Week 85, 11th July 3310
Maelstrom Thor
Spire: Too few to cover all Control systems; prefer direct Control action if possible. Col 285 Sector
OG-E b12-1 is near, and all three remaining sites have comparable progress.
Control: Ideal focus while strengths are lower, that Spire progress can be more helpful at the inner systems.
Titan: Rescued Bio-storage capsules from Col 285 Sector
IG-O c6-5 will boost progress for around ~32 Counterstrike systems.
Alerts repelled at
Aurus, Col 285 Sector
XT-F b12-2 and
Invasions defended at
Nu Guang, HIPs
18857 and
Bormuninus, Col 285 Sector
YT-F b12-3 and
Control evictions at Col 285 Sectors
LB-O c6-1, SH-C b13-1, LB-O c6-3, KV-F b11-1, EA-Q c5-11, OC-V d2-81, RW-D b12-2, JG-O c6-14 and RW-D b12-1, HIPs
20489 and
17897, Synuefe
OU-D b45-0 and
Matrix system cleared at Col 285 Sector
PB-E b12-3.
In addition to the defended Invasions, one recaptured system starting
Recovery is
Targets updated at 06:20 18th July 3310
Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-3
Control 88% —
Thor 28 Ly, 769 strength
HIP 18776
Control 78% —
Thor 28 Ly, 1413 strength
Col 285 Sector LL-E b12-1
Control 76% —
Thor 27 Ly, 1549 strength
Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-6
Control 70% —
Raijin 29 Ly, 1918 strength
Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-17
Control 68% —
Thor 26 Ly, 2086 strength
Col 285 Sector UH-C b13-1
Control 58%
*58.1% —
Thor 22 Ly, 2833 strength
Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-10
Control 50% —
Thor 27 Ly, 3228 strength
Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-92
Control 46% —
Raijin 29 Ly, 3452 strength
Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d46
Control 46% —
Raijin 28 Ly, 3459 strength
Pegasi Sector FB-X c1-24
Control 46% —
Raijin 28 Ly, 3455 strength
Pegasi Sector HH-U b3-7
Control 46% —
Raijin 29 Ly, 3446 strength
Pegasi Sector JH-V c2-26
Control 46% —
Raijin 28 Ly, 3457 strength
Pegasi Sector LN-S b4-0
Control 46% —
Raijin 29 Ly, 3452 strength
Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-1
Control 46% —
Raijin 28 Ly, 3460 strength
Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-4
Control 46% —
Raijin 29 Ly, 3453 strength
Pegasi Sector PJ-N a8-2
Control 44% —
Raijin 28 Ly, 3590 strength
Col 285 Sector VN-H b11-7
Control 40% —
Cocijo 18 Ly, 4191 strength
Col 285 Sector OG-E b12-1
Matrix 34% —
Thor 23 Ly
Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-5
Matrix 30% —
Thor 17 Ly
Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-4
Control 30% —
Thor 27 Ly, 4522 strength
Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-0
Matrix 26%
*27.2% —
Thor 11 Ly
Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-4
Matrix 26%
*26.6% —
Raijin 20 Ly
Col 285 Sector SM-C b13-0
Control 24% —
Thor 22 Ly, 5137 strength
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-2
Control 24% —
Cocijo 30 Ly, 4795 strength
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-82
Control 24% —
Cocijo 32 Ly, 4712 strength
HIP 39186
Control 24% —
Cocijo 34 Ly, 4649 strength
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-4
Control 24% —
Cocijo 32 Ly, 4708 strength
Col 285 Sector TC-J b10-0
Control 24% —
Cocijo 32 Ly, 4697 strength
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-5
Control 24% —
Cocijo 33 Ly, 4691 strength
HIP 39468
Control 24% —
Cocijo 30 Ly, 4784 strength
Col 285 Sector SM-C b13-3
Control 22% —
Thor 26 Ly, 5093 strength
Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-1
Control 22% —
Cocijo 30 Ly, 4905 strength
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-1
Control 22% —
Cocijo 30 Ly, 4919 strength
Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-6
Control 22% —
Cocijo 30 Ly, 4909 strength
HIP 113076 Control 20%
*21% —
Raijin 24 Ly, 8719 strength
Col 285 Sector TH-C b13-3
Control 20% —
Thor 22 Ly, 5386 strength
Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-1
Control 18%
*18.6% —
Thor 23 Ly, 5450 strength
Col 285 Sector JA-G b11-3
Control 18% —
Thor 26 Ly, 5351 strength
Col 285 Sector SM-C b13-2
Control 16% —
Thor 26 Ly, 5490 strength
Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-18
Control 16% —
Thor 26 Ly, 5494 strength
Col 285 Sector KA-G b11-0
Control 16% —
Thor 26 Ly, 5465 strength
Col 285 Sector JG-O c6-5
Control 14%
*15.4% —
Thor 25 Ly, 5579 strength
Col 285 Sector XT-Q c5-18
Matrix 14%
*14.4% —
Cocijo 11 Ly
Pegasi Sector PI-S b4-1
Control 14% —
Raijin 28 Ly, 5518 strength
Col 285 Sector SM-C b13-1
Control 14% —
Thor 24 Ly, 5714 strength
Col 285 Sector IA-G b11-3
Control 12%
*13.4% —
Thor 24 Ly, 5735 strength
Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-3
Control 12%
*13.4% —
Thor 24 Ly, 5747 strength
Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-4
Control 12%
*13.3% —
Thor 22 Ly, 5843 strength
Mapon Control 10%
*10.8% —
Cocijo 18 Ly, 10.4k strength
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-143
Matrix 8%
*8.6% —
Cocijo 16 Ly
HIP 19198 Control 8%
*8.5% —
Thor 17 Ly, 10.7k strength
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-3
Matrix 6%
*7.2% —
Raijin 24 Ly
Kamato Control 6% —
Raijin 27 Ly, 10.2k strength
Pegasi Sector RE-N a8-1
Control 6% —
Raijin 26 Ly, 6132 strength
Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-7
Control 4%
*5.7% —
Raijin 23 Ly, 6334 strength
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-9
Matrix 4%
*4.8% —
Raijin 14 Ly
Vaipacnali Control 4%
*4.5% —
Thor 19 Ly, 11k strength
Tagin Control 4%
*4.5% —
Raijin 23 Ly, 10.6k strength
Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-4
Matrix 4%
*4.1% —
Raijin 7 Ly
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-2
Matrix 4%
*4.1% —
Raijin 5 Ly
Col 285 Sector RS-H b11-4
Control 4% —
Cocijo 29 Ly, 6100 strength
Pegasi Sector NY-O a7-2
Control 4% —
Raijin 25 Ly, 6338 strength
Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-4
Matrix 2%
*3.7% —
Raijin 18 Ly
Col 285 Sector ZT-F b12-3
Matrix 2%
*2.8% —
Cocijo 17 Ly
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-7
Matrix 2%
*2.5% —
Raijin 11 Ly
Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-15
Control 2%
*2.5% —
Thor 6 Ly, 7456 strength
Col 285 Sector OB-E b12-4
Control 2%
*2.2% —
Thor 21 Ly, 6650 strength
Pegasi Sector ON-S b4-2
Control 2%
*2.2% —
Raijin 27 Ly, 6310 strength
Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-115 Control 2%
*2.1% —
Raijin 23 Ly, 10.9k strength
Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-25
Control 2%
*2.1% —
Raijin 28 Ly, 6308 strength
Col 285 Sector VN-H b11-1
Matrix 2% —
Cocijo 15 Ly
Desurinbin Control 2% —
Cocijo 25 Ly, 10.8k strength
Col 285 Sector UH-C b13-0
Control 2% —
Thor 23 Ly, 6573 strength
HIP 37844 Control 2% —
Cocijo 28 Ly, 10.5k strength
Col 285 Sector TN-H b11-4
Control 2% —
Cocijo 29 Ly, 6248 strength
There is a
Community Goal with a possible class 6 corrosive cargo reward.
Alert report lists predicted attackers.
Week 84, 4th July 3310
Alerts repelled at HIPs
117177 and
38134, Col 285 Sector
OS-T d3-146, Pegasi Sector
EM-S a5-3,
Na Zha,
Ao Kiang and
Invasions defended at
Theemim, HIPs
40786 and
Picenile and
Control evictions at Col 285 Sectors
AF-E b13-3, BA-P c6-3, SI-T d3-89 and KL-E b12-5,
Varlawoth and
HIP 18702.
In addition to the defended Invasions, two recaptured systems starting
Recovery are
Varlawoth and
HIP 18702.
Titan Indra has overheated and exploded.