Engineering and Pre-Built Ships

If someone gets a Wanted status, they can potentially sell their hot ship and re-deploy perfectly clean brand new pre-built ship. (This is an assumption, I did not actually test that).
If I look at this under the angle that follows, I agree this can technically be identified as an exploit, but I'm afraid it will neither harm or fix the C&P mechanics.

Let's split CMDRs who would get bounties with those pre-built ships into 2 categories :
1- creditless newbies who are live discovering the whole lot of the game mechanics, including C&P and its nuclear dissuasion ("stop that NOW and redeem, or be denied service from most humanity until you do stop") - it seems fair to me that they can simply mark the words, stop by the shipyard and take a fresh start, until they become...
2- little to very experienced players who don't give a damn about a 5M rebuy - spending thousands of Arx only to save a few MCr just doesn't make sense, where 100M is an hour's worth of your favorite easy-mode activity (mine is chewing up alien salad without them spotting me a single time 😁) and by the time you hit the billion you have no more idea on how to spend it.

These "bounty-exempted" ships being suboptimal and visually distinctive surely helps both categories learn that E: D is still MMO and easy griefing is rarely long unretaliated 🔫
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Volunteer Moderator
There is one potential quite nasty exploit with these pre-built ships - especially combat-oriented ones.

If someone gets a Wanted status, they can potentially sell their hot ship and re-deploy perfectly clean brand new pre-built ship. (This is an assumption, I did not actually test that).

They'd obviously lose any engineering they did, so it's extremely important that the pre-built ships are not fully engineered... But even without the engineering, this is already an exploit of the current Crime and Punishment system.

I have tested this just now.
  • You can indeed go to a station where you're not wanted, sell your Pre-Built Wanted ship and re-deploy it. The ship and all modules come back clean.
  • Wanted status stays, as the bounty you gained is not cleared that way.
  • Notoriety stays, as it's not cleared that way either.
Effectively you can clean your ship immediately and that's it, which is not as bad as I thought it might be.
What are the effective consequences of a hot ship these days? None I think, apart from needing to clean your modules for credits. Seems a hot ship doesn't mean anything?
Just a very minor inconvenience, and only when you happen to gain notoriety—which doesn't happen easily if you're a clever criminal and stick to sanctioned-by-government crime (ie missions) or less-lethal approach. I never fly for more than a few hours with bounties: there's always an Interstellar Factor a jump away.

And even if you tend to get notoriety so you can't clean your nose whenever you want, just use a dedicated murderboat that you don't swap modules in.
I have tested this just now.
  • You can indeed go to a station where you're not wanted, sell your Pre-Built Wanted ship and re-deploy it. The ship and all modules come back clean.
  • Wanted status stays, as the bounty you gained is not cleared that way.
  • Notoriety stays, as it's not cleared that way either.
Effectively you can clean your ship immediately and that's it, which is not as bad as I thought it might be.
Is this different from getting a bounty (from non-combat actions so you're 100% not scanned so the bounty doesn't get transferred to your CMDR), self destructing and not rebuying?
Not letting you uninstall modules from the pre-built ships might be for your own protection, imagine trying to find them in the outfitting UI nightmare among your other 200 modules filling up your module storage.
Yeah but the right answer to that is to sort out the outfitting UI. I am sort of assuming FDev have realised it's bad enough already and needs sorting before doubling the kinds of modules available...
Effectively you can clean your ship immediately and that's it, which is not as bad as I thought it might be.
We've been able to sell our dirty ships, for a fraction of market value, for a long time, if the value of the ship is zero, the markdown remains zero, but, as you observed, the bounties remain with the CMDR
We've been able to sell our dirty ships, for a fraction of market value, for a long time, if the value of the ship is zero, the markdown remains zero, but, as you observed, the bounties remain with the CMDR
I even once made a proposal to rent out my ships to newbies ... that they're piling up on the FC.
I can't teach a newbie to fly, and he would be flying with me in a squadron.


Volunteer Moderator
We've been able to sell our dirty ships, for a fraction of market value, for a long time, if the value of the ship is zero, the markdown remains zero, but, as you observed, the bounties remain with the CMDR
Yes, but that meant you were loosing your engineered modules. Which isn't the case for arx ships.

And this is the exploit.

Hence I said it's very important for fdev not to include heavily engineered ships in the store.
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