The Galactic Mapping Project & Historical Archive of Exploration

Name:A Heart of Gold
Game map search ref:Sleguae HH-C d67
Description:This tourist beacon was set up in September 3307 as part of the Saud Kruger Exploration Campaign in conjunction with Astrogator Tours.

The location was identified by Commander Sidewinder40 who made the following observations: This Elysian Shore destination may contain the fabled 'ultimate answer' with 42 bodies. It hosts a ringed Earth-like world in a binary dance with a ringed blue gas giant. These are among a Lucky 7 of ringed planets orbiting a large Class A blue-white star. The secondary Class F white star also claims a water world and two terraforming candidate worlds in its orbit. For exobiologists, there are 12 biological signals from three planets in the system.

This system boasts an awesome side view of Barnard's Loop, and is found just 2.5KLy from the Heart, Soul and NGC 7822 nebulae.

Both Saud Kruger and Astrogator Tours extend their thanks to Commander Sidewinder40 for contributing to the success of this initiative.
Screenshot reference:
A Heart of Gold Beacon-640.png


  • A Heart of Gold.png
    A Heart of Gold.png
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Name: Halo of the Gods

Game map search ref: IWHAISM DB-X F1-790

Description: This is a trinary system with a black hole as the main star with a T Tauri type 6ls and an A Type 119ls away from the black hole. The T Tauri being so close to the black hole makes it look like it has a halo around it. It makes for an amazing sight to see.

Screenshot reference:
Name:Njord palace (Norse god of the sea and the system is in Odin's fortress sector)
Game map search ref:DRYI FREE UK-D D13-5444
Description:6 Water worlds in the same system. Each star have 3 water worlds and 1 of them are terraformable.
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Edit : I just see that it would be not so "rare" because 2 system with 8 WW are already known...


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Name:A Heart of Gold
Game map search ref:Sleguae HH-C d67
Description:This tourist beacon was set up in September 3307 as part of the Saud Kruger Exploration Campaign in conjunction with Astrogator Tours.

The location was identified by Commander Sidewinder40 who made the following observations: This Elysian Shore destination may contain the fabled 'ultimate answer' with 42 bodies. It hosts a ringed Earth-like world in a binary dance with a ringed blue gas giant. These are among a Lucky 7 of ringed planets orbiting a large Class A blue-white star. The secondary Class F white star also claims a water world and two terraforming candidate worlds in its orbit. For exobiologists, there are 12 biological signals from three planets in the system.

This system boasts an awesome side view of Barnard's Loop, and is found just 2.5KLy from the Heart, Soul and NGC 7822 nebulae.

Both Saud Kruger and Astrogator Tours extend their thanks to Commander Sidewinder40 for contributing to the success of this initiative.
Screenshot reference:View attachment 276938
Great stuff! Done!
Since the CG Saud Kruger Exploration Campaign the Rhuedgie KN-T e3-721 system has been renamed :
Children of a giant

I'm terrible at naming things and I'm glad someone took it upon themselves to come up with a more appropriate name for this system


I take this opportunity to thank Baxder for taking great pictures of this system.
Obviously the best is the one with this funny moon.
Updated. While I appreciate the compliment, I've replaced the image with one of your originals. The image link had apparently been broken somehow and replaced.
Since the CG Saud Kruger Exploration Campaign the Rhuedgie KN-T e3-721 system has been renamed :
Children of a giant

I'm terrible at naming things and I'm glad someone took it upon themselves to come up with a more appropriate name for this system


I take this opportunity to thank Baxder for taking great pictures of this system.
Obviously the best is the one with this funny moon.

A quick note of clarity on this entry.

This system was originally submitted to the GMP several years ago with the name 'Breakthrough Echoes'. Its a POI that has been used by several expeditions as a waypoint ever since, and is thus part of the player-created history (being referenced to as Breakthrough Echoes in blogs, videos, and expeditionary texts).

We have renamed it to Children of a Giant at the request of the original discoverer and GMP submitter (Mist0), however we have kept reference to the original GMP submitted name in the POI text, due to its historical links to past expeditions.
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Name:Noble Shield
Game Map Search Reference:PHRAA HYPAI YZ-P E5-1
Description:This Helium-Rich gas giant orbits its parent ringed Y dwarf every 1.5 days. It has a highly inclined orbit (-80.27°), so it passes in front of and behind the rings from the view of the main stars. Discovered during The Magellan Experience Expedition in 3307.
Screenshot Reference:
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Name:The Four Friends of the Study
Game map search ref:Eord Flyuae VA-V D3-2312
Description:This system is a 2-star system, with 2 pairs of very close orbiting binary terraformable planets orbiting the B star - a water world/earth-like pair 2 Ls apart, and a high metal content pair less than 1 Ls apart. They are named after the classical four items of the tradition of calligraphy - water world (ink), paper (ELW), inkstone and brush (the 2 HMCWs)
Screenshot reference:See attached


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Game map search ref:Dryoea Bla GN-S e4-67
Description:Lurking amidst the five dead stars that make up Dryoea Bla GN-S e4-67 is Cocytus, a tortured world of thirteen Earth-masses. The lone planet in its system, Cocytus orbits its primary every 0.2 days, and spends about a third of that time inside the white dwarf's exclusion zone, making a close approach impossible. The view from the surface of Cocytus would likely be stunning, although tidal forces from the white dwarf produce enough heat to make any attempt at landing extremely dangerous. How the icy crust remains solid in this environment is not yet understood.
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System map:
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Name:Lord of the Rings
Game map search ref:Gludgooe YJ-R d4-43 (Gludgooe YJ-R d4-43 6 B Ring)
Description:A Class II gas giant with 2 sets of icy rings. The outer ring is very wide with an outer radius around 24 million kilometers (~80 Ls) which is visible from a great distance while approaching.
Screenshot reference:
Elite - Dangerous (CLIENT) 11_12_2021 19_04_27.png

System map:
Elite - Dangerous (CLIENT) 12_12_2021 13_28_29.png
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Name:Oculus, Iris, and the Mote
Game map search ref:Zejai SN-U c18-6
Description:Oculus, the outermost planet of Zejai SN-U c18-6, is home to a spectacular ring system, herded into three distinct belts by the subtle gravitational influence of a shepherd moon, Iris. Orbiting further out is the Mote, another icy moon in a 90° orbit, giving it a spectacular view of the gas giant's rings.

While neither moon is landable, and the lighting is rather dim this far from the local sun, these three worlds serve as a reminder that beauty can be found anywhere, even in the outskirts of an otherwise-unremarkable K-type system.
Screenshot reference:
Oculus, Iris, and the Mote.png
Name:The Shin Eccentric
Game map search ref:SCHEAU PRUE SE-Q E5-770
Description:The satellite maintains its orbit with an incredible orbital eccentricity of 0.9975.
This figure is the highest eccentricity reported in the galaxy.

Reason for naming:
The word "Shin" includes the meanings of "new," "true," and "god.
Eccentric is the common name for this type of planet with a large orbital eccentricity.
Screenshot reference:
Elite - Dangerous (CLIENT) 2021_12_19 0_22_34.png

Elite - Dangerous (CLIENT) 2021_12_19 0_21_31.jpg


  • Elite - Dangerous (CLIENT) 2021_12_19 0_21_31.jpg
    Elite - Dangerous (CLIENT) 2021_12_19 0_21_31.jpg
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Name:The Steadfast Twins
Game map search ref:Eephaints KX-U d2-7 and Eephaints KX-U d2-4
Description:A pair of M4 IIIb red giants of the same age that are only 19 ly apart. D2-7 is 11.806 billion years old, while D2-4 is 11.748 billion years old. It is highly unlikely that two stars of such similar age, spectral type, and mass would be found so close together. It is less unlikely that they are related.

Both of these stars were born from the same nebula 11.8 billion years ago, likely as G-class stars, and have been traveling together throughout the Milky Way for almost 12 billion years. In their travels through the galaxy they have grown together and have now aged into red giants together, never straying far from each other. They were discovered during the Wild Wild West expedition in 3307.

Both systems have sights worth seeing.

The innermost world of D2-7 is a high-G world with hellish views of the red giant between its jagged peaks.

The D2-4 system has an abundance of Class IV gas giants, with D2-4-1orbiting so close that its rings produce stunning eclipses as it passed in front of its red giant primary.
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Name:The Well of Reunion
Game map search ref:Hypoe Phrooe NO-X d2-0
Description:The Well of Reunion is a trinary system composed by a class L brown dwarf and a class M stars orbiting close (up to 12ls) to a white dwarf. The brown dwarf is only 3ls away from the white dwarf creating a zone of convergence between both star's exclusion zones.

It is located 1.3kly bellow the galactic plane in a region of low star density populated by many other white dwarfs and neutron stars, demanding commanders to be very careful with their navigation plan as boost jumping into the wrong system may result in the end of the journey.

The different body types and their proximity create a very colorful vista for those daring to reach the system, that is bolded by the peculiar deep black sky present in the extremities of the galaxy.

Legends say this system can make you feel closer to those you wish to reunite with.

The system was discovered by the Magellan Experience Expedition, in december 2021.
Screenshot reference:With ship: 1080p - 640p | No ship: 1080p - 640p | Distant view: 1080p | 640p | System's Orrery

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