New upgrade System - "Your time is valueable"- is a pure grind and waste of everyones time

I collect so many mats surface and ring mining, as well as getting stuff in missions, that I end up venting it all the time. I'm glad to have the increase in storage, as well as the ability to actually put it to use by upgrading it. My hope is that, instead of combing the internet looking for places to find this stuff, and then spending hours looking for POI's or other RNGesus events, I can take what I acquire in my normal game time and trade/upgrade it to something I need. Win as far as I'm concerned!
General sentiment in AEDC is that we hope the Beta lasts long, so we can engineer our modules on the current system, and then abandon Engineers pretty much once this update goes live.

Many who were in the Beta yesterday, have already returned to live. This will be a weekend of hyperactivity, it appears, and may last until our module storage is full.
General sentiment in AEDC is that we hope the Beta lasts long, so we can engineer our modules on the current system, and then abandon Engineers pretty much once this update goes live.

Many who were in the Beta yesterday, have already returned to live. This will be a weekend of hyperactivity, it appears, and may last until our module storage is full.
Yeah exactly what I am doing.
I get it what Sandro was trying to say at the stream. Some PvP players probably did more rolls to get that god roll on that weapon than if they had with this new system. Now, they will get a great weapon using less rolls in a more progressive system.
But for those players, including myself, who unlocked lvl 5 engineering and were happy with a couple of G5 rolls, this is going to be a huge grind to upgrade a new ship. Even with the materials broker.

Agreed. What some people seem to keep overlooking is you have to upgrade each module from scratch. And thats going to use alot of mats and data and lots and lots of time to get those. And they never said about for instance if you unlock an engineer that can only grade to say 3. When you unlock the next engineer that can do g5 do you start at g3 with that module or do you have to start from g1 with that engineer to rank that module with that engineer. It wasn't very clear. And really all they had to do was rectify the roll system. As they did but keep everything else as is. But they have created more of a time sink. And in my opinion i feel ripped off that all the progress ranking the engineers i have already done is gone back to zero. All the time I've spent doing that so i can have g5 back to zero. All the mats and data i have used to get the engineer to g5 back to zero.
For instance all the exploration data that i used to up farseer. Was wasted because i could of got rep at a station for that now that time back to zero.
But they say oh we have a mat trader. Well you still have to grind to get those things for them to covert. So more time sink.
To all of you who complained about the G1-5 "grind", I hate you. Really. Why did you scare me like that. Now I see that with the materials trader this is a COMPLETE non-issue. I'm gonna go into the update with like 500 MEF and EFCs and never worry about this stuff again.

You can only carry 100 of each.
General sentiment in AEDC is that we hope the Beta lasts long, so we can engineer our modules on the current system, and then abandon Engineers pretty much once this update goes live.

Many who were in the Beta yesterday, have already returned to live. This will be a weekend of hyperactivity, it appears, and may last until our module storage is full.

I've been doing this and stacking the modules in hulls as well.
At the very least I can avoid the G1-4 mods later.
For me it did end up being true. in the current version I could only engineer 1 G5 and 3 G3 upgrades. With the materials broker got all the modules G3-G5 in one sitting. But I did use up nearly all of my materials, but I don't grind for materials. Remember people are testing this without upping their materials. It will be far easier to get materials as you do not need to throw any away or choose to leave some behind due to space issues.

The only was we will find out for sure is if we test it for around a weeks play.

For people that want their stuff asap and grind for materials, they can still do that, nothing has changed for them apart from potentiall less rolls (you could roll 20 G5 extended range FSD drives and not get over 40%). For people like me who plays casually it is a much nicer experience. None of my hard earned materials are now wasted on worse rolls then before. Going up the grades will be pretty easy etc.

I've yet to see evidence of this happening, ever.

He already has them.

How do you suppose that will change with the new limits?
Huge time sinks that only serve to remind me they are a time sink, makes me quit playing a game. I did the engineering grind to grade 5 unlocks, I shouldn't have to do the engineering grind to level up each module to grade 5. What purpose does it serve? How does this make the game a better game? Most importantly, does this contribute to the enjoyment factor of the game?

I'd argue that module upgrading doesn't make the game more enjoyable, it just takes longer to do stuff. The longer stuff takes, the more likely people get bored and do other things.
Huge time sinks that only serve to remind me they are a time sink, makes me quit playing a game. I did the engineering grind to grade 5 unlocks, I shouldn't have to do the engineering grind to level up each module to grade 5. What purpose does it serve? How does this make the game a better game? Most importantly, does this contribute to the enjoyment factor of the game?

I'd argue that module upgrading doesn't make the game more enjoyable, it just takes longer to do stuff. The longer stuff takes, the more likely people get bored and do other things.

I agree.

It's these type of timesinks that burn people out and make them quit the game altogether.
Fyi, 40 /= 48...
You're actually talking about the max end of the range pre-secondaries, instead of the bottom like above.
So what you are describing isn't at all unexpected.

I managed to get a 55 and a 52.5 a few months ago with very few rolls, and no secondaries. I don't min/max nor typically go over 4 or 5 rolls on any module/upgrade, and I used to see 50% quite frequently.

Then all of a sudden things changed. And not for the better. Given FD's history of 'tweaking' things, this shouldn't have come as a surprise. But it did.

No he won't.

Anything you do in Beta, stays in Beta - it's not carried forward into the Live game.

Which is why I'm done with Beta. :)
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