The Galactic Mapping Project & Historical Archive of Exploration

Thanks for reporting this :)

We will look into it - it might be a case of the systems of the game not corresponding to current theories of exoplanets. In some cases the description of the POI in the mapping project draws info from real life knowledge of the universe, so this might be the case of the discrepancy you have found.

Can you post an image of the system map for reference?

Cheers :)

Glad that I may have contributed something. :) Anyway, I have three screenshots. If you need anything else done let me know, I'm still in the general area.

Name :Deep Sea Nebula
Game map search ref. :Stuelue DH-U e3-34
Description :From without, this planetary nebula radiates a dazzling purple, but upon leaving witchspace, one is greeted by an encompassing deep blue. This system hosts a black hole, a ringed gas giant, and an icy moon, all shrouded in darkness. For this reason, this system is an exemplary spot for admiring the blue-purple veil that surrounds it.
Screenshot Ref. Post :
We, the Rock Rats, announce with great joy, that each of these commanders are entitled to call themselves a rock rat, for they have each contributed during DWE 3302 to the Galactic Jumponium Highway in their own unique way, and as a shining reward their names shall be forever engraved within the community

AbsolutePK, Absolver, Akira Masakari, Alex Traut, AlexBrentnall, Alistair Hope , Andrew Marcus, Anuranium, Aterfax, Athrael Emathors, Bafaut, Bakerloo, Barefoot Bandit, Baroness Galaxy, Becquerel, Byped, Chob, Coldglider, Coryphaeus, Cula-Ta, Daemon Black, Dakeyras, Dalgin, Dandak, Dante Chusuk, DeVice Null, Domaq, Dpjon, Draco, Drownerfood (no info), EddyRockSteady, Edelgard von Rhein, EfilOne, Eisen, Evil Ed, Finwen, FloatingGhost, floc, Frawd Digger, Fyrzo, Greytest, Griffin (no info), HansMeiser, Henkka77, IDragox, Idronan, Iron Orchid, Jak, Jermus, Kalie Lennox, Kancro Vantas, Karaya, Karla, Kensei, Kieffer, Krikemaric, Ky Vatta, LordFedora, Lyneira, Mad-Max, Mai404, Maia Posideina, Markzx59, Marlon Blake, Mehdic, Mengy, Michael Darkmoor, Mike 'Ziggy' Lucas, MNarath, Montague Druitt, Myshka, Nexolek, Nightstrider, Nijelu, Olfart, Olivia Vespera, Palkkipantteri, Picker, Pitsligo, Ranaulf, Rocangus, Roqinn (forum name), Scal, Setaou, shx, Silvershadow, Simon Darkstep, Squid509, Star_Crusider, Starry, strapkass, Svenno, The Doc, Traveller_GG, Trevor Goodchild, TwoFingers, Waylander Sagan, Whiterose, Xandermud, Zaph Nova, Zenith Ddraiglas, Ziggy Stardust.

The count is 102 commanders.

If we forgot anyone, please contact us, and we'll adjust it, for these names will be referred to from the Galactic Map.

Lastly, a special mention on the Jumponium Map will be "The Gift" system (the WP6 Hollow Veil Depot) to get a golden star on the map.This system is called "The Gift" since it has 68 landables and is not just green but golden (all mats) and it deserves a special mention because all landables were FULLY prospected by the rock rats in 2-3 days time !
Like CMDR Jak put it: "That system is very likely to not only generate all Jumponium mats, but all mats. Period. That's the kind of thing that really deserves a glowing gold star on the maps."
Originally found by CMDR Picker (see and completed by Rock Rats and Scientists who got help from: CMDRs Bafaut, FloatingGhost, StarCrusader, Scal, IDrogix, Corypheaus and Ravenov who since then also became rock rats ! See
And with the latest contributions this brings the list of contributors to the mapping project up to 310:

AbsolutePK, Absolver, Adeezha, Admiral Spoon, Agony_Aunt, Akira Masakari, Alec Turner, Alex Traut, AlexBrentnall, Alistair Hope, Alkibiades, Allitnil, Ancient King, Andrew Gaspurr, Andrew Marcus, AndyBoom, AndyMJ, AnthorNet, Anuranium, ArachAu, Archaicjinn, Archvillain, Argon, Asayanami, Aterfax, Athrael Emathors, Bafaut, Bakerloo, Barefoot Bandit, Baroness Galaxy, Becquerel, Bendurion, BigZiggyHD, BL1P, Bluebottle, Byped, Chob, CMDR EfilOne, cmdr over, CMDR Robert Macleod, Cmdr Seamus Harper, Coldglider, Commander Alesia, Conal Cuan, Corbin Moran, Coryphaeus, Coslnay, Coyote, Crassus, Cula-Ta, Daemon Black, Dakeyras, Dalgin, Dandak, Dante Chusuk, Derthek, DeVice Null, Dobbo, Domaq, Dominic Hyde, Dommarraa, Dpjon, Draco, Draco84oz, Drake McCoy, Dread-Fox, drkaii, DrNoesis, Drownerfood, EddyRockSteady, Edelgard von Rhein, edgar, Eisen, empyrean190, Erimus, Esvandiary, Evil Ed, Evoflash, excalibus, Ferris, Finwen, FloatingGhost, floc, Frankymole, Frawd Digger, Fuchsov, Fuci, Fyrzo, Gerakis, Gibbonici, Grebenkov, GregMalcolm, Greytest, Griffin, Guy De Lombard, HansMeiser, Harper Lewis, Henkka77, Histarium, iain666, Ian Dane, IDragox, Idronan, Iridium Nova, Iron Body, Iron Orchid, italktowalls, Jackie Silver, Jak, Jaredd, jenos, Jerek, Jermus, Joghiarius, JKB, Kalie Lennox, Kancro Vantas, Karaya1, Karla, kastia, Katejina, kccummings3, Kensei, Kerenn, Kieffer, killosopher, Kola2, Krikemaric, Ky Vatta, Lance 'Spacecat' D, Lapsang Twobob, Largo Ormand, Leifur Eiriksson, LordFedora, LtOBrien, Lurker, Lyneira, MacrosTheBlack, Mad Billy, Mad-Max, Mai404, Maia Posideina, Manae, marx, Markzx59, Marlon Blake, Martín Afonso, Matt Kowalsky, Mehdic, Mengy, Michael Darkmoor, Mikayé, Mike 'Ziggy' Lucas, Mindwipe, mjmw, MNarath, Montague Druitt, mossfoot, Murishani, Myshka, NCC71201, Nexolek, Nightstrider, Nijelu, Odengard, Olfart, Olivia Vespera, Orphius, Ozric, Palkkipantteri, Pate, PGleesonuk, Phers, Picker, Pilot Mark, Piso deUorrior, Pitsligo, Pnyx, Poseidal, Qohen Leth, QuixoticKoala, Ranaulf, Rocangus, Roqinn, Sapyx, Satsuma, Scal, Setaou, shadmar, Shanaeri, shx, Silvershadow, Simon Darkstep, SirKiwi, SKafre, Souvarine, SpaceMonkeyz, Squid509, Star_Crusider, Starlanced, Starry, strapkass, Stulli, Sunny v. Isegrim , Surly_Badger, Svenno, Swift Arrow, tachyondecay, Taen, Terrabla'e, Thalkran, Tharrn, The Doc, TheTick, thundernuns, Thrawn29, tired_man, Traveler, Traveller_GG, Trevor Goodchild, Turjan, TwoFingers, Tyy’sun Eson, Ultimus, Waylander Sagan, Wheelybob, Whiterose, who?, Whoamus, Xandermud, Yanick, Zaph Nova, Zenika, Zenith Ddraiglas, Ziggy Stardust, Zil Zalo, Zion Ravescene, Zulu Romeo, 59thLefty
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Lastly, a special mention on the Jumponium Map will be "The Gift" system (the WP6 Hollow Veil Depot) to get a golden star on the map.This system is called "The Gift" since it has 68 landables and is not just green but golden (all mats) and it deserves a special mention because all landables were FULLY prospected by the rock rats in 2-3 days time !
Like CMDR Jak put it: "That system is very likely to not only generate all Jumponium mats, but all mats. Period. That's the kind of thing that really deserves a glowing gold star on the maps."
Originally found by CMDR Picker (see and completed by Rock Rats and Scientists who got help from: CMDRs Bafaut, FloatingGhost, StarCrusader, Scal, IDrogix, Corypheaus and Ravenov who since then also became rock rats ! See

And golden it will be as of tomorrow !
I will keep you posted
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The latest additions from the Sagittarius-Carina Mission (yes - it is still ongoing :) )

These has also been added to the previous list of POIs discovered by explorers on that mission.

Date submitted:
August 31st, 3302
CMDR: Drake McCoy
POI Name: Sceadu
POI Type: Black Hole
Game map search ref.: Eoch Pruae EG-Y G1769
Description: Starless Black Hole system with no additional lightsource plunging it's ringed gas giants and planets into total darkness.
Screenshot Ref.:

Date submitted:
September 12th, 3302
CMDR: Mad Billy
POI Name: Otherwise ordinary...
POI Type: Other
Game map search ref.: Pyrie Eurk NV-G c10-0
Description: When you are 62.136 LYs from Sol, you do not expect to randomly encounter another pilot. Yet, this system was the stage for one such one-in-a-billion chance that came to be. And so it happened one evening in september 3302, that two extreme deep space explorers suddenly found themselves thrown out of their familiar solitude. As one of them recalls: "Totally amazing and unexpected... I was totally stunned when he appeared on my scanners, and I checked to see if he had an interdictor! He didn't, so I was relieved and we chatted for a while. He'd been out exploring for several months, yet his paint job looked as good as new! Not like mine!"
Screenshot Ref.:
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Here's another batch from the CCN exploration wing (I have added them to the EDSM map):

New point of interest
Name: The Plum Nebula
Map Reference: Oob Freau MX-U e2-578
Stellar Reference: Oob Freau MX-U e2-578
Type: Planetary Nebula
Images: (CCN Exploration Wing Trello Card)

This planetary nebula consists of a Neutron Star, a K class star and a M star.

From a distance the nebula seems to have green and purples hues, and when within the system space has a stronge green hue to it. There are 2 class III Jovians orbiting the Neutron star with a number of rocky bodies orbiting them.

This point of interest was fleshed out by a CCN Exploration Wing survey. The surveying pilot was: Named Sue

New point of interest
Name: The Copycat Nebula
Map Reference: Phroi Flyuae MN-S e4-4719
Stellar Reference: Phroi Flyuae MN-S e4-4719
Type: Planetary Nebula
Images: (CCN Exploration Wing Trello Card)

This blue planetary nebula, produced by a newly formed neutron star, looks very much like its neighboring nebula. Two blue glowing orbs of dust and heavy elements engulf a nearby k-class star, and a few systems in the area.

This point of interest was fleshed out by a CCN Exploration Wing survey. The surveying pilot was: S. O'Brien

New point of interest
Name: The Hurricane Nebula
Map Reference: BLAA HYPA AA-A H36
Stellar Reference: BLAA HYPA AA-A H36
Type: Nebula
Images: (CCN Exploration Wing Trello Card)

A Blue, Black, and Orange nebula slightly rimward of the Galactic Highway leading to Jaques. It's low positioning relative to the galactic plane places it directly in a large neutron field, with two Neutron and One White Dwarf inside of the nebula itself, as far as the initial survey found. It's inverted nature gives it the appearance of a violent rain cloud. There does not appear to be a central stellar object to this nebula with many stars simply scattered within.

A Wolf-Rayet, several Giants and O class stars can also be found within 1000LY of the Nebula.

This point of interest was fleshed out by a CCN Exploration Wing survey. The surveying pilot was: Alesia

New point of interest
Name: Céimnithe Nebula
Map Reference: Kyloarph DV-Y e4134
Stellar Reference: Kyloarph DV-Y e4134
Type: Planetary Nebula
Images: (CCN Exploration Wing Trello Card)

This planetary nebula located 2813.36 ly from Jaques on the way to the Galactic Core. Its dual blue orbs radiate out from its central Neutron star which is joined by three other stars (one A and two K class) each of the four featuring its own solar system totaling at 50 objects in the system (asteroid belts included).

The view inside the nebula is awe inspiring. Every shade of blue and purple color the entire galaxy from here, making the vacuum of space feel like the comforting waves of the ocean.

This point of interest was fleshed out by a CCN Exploration Wing survey. The surveying pilot was: S. O'Brien

New point of interest
Name: Agnairt Supernova Remnant
Map Reference: Agnairt BB-O e6-2561
Stellar Reference: Agnairt BB-O e6-2561
Type: Planetary Nebula with embedded Black Hole
Images: (CCN Exploration Wing Trello Card)

Agnairt Supernova Remnant has a lovely black hole at its center set in a blue and purple dust cloud.

This point of interest was fleshed out by a CCN Exploration Wing survey. The surveying pilot was: Jason Thorpe

Existing point of interest
Name: Demon Eater Nebula
Map Reference: Phrae Flyou CB-M d8-485
Stellar Reference: Phrae Flyou CB-M d8-485
Type: Nebula
Images: (CCN Exploration Wing Trello Card)

The demon eater nebula has a wonderful cloud that you can see for many light years as you approach its systems.

This point of interest was fleshed out by a CCN Exploration Wing survey. The surveying pilot was: Jason Thorpe

New point of interest
Name: The Hammer Nebula
Map Reference: Preae Ain AA-A H43
Stellar Reference: Preae Ain AA-A H43
Type: Nebula
Images: (CCN Exploration Wing Trello Card)

The Hammer Nebula, one of two nebula in the Preae Ain area, sits about 1000 Ly above the beaten path between The Bubble and Jaques' Station. Compared with its neighbor, The Chisel Nebula, Hammer shares a similar T-shaped pattern of purples, blues, and blacks. Unlike the smaller nebula above it, The Hammer Nebula is close to 115 LY across and contains a plethora of stars, most main sequence and capable of refueling.

The glowing purples and blues of the nebula serve as a stark contrast to the darker gases that give the nebula its hammer like appearance.

Approaching the nebula reveals it's true colors, a flash of brilliant blue and orange hues unseen in the distance, and thousands of stars many of which appear to hold gas and ammonia giants in their orbits.

This point of interest was fleshed out by a CCN Exploration Wing survey. The surveying pilot was: S. O'Brien

New point of interest
Name: Chisel Nebula
Map Reference: Preae Ain AA-A H29
Stellar Reference: Preae Ain AA-A H29
Type: Nebula
Images: (CCN Exploration Wing Trello Card)

The Chisel Nebula is a small nebula, roughly 30 LY across, located just 400 LY above it's neighbor The Hammer Nebula. While it shares the T-shaped silhouette of it's larger cousin, The Chisel Nebula is actually so small that it hosts no stars of its own. Two or three main sequence stars have crept into its borders, but it seems none have formed on their own here.

This point of interest was fleshed out by a CCN Exploration Wing survey. The surveying pilot was: S. O'Brien

Existing point of interest
Name: Green Lantern Nebula
Map Reference: Oephaif GE-E b1-10
Stellar Reference: Oephaif GE-E b1-10
Type: Nebula
Images: (CCN Exploration Wing Trello Card)

The Green Lantern Nebula is one of three nebula passers-by will notice at first glance entering The Festival Grounds.
As one of the larger nebula in the region it is very distinctive in size and shape. The various gasses making up this nebula also give it it's namesake green coloration. Upon closer inspection, subtle shades of red and yellow make for a unique kaleidoscopic event.

In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil's might,
Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!!!

— Hal Jordan

This point of interest was fleshed out by a CCN Exploration Wing survey. The surveying pilot was: Conal Cuan

Existing point of interest
Name: Fortune Teller Nebula
Map Reference: Bya Ail NG-X d1-59
Stellar Reference: Bya Ail NG-X d1-59
Type: Nebula
Images: (CCN Exploration Wing Trello Card)

Fate and destiny. The Fortune Teller Nebula shows a different face depending on how it is approached. Approaching from the Core, the Nebula is a dark and pendulous red. From the other side, the nebula displays hues of blue and purple.

This point of interest was fleshed out by a CCN Exploration Wing survey. The surveying pilot was: Conal Cuan

New point of interest
Name: Octopus Nebula
Map Reference: Prua Phoe AA-A h69
Stellar Reference: Prua Phoe AA-A h69
Type: Nebula
Images: (CCN Exploration Wing Trello Card)

This Red and White nebula is best characterized by its tendril like hydrogen clouds, which wrap themselves like tentacles around a large white core. It's location between Colonia and The Bubble makes for a great roadside pit stop as the main sequence stars here are plentiful.

This point of interest was fleshed out by a CCN Exploration Wing survey. The surveying pilot was: S. O'Brien

Existing point of interest
Name: Golden Chalice Nebula
Map Reference: Oephaif ST-M b34-175
Stellar Reference: Oephaif ST-M b34-175
Type: Nebula
Images: (CCN Exploration Wing Trello Card)

The Golden Chalice Nebula is immense. Coming in from the direction of Candy Floss and Thunderclap nebulas, the Golden Chalice shows its reddish and green hues. Occasionally, if the lighting angle is right, these colors change to a deep golden yellow.
Only two stars in habit this system, roughly 70K Ls apart. While the glare will limit the vista's of the nebula cloud, great visual of it are garnered by traveling the distance between them .

This point of interest was fleshed out by a CCN Exploration Wing survey. The surveying pilot was: Conal Cuan

New point of interest
Name: Caorthannach
Map Reference: Kyloaln KI-S e4-1477
Stellar Reference: Kyloaln KI-S e4-1477
Type: Planetary Nebula
Images: (CCN Exploration Wing Trello Card)

This glorious Green-Orange Planetary Nebula sits along the path to the core from Colonia Nebula. The system consists of a single black hole, spinning away in a cloud of dispersed Oxygen and Hydrogen.

What may have been a vibrant living system at one point is now completely dominated by the lone blackhole; all of the satellites it once had were likely devoured billions of years ago.

This point of interest was fleshed out by a CCN Exploration Wing survey. The surveying pilot was: S. O'Brien

New point of interest
Name: A Manley Nebula
Map Reference: Agnairt VZ-P E5-4366
Stellar Reference: Agnairt VZ-P E5-4366
Type: Planetary Nebula with embedded Black Hole
Images: (CCN Exploration Wing Trello Card)

Planetary nebula with a black hole first discovered by CMDR peacedivison in 3302

This point of interest was fleshed out by a CCN Exploration Wing survey. The surveying pilot was: Jason Thorpe

New point of interest
Name: The Wulff nebula
Map Reference: Eol Prou XK-O e6-1001
Stellar Reference: Eol Prou XK-O e6-1001
Type: Planetary Nebula with embedded Neutron Star
Images: (CCN Exploration Wing Trello Card)

The Wulff is a a small faint planetary nebula located in Colonia between The Clover Nebula and The Peng Nebula. It was first discovered by CMDR Titler on 8 Aug 3302, and later documented by the CCN Exploration Wing as part of the GMP Catalogue.

The system is surrounded by a particularly lovely purple and pink gas dust cloud, and being less than 1000LY from Eol Prou RS-T D3-94 it's a short trip from Jaques or the Colinia Hub, and best viewed from neighboring star Eol Prou XG-B d14-2014.

The central star, is a neutron star and has a current mass of around 2.0117 solar masses, orbiting this is a class M star with a class I gas giant 498892LS from the central star.

This point of interest was fleshed out by a CCN Exploration Wing survey. The surveying pilot was: Jason Thorpe

New point of interest
Name: The Wolf's Eye Nebula
Map Reference: System: OOSCS Freau AF-R E4-641
Stellar Reference: System: OOSCS Freau AF-R E4-641
Type: Planetary Nebula with embedded Neutron Star
Images: (CCN Exploration Wing Trello Card)

A wonderful purple and blue planetary nebula that was first discovered by CMDR Marenghi in 3302, The system contains a neutron star and two K stars, close to Colonia Nebula.

This point of interest was fleshed out by a CCN Exploration Wing survey. The surveying pilot was: Jason Thorpe

Existing point of interest
Name: The Jewels of Jonai Nebula
Map Reference: Screake HA-A E2091
Stellar Reference: Screake HA-A E2091
Type: Planetary Nebula with embedded Neutron Star
Images: (CCN Exploration Wing Trello Card)

This planetary nebula was first discovered by CMDR Big_bad_Lynx, and then logged by CMDR MNarath on 10 July 3302. It consists of a Neutron Star, and 5 gas giants, when viewed from the neighboring systems, it's two blue glowing orbs of dust striking against the background of the galaxy core.

This point of interest was fleshed out by a CCN Exploration Wing survey. The surveying pilot was: Jason Thorpe
Update from page 57 and forwards:

Galactic Highway

All the Jumponium-Rich Systems of the Galactic Highway of Distant Worlds has had their descriptions updated with a link to the list of Rock Rat contributors. Also the description of "The Gift" has been updated.

Galactic Meridians

Following some deliberation on how to define the meridians, I have made the following changes and addition. Feel free to sound your voice in this thread if you disapprove:

Deuteros: Beacon -> Other POI (no longer western meridian)

Westpoint Ormand: Other POI -> Beacon (new western meridian)

Borchgrevink Point: Beacon -> Other POI (no longer southern meridian)

Hypuae Euq ZK-P d5-0 added as "Notus": Beacon (new sothern meridian)

Other changes

Ishum's Reach: Beacon -> Historial (system serves little navigational purpose, but it is historical due to being the furthest from Sol AND furthest "north")

OGLE-05-390L: Desciption updated

New Routes

Rock Rat Run: added as minor route / crossing

New POIs

Flyua Hypa Depot: added as Jumponium Rich System

The Zinnia Haze: added as planetary nebula

Tartarus: added as Black Hole

Deep Sea Nebula: added as planetary nebula

Sceadu: added as Black Hole

Otherwise ordinary...: added as Other Poi
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Lastly, a special mention on the Jumponium Map will be "The Gift" system (the WP6 Hollow Veil Depot) to get a golden star on the map.This system is called "The Gift" since it has 68 landables and is not just green but golden (all mats) and it deserves a special mention because all landables were FULLY prospected by the rock rats in 2-3 days time !
Like CMDR Jak put it: "That system is very likely to not only generate all Jumponium mats, but all mats. Period. That's the kind of thing that really deserves a glowing gold star on the maps."

And here it is ;)

Hi there,

I'd like to make a submission to the minor entries/possible tourism class but wasn't entirely sure of the procedure. Whilst on my way to Jaques I discovered a beautiful dual-ringed Earth-like planet close to the Omega nebula which was paired with a Class III gas giant - it certainly seemed rare. The giant was so close that, when taking a shot from the ring, you could clearly see it and the nebula which would make it quite a stunning place to visit or even live. I chose to call the planet Anaia which is the Basque word for "brother".

Location: GRIA DRYE OC-B D1-211

Unfortunately my shots weren't great but please feel free to use either if you decide to add this to the map :)


CMDR Artemis Quinn
Hello fellow explorers,

I'd like to propose the following features:

The Lights of Alexandria

POI type: Stellar Feature ; Exploratory & navigational
System ref.: Greae Bluae YE-A g3

Description: The Lights of Alexandria are a binary O-type star system with an additional Herbig-Haro Ae/Be protostar. The overall luminosity of these celestials makes the system visible for a few hundred light years and the three stellar bodies pack more than 70 solar masses in total. The Lights are located in the Aphelion regions about halfway between Masefield's Ocean and the Nyauthai Ripple, making it a prominent navigational beacon.

Credits go to CMDR Greytest for First Discovery.

Please see attached screenshot for reference:


The Eye of Ereshkigal

POI Type: Black Hole
System ref.: Blaa Gree AA-A h0

Description: Ereshkigal was the Goddess of the Underworld, where the Dead fed on earth and dust and from where there was no escape. And so it is with this stellar corpse. The Eye is a medium sized Black Hole of more than 28 solar masses. It may be the remnant of a truly supermassive star (est. more than 200 solar masses) or - more likely - the product of a multiple merger of smaller Black Holes, Neutron Stars or even 'intact' stars.
The Eye is orbited by a debris field of unknown proportions and also by three Brown Dwarfs, all of which are speculated to feed the Black Hole even further. As it sits deeply within the Nyauthai Ripple, it may be possible that a cascade of multiple supernovae occurred here, blasting away the surrounding gas and dust and creating the stellar corpses necessary to form the Eye.

Credits go to CMDR Star Falcon for First Discovery.

Please see attached screenshot for further reference:


Dante's Inferno

POI Type: Black Hole
System ref.: Auphaigh CL-Y g1

Description: Dante's Inferno is a stellar Black Hole of some 7.4 solar masses nestled deeply within a field of young protostars. Until recently (in astronomical terms) it must have been quite active, creating a haze or halo of debris much like Sol's Oort Cloud around the system's fringes. This halo can be spotted from a distance tens of light years away although due to lacking a central star with enough luminosity it is not entirely clear what makes it reflect light. Orbiting the Black Hole are several celestials, including an incredibly fast spinning Jovian gas giant which is clearly ellipsoid in shape. The gas giant rotates once every 0.7 standard days.

The system is named after the ancient poem by author Dante Alighieri which covers a journey to Hell. It is alluding to the nearby galactic region of Styx, which in ancient times was referred to as the river dividing the overworld and the underworld.

Please see attached screenshot for revision:

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Since I had to reinstall my PC these days I had to recover most of my screenshots in a jigsaw fashion so my proposals are a bit non-linear. Please have mercy. :cool:

Since it's been mentioned/implemented before, here's the find:

The Nyauthai Ripple

POI Type: Micro region
Coordinate reference: -8,000 ; 0 ; 56,000 (which puts you somewhat in the center)

Description: The Nyauthai Ripple is a region 3,000ly across and some 1,500 ly wide. It is remarkable in that it is almost completely devoid of any denser concentrations of dust or gas. Several stellar corpses litter the Ripple instead, bearing testemony to violent outbursts in the distant past. In fact, quite a few stellar Black Holes in the upper mass range lie within the area, including the Eye of Ereshkigal, a Black Hole of more than 28 solar masses.
It is speculated that a cascade of multiple supernovae blasted away the surrounding gas masses and in some places condensed the dust clouds so much that it triggered star formation. Several clusterlike structures inside the Ripple, such as T Associations and OB Associations, feed this theory. Overall, the Ripple is an explorer's playground with many things to discover and survey.

Please see attached screenshots for reference:



Nyauthai-2 is just an example of several associations and clusters to be found inside the Ripple.
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The White Gaze

POI Type: Planet
Region: The Abyss
Distance from Sol: 60596.54LY

Description: The White Gaze did not steal it's name, for once you landed there is no way to look other then the penetrating eye of this T-Tauri star. And if that was not enough, the rotation is so fast that you become in awe of what must be one of the most beautifull sights to look at.


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