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But now all narative is being removed from the VR version of Elite. (H3.8). Maybe H4.0 works well in VR ? I wont know because I bought Odyssey so that means I cannot try H4.0.

Why would it?
It's the same codebase as Odyssey so it should have the same performance levels

And probably the same download size... i will confirm it soon, but based on how long it takes it seems to be Odyssey like size

View attachment 322298

This is how my recently moved XB>PC Commander (No Odyssey) Install looks 👇


It is screaming Odyssey!
So again, why would you expect better VR performance in Horizons 4.0 than what already you can get in Odyssey?
They're the same codebase after all
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I have both Horizons and Odyssey, and I just installed windows and started a steam download. It's 70gb which suggests that it's installing both EDH 20gb and EDO 50gb. Not sure I'd be happy to have this increase to 120GB, especially for something I'd probably never use (Horizons 4.0)..
back in the day it was quite normal on game installation to have a checkbox of what bits and bobs you want to install. I agree having to install the same game 3 times is not ideal but as an option for those of us who are otherwise now unable to play with our mates who want to see the free new content in ED:O but don't (for valid reasons) think ED:O is worth a purchase.

the problem is this as it is now actually punishes those who support the game more than those who do not.

given I don't do the onfoot content in ED it would have been beneficial for me not to have bought EDO until at least there was a CG I wanted to do which needed the on foot content..... and that is a crazy situation.

I asked before and despite some folk saying this situation is perfectly normal , name 1 other game which work like this that buying an expansion stops you playing with those who didn't buy it.. and no one gave a single example.
Maybe its not as simple as i see it. BUT EDO and EDH4.0 could play together. Would it just be as simple as disabling the Disembark button for EDH4.0 players?
TehnoMag I included this line in the original post for a reason:

We have nothing further to say regarding instancing between versions at this time.
Focus from here will be to of course appreciate your feedback on the situation and hold tightly to it, however there will not be anything further to add on this topic for you at this time.

Assumptions in relation to console transfers and our current stance on instancing for Horizons 4.0 are assumptions and not fact.

Hi Sally.

The lack of access to Horizons 4.0 for Odyssey players has raised an issue for us 3rd party developers, in that a lot of us only have Odyssey, and if we get bug reports from users of our stuff who found an issue whilst playing Horizons 4.0, well, those of use who only have Odyssey are in for a bad time checking these issue(s) :)

So it's not just the instancing thing - this affects us lot too.

Regards o7

Feels like most of the posts in this thread are Odyssey owners complaining not to have access to Horizons 4.0. Any non-Odyssey owners who are trying the 4.0 codebase for the first time? As always, I'm curious what you think. I know that I can now try it myself for free, but it'll probably be another month before I have time to download, configure, and actually play it.
I have both Horizons and Odyssey, and I just installed windows and started a steam download. It's 70gb which suggests that it's installing both EDH 20gb and EDO 50gb. Not sure I'd be happy to have this increase to 120GB, especially for something I'd probably never use (Horizons 4.0)..
EDH 4.0 would not require another download. It's the same client you have already installed. All it needs is a launcher entry with the SeasonTwo option.
I have both Horizons and Odyssey, and I just installed windows and started a steam download. It's 70gb which suggests that it's installing both EDH 20gb and EDO 50gb. Not sure I'd be happy to have this increase to 120GB, especially for something I'd probably never use (Horizons 4.0)..
As it was said H4.0 and Ody share the codebase, so I would assume they can share most of resources (except some config files and executable). But you are probably right about how FDev would have done this :p
Maybe its not as simple as i see it. BUT EDO and EDH4.0 could play together. Would it just be as simple as disabling the Disembark button for EDH4.0 players?
What to do if people are multi crewing and the EDO player decides to land on an atmospheric planet? How about on foot commanders shooting each other in the face on atmosphere less planets? I'm sure there are many situations that would require extra programming and I suspect that they prefer to spend that time improving the game instead.

In fact I don't get this entire discussion at all..! Here they give out a freebie to let EDH owners try the new 4.0 client and even allowing them to participate in more content, and all they get in this thread is salt... If someone wants to play together with Odyssey commanders all they have to do is buy the DLC... If their computer can run 4.0 in space it seems likely that they could also play EDO in space.

There is surely a lot you could criticize FDev for, but giving a courtesy copy of the new technology to all PC commanders who hasn't bought the DLC is hardly one, at least IMO...
Maybe its not as simple as i see it. BUT EDO and EDH4.0 could play together. Would it just be as simple as disabling the Disembark button for EDH4.0 players?

The issue of instancing EDO and EDH is to do with the age-rating of the two versions. In EDO you can see blood splatter off corpses as you shoot them if an EDH player was in the same scene (i.e. a non-atmosphere planet) they would be able to see this from SRV or ship maybe and so violate EDH age-rating.

At least this is what they said a year ago - age-rating differences.
Feels like most of the posts in this thread are Odyssey owners complaining not to have access to Horizons 4.0. Any non-Odyssey owners who are trying the 4.0 codebase for the first time? As always, I'm curious what you think. I know that I can now try it myself for free, but it'll probably be another month before I have time to download, configure, and actually play it.

Playing in VR. Performance went up in H3.8 when I switched from 1080 TI to 6800 XT. AMD driver works when using the "recommended" version (not going to look up the version number now). Performance went down again - but not quite that much (purely subjective, and I never did and don't intend to do exhaustive numeric testing) - when going from H3.8 to H4.0. I like the new graphics look. I can land at (some?) Ody settlements - haven't yet consciously checked if I can land on "sparse atmosphere" worlds. New Galmap and Sysmap UI will take some getting used to, but isn't necessarily worse.
Jackson's Lighthouse looks much more impressive, but still supercharges as before.
No issues with bindings - I just downloaded and started into H4.0, all my usual keybinds still seem to be where I would expect them.

In short, so far: painless transition, better looking graphics, noticeable, but not too bad, performance hit.
What to do if people are multi crewing and the EDO player decides to land on an atmospheric planet? How about on foot commanders shooting each other in the face on atmosphere less planets? I'm sure there are many situations that would require extra programming and I suspect that they prefer to spend that time improving the game instead.
If not the rating issues - it would be imo sufficient to limit non-EDO commanders from buying any Odyssey suits. And not introduce new game mode where player could not instance neither to Odyssey, nor to Horizons3.8 players. It would encourage (Horizons) players to try Odyssey and if they want (and can run it) to fully experience on-foot content to buy Odyssey DLC (to unlock other suits but default flight suit).
We can demand to keep company's early promise. But as we know, company can deny that demanding.

As the real Adama found out, circumstances change.
If not the rating issues - it would be imo sufficient to limit non-EDO commanders from buying any Odyssey suits. And not introduce new game mode where player could not instance neither to Odyssey, nor to Horizons3.8 players. It would encourage (Horizons) players to try Odyssey and if they want (and can run it) to fully experience on-foot content to buy Odyssey DLC (to unlock other suits but default flight suit).
If you cant disembark you can't buy any EDO stuff
Read in my post why you would want to launch 4.0 Horizons even though you had 4.0 odyssey available ... there are use cases for it.
It's not a (for want of a better word) 'real' branch. So I wouldn't think it would make sense to take time coding 3rd party utilities for it.
If not the rating issues - it would be imo sufficient to limit non-EDO commanders from buying any Odyssey suits. And not introduce new game mode where player could not instance neither to Odyssey, nor to Horizons3.8 players. It would encourage (Horizons) players to try Odyssey and if they want (and can run it) to fully experience on-foot content to buy Odyssey DLC (to unlock other suits but default flight suit).
Isn't that exactly what the gift does? Except that for some reason they've decided to not let Horizons and Odyssey players instance together? I'd tend to think that this is down to the effort that would be needed to cover all the corner cases. It's just a gift and personally I think that all this outrage is misplaced..

Yet again I think I've said what I wanted to say and I'm going to bow out of the discussion. I don't relish spending the next few days white knighting for FDev! :D
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