The Galactic Mapping Project & Historical Archive of Exploration

It looks like NGC 32 is the two stars 2MASS 00105361+1847455 and 2MASS 00105290+1847200
These two stars are too faint to be in either Tycho or Hipparcos catalogues.
In a month or so, Gaia DR2 will come out, which will hopefully have parallaxes for these two stars.
With apparent magnitudes of 13.1 and 14.3, if they had the same absolute magnitude as the sun, they would be about 1500-2500 ly from Sol, and assuming they're in the same system a separation of between 0.2 and 0.3 ly

It looks like these two stars are a visual binary - they're at different distances and moving in opposite directions. The Gaia DR2 data puts the dimmer star (2MASS 00105290+1847200 - 1 solar radii, 0.729 x solar luminosity) at about 2500ly +/- 90ly, and the brighter star (2MASS 00105361+1847455 - 1.93 solar radii, 3 x solar luminosity) at about 2925ly +/- 85ly

The dimmer star should be a G5 at approx. x=-1719, y=-1706, z=-617
The brighter star should be at approx. x=-2011, y=-1996, z=-722

In Elite Dangerous, this is well into the lower reaches of the galactic disc, and the nearest system to the first position is about 50ly away (Flooe Dryua NN-R d5-0).
With the second position, the closest system is about 400ly away.
Gaia data out today shows correct RA & Dec, radius 5 - only one candidate listed:

Mag 13.2 (v. similar to 13.1)
parallax = 1.114 milli-arc seconds => 2,926 Ly - so your guess of 1500-2500 Ly was pretty good!

Of course, in Elite it could be anywhere along that line....... However I can convert that distance and bearing to Elite co-ordinates and pick a suitable star that I like, and name it. Even if only in my own head. Thanks for your help.
Been wondering about a name to the planet i found since there has been such a massive response to the discovery.
I was suprised to see that my tweet of the discovery was even featured by Elite Dangerous and ObsidianAnts twitter feed.
The response has been overwhelming.
Maybe we could dedicate it to all those wonderful streamers out there that stream Elite Dangerous on twitch.
Planet Twitch?

The colours sure match.

I would appreciate some feedback and suggestions from the people behind this thread.
Been wondering about a name to the planet i found since there has been such a massive response to the discovery.
I was suprised to see that my tweet of the discovery was even featured by Elite Dangerous and ObsidianAnts twitter feed.
The response has been overwhelming.
Maybe we could dedicate it to all those wonderful streamers out there that stream Elite Dangerous on twitch.
Planet Twitch?

The colours sure match.

I would appreciate some feedback and suggestions from the people behind this thread.

Sent you a PM :)
Are you interested by that ?

Only 2 stars in it.

A neutron and a G star



Sorry if the presentation is not well made, first time i post a POI here
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Planet: CRAB SECTOR AF-A D6 1 C A, from now on known as "Belle de Fontenay"

With a radius of only 395KM, this tiny moon of a moon has at least one location with fungal life.

At -23.9837, -114.3749 the visitor will find:

- Polyporous growths
- Mussidaen seed pods
- Cordycep growths

Seems there no longer there. I am right here but sadly here is no fungi
Name: Hawking´s Dream
Reference System: Rhadia AA-A h59

Description: Quadruple Black Hole in Centaurus Reach, first discovered by Cdr Star Falcon, unusual combination this far from galactic core with 47.4/12.5/14.5/3.3 solar masses and an additional Asteroid belt


Name: "Our Lady's Modesty"

Reference System: GOOREIA WO-Z E131

Description: Violet Planetary Nebula with pinky contour (could look blue depend of point of view). Look like a petal of a violet flower from a point of view, that's the reason for the name.



Screenshoot from the few nearest system, there like 2 or 3 with less than 2ly distance from it.




Screenshot from inside close to the faraway planet with a nice belt.

I'm on my way back from Bagel Point by a neutron route and I drop by this system with neutron star. I was curious to know it's name but...
I was surprised to not find it on EDSM soo, I decided to mention it here.
It seem that Zangief pass by here first but not report it. (Or still not)

To make sure every one can enjoy it I don't take a chance and I report it today.

Screenshot from outside on the satelite of a waterplanet (in the center).

Coming back to civilisation soon :)

I hope my english was not to bad, I'm french from Québec.
If something missing, let me know, first time I report POI.
Thank for your nice work !
Name: Our Lady's Modesty

Reference System: GOOREIA WO-Z E131

Description: Planetary Nebula with Neutron star as core. Look blue and pinky.
Fron a certain angle it look like a violet petal flower (that's why the name).



I'm on my way back from Bagel Point and I was passing by neutron way. So, I drop on this one and when I check for the name of it on EDSM, nothing there.
Zangief seem to pass by here and maybe did't realised or forget to report it...

Enjoy it every one, there's few system near of it to wacht it from the outside.


Way back to the bubble soon, I hope...

Sorry for my english, I'm french...
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Name: Our Lady's Modesty

Reference System:

Description: Planetary Nebula with Neutron star as core. Look blue and pinky.
Fron a certain angle it look like a violet petal flower (that's why the name).

Wow, very beautiful! I do not see this certain planetary nebula often, with its irregular shape.
Hi, today , before I leave the aera, I did a other check to realise there are 3 ringed brown dwarf with few landable planet where we can collect material for fsd injection. Not a loot of Polonium but ...0,5 % on 3 of the 27 landable.

I like this kind of blue.
And you ?

Cmdr Korver

Ok, now I'm on my way back :D
Name: Nameless Blue Orphan

Reference: HYPIAE BRIAE FR-N E6-3007

Description:Blue Planetary Nebula

He... 2 in a row, can i just get home :D
Found nothing about this one too on EDSM.
From the nearest systeme, 2.08Al, it's look like a babyface with a little capine.
He does seem healty with a blue face...

Could be an old, very old grand mother too, swrink appear in both kind of face.

Nothing more spécial about this for me.

Cmdr Korver

Still on way back ...
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Name: ???(Help me this time with the name)

Reference: EORD GREE UU-X E1-1268

Description: purple/greenish planetary nebula, neutron star as main astre.


Wow, they said never 2 withou 3. So, for the third planetary nebula I pass by today and realyse it was not mentioned in EDSM. I don't know how to name it if anybody have an idea. It seem to be a blue/purple dilapidate sphere with a green(turquoise) tubular form trough it. Maybay something had pass realy fast across. Yea it's like an fast track neutron star...


Emphase on the green from the inside.


I see kind of big green X...

Still on the way back home...

Cmdr Korver

(if more détails are needed, ask me, I have other shot)
Thanks again for your nice work :)
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Name: Pink Elephants

System: SCREAKE SJ-Y D1-265 - Body 1A
Coordinates: 14.0976 / 46.2400
Major Metallic Magma Volcanism (Fumeroles)


Cmdr Highwaywarrior
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Name: Major Water Geysers

System: [FONT=&quot]GUENAE SB-I B57-0 Body: 3 A[/FONT]
Coordinates: [FONT=&quot]-7.8779 / -63.6280[/FONT]
Major Water Geysers


Cmdr Highwaywarrior
Name: Major Water Geysers

System: [FONT=&quot]PYROOM EOU GE-C C28-0 Body: 5 A[/FONT]
Coordinates: [FONT=&quot]-6.5964 / 48.8725[/FONT]
Major Water Geysers


Cmdr Highwaywarrior
POI Submission

Name: Shadow Geysers
POI-Type: Geysers/Fumarole
System/GalMap: EUFARB UT-Z D13-37
Body/Location: EUFARB UT-Z D13-37 1 C A, Coordinates: 3.67°, 134.39°

Description: This system contains a tidally locked moon in close orbit to a gas giant's moon. These Geysers change in color from dark black smoke to bright green in the very short daytime. It was discovered in May of 3304 by CMDR SGT Stubby.


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Last Chance

NameLast Chance Depot
Game map search refPYRAEA EUQ CR-N D6-0
POI TypeJumponium-Rich system/Green system
DescriptionAt the very western rim of the Abyss...The Frontier. Only for intrepid and reckless Commanders. Last chance to fill up every mat before the oblivion of the Deep Black.




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