Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Reminds me of the time was doing a cargo resupply offshore with my OP Mk2 and clipped a wave and sank it.

Had a 20 minute swim back to shore, ran out of time on the mission. After doing it, someone said "Why did you just EWO?" (easy way out - aka suicide). I felt so dumb. I'd have been back on shore and then took a boat or called for a replacement Mk2.

There's some command for suicide in TF2 I think and I never figured it out. I'm sure I lokked it up a couple of times and by the time I needed it had forgotten again.
"Why did you just EWO?" (easy way out - aka suicide).

It may have changed now but when i played GTA there was no suicide option unless you could drop a grenade at your feet and blow yourself up. I would 99.9% EWO if possible rather than wait around for someone unless the costs are too great (data in ED :))

Nope. Works as well when you switch from Horizons to 'vanilla' ED, even if your ships been turned into bits.
Doesnt work at all on Consoles, but thats the same as SC at least.

Still happens, there was recent forum thread about that...

Ah, just been lucky then, great, I now gotta worry about that again lol No base game for me to jump across to :)
Hey, it's December 2020. It's time for the annual prediction revisit :)

🎆 Citizen Prediction of the Year - 2020 🎆

I think that about this time next year, things will be a lot clearer.
They're going to meet their current deadlines for SQ42, mostly because they have to. SC will follow soon after.
Don't expect ship sales to stop though. That's not gonna happen.
Also, I've never believed they would release with all of their kickstarter goals delivered (100 systems being the biggest of these, imo).
But they're going to deliver something and call it a release.
It'll be fun to see how many people they manage to infuriate when it happens.
Regardless... SDC will be there to harvest all the salty tears, and all will be right in the 'verse.



Damn, the positive predictions haven't come true.

Maybe the negative ones will :unsure:

Previous entries:
I'm a bit worried. If one day by chance IGC exceeds 100 players per server, some here will have a heart attack.
There's more chances that most of us here will be dead of old age and maybe yes one of my grandchildren living on Mars will get an heart attack hearing about this kind of news.
Just as a special bonus, here's a little quarterly revisit. Sorry it's late ;)

CIG has to release SQ42 fast because the backers will not wait longer for the solo game.
Their are late on the beta (as usual).
I will say a closed beta starting in 3 months [November] for a release at the end of 2021.

Hmm, nope, not even with lowered expectations. Time to lower them further maybe? ;)
Nope. Works as well when you switch from Horizons to 'vanilla' ED, even if your ships been turned into bits.

Maybe you should have a word with the players who have been stuck on planets in their SRV's then, once your ship is gone you don't get out. I look forward to your video evidence from blowing up your own ship while in an SRV and then getting it back by logging to non-horizons.

I think you are confusing players getting blown up in thier SRV versus thier ship getting blown up.
Damn, the positive predictions haven't come true.

Maybe the negative ones will :unsure:

Previous entries:
ah, yes, the glorious 2018.

Those were the days. It is a pity that we can't really get in and have no performance issues anymore...
But hey, at least we got a roadmap for SQ42 back then! One still showing Beta SQ42 Release in Q3 2020...

Now that we can see rep publicly with the new system, it turns out his posts didn't actually have any upvotes as such. (Aside from the odd pity one from Mole ;))

Naughty old Mr.Nowak. He really did like to put a positive spin on things
Huh, maybe that's why he left...
It's an error of some backers saying to wait the 'next tech' to see the start of the 'real' SC.
It's not how it works. SC need ALL tools/pipeline/tech to be done before seeing if CIG is able or not to do what they want to do.
The 'magical' moment (like you call it) can't exist without at least a working prototype with all intended gameplay/tools/pipeline.
Sidenote, there will be no 'magical' moment. Someday, all main techs will be in place and they will start to create a lot more content than now, nothing more.
CIG still lacking big tech, the alpha now is just an incomplete alpha.

No offence, but this sounds more and more like a fairy tale to me. All that's missing is somebody with an insipid smile on his face, wings glued to his outlandish costume, dancing across the scene, lavishly throwing glitter everywhere...

I don't know anything about game development, but, foolish as that may sound, I'd start with the tools FIRST, make sure they actually do what they are supposed to, THEN go to missions and stuff (using placeholders), THEN refine the crap out of everything.

'course, I don't know nearly as much about game developments ad CRobberts does, so doing it the way he does, requiring countless revisions and whassnot, may be actually superior. Costs a boatload of money, though, and the holy land keeps staying out of reach...
No offence, but this sounds more and more like a fairy tale to me. All that's missing is somebody with an insipid smile on his face, wings glued to his outlandish costume, dancing across the scene, lavishly throwing glitter everywhere...

I don't know anything about game development, but, foolish as that may sound, I'd start with the tools FIRST, make sure they actually do what they are supposed to, THEN go to missions and stuff (using placeholders), THEN refine the crap out of everything.

'course, I don't know nearly as much about game developments ad CRobberts does, so doing it the way he does, requiring countless revisions and whassnot, may be actually superior. Costs a boatload of money, though, and the holy land keeps staying out of reach...

You dont even need to know much of anything about anything. If, after having been sitting in a restaurant for four hours I still haven't received an appetizer I dont need to know how they are working on designing the best stove on the planet, how they are incredibly ambitious when it comes to cutlery and how they will ramp up dish-development once they get the electricity going. You said you'd be with me shortly yet hours later my plate is still empty? Go fiddle a donkey you incompetent loser. :p
Someone mention a RoadMap? I watched that latest SaltEMike link about how much money and theres a screenshot of the new Roadmap press release I think. Says something about 'upstream' and 'downstream', Make sure you read it then read on (double tense for same word just to confuse non-native speakers, good old English grammar :))

Anyway, Upstream is responsible for Gameplay, Content etc, Downstream is responsible for UI etc. Both are affected by the other when feedback and Upstream can change significantly after feedback from Downstream.

The new Roadmap will primarily focus only on Upstream.

All good? Is it just me? Just my reading of it that says:

Upstream is theory-crafting. Downstream is trying to actually make it work with programming and technology.

New Roadmap only focuses on Theory-crafting and not any development or lack thereof.

Upstream will spend many months on their bit before actually asking if its possible and then give it to Downstream who feeds back that its impossible or will take years, but this is fine as Upstream isnt worried about those details they have moved onto something else. If necessary they will revisit and try and make it work and pass it back down and the game goes on. All the while the theory-crafters are in charge and nobody is able to keep up with the dreams as theres a new one every night.

Still, they might have found a way to release a Roadmap that nobody can hold them accountable to or measure them against. Certainly not Backers Investors ;)
Well I'm now involved in smallish software project, how we do it is that we first implement basic functionality, and test and test that it works. After that we bolt on whatever added functionality is needed. And test and test again. And so on untill we have final product. SC's way of doing it seems to me that they try to produce whole lot in complete form at once. Basic fundaments are rotten but somehow they'll just start working when whatever jesustechnology is implemented.
You dont even need to know much of anything about anything. If, after having been sitting in a restaurant for four hours I still haven't received an appetizer I dont need to know how they are working on designing the best stove on the planet, how they are incredibly ambitious when it comes to cutlery and how they will ramp up dish-development once they get the electricity going. You said you'd be with me shortly yet hours later my plate is still empty? Go fiddle a donkey you incompetent loser. :p
Especially if you pay in advance for that empty plate 🍽
I'm a bit worried. If one day by chance IGC exceeds 100 players per server, some here will have a heart attack.
If I know about it before you, I will prepare the news by diluting it. Something like "hey guys, CIG has done some tests with 60 players" then 70, etc.
It will still be painful but there should be fewer deaths.

I am also thinking about how to announce the second system when it is ready. It's going to be tricky.

thanks for the laughs. When I was a kid I was daydreaming about having superpowers so I can relate :)

On a similar note when the day comes that CIG is closing its doors and officially fails and following investigations prove its been a money scam all along I worry about some people as well. Apart from having physical distress I m picturing rage runs and blindly lashing out at innocent bystanders. I mean thats what you can expect from people who invested 6digit numbers of money into a video game. I dont believe for a second that everybody who put thousands into this is actually rich, chill and super relaxed about it, not caring if it fails or not. I rather think the most fanatical people are the ones most invested, either financially or emotionally and forcing these folks to swallow a gigantic bitter pill isnt going to go down well for them.

Remember when they increased the limit to 60 and had to roll it back? Fun times.

Sure, they might get there one day. 100 people on a server. I'm sure they will add Pyro eventually.

But its all a far cry from the promised 110 systems that backers paid for 8 years ago and thousands of players in an instance with a NPC to player ratio of 100:1.

I'd love to see SC running with 100 players and 10,000 NPCs running on a single server.

Small steps you hater. Sure, it took CIG nearly a decade and made them the joke of the industry but the faithful will be rewarded with having the last laugh...just you wait, Also that stuff about 110 systems and thousands of players is ancient history. Nobody remembers that anymore and even when the fact is accepted its immediately sidelined because its so out-of-date that nobody cares about it anymore.

So you will be willing to accept what we doubters knew all along, that there is nothing special about Star Citizen. No magic server tech, no tens of thousands of players in an instance, it's just another multiplayer game? You are certainly lowering the bar with your comment.

Being "just another multiplayer game" will be a stelar achievement for Star Citizen already, I m not sure the bar can be lowered even more. SCs current fascination surrounds the fact that its almost 10 years into development, has burned through a spectacular amount of money and has almost nothing to show for it with even the devs themselves are harping on about how its all "early days" and hinting at 20+ more years of this YET it keeps a large group of people who will tell you its "on track", "doing great" and is "actually already better than any released AAA title". Something like this automatically generates interest and attention.

Doesnt matter if he accepts it or not. He already knows the facts, hes just betting on the 0.01% hoping for a once-in-a-lifetime payout because everybody else bid on the 99.99. Having had various defenders of the faith over the years I dont think I ve ever seen one of them "willing to accept" anything that would prove em wrong. At best its been a slow and steady transformation from koolaid fan to joker or easing back out into oblivion. I mean I dont know how else to take Star Citizen anymore if not with a big portion of humor and snark. We certainly cannot be serious about it because even the attempt alone is torpedoed and bombed by CIG itself with yet another hilarious statement or action. Theres a reason why SC today is a meme-machine.

And while its easy to disregard people like me who dont even have SC installed its a little bit harder to do the same with anybody who is a backer himself and mirrors my opinion. But usually here comes the mental picture that those people dont have the latest news, are caught in a hate bubble or whatever. I wonder how he takes the sometimes scathing remarks and less-than-positive posts from current SC vets who actively play and test what SC has to offer? I mean theres a fair number of people around who have the integrity to enjoy AND criticise Star Citizen for its mess-ups at the same time.

Yes, yes, you're right into it. Wish the heart attack onto the infidels. That is the heavenly punishment for denying the creed. Day of Recklning cant come soon enough.

Meanwhile we giggle imagining the gnashing of teeth when that day turns out to never come.

We are still talking about Star Citizen? I thought maybe I skipped a page and somehow the discussion has turned religious #notacult

I just keep the bare minimum about numbers here and try not talking too much about the far future of the game.

This might be a misdefinition of "far" but you do nothing else but talking about the far future mate. When you talk about current issues and project them as reliable foundations for future gameplay loops which are 5+ years out as if they are implemented already (you do that) thats the "far future" in the industry. Hell....even a few months are the far future already with how quickly stuff changes. Things from last year are ancient history in regards to tech and standard.

Very apt as you have only pledged the bare minimum to the cause, maybe you don't have as much faith in this as you make out. How are you so sure missing tech will come one day? It's been coming for years and yet is still nowhere to be seen.

You can prove your faith in other ways than just money you know. Some of the most fanatical defenders I ve seen so far claim to be in "for the minimum" and I m not sure how reliable that claim is considering that admitting deep investment immediately makes you the laughing stock outside the echo chambers so its only natural to deny or stay silent about it.

Well, if people keep pledging it is near inevitable. Imagine describing an insanely ambitious FPS development project in 1988. Imagine that by 1995 it still is nowhere close, and things like Build3D eclipse the Frankenstein version of your Catacombs engine. If you keep at it, at some point nearly all you promises will be a default feature in some freeware engine. Might be 2005, 2015 or 2025.

The real question isn't if it is possible to have 100 people together on a server and two whole star systems in-game but rather when that might happen and how the industry looks by then. Because year by year 'too ambitious' slowly devolves into 'bland and irrelevant'.

I agree. If the goal or aim indeed is to create a video game then yes....its only a matter of time and funding. Both are provided and have been given in spades already. After following the project for years watching as it slowly transformed, changed directions a few times and eventually went to backpaddling and rewriting history I m not even "not sure" but convinced that we are looking at a video game Theranos and the problem with such things is that they NEVER result in a success. The best ones dont implode like a dying star but slowly fade into oblivion becoming known as "honest but eventual failures" which allows the perpetrators to live on undeserved money and the ultra-fans to save face.

Its going to be a failure either way so the details are not really important.

Maybe not to the future gaming nerd growing up and suddenly having the resources to fuel his hobby without belittlement and restraint. Theres always going to be games like Star Citizen out there. Promising the world, making you cry tears of excitement, taking your money and making you wait. And even Star Citizen is living proof for people ignoring their history so its safe to assume the same will happen again.

The absolute BEST CIG can hope for today is a result like Daikatana really. An actual release but eventual flop. I just wonder if Roberts will ever admit defeat (and crush all his little ultra-fans hearts by doing so) like Romero did or if he will continue to stoke the hype fire keeping his faithful as retirement cattle.

These devs will still be stuck with Cryengine 3 no matter how they dress it up. They will need to change engines in order to do what they want. I know nothing about game development but it makes perfect sense to me.

Some things are just logical and dont require you to be an expert to be able to form an opinion. If your leg bends the other way its safe to assume somethings wrong. You dont diagnose and treat it yourself if you are not on an island all by yourself but you know who to talk to to figure out whats wrong. The result might be a biological sensation or exception but assuming somethings wrong is normal, rational, logical and doesnt make you a hater. Star Citizen actually being the sensation that its ultra-fans try to make it is equal to the wrong-bending leg "working as intended". It ll be noteworthy, will generate attention and even investigations but its not applicable to anybody else, will remain an absolute exception coming down to chance. So Star Citizen might release in a functioning form some day but it will NOT affect the industry standard or change how things are had that chance already and failed to make an impact.

Game development isnt wildly known as most players spend their time with the playing and not the doing. That doesnt mean that there aint a lot of people who know what needs to be done, can see past the graphics and observe or comment on the underlying structure instead. Of course these people are qual to adults talking to little kids (the rest of the players) and like the generation gap its going to be impossible to bridge it without the little kids aquiring the knowledge themselves.

Star Citizens current development status is the symptom here. Even people without a technical background or laymen will recognize theres an issue at hand if the game isnt out after this many years of active development and a breathtaking amount of money. The suspicion intensifies when they learn that release isnt even imminent but a distant future theory at this point. Funding meter and team size only help to enforce and grow suspicion, not lay doubts to rest. If you remain theoretical (just watch videos and read posts) you might come to the conclusion that its looking great and is actually doing fine but buying into it and playing it more than a couple times (not a good indicator of performance, you might end up with the ONE server working okay) will correct that quickly. Why are so many backers disenchanted with Star Citizen today? The forums are full of people who claim knowledge or seniority within the project and are able to back it up too with the things they write. Because they sample the project frequently and acknowledge the facts. And its not pretty. And of course they are actually honest enough to admit not everything is great and perfect or going well because they know its not their task to protect the project

Maybe its a "faith" thing? You either have it or you dont. So if you have the same experience as everybody else but you continue to focus on the potential pay-out at end it ll change your perspective on current bugs, failures, issues etc. All of that is just temporary because they are convinced the project will succeed. I m all of allowing people to believe what they want, the problems start when these people having a non-rational or illogical, even dishonest view try to convince the rest of the world that they are right and everybody else is wrong.

I know a couple of guys like that...

Took just some +20 years, maybe SC is finally published in 2040 by some opensource hobbyists :D

I would agree if Star Citizen would make its source code public and allow for modders to take over. Some of the fans have proven to be motivated and skilled enough to create some incredible images/clips/results. Allowing the private experts to take over would only allow the rest of the world to catch up and learn about its actual state tho and I dont think Roberts is too keen on allowing that to happen as it would make him legally punishable if the results confirm some of the theories floating around. If Star Citizen will make a come-back it ll be as a re-creation by some motivated fans using the latest technologies and techniques to do what Chris Roberts aimed to do several decades ago.

Cool, first meme about me !

Internet fame is the best. Enjoy man ^^ Still some way to catch up to giants like Derek Smart but if you continue like you do you ll become just like him ^^

If you put a thousand monkeys in a room with a thousand typewriters and somehow fed them and kept them alive for a thousand certainly wouldn't want to go in that room afterwards.


Reminds me of the time was doing a cargo resupply offshore with my OP Mk2 and clipped a wave and sank it.

Had a 20 minute swim back to shore, ran out of time on the mission. After doing it, someone said "Why did you just EWO?" (easy way out - aka suicide). I felt so dumb. I'd have been back on shore and then took a boat or called for a replacement Mk2.

Typical SC defender reply: "lol you were stoopid" :D

My expectations for 2019 is the full delivery of Arccorp and MicroTech and all of its cities, outposts and moons. The repair, salvage and refuel mechanics. The addition of the second solar system. Possibly Nyx. Let's see how next year goes but if this year is any indicator SC will become even bigger and will reach a wider audience. I'll go grind that prospector now and see how long it takes me to get it.

Ouch that didnt age well at all. I was about to post a percentage but actually ALL OF IT didnt happen or is even close to happening. Thats the problem if you dont stay extremely vague at all times ("full delivery of Arccopr and Microtech".....yeah no) it reduces the wiggle room. Obviously Mr.Nowak needs to continue to learn to be more vague. CIG manages pretty well but those guys are paid for it so....

There's more chances that most of us here will be dead of old age and maybe yes one of my grandchildren living on Mars will get an heart attack hearing about this kind of news.

I wonder if sheep herders 2000 years ago were talking the same about those "funny stories" they heard around a campfire while digesting shrooms. Most of them acknolwediging the stories as fiction, some weird people who took em for actual facts without evidence or despite reality and of course the "haters" feeling the need to point out all the irregularities and logical mistakes in it. 2000 years later its a global thing with BILLIONS of people arguing or wondering affecting ALL our lives. Everything large has a tiny start somwhere ^^ And you cannot "just let it be" and ignore it because unchecked such things tend to get out of control.
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