Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

Still really buggy - been in five instances so far, in three we were getting no bonds (not even the 14,000cr for being there during a vent). The core was coming up, but sometimes there wasn't even a blue torus went it went back down.
In the fourth a Hudson player ganked me as I was setting up for a bombing run so I never found out if it was any good.
One successful instance all weekend. Not good by the fifth Titan.
Now that Shards are destroying the core easily with just two Commanders, I took some time to observe a few things related to the core and vents:
  • With two Commanders using Nanites, it seems that the core emerges immediately when the final vent is frozen, making that idea much worse than freezing a combined seven and enjoying the extra time to position by the core.
    • That seemed not to happen when freezing all eight vents solo¹.
    • Obviously it will be irrelevant given dedicated vent-freezing.
  • One core seems to have integrity worth at most 25 million credits split between Commanders by damage.
    • If it reaches zero and does the funny little pop, the credits sum seems to be 25 million consistently, regardless of whether we hold fire or continue attacking.
    • One Commander holding fire early just cedes credits to the other, still summing to 25 million if the core takes full damage.
I presume that means attacking a core at zero deals no further Titan damage, although while searching around I could not find anything to support or refute it. As with Spire sites, it suggests also being better for Commanders to attack as many smaller groups rather than crowding together! Pairs seem generally optimal; unless a third Commander intends defending the others, I think it better to run solo instead.

For some damage numbers, one fully-positioned volley with four class 3 Shards deals very close to 1/9 (~11%), after observing repeated solo six-vent cores yielding five fully-positioned volleys and leaving ~44–45% remaining. I think using a Stabiliser to bring another class 2 Shard and using premium ammunition could destroy a core fully oneself, although if dedicated freezing is needed then it would be as well to use normal ammunition, freeze six and destroy the core together.

1. That has minimal value with Shards anyway, giving six volleys rather than five but forfeiting a good position for the first one, . Six vents gives a solid five volleys, and if I can squeeze those into a five-vent duration then it would save enough Nanites to make premium Shard synthesis a really good idea.

One successful instance all weekend. Not good by the fifth Titan.

Definitely experiences seem mixed, likely favouring private groups—it is quite fine for us, and for me while solo, although I have seen others less fortunate in System chat!
There seems to be a sneaky extra change; M. Thor has already gained fifteen Counterstrikes without any need to await week 85, nor even for T. Indra to explode! In theory that ought to help those completing systems such as Varlawoth, although in practice there seems to be still no under-attack-starport icon.

Thor week 84.jpg
Updated INTRA so the INIV targets lists are inhab only on cycle 83+, if anyone still doesn't mind being yelled at for stopping attacks :D
This cycle / present cycle

Looks like Col 285 Sector SI-T d3-89 is a weak point, will see later if we're up for dropping it before it hits HIP 21724.
Need lots of unpop clearance now because the inhab targeting scuppers any plans to get spires back online 😖
Unless they want to build us a few more with what they've got... :unsure:
So Thor is next?

It would be as well to assume that, yes:
  • Counterstrike systems around the Titan with lowest Control should now get attacked ports at which Commanders can restock, although admittedly we have yet to see it on the Galaxy map, perhaps to appear on Thursday.
  • Some Commanders have been stockpiling survivors from T. Thor.
Prior to update 18.06 it would have been easy to deflate M. Cocijo or M. Raijin to the same stage as M. Thor; as it is now, that would require at least as much effort as finishing M. Thor, so it would be as well to use the fewest-Controls advantages from here onward.

Week 85, 11th July 3310​

Maelstrom Thor
Spire: Too few to cover all Control systems; prefer direct Control action if possible. Col 285 Sector OG-E b12-1 is near, and all three remaining sites have comparable progress.
Control: Ideal focus while strengths are lower, that Spire progress can be more helpful at the inner systems.
Titan: Rescued Bio-storage capsules from Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-5 will boost progress for around ~32 Counterstrike systems.

Three Alerts repelled at Aurus, Col 285 Sector XT-F b12-2 and Wanmi.
Nine Invasions defended at Nu Guang, HIPs 20509, 18857 and 37520, Unktety, Holvandalla, Bormuninus, Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-3 and Laumas.
Fifteen Control evictions at Col 285 Sectors LB-O c6-1, SH-C b13-1, LB-O c6-3, KV-F b11-1, EA-Q c5-11, OC-V d2-81, RW-D b12-2, JG-O c6-14 and RW-D b12-1, HIPs 17310, 19501, 20489 and 17897, Synuefe OU-D b45-0 and Maribe.
One Matrix system cleared at Col 285 Sector PB-E b12-3.
In addition to the defended Invasions, one recaptured system starting Recovery is Maribe.

Targets updated at 06:20 18th July 3310
Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-3 Control 88% — Thor 28 Ly, 769 strength
HIP 18776 Control 78% — Thor 28 Ly, 1413 strength
Col 285 Sector LL-E b12-1 Control 76% — Thor 27 Ly, 1549 strength
Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-6 Control 70% — Raijin 29 Ly, 1918 strength
Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-17 Control 68% — Thor 26 Ly, 2086 strength
Col 285 Sector UH-C b13-1 Control 58% *58.1%Thor 22 Ly, 2833 strength
Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-10 Control 50% — Thor 27 Ly, 3228 strength
Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-92 Control 46% — Raijin 29 Ly, 3452 strength
Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d46 Control 46% — Raijin 28 Ly, 3459 strength
Pegasi Sector FB-X c1-24 Control 46% — Raijin 28 Ly, 3455 strength
Pegasi Sector HH-U b3-7 Control 46% — Raijin 29 Ly, 3446 strength
Pegasi Sector JH-V c2-26 Control 46% — Raijin 28 Ly, 3457 strength
Pegasi Sector LN-S b4-0 Control 46% — Raijin 29 Ly, 3452 strength
Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-1 Control 46% — Raijin 28 Ly, 3460 strength
Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-4 Control 46% — Raijin 29 Ly, 3453 strength
Pegasi Sector PJ-N a8-2 Control 44% — Raijin 28 Ly, 3590 strength
Col 285 Sector VN-H b11-7 Control 40% — Cocijo 18 Ly, 4191 strength
Col 285 Sector OG-E b12-1 Matrix 34% — Thor 23 Ly
Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-5 Matrix 30% — Thor 17 Ly
Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-4 Control 30% — Thor 27 Ly, 4522 strength
Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-0 Matrix 26% *27.2%Thor 11 Ly
Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-4 Matrix 26% *26.6%Raijin 20 Ly
Col 285 Sector SM-C b13-0 Control 24% — Thor 22 Ly, 5137 strength
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-2 Control 24% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 4795 strength
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-82 Control 24% — Cocijo 32 Ly, 4712 strength
HIP 39186 Control 24% — Cocijo 34 Ly, 4649 strength
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-4 Control 24% — Cocijo 32 Ly, 4708 strength
Col 285 Sector TC-J b10-0 Control 24% — Cocijo 32 Ly, 4697 strength
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-5 Control 24% — Cocijo 33 Ly, 4691 strength
HIP 39468 Control 24% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 4784 strength
Col 285 Sector SM-C b13-3 Control 22% — Thor 26 Ly, 5093 strength
Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-1 Control 22% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 4905 strength
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-1 Control 22% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 4919 strength
Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-6 Control 22% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 4909 strength
HIP 113076 Control 20% *21%Raijin 24 Ly, 8719 strength
Col 285 Sector TH-C b13-3 Control 20% — Thor 22 Ly, 5386 strength
Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-1 Control 18% *18.6%Thor 23 Ly, 5450 strength
Col 285 Sector JA-G b11-3 Control 18% — Thor 26 Ly, 5351 strength
Col 285 Sector SM-C b13-2 Control 16% — Thor 26 Ly, 5490 strength
Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-18 Control 16% — Thor 26 Ly, 5494 strength
Col 285 Sector KA-G b11-0 Control 16% — Thor 26 Ly, 5465 strength
Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-5 Control 14% *15.4%Thor 25 Ly, 5579 strength
Col 285 Sector XT-Q c5-18 Matrix 14% *14.4%Cocijo 11 Ly
Pegasi Sector PI-S b4-1 Control 14% — Raijin 28 Ly, 5518 strength
Col 285 Sector SM-C b13-1 Control 14% — Thor 24 Ly, 5714 strength
Col 285 Sector IA-G b11-3 Control 12% *13.4%Thor 24 Ly, 5735 strength
Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-3 Control 12% *13.4%Thor 24 Ly, 5747 strength
Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-4 Control 12% *13.3%Thor 22 Ly, 5843 strength
Mapon Control 10% *10.8%Cocijo 18 Ly, 10.4k strength
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-143 Matrix 8% *8.6%Cocijo 16 Ly
HIP 19198 Control 8% *8.5%Thor 17 Ly, 10.7k strength
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-3 Matrix 6% *7.2%Raijin 24 Ly
Kamato Control 6% — Raijin 27 Ly, 10.2k strength
Pegasi Sector RE-N a8-1 Control 6% — Raijin 26 Ly, 6132 strength
Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-7 Control 4% *5.7%Raijin 23 Ly, 6334 strength
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-9 Matrix 4% *4.8%Raijin 14 Ly
Vaipacnali Control 4% *4.5%Thor 19 Ly, 11k strength
Tagin Control 4% *4.5%Raijin 23 Ly, 10.6k strength
Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-4 Matrix 4% *4.1%Raijin 7 Ly
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-2 Matrix 4% *4.1%Raijin 5 Ly
Col 285 Sector RS-H b11-4 Control 4% — Cocijo 29 Ly, 6100 strength
Pegasi Sector NY-O a7-2 Control 4% — Raijin 25 Ly, 6338 strength
Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-4 Matrix 2% *3.7%Raijin 18 Ly
Col 285 Sector ZT-F b12-3 Matrix 2% *2.8%Cocijo 17 Ly
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-7 Matrix 2% *2.5%Raijin 11 Ly
Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-15 Control 2% *2.5%Thor 6 Ly, 7456 strength
Col 285 Sector OB-E b12-4 Control 2% *2.2%Thor 21 Ly, 6650 strength
Pegasi Sector ON-S b4-2 Control 2% *2.2%Raijin 27 Ly, 6310 strength
Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-115 Control 2% *2.1%Raijin 23 Ly, 10.9k strength
Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-25 Control 2% *2.1%Raijin 28 Ly, 6308 strength
Col 285 Sector VN-H b11-1 Matrix 2% — Cocijo 15 Ly
Desurinbin Control 2% — Cocijo 25 Ly, 10.8k strength
Col 285 Sector UH-C b13-0 Control 2% — Thor 23 Ly, 6573 strength
HIP 37844 Control 2% — Cocijo 28 Ly, 10.5k strength
Col 285 Sector TN-H b11-4 Control 2% — Cocijo 29 Ly, 6248 strength

There is a Community Goal with a possible class 6 corrosive cargo reward.
The Alert report lists predicted attackers.

Week 84, 4th July 3310​

Eleven Alerts repelled at HIPs 117177 and 38134, Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-146, Pegasi Sector EM-S a5-3, Wikira, Wogaiawong, Na Zha, Ralteki, Daisla, Ao Kiang and Hasaka.
Eight Invasions defended at Isla, Nibelaako, Theemim, HIPs 40786 and 16954, Vistnero, Picenile and Asletae.
Six Control evictions at Col 285 Sectors AF-E b13-3, BA-P c6-3, SI-T d3-89 and KL-E b12-5, Varlawoth and HIP 18702.
In addition to the defended Invasions, two recaptured systems starting Recovery are Varlawoth and HIP 18702.
Titan Indra has overheated and exploded.
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As a background idea for anyone who needed a break from spires and conflict zones - though given the fed CG right now is offering the class 6 corrosion resistant rack if it hits tier 5, I assume the folk most likely to partake would be off gathering power generators and all this week.

Buy order set at 200,000Cr per scout sample, full demand set up so if its done it's done.
TargetPrev. estimate StrengthCarrierLocationDemandCurrently Held
Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-15~7648[AXI] Invicta X5Q-83NJumping shortly311 Closed7689
The conflict zones in system are all at the secondary star over 20,000Ls away, so, recapture doesn't really hinder the fighty folk having nice options, and the system makes a relatively central parking point, similar to the Indra effort.

The 1kLs of twin asteroid belts isn't great, but it makes a starting point to push other systems more easily, and with the new targeting rules the Thargoids would never attack the system again, figured i can save INIV footing the bill yet again on things. strength estimate from the calc for now, given you had the most recent data. Will try to get refined info tonight if there's chance.

-- Unfortunately, I had nav filters on... so, Body 6, 722Ls from star for the relevant carrier, less than ideal.
-- Resolved 19th @ 02:26 UTC, carrier migrated to main star.
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Prior to this week 85, we were indeed considering a continuation of Operation Park-and-ride! For the moment we are investing instead in staying afloat of the top 50% threshold for the class 6 corrosive cargo, where hopefully that will mature into a significant time reduction for creating a few more Carrier parks.

I forgot to mention—in cancelling one Alert, the quick Wednesday completion of Col 285 Sector SI-T d3-89 was also a harvest job, from which the delivery data supported the existing strengths.
What is the linear formula for Strenght in Controlled systems?

Im storing Cocijo biopods (1strenght/7pods), and want to know how closer the systems will reach 15% progression (for that juicy 85% spire work, if not mistaken).
What is the linear formula for Strenght in Controlled systems?

The Control junctions in use at the moment are:

0 Ly768212804
5 Ly768212804
50 Ly52168700

Operation park-and-ride confirmed that there still is a flat, constant region within 5 Ly, such that the gradients apply only in a domain from 5 Ly onward. As functions of a distance x light-years, these are 7956 − 54.8x for empty and 13260 − 91.2x for populated.

The actual amounts have not seen another formal measurement since around six weeks ago, but we still do informal checks while clearing systems, and I can say that clearing Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-11 earlier showed no strength estimation concerns!

Im storing Cocijo biopods (1strenght/7pods), and want to know how closer the systems will reach 15% progression (for that juicy 85% spire work, if not mistaken).

Mind that M. Cocijo will be quite a while away—I can see that this time gap is part of your plan, although mind that this is also time for Frontier to change things in unexpected ways!

Mind also that Spires are scarce now, such that it could be as well to inform everyone here how any large Titan rescue effort is going ahead of beginning clearance there. Ideally one would coordinate a Thursday delivery so that it replaces a lot of Spire progress, and so that we have direct clearance ready to secure all of those systems!
To call a couple of end-of-week M. Thor targets, that it may help reduce duplicating them:
  • HIP 20489 is near-complete now and should be complete after the next hourly report.
  • INIV is moving across to HIP 17897 to ensure completion there. Now should be complete at next report!
  • Additional: Inbound to Col 285 Sector RW-D b12-1 next!
A few other systems are close and may be possible tonight, such as Col 285 Sector RW-D b12-1 or Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-3, although that is more than we will have time to visit!
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Week 86, 18th July 3310​

Maelstrom Thor
Invasion: One to defend at Almar!
Spire: Too few to cover all Control systems; prefer direct Control action if possible. Col 285 Sectors EA-Q c5-5 and NG-E b12-0 remain.
Control: Ideal focus while strengths are lower, that Spire progress can be more helpful at the inner systems. HIP 18075 has an attacked port!
Titan: Rescued Bio-storage capsules from Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-5 will boost progress for around ~28 Counterstrike systems.

Three Alerts repelled at Tvasu, Pegasi Sector HW-V b2-0 and Purukuna.
Seven Invasions defended at Ngolite, Jawul, Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-5, Sukurbago, Almar, Koko Oh and Chibis.
Twenty-four Control evictions at Col 285 Sectors JG-O c6-3, LL-E b12-1, IG-O c6-15, IG-O c6-17, EA-Q c5-10, NG-E b12-4, EA-Q c5-4, JA-G b11-3, SM-C b13-3, KA-G b11-0, IG-O c6-18, SM-C b13-2, JG-O c6-5, UH-C b13-1, LV-F b11-0, SW-D b12-2, IG-O c6-10, NG-E b12-3, EA-Q c5-1 and EA-Q c5-2, HIPs 18075, 18776 and 18705, and Pegasi Sector FB-X c1-24.
One Matrix system cleared at Col 285 Sector OG-E b12-1.
In addition to the defended Invasions, one recaptured system starting Recovery is HIP 18075.

Targets updated at 06:40 25th July 3310
Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-6 Control 78% — Raijin 29 Ly, 1060 strength
Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d46 Control 70% — Raijin 28 Ly, 1448 strength
Col 285 Sector SM-C b13-1 Control 68% — Thor 24 Ly, 1597 strength
Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-1 Control 66% *66.4%Raijin 28 Ly, 1618 strength
Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-4 Control 66% — Raijin 29 Ly, 1638 strength
Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-92 Control 66% — Raijin 29 Ly, 1638 strength
Pegasi Sector HH-U b3-7 Control 66% — Raijin 29 Ly, 1635 strength
Pegasi Sector JH-V c2-26 Control 66% — Raijin 28 Ly, 1640 strength
Pegasi Sector LN-S b4-0 Control 66% — Raijin 29 Ly, 1637 strength
Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-0 Matrix 64% *64.1%Thor 11 Ly
Pegasi Sector PJ-N a8-2 Control 64% — Raijin 28 Ly, 1738 strength
Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-5 Matrix 52% — Thor 17 Ly
Col 285 Sector SM-C b13-0 Control 48% *49%Thor 22 Ly, 2582 strength
Col 285 Sector OC-V d2-80 Control 48% — Thor 25 Ly, 2582 strength
Col 285 Sector IA-G b11-3 Control 48% — Thor 24 Ly, 2589 strength
HIP 113076 Control 42% *42.5%Raijin 24 Ly, 6338 strength
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-4 Control 40% *40.2%Cocijo 32 Ly, 2796 strength
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-82 Control 40% — Cocijo 32 Ly, 2811 strength
Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-4 Matrix 36% — Raijin 20 Ly
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-2 Control 36% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 3046 strength
Pegasi Sector RE-N a8-1 Control 34% — Raijin 26 Ly, 3238 strength
Col 285 Sector TC-J b10-0 Control 34% — Cocijo 32 Ly, 3082 strength
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-5 Control 34% — Cocijo 33 Ly, 3079 strength
HIP 39186 Control 34% — Cocijo 34 Ly, 3054 strength
HIP 39468 Control 34% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 3134 strength
Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-1 Control 32% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 3226 strength
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-1 Control 32% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 3235 strength
Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-6 Control 32% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 3228 strength
Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-9 Control 30% — Thor 24 Ly, 3494 strength
Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-1 Control 28% — Thor 23 Ly, 3618 strength
Col 285 Sector TH-C b13-3 Control 22% *22.4%Thor 22 Ly, 3917 strength
Col 285 Sector KB-O c6-2 Control 18% — Thor 24 Ly, 4104 strength
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-3 Matrix 16% — Raijin 24 Ly
Col 285 Sector XT-Q c5-18 Matrix 16% — Cocijo 11 Ly
Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-7 Control 16% — Thor 24 Ly, 4196 strength
Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-115 Control 14% *15.1%Raijin 23 Ly, 9496 strength
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-143 Matrix 12% *12.1%Cocijo 16 Ly
HIP 19198 Control 8% *9.8%Thor 17 Ly, 10.6k strength
Tagin Control 8% *8.8%Raijin 23 Ly, 10.1k strength
Mapon Control 8% — Cocijo 18 Ly, 10.7k strength
Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-5 Control 8% — Raijin 28 Ly, 4443 strength
Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-3 Control 8% — Thor 23 Ly, 4608 strength
Col 285 Sector OB-E b12-4 Control 6% *6.6%Thor 21 Ly, 4757 strength
Col 285 Sector RM-C b13-1 Control 6% *6.3%Thor 21 Ly, 4778 strength
Col 285 Sector ZT-F b12-3 Matrix 6% *6.1%Cocijo 17 Ly
Kamato Control 6% — Raijin 27 Ly, 10.2k strength
Vaipacnali Control 6% — Thor 19 Ly, 10.9k strength
Col 285 Sector UH-C b13-3 Control 6% — Thor 23 Ly, 4715 strength
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-9 Matrix 4% *5.5%Raijin 14 Ly
Col 285 Sector VN-H b11-1 Matrix 4% *5.1%Cocijo 15 Ly
Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-4 Matrix 4% *5.1%Raijin 18 Ly
Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-5 Control 4% *4.9%Thor 17 Ly, 4982 strength
Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-4 Matrix 4% *4.9%Raijin 7 Ly
Col 285 Sector RS-H b11-6 Control 4% *4.8%Cocijo 27 Ly, 4649 strength
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-7 Matrix 4% *4.7%Raijin 11 Ly
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-2 Matrix 4% *4.5%Raijin 5 Ly
HIP 19091 Control 4% — Thor 10 Ly, 11.9k strength
HIP 21125 Control 4% — Thor 23 Ly, 4820 strength
Col 285 Sector SS-H b11-2 Control 2% *3.6%Cocijo 24 Ly, 4794 strength
Col 285 Sector PB-E b12-0 Control 2% *3.1%Thor 14 Ly, 5186 strength
Col 285 Sector OB-E b12-3 Control 2% *2.8%Thor 18 Ly, 5075 strength
Col 285 Sector OG-E b12-0 Control 2% *2.6%Thor 19 Ly, 5035 strength
Dhang Tzela Control 2% *2.4%Thor 19 Ly, 11.3k strength
Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-8 Control 2% *2.2%Cocijo 27 Ly, 4762 strength
Col 285 Sector MG-E b12-0 Control 2% — Thor 19 Ly, 5086 strength
Col 285 Sector PB-E b12-2 Control 2% — Thor 14 Ly, 5269 strength
Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-19 Control 2% — Cocijo 26 Ly, 4815 strength

The Alert report lists predicted attackers.

Week 85, 11th July 3310​

Three Alerts repelled at Aurus, Col 285 Sector XT-F b12-2 and Wanmi.
Nine Invasions defended at Nu Guang, HIPs 20509, 18857 and 37520, Unktety, Holvandalla, Bormuninus, Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-3 and Laumas.
Fifteen Control evictions at Col 285 Sectors LB-O c6-1, SH-C b13-1, LB-O c6-3, KV-F b11-1, EA-Q c5-11, OC-V d2-81, RW-D b12-2, JG-O c6-14 and RW-D b12-1, HIPs 17310, 19501, 20489 and 17897, Synuefe OU-D b45-0 and Maribe.
One Matrix system cleared at Col 285 Sector PB-E b12-3.
In addition to the defended Invasions, one recaptured system starting Recovery is Maribe.
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Oh it's active now, started cleanly so I went to swap ships and returned to find someone in a hydra fight. Helped / hindered them with a couple of hearts before high waking in my badly mauled Type-10
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