported system XX 75 ly from Azaleach would have been an interim stop. 78 Ursae Majoris to Azaleach is 112.19ly, & I assume Starship One would have had a jump range of about 20ly? So several jumps would have been needed.

Edit: and the planned systems after 78 Ursae Majoris were Su, then Furuhjlem I-645 then Saga & we know she didnt reach there. The question outstanding - is Furuhjlem I-645 enroute from 78 Urs Maj to Azaleach?
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Something I noticed that may have no bearing on the mystery but is still interesting...

Ngurii is noted for having Soontill Relics and being located somewhat close to Soontill. Phekda had a similar auction of alien relics that left people upset some time ago. Phekda is pretty close to the area of Starship One's disappearance. Probably mere coincidence.

But its saying the phekda ones turned out to be fakes. Still, its naming a system for the sake of naming a system. It could easily have led to more
I don’t disagree with you and you’re most likely right but I also don’t believe everything Galnet tells me. The current relics are sold by Garry’s Reclamations, the Phekda ones were supposedly sold by Gallagher’s Restorations. Weird similarity in the sellers naming convention in my opinion and my brain is searching for patterns that might not exist.

It’s just something I noticed while searching that area. I don’t think it’s anything significant but we probably won’t know for certain unless a big discovery is made.
I don’t disagree with you and you’re most likely right but I also don’t believe everything Galnet tells me. The current relics are sold by Garry’s Reclamations, the Phekda ones were supposedly sold by Gallagher’s Restorations. Weird similarity in the sellers naming convention in my opinion and my brain is searching for patterns that might not exist.

It’s just something I noticed while searching that area. I don’t think it’s anything significant but we probably won’t know for certain unless a big discovery is made.

There are hints in the galnet posts of the time that aliens are involved somehow in the disappearance of Starship One. These are worded as crackpot theories, however I suspect there is some aspect of aliens that is relevant just from the proximity of relevant posts in the timeline. We know Fed military convoys were retrieving UA for some purpose, Halsey was murdered by Admiral Vincent so maybe the Military arm was keeping the Executive arm in the dark about this (& possibly other alien-related activities-where did the Black Flight originate?). So the mention of Phekda and hence relationship with “alien artefacts” may be meaningful. The trouble is that we have no way of putting more meat onto these bones. Vague hints is all we get, with many possible interpretations.
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