Free Update Meta-Wishlist

Just to be clear, when I said this I meant habitat animals. On the whishlist it says for exhibit which I disagree with. It would just be another way guests can feed habitat animals.
Oh I misinterpreted that 😅 we already have another animal & guest feeding suggestion which is for habitat animals, I'll change that.
Here's an example of a facility holding dozens of Tigers together, but this isn't the norm, even Ethically Questionable. You could perhaps find Subpar Facilities attempting to hold many Adult Salties together as well, but it isn't ethical. In fact, unlike Tigers, I'm not even sure this is doable with Salties, they'd probably just kill one another in such a confined space.
Males are often territorial, sometimes killing females in their territory. However, females are often not aggressive to each other, so at least the bachelor groups should be increased, although I understand if you feel this is controversial. I'm merely conveying my experiences.
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Males are often territorial, sometimes killing females in their territory. However, females are often not aggressive to each other, so at least the bachelor groups should be increased
Yes, the Males are more Territorial, but even Females are, particularly during the nesting season. Females of Salties are more aggressive to one another compared to females of other species (even more so than Males of most species), so it isn't advised to keep them together. Actually even young salties start showing territorial behavior at around 2.5 years old, well before maturation. If the Bachelor Group Size is increased in the game they will be identical to American Alligators in terms of mechanics, which shouldn't be the case.

although I understand if you feel this is controversial
No problem at all, we are just brainstorming.
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Yes, the Males are far more Territorial, but even Females are, particularly during the nesting season. Females of Salties are more aggressive to one another compared to females of other species (even more so than Males of some species), so it isn't advised to keep them together. Actually even young salties start showing territorial behavior at around 2.5 years old, well before maturation. If the Bachelor Group Size is increased in the game they will be identical to American Alligators in terms of mechanics, which shouldn't be the case.

No problem at all, we are just brainstorming.
Pretty sure I've also read somewhere that Saltwater Crocodiles are so aggressive that you can't even use a Diving Cage in there
The least terrestrial Crocodilian is the Gharial. Also the majority of their range in Australia is classified as a Savannah, so I second this, they should have the Grassland Tag. Even the Axolotl, which is entirely Aquatic, also has Terrestrial Tags for the region they are in.
I agree to some extent yes most of their australian range is broadly considered tropical savannah this is just one of the many problems I have with the world wild life funds biome map. I was more targeting the person saying that they are found well into the outback which is wrong since they are still very coastal and what the do inhabit is not stereotypical outback style grasslands it is much wetter. I personally dont care whether they get the tag or not since the biome system in the game is already a mess I was more trying to dispel the idea that the saltwater crocodile is found "well into the outback".

My word choice was a bit poor in terms of range and practicality the saltwater crocodile is the least terrestrial crocodile even if the gharial technically spends more time physically in the water it is not travelling the ocean and spending multiple days out at sea which saltwater crocodiles can and regularly do which was more what what I was trying to convey.
I agree to some extent yes most of their australian range is broadly considered tropical savannah this is just one of the many problems I have with the world wild life funds biome map. I was more targeting the person saying that they are found well into the outback which is wrong since they are still very coastal and what the do inhabit is not stereotypical outback style grasslands it is much wetter. I personally dont care whether they get the tag or not since the biome system in the game is already a mess I was more trying to dispel the idea that the saltwater crocodile is found "well into the outback".

My word choice was a bit poor in terms of range and practicality the saltwater crocodile is the least terrestrial crocodile even if the gharial technically spends more time physically in the water it is not travelling the ocean and spending multiple days out at sea which saltwater crocodiles can and regularly do which was more what what I was trying to convey.
I totally agree, my wording was incorrect
I agree to some extent yes most of their australian range is broadly considered tropical savannah this is just one of the many problems I have with the world wild life funds biome map. I was more targeting the person saying that they are found well into the outback which is wrong since they are still very coastal and what the do inhabit is not stereotypical outback style grasslands it is much wetter. I personally dont care whether they get the tag or not since the biome system in the game is already a mess I was more trying to dispel the idea that the saltwater crocodile is found "well into the outback".

My word choice was a bit poor in terms of range and practicality the saltwater crocodile is the least terrestrial crocodile even if the gharial technically spends more time physically in the water it is not travelling the ocean and spending multiple days out at sea which saltwater crocodiles can and regularly do which was more what what I was trying to convey.
Oh yes I totally agree with that. Even the Freshwater Crocodile probably isn't "Outback" enough in that sense? They range much further inland, but probably not enough into the Desert to be considered Outback animals. Just to clarify I was referring only to their Biome Tags. For instance the ADW only lists Savannah/Grassland as a Terrestrial Biome, excludes Forests entirely for some reason, probably in reference to them preferring open areas more in contrast to deep closed canopy forest.

Yes, the Males are more Territorial, but even Females are, particularly during the nesting season. Females of Salties are more aggressive to one another compared to females of other species (even more so than Males of most species), so it isn't advised to keep them together. Actually even young salties start showing territorial behavior at around 2.5 years old, well before maturation. If the Bachelor Group Size is increased in the game they will be identical to American Alligators in terms of mechanics, which shouldn't be the case.
I want to add something to this statement. Considering you can even create "Breeding Swamps" in captivity for Alligators in real life, when the space is moderately large enough, with 100's of Alligators, including many Males, yet we can't replicate this in the game without turning off some settings (which is also understandable since Male Alligators can be somewhat territorial). So my point is having the more territorial Female Salties (compared to gators, even males) getting higher Bachelor Group limits before we get Multiple Male Mixed Groups for Alligators would be a discrepancy balancewise. The cutoff point Frontier wants for group aggression appears to be well below that, judging by Alligators and Hyenas.
Ok, after reading the reviewed list, I have a couple more additions and ideas I second:

Previous Ideas I second
  • [*]Plantpedia - I'd imagine this would go more in depth about where each plant comes from (with a provided map), and would show their biomes. There would also be a list of what variations there are for the species. It would be accessed via a tab on the zoopedia.
    [*]Egg Laying
    [*]Scenario editor - you could make intro cinematics with the camera options.
    [*]Zookeeper mode - could be a result of tedgicam.
    [*]Scaling - Like the one in Prehistoric Kingdom.
  • [*]Exhibit Overhaul
    [*]Interchangeable exhibit biomes
    [*]Exhibit Box Door - Could be made when connected to a staff path.
    [*]Allow educators to hold sloths
    [*]Add sloth juveniles
    [*]Add contraceptive button to exhibits
    [*]Null Exhibit Barriers
  • [*]Small feeder for prairie dogs - Probably the food bowl.
    [*]Feeding Shows - Could be similar to the animal talk system.
    [*]Food Scatters - Maybe have the option of where to put the food.
    [*]Allow Crocodiles to sit at the bottom of water
    [*]Animals carry young on backs - Add this to koala and pangolin too.
    [*]Playful fighting
    [*]Animal Cluster Behaviours
    [*]Add individual personalities - Animals may like to play with a certain enrichment the most, or like to spend more time asleep, climbing or swimming.
    [*]Food Territorial Display
    [*]Suckling behaviours for Mammals
    [*]Variation of external features - Maybe five variations per feature, like antlers on Red Deer, with the variations on a genetic spectrum.
    [*]Winter Coat - With animals like the Addax it could be a colourmorph.
    [*]Sentry Post
    [*]Salt Lick
    [*]New Deer Pinata
    [*]Sliding Enrichment
    [*]Variety of enrichment quality - Could be cheap and expensive options for both, costing less but giving a lower enjoyment score to the animals.
    [*]Allow the hammock enrichment to be used by other animals - Bears, large cats and large primates should all be able to use the hammock.
    [*]Different Sizes of forage pool and box
    [*]Allow Aardvark and Sloth Bear to use natural termite mound
    [*]Hippos use underwater feeder
    [*]More animals use Goat Mountain - I thought the Dall Sheep could use it, if not both it and the Takin should be able to.
    [*]Emu should be walkthrough
    [*]Reduce habitat space for hippopotamus
    [*]Reduce habitat space for platypus
    [*]Add grassland biome to Chimps and ring tailed lemur
    [*]Add africa tag to red deer
    [*]Add invasive species tag - This should only affect what plants an animal is comfortable with, not biomes
    [*]Add asia tag to spectacled flying fox
    [*]Add grassland tag to fossa
    [*]Remove asia tag from cassowary
    [*]Add asia tag to cheetah
    [*]Giant Panda should have highest appeal
  • [*]Bornean Orangutan model rework
    [*]African Lion model rework - Just the male
    [*]Timber Wolf model rework
    [*]Saltwater Crocodile model rework
    [*]Bactrian Camel model rework
    [*]Gharial model rework
    [*]Plains Zebra model rework
    [*]Reticulated Giraffe model rework
    [*]Both Tigers model reworks
    [*]Grizzly Bear model rework
    [*]Warthog model rework
    [*]Cheetah model rework
    [*]Okapi model rework
    [*]Spotted Hyena model rework
    [*]African Buffalo model rework
    [*]Both Elephants model reworks
    [*]Indian Rhino model rework
    [*]Bongo model rework
    [*]Formosan Black Bear model rework
    [*]Snow Leopard model rework
    [*]Nile Monitor model rework
    [*]Red Panda model rework
    [*]Gorilla model rework
    [*]Jaguar model rework
    [*]Resize American bison, male california sea lion, both giant tortoises to realistic proportions
  • [*]Toggle for higher chance of variants in sandbox
    [*]Toggle for perfect genetics in sandbox
    [*]Limit prices on animal type - Perhaps based on animal rating.
    [*]Trade with Steam Friends
    [*]Unlock limit - Could be general research that needs to be completed, like in JWE2.
    [*]Different name pool for animals based on location - There are clearly different names like these in the code, so there could be the option to choose preferred names in the settings.
    [*]Make burrows flexicolor
  • [*]More Broken trees, branches and saplings
    [*]Let grass be eaten by herbivores
    [*]Make Water Bodies Frozen
    [*]Fruiting and flowering trees and bushes - probably with plants already in the game.
  • [*]Flexicolor Reward Statues
    [*]Mirror Statue Set
    [*]Nocturnal building set
    [*]Off grid version of all wall sets
    [*]Bird Nest Pieces - I feel that every bird added should have it's own nest added too.
    [*]Null Staff Path - I'd imagine the path would show the staff symbol in the path menu.
    [*]See-through path material - Having glass would be a better null elevated path.
    [*]Option to remove kerbs from elevated paths
  • [*]Drinking fountain
    [*]New gift shop plushies each update
    [*]Custom media on gift shop items
    [*]Rooftop Solar Panels
    [*]Face Painting Stand
    [*]Incubation Center - This would go hand in hand with egg laying.
    [*]New kinds of education stations with customisation
    [*]New custom screen sizes and shapes
    [*]Add more than one habitat gate
    [*]More walkthrough doors
    [*]Barrier escape overhaul - whether they are walkthrough should also affect the cost of the fine.
  • [*]New Guest Desires - I think this system could be similar to the system in JWE2, as guests could like certain animal types, such as smaller animals and carnivores.
    [*]New kinds of guests
    [*]Guests dress for the weather
    [*]Change all uniforms by work zone at once - Alternatively multiple staff members can be selected at the same time in the staff menu.
  • [*]Playgrounds and Splash pads
    [*]Visiting a players zoo
  • [*]Photo Mode
    [*]Slow Down Gameplay
    [*]Improved Obstructed Error
    [*]Indonesian Bin Name Fix
New Ideas
  • [*]Sexual Dimorphism in Exhibit Animals - This is seen with the sloths, but with animals such as the Danube Crested Newt all the animals have the male model. Every exhibit animal should be reviewed.
    [*]Add bat juveniles - This would work similarly to the sloths.
    [*]Animals carry young in pouches - This could be done for the Kangaroo, Wallaby and Quokka among others.
    [*]Physical scarring - For example, a Black Rhinoceros could have part of it's horn cut off, or a pangolin could be missing some scales. Would be exclusive to rescue animals.
    [*]Red Kangaroo head rework - Redesign the head.
    [*]New Llama Pinata - For South American Animals, although a deer addition is more important.
    [*]Reduce habitat space for Koala - It should be at most 100m2, not 180.
    [*]Dog Pole - A position where dogs can wait for their owners. Would not be able to be placed near do not disturb signs or walkthrough entrances. Would only work if guests with dogs are added.
    [*]Short Walkthrough Gate - Most walkthrough habitats don't need the big doors! Add a short option alike the short habitat gate.
Sorry for the long list; ignore it if you want, but there are tons of great ideas!
Ok, after reading the reviewed list, I have a couple more additions and ideas I second:

Previous Ideas I second
  • [*]Plantpedia - I'd imagine this would go more in depth about where each plant comes from (with a provided map), and would show their biomes. There would also be a list of what variations there are for the species. It would be accessed via a tab on the zoopedia.
    [*]Egg Laying
    [*]Scenario editor - you could make intro cinematics with the camera options.
    [*]Zookeeper mode - could be a result of tedgicam.
    [*]Scaling - Like the one in Prehistoric Kingdom.
  • [*]Exhibit Overhaul
    [*]Interchangeable exhibit biomes
    [*]Exhibit Box Door - Could be made when connected to a staff path.
    [*]Allow educators to hold sloths
    [*]Add sloth juveniles
    [*]Add contraceptive button to exhibits
    [*]Null Exhibit Barriers
  • [*]Small feeder for prairie dogs - Probably the food bowl.
    [*]Feeding Shows - Could be similar to the animal talk system.
    [*]Food Scatters - Maybe have the option of where to put the food.
    [*]Allow Crocodiles to sit at the bottom of water
    [*]Animals carry young on backs - Add this to koala and pangolin too.
    [*]Playful fighting
    [*]Animal Cluster Behaviours
    [*]Add individual personalities - Animals may like to play with a certain enrichment the most, or like to spend more time asleep, climbing or swimming.
    [*]Food Territorial Display
    [*]Suckling behaviours for Mammals
    [*]Variation of external features - Maybe five variations per feature, like antlers on Red Deer, with the variations on a genetic spectrum.
    [*]Winter Coat - With animals like the Addax it could be a colourmorph.
    [*]Sentry Post
    [*]Salt Lick
    [*]New Deer Pinata
    [*]Sliding Enrichment
    [*]Variety of enrichment quality - Could be cheap and expensive options for both, costing less but giving a lower enjoyment score to the animals.
    [*]Allow the hammock enrichment to be used by other animals - Bears, large cats and large primates should all be able to use the hammock.
    [*]Different Sizes of forage pool and box
    [*]Allow Aardvark and Sloth Bear to use natural termite mound
    [*]Hippos use underwater feeder
    [*]More animals use Goat Mountain - I thought the Dall Sheep could use it, if not both it and the Takin should be able to.
    [*]Emu should be walkthrough
    [*]Reduce habitat space for hippopotamus
    [*]Reduce habitat space for platypus
    [*]Add grassland biome to Chimps and ring tailed lemur
    [*]Add africa tag to red deer
    [*]Add invasive species tag - This should only affect what plants an animal is comfortable with, not biomes
    [*]Add asia tag to spectacled flying fox
    [*]Add grassland tag to fossa
    [*]Remove asia tag from cassowary
    [*]Add asia tag to cheetah
    [*]Giant Panda should have highest appeal
  • [*]Bornean Orangutan model rework
    [*]African Lion model rework - Just the male
    [*]Timber Wolf model rework
    [*]Saltwater Crocodile model rework
    [*]Bactrian Camel model rework
    [*]Gharial model rework
    [*]Plains Zebra model rework
    [*]Reticulated Giraffe model rework
    [*]Both Tigers model reworks
    [*]Grizzly Bear model rework
    [*]Warthog model rework
    [*]Cheetah model rework
    [*]Okapi model rework
    [*]Spotted Hyena model rework
    [*]African Buffalo model rework
    [*]Both Elephants model reworks
    [*]Indian Rhino model rework
    [*]Bongo model rework
    [*]Formosan Black Bear model rework
    [*]Snow Leopard model rework
    [*]Nile Monitor model rework
    [*]Red Panda model rework
    [*]Gorilla model rework
    [*]Jaguar model rework
    [*]Resize American bison, male california sea lion, both giant tortoises to realistic proportions
  • [*]Toggle for higher chance of variants in sandbox
    [*]Toggle for perfect genetics in sandbox
    [*]Limit prices on animal type - Perhaps based on animal rating.
    [*]Trade with Steam Friends
    [*]Unlock limit - Could be general research that needs to be completed, like in JWE2.
    [*]Different name pool for animals based on location - There are clearly different names like these in the code, so there could be the option to choose preferred names in the settings.
    [*]Make burrows flexicolor
  • [*]More Broken trees, branches and saplings
    [*]Let grass be eaten by herbivores
    [*]Make Water Bodies Frozen
    [*]Fruiting and flowering trees and bushes - probably with plants already in the game.
  • [*]Flexicolor Reward Statues
    [*]Mirror Statue Set
    [*]Nocturnal building set
    [*]Off grid version of all wall sets
    [*]Bird Nest Pieces - I feel that every bird added should have it's own nest added too.
    [*]Null Staff Path - I'd imagine the path would show the staff symbol in the path menu.
    [*]See-through path material - Having glass would be a better null elevated path.
    [*]Option to remove kerbs from elevated paths
  • [*]Drinking fountain
    [*]New gift shop plushies each update
    [*]Custom media on gift shop items
    [*]Rooftop Solar Panels
    [*]Face Painting Stand
    [*]Incubation Center - This would go hand in hand with egg laying.
    [*]New kinds of education stations with customisation
    [*]New custom screen sizes and shapes
    [*]Add more than one habitat gate
    [*]More walkthrough doors
    [*]Barrier escape overhaul - whether they are walkthrough should also affect the cost of the fine.
  • [*]New Guest Desires - I think this system could be similar to the system in JWE2, as guests could like certain animal types, such as smaller animals and carnivores.
    [*]New kinds of guests
    [*]Guests dress for the weather
    [*]Change all uniforms by work zone at once - Alternatively multiple staff members can be selected at the same time in the staff menu.
  • [*]Playgrounds and Splash pads
    [*]Visiting a players zoo
  • [*]Photo Mode
    [*]Slow Down Gameplay
    [*]Improved Obstructed Error
    [*]Indonesian Bin Name Fix
New Ideas
  • [*]Sexual Dimorphism in Exhibit Animals - This is seen with the sloths, but with animals such as the Danube Crested Newt all the animals have the male model. Every exhibit animal should be reviewed.
    [*]Add bat juveniles - This would work similarly to the sloths.
    [*]Animals carry young in pouches - This could be done for the Kangaroo, Wallaby and Quokka among others.
    [*]Physical scarring - For example, a Black Rhinoceros could have part of it's horn cut off, or a pangolin could be missing some scales. Would be exclusive to rescue animals.
    [*]Red Kangaroo head rework - Redesign the head.
    [*]New Llama Pinata - For South American Animals, although a deer addition is more important.
    [*]Reduce habitat space for Koala - It should be at most 100m2, not 180.
    [*]Dog Pole - A position where dogs can wait for their owners. Would not be able to be placed near do not disturb signs or walkthrough entrances. Would only work if guests with dogs are added.
    [*]Short Walkthrough Gate - Most walkthrough habitats don't need the big doors! Add a short option alike the short habitat gate.
Sorry for the long list; ignore it if you want, but there are tons of great ideas!
Long lists are always great to have! Generally the wishlist is built on these huge suggestion lists. I'll just go through any of your previous posts to ensure there is no double voting as I remember another sizeable list was suggested from you a while back.
I would like more than 1 skunk to be able to use a burrow or make the large burrow usable by skunks.

I would also like older dlc animals to be able to use newer enrichment. There are lots of animals that could use the hammock for example or the burrows.
1. Correct the order of the animals in Zoopedia and any other game features according to the language. My specific issue is with the Gemsbok (Oryx gazella). His name is Órix-do-Cabo in my language (Brazilian Portuguese), but because of the acute accent in its first letter it appears after the Plains Zebra (Zebra-da-planície) as if "Ó" was a completely different letter when, in Brazil, the accents doesn't change the letter. In this case, "Ó" is considered just a normal "O", which haves an accute accent, not a different letter. I guess it wouldn't be so hard, because the animals are actually in the correct order in the Franchise Achievements.


It appears after the Bornean Orangutan (Orangotango-de-Bornéu) and before the Platypus (Ornitorrinco), as it should be according to the language, treating the "Ó" as any other normal "O".


In the Zoopedia, in the Animal Market and in-game filters, however, it appears as the last animal, as the "Ó" was a completely different letter than "O".

I know in other languages letter with accents are treated as a different letter, but that's not how it works in Brazilian Portuguese. All our accents doesn't turn a letter into another.

Portuguese Brazilian
  • Collared Peccary name - Peccary translation is a literal translation which is wrong. Change it from "pecari de colar" to the more popular name "queixada" [Votes -1]

2. Rename the Collared Peccary name in Brazilian Portuguese. The second one is about the suggestion above. I wasn't aware of the problem, but it is real that "Pecari-de-colar" doesn't exist at all. But I guess who did suggest this was a little confused. According to what I checked on internet, both Collared Peccary and White-lipped Peccary. Although both are called "Porco-do-mato" or simply "Pecari", only the last one (which is not in the game) is called "Queixada". The first one has other names such as "Caititu". I wouldn't bother about calling it "Porco-do-mato" or "Pecari", but I'm afraid it could turn into a problem with future DLC's new animals similar to it.

3. Review the scientific names. I know some of them are actually discussed, which I think is the case of the Little penguin (Eudyptula novaehollandiae/E. minor novaehollandiae) vs. White-flippered penguin (Eudyptula minor/E. minor minor) being different species or subspecies, but I would like to get the names reviewed. Searching for the Collared Peccary I discovered it looks like it is, according to the most recent studies, Dicotyles tajacu rather than Pecari tajacu. I guess it can be more animals that have an outdated scientific name. It would be nice to see the game being updated in this as well.
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1. Correct the order of the animals in Zoopedia and any other game features according to the language. My specific issue is with the Gemsbok (Oryx gazella). His name is Órix-do-Cabo in my language (Brazilian Portuguese), but because of the acute accent in its first letter it appears after the Plains Zebra (Zebra-da-planície) as if "Ó" was a completely different letter when, in Brazil, the accents doesn't change the letter. In this case, "Ó" is considered just a normal "O", which haves an accute accent, not a different letter. I guess it wouldn't be so hard, because the animals are actually in the correct order in the Franchise Achievements.

View attachment 381522
It appears after the Bornean Orangutan (Orangotango-de-Bornéu) and before the Platypus (Ornitorrinco), as it should be according to the language, treating the "Ó" as any other normal "O".

View attachment 381523View attachment 381524View attachment 381525

In the Zoopedia, in the Animal Market and in-game filters, however, it appears as the last animal, as the "Ó" was a completely different letter than "O".

I know in other languages letter with accents are treated as a different letter, but that's not how it works in Brazilian Portuguese. All our accents doesn't turn a letter into another.

2. Rename the Collared Peccary name in Brazilian Portuguese. The second one is about the suggestion above. I wasn't aware of the problem, but it is real that "Pecari-de-colar" doesn't exist at all. But I guess who did suggest this was a little confused. According to what I checked on internet, both Collared Peccary and White-lipped Peccary. Although both are called "Porco-do-mato" or simply "Pecari", only the last one (which is not in the game) is called "Queixada". The first one has other names such as "Caititu". I wouldn't bother about calling it "Porco-do-mato" or "Pecari", but I'm afraid it could turn into a problem with future DLC's new animals similar to it.

3. Review the scientific names. I know some of them are actually discussed, which I think is the case of the Little penguin (Eudyptula novaehollandiae/E. minor novaehollandiae) vs. White-flippered penguin (Eudyptula minor/E. minor minor) being different species or subspecies, but I would like to get the names reviewed. Searching for the Collared Peccary I discovered it looks like it is, according to the most recent studies, Dicotyles tajacu rather than Pecari tajacu. I guess it can be more animals that have an outdated scientific name. It would be nice to see the game being updated in this as well.
Thanks for the correction, since I only speak english I have to rely on each person for providing me with the correct translation fixes.
Another issue I'd like to see fixed is currently only 4 "unique views" can be show on education boards. Sp that means only 4 animal burrow cams can be shown. I assume that also means trail cams too. I get maybe needing a limit but 4 seems really small.
Also allow webcam views to be shown on education boards. I don't know why this is restricted to burrow cams. Also have a reward statue for every animal; a cool way to do this would be by introducing personal challenges, where you will need to do a short challenge based around a specific animal, and you would get statues depending on your progress. For animals that already have statues I'd imagine they would either get a new statue or the challenge gives none at all, and instead animals and/or conservation credits.
Also allow webcam views to be shown on education boards. I don't know why this is restricted to burrow cams. Also have a reward statue for every animal; a cool way to do this would be by introducing personal challenges, where you will need to do a short challenge based around a specific animal, and you would get statues depending on your progress. For animals that already have statues I'd imagine they would either get a new statue or the challenge gives none at all, and instead animals and/or conservation credits.
I once added 4 custom videos screens playing different media within the space of a single habitat and the game couldn't process the video fast enough, no performance loss but the ability to display the video on the screens was extremely laggy. As @ElectricMonk says, performance was likely the driving motivation to restrict webcams to the burrow as frontier likely thought the average person is not going to spam burrows in a habitat to allow multiple displays at once, where its very possible to have multiple webcams without much of a second thought.
I may be missing some sort of filter but when an exhibit animal gives birth I have to go to the master animal list and search for the species in order to disperse the offspiring. id like to be able to at least filter the master list by habitat or exhibit so that if I miss a birth notification I can just easily scroll through just my exhibit animals.
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