Please remove the 256 species limit

My good friends, I am going to do something that equally terrifies me, yet something I know we must do for our struggle for the future.

I am going to the head-honchos.
To our respected Community Managers, I understand that mods are not publicly talked about in the sphere of the Frontier Developments team. I understand that public statements about modifications are not done, however, I can infer that there is probably mention of these actions and items internally amongst the team. That is why I'm about to do what must be done, not for me, but for the community as a whole.

@Eltanin Casciani , @Francesca Falcini , @Tim Smith and others, thank you so much for the incredible work you do for making this community fun. Ever since all of you came onboard, the community has felt more vibrant and more fun than ever. The livestreams to the reveals, to just your personalities as a whole make for just a wonderful pipeline of information and positivity from both Frontier to us and us to Frontier. Please heed our words and our request going into the future. I understand you all are on holiday right now, so please do not feel pressured to do this at all. I simply am hoping that this gets brought to the table, the community has been vocal about this and we all want to ensure that we're able to enjoy the game far into the future. Thank you for understanding,

My good friends, I am going to do something that equally terrifies me, yet something I know we must do for our struggle for the future.

I am going to the head-honchos.
To our respected Community Managers, I understand that mods are not publicly talked about in the sphere of the Frontier Developments team. I understand that public statements about modifications are not done, however, I can infer that there is probably mention of these actions and items internally amongst the team. That is why I'm about to do what must be done, not for me, but for the community as a whole.

@Eltanin Casciani , @Francesca Falcini , @Tim Smith and others, thank you so much for the incredible work you do for making this community fun. Ever since all of you came onboard, the community has felt more vibrant and more fun than ever. The livestreams to the reveals, to just your personalities as a whole make for just a wonderful pipeline of information and positivity from both Frontier to us and us to Frontier. Please heed our words and our request going into the future. I understand you all are on holiday right now, so please do not feel pressured to do this at all. I simply am hoping that this gets brought to the table, the community has been vocal about this and we all want to ensure that we're able to enjoy the game far into the future. Thank you for understanding,

Well said leaf. I think we all agree with this statement. Even people who don't use mods.
This is the first i hear of this cap and it actually guts me to read. I always knew it could very well NOT happen, but I had a lot of hope and dare i say optimism for my field of interest to be well represented in this game (which is crucial for me to want to play) and because of that, I continuously kept supporting and bought dlc from launch dates despite nearly never playing (I might have more hours on the forum than in game). Then when I started becoming skeptical (twilight pack) I just sort of sat back and comforted myself knowing that once support ends I could still add everything I wanted from mods. No, frontier doesn't owe me anything and they audibly never supported mods and i knew that. But this, correct me if im wrong, is a minor change but one that would have such a major impact for a lot of passionate players, long after last dlc is announced.
100% agree on this. Modding is a essential part of PZ community and removing the species limit or increasing to a number over 1000 would help modders and people who use mods imporve their experience. It would also be a great investment to the community for the life span of the game and modding.
I haven't dabbled at all with modding in this game, but I agree with this comment wholeheartedly. Rich, active modding has kept many games alive well past what one would expect. Skyrim comes to mind. Yes, it's a very different kind of game, but the modding has contributed to its having incredible replayability, and a special tenth anniversary edition was recently released. This edition integrated a lot of the better mods into the game.

Maybe PZ can become the "Skyrim" of simulation/management games.
Could it be that they're keeping the species limited for now to keep the amount of mods limited?
In that case it could be that they will end the limitations at the end of the support?

Personally I think I will play this game for years coming. And after the support ends I will love to have mods in my game!
I personally found out about Planet Zoo because I wanted to check back in with the Zoo Tycoon 2 modding community to see if it was still alive! :D
My best friend told me she is still actively taking part in the Sims 2 modding community (for those who don't follow the Sims, the Sims 4(!) has been out since 2014) that has been active for almost 20 years at this point. Meaning she could barely read when it came out and now has 2 degrees and the game is still going strong :D

So yes, modding keeps a game alive! 100% agree!

We all want PZ support to go on for years to come, but as a little bandage for when the day comes and it is no longer updated, I'm looking forward to downloard an obscure amount of mods to cheer myself up :D

The only way I'm cool with keeping it at 256 species is if that number is a promise - about 15-20 more DLCs! :D :D
I really do support it, even though now I don't use a mods I would like to do that after the support will end, there are so much cool mods out there, that I just would like to check out. because after frontier will end the support the next people's who will make this fantastic game keep going are the modders. and the fact that we have really little space for it It's really pity, because It's not like we finished with the support and everyone can add something like 50 animals, we have more dlcs to come and then there wouldn't be anymore more space for mods, so I really hope frontier will change it with the upcoming update!
and I more then support it
Is this really something that could be changed so close to a DLC cycle though? I'd imagine this takes some amount of man-hours to code.
The thing is, from what my programmer friend has said when he looked at it is that it should be a relatively simple fix. I really hope they implement it. Sure, if we get like 14 new DLC’s to fill out that limit, that’s be cool, but I worked for 2 years of my life on these animals, I’d at least want them to be usable going forward lol

I am writing this message because, simply put, I would like the 256 habitat species limit to be increased to a greater amount. For those not in the know, the game has a hard-coded limit of 256 habitat species. If more are added, the game starts removing animals alphabetically and by official release order

Thus, I would like to ask if Frontier could increase the species limit to a greater number such as 2048 or 4096. I'm aware there's no way the game can run with this many species but I think such an obscene size is good for future-proofing.

This also ties into my idea for smaller DLC's between the big 4 we get every year. However, since this is intended for animals that are fairly samey (think of the species most-often complained about in DLC threads), I cannot recommend this be taken unless the species number is increased.
Maybe a number like 365 or 500 would be a good number to increase to, because we won't get that many by the end of the game's lifespan, so it should be a stable number that could provide space for modded species too
Maybe a number like 365 or 500 would be a good number to increase to, because we won't get that many by the end of the game's lifespan, so it should be a stable number that could provide space for modded species too
Assuming it’s a Geometric increment (idk I forgot the term lol), ideally the best ideal limit would be 1024, 2048 or some other number in that range. A man can dream.
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