Community guests at FD HQ on 27th for Q4 news

The old method? Surely not the same exact God Honk, is it? What possible circumstances could allow that alongside the new mechanics ???

Okay, NOW I'm very concerned.

If the system has already been discovered and at least partially scanned - why not have the magic marbles appear on previously disc/scanned systems. That way R2R, Honk n go credit chasers are still happy, screenshot Seekers are still happy, and deep space explorers still get the empty system voids to delve into.
  • What would you like to tell us in detail, but can only communicate in broad terms?
  • Did you feel like you learned anything about the team size and morale etc?
  • What's the top question you'd like to be asked? ;)
  • Please describe your feelings about 3.3 in the format of: adverb + aroma...

1. There's far more in 3.3 than I expected
2. Morale is great internally, they're hyped for the community's response when 3.3 is demoed and goes live. The Elite Dangerous devroom has 100 people (+- 5) for gameplay/content creation; this excludes QA, audio recording, trailer team, website, etc who were in a different area.
3. Que?
4. Bacon fries
What I fear is that this elegant solution won't work WITH the new system but INSTEAD of it, as a way for pilots to just skip the new system completely. I hope my fears are unfounded.

Well look - why not wait till the Q4 beta now? We've all discussed this point to death by now, and there's very little point in regurgitating it here. Let's all wait till we can get our grubby paws on it - then the salt can flow further.
Sounds they borked their own design because of loud minority. Fine, I won't go exploring then.

Judging from Alec it is not really a compromise but something of olive branch. First, what's the point, people won't accept it anyway, second, I really doubt they can do it without breaking their concept a little.

FD sometimes need to stick with their guns.


You do remember you are the dude who went all over the forums for dozens of pages claiming people shouldn't moan about the new mechanics until they tried it? [haha]
I think they are. Wait for the live stream demoes. There's a learning curve and depth, yet with experience it should be quick and easy to identify interesting Star Systems.

Does tweak FD have done in response does not compromise this new depth mechanic in your opinion?


You do remember you are the dude who went all over the forums for dozens of pages claiming people shouldn't moan about the new mechanics until they tried it? [haha]

Well, I can throw accidental tantrum, can't I?

I also had few drinks yesterday, alright? :)

I am still worried, but well, let's hope for beta relatively soon.
1. There's far more in 3.3 than I expected
2. Morale is great internally, they're hyped for the community's response when 3.3 is demoed and goes live. The Elite Dangerous devroom has 100 people (+- 5) for gameplay/content creation; this excludes QA, audio recording, trailer team, website, etc who were in a different area.
3. Que?
4. Bacon fries

Stuart mate, you should really edit your #2. Some people here will demand that you now list every name of everyone you saw in the devroom as they know, without a shadow of doubt, in the deepest recesses of their souls, that no way in hell are there 100 people plus working on the game because well umm just because ;)

Okay, sarcasm aside, great synopsis !
Well look - why not wait till the Q4 beta now?
Because I have time to kill between now and Q4.

Alec said "it provides access to the old method under "certain circumstances" "

Not sure about you guys, but I'm highly suspicious of circumstances and almost always doubt them.

"certain circumstances"

Is it nav beacon? It's nav beacon isn't it? Just say it: it's nav beacon. Don't be so cagey, we all know it's nav beacon
Why can't you all know the elegant solution? Not 100% sure. No specific reason I think, just generally I guess they've had one round of feedback, they've taken some stuff on board and are now working hard to finish this release and get it ready for beta and kinda want to do so without further distraction.

I personally think this is a brilliant approach on their part. I plan to hold off any further comments about the exploration mechanics at least until the Livestreams......& maybe not even until the Beta.

BTW, Alec, is there anything you can tell us about increased Risk/Reward coming from the Environment?
David Attenborough voice : 'And now we see, in the wild, the reason FD don't answer many questions. See the constant stream of requests for more information, clarifications, and updates, and squabbles over the exact meaning of words as the young of the tribe try to come to terms with the offering of hype-food from their parent figures. Often we see this clamour continuing on for weeks, until the onset of a time called "The Beeeeta". Truely what the say is true .... the hype is real'
1. There's far more in 3.3 than I expected
2. Morale is great internally, they're hyped for the community's response when 3.3 is demoed and goes live. The Elite Dangerous devroom has 100 people (+- 5) for gameplay/content creation; this excludes QA, audio recording, trailer team, website, etc who were in a different area.
3. Que?
4. Bacon fries

Nice one cheers :)

Ok I'll rephrase 3: Is there anything you're itching to tell us? :D
I think they are. Wait for the live stream demoes. There's a learning curve and depth, yet with experience it should be quick and easy to identify interesting Star Systems.
Interesting as in

(a) Credit-valuable
(b) Surface POIs
(c) Dramatic surface geography like deep canyons, tall mountains, mist, etc

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