Odyssey VR specific bug reports - please contribute!

After testing it this morning, I’m afraid so 😅
New issue report: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/50383 - Shadow flicker in VR - experienced this myself before, shadows are flickering in and out of existence at Stations, planetary bases, and landscapes. I’ll be adding my confirmations to the report and will appreciate it if anyone would take the time to do likewise 👍
Thanks for checking.
Nice to see it won't be the only issue with shadows in VR, it was getting lonely. What a show.
Fourth time lucky?

https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/49401 - Comms panel “local” in VR disappears
No such luck for me :)

It's partly my fault. I figured "confirming" meant FDev would have a glance at it and determine if the issue was worth their attention. I mean, this issue happens to everyone using headlook and VR, all the time. It's not dependent on my personal setup or any other external influence. It's a solid bug and the code to fix it is in their Horizons code repository prior to ironically named "Quality of Life improvements" of Update 7, back in Sept 2021.

Now I know that "confirming" means, you report an issue and it's up to you to mount an information campaign to recruit comments and votes for it. This is crazy because, as noted on the first page of this thread (thank you!), the same issue is being reported by different people using slightly different words, which makes it their own, unique case that's expired shortly thereafter.

Thank you for your continued support to all things VR, o7.
No such luck for me :)

It's partly my fault. I figured "confirming" meant FDev would have a glance at it and determine if the issue was worth their attention. I mean, this issue happens to everyone using headlook and VR, all the time. It's not dependent on my personal setup or any other external influence. It's a solid bug and the code to fix it is in their Horizons code repository prior to ironically named "Quality of Life improvements" of Update 7, back in Sept 2021.

Now I know that "confirming" means, you report an issue and it's up to you to mount an information campaign to recruit comments and votes for it. This is crazy because, as noted on the first page of this thread (thank you!), the same issue is being reported by different people using slightly different words, which makes it their own, unique case that's expired shortly thereafter.

Thank you for your continued support to all things VR, o7.
Thanks for the thanks 😁

The comms panel problem is something I’ve not seen because I’ve always had the look-to-pop-up thing disabled. I’ll alter my settings and have a check tomorrow, then add my confirmations to the latest report for what it’s worth.

It may be something that gets noticed by FDev without reaching confirmed status - expired issues sometimes (though very rarely) get fixed, like the black box title screen VR problem that got solved this Update.
expired issues sometimes (though very rarely) get fixed

I'll hang on to that hope till the bitter end! lol

Right so you can "show" the Comms panel (and others) when you look at it. That's the "show" setting. But you can also "activate" it which then puts the input focus in the chat window. It's great, especially during a wing or active combat, since you just look and start typing away. Looking away deactivates the window and you go back to flying the ship.

This issue started in Odyssey way back in Sept. When they added some of the QoL from EDO to EDH, that bug was copied over. The main issue, where you couldn't change Comms panel tabs, was fixed. But this bug with the chat window cleared before you can read it, remains.
@JR250 - I've changed my settings and travelled to ShinDez but I must be playing at unsociable hours as no chat was popping up 😅 I'll give it another go over the weekend.
@Malic - I've submitted the following reports:

https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/50437 - Codex and Squadron screens excessive brightness
https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/50438 - Scatter cell fade-in value resetting

If you could drum up some comfirmations for the issues, it'd be much appreciated (y)
I’ve removed the VR flickering shadow report from the OP as the flatscreen version of the same problem has now reached the voting stage: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/50402
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Minor new thing I've noticed but it seems to be unique to when in VR in update 12 and wonder if anyone else can replicate. The new interaction with the fleet carrier tablet at the command chair does not become interactive when in VR if your "On Foot FOV" is set to the high end of the scale (starting around 90% and up to max). Works fine in Flat at the widest FOV but in VR you have to dial it down, stand up and sit back down to get it to show the interact option in VR.
@JR250 - I’ve been able to replicate the issue with the comms so I’ve added my confirmations to the issue report as well as a short example video.
New issue report: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/50608 - ADS weapon stutter in VR - seems that when aiming-down-sights and moving around, the weapon model stutters around making it difficult to aim. This was previously reported by another player in June last year but that report expired without a single confirmation.

I checked it out last time but couldn’t duplicate the problem but I’ll check once again just to be sure.
Issue report https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/45586 - Starlight beams rotate with head - has been closed with a “By Design” message. I was expecting this as my smoke particle report got closed the same way a few years ago.

If you voted for this issue please put your now-free vote to good use elsewhere 👍
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(this was also a quick test of Oculus Mirror image stabilization which seems to work well. No more jittery videos from me!)
Yeah! I use both image stabilization and also turn off tilting which further stabilizes the image. You can set the capture screen, fps, etc as well.

Not sure if this is what I currently use but I took notes on this so I can launch Mirror with these settings already enabled: OculusMirror.exe --size 1920 1080 --FovTanAngleMultiplier 1.2 1.2 --SymetricFov --LeftEyeOnly --DisableFovStencil --IncludeSystemGui

Sorry for the off-topic
I don't know if it's VR specific, and it's a bit hard to explain but...

Basically the small dots that represent distant planets and stars seem to be stuck in position as you move through a system, the orbit lines move but the stars and planets in that system remain stuck in position. Until you get close to a planet, perhaps to land on it, then the distant dots representing the stars and planets vanish,

Also, not a bug, but previously when you arrived in a system not many stars were visible, then as you travelled further from the main star the "sky" got darker and more and more stars were visible, now that doesn't happen anymore, very sad.
I don't know if it's VR specific, and it's a bit hard to explain but...

Basically the small dots that represent distant planets and stars seem to be stuck in position as you move through a system, the orbit lines move but the stars and planets in that system remain stuck in position. Until you get close to a planet, perhaps to land on it, then the distant dots representing the stars and planets vanish,
This has been acknowledged by FDev and can be voted for here: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/48765 (y)

Please add this awful bug to the list
And those that experience it pls post

Is this a different problem from this acknowledged and highly voted for (#6 on the chart) report? https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/42855
Well broadly speaking yes it's the same but he doesn't mention what vrfps clearly points out. That reprojection skyrockets as frametimes plummet, And that it's not just settlements it's ALL assets both orbital and planetary.
But I've added to most of the above reports.
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I just wish FDev cared enough to improve overall visuals and performance in VR. I don't do any on-foot aspects (I never wanted, nor do I have any interest in spacelegs). But planets/moons look HORRIBLE compared to Horizons and they don't even render any detail until you're practically landed. Even then, they are BORING. Framerates as you get closer to the surface plummet. I don't expect any of this to be improved.
That reprojection skyrockets as frametimes plummet
... Just to make sure I'm following... Do you really mean frame times plummet, and not frame rate plummets? ...Because it would normally be frame time surging, rather than plummeting, that leads to failure to finish frames in time for the next screen refresh, and consequently to reprojection (which is a function of the VR runtime - not the game) having to fill in the blanks...

If lower frame times (...whose inverse is essentially potential rendered fps), especially if these frame times are (as desired) lower than the time between screen refreshes (11-ish milliseconds for 90Hz), lead to more reprojection, then something is indeed strangely off.

Also, not a bug, but previously when you arrived in a system not many stars were visible, then as you travelled further from the main star the "sky" got darker and more and more stars were visible, now that doesn't happen anymore, very sad.
There are many things that appear strange to me with the new light balancing; Other than the whole universe dimming up and down, depending on what you are looking at, and each eye dimming independently of the other, I very often find pixel values compressing heavily, making planet faces, etc, almost solid white discs... Really wish we had true HDR displays, and could watch the game's HDR raw, instead of tonemapped to SDR. (Also, for this game in particular, really, really wish we had multifocal displays, so that the planet far beneath me, and the milky way much farther away yet, didn't resolve to the same 1-2m focal distance as the cockpit I'm sitting in - this is disturbing me more and more... :7)
The excessively bright Codex and Squadron screen surroundings has now got the green tick of Acknowledgement and is currently at position #110 of the popularity parade.
https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/50438 is on its last couple of days and still requires two more confirmations - so if you’ve seen rocks and whatnot doing the disappear/reappear shuffle, please take a few moments to ensure this one gets on Frontier’s books 👍
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