The Galactic Mapping Project & Historical Archive of Exploration

The current description for the G2 Dust Cloud nebula is quite short, so here's my proposal for a new one:

Name: G2 Dust Cloud
Game map search ref: G2 Dust Cloud
Description: The G2 Dust Cloud is the remnant of an event observed in the 21st century, during which what was then suspected to be a gas cloud encountered Sagittarius A*. Since the event actually happened 26,000 years ago, by today the cloud has gone quite a distance away from the centre. Explorers who visit it will find a small and faint nebula, which can be observed by the naked eye from only within 80 ly. However, from up close, the nebula colours the bright light of the galactic core crimson red, which can make for some unique sights.
Screenshot reference: there are some good screenies by various Commanders in this thread.
Guardian ruins - site 104, 105 & 106 - Col 173 Sector OG-Z c15-35 B 1

Site 104


Try to imagine billions of stars exploding in a single moment and be blasted away in silent awe of the orange-blue sky erupting before your eyes. Now imagine dark rawring sounds seemingly coming from beneath the very earth you are on. This is how an alien ruin feels like, creeking, burling and screetching. Turn on your wave scanner if such trusted sounds gives you more comfort in this place, but I recommend not too. Have patience, close your eyes for a moment and listen.

Now open your eyes again. This ruin has an arena-like circle in the center, to which all obelisks in the area point towards. Ancient urns and totems are scattered around the quite steep hills and give this place an air of forgotten history. In the very middle is an obelisk which reveils the second piece of early history about the Guardians. The translated entry speaks of "highly intelligent beings" and "nomadic rather than territorial" explaining their focus on genetic diversity and development of language and voice.

Site 105


I enter a what seems to be very flat nomadic-like area of concentric circles. The first turnings of the wheels already come to a halt when I hear the rumbling of stone and rock in front of me. "A sandworm ? Out here ?" is the first fearfull thought entering my mind. Three long thin-shaped pillars erupt with on top some kind of cyan-colored relic. A hollow thin ocean-like sound going in upward waves. As if asking for help. Scans show nothing. I move further on into the plain and within seconds another set of pillars rise before me. It didn't take long to find out this place is scattered with these relics. But what for ?

I decide to move towards the concentric area to the right, it seemed peculiar somehow. Another relic spaws, this time however scans reveil another piece of history about the Guardians, much later in time. It speaks about a "second civil war" and the natural population dying out. More interestingly it mentions "inner domes" as resting places for honouring their dead. Could it be I'm standing on a graveyard ? A horrible thought.
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System; Skaude TO-Z E1463
POI Type: Planetary, Water world
Planet 14

System description: A B0 VZ class star with 14 objects orbiting it, among other three Tauri stars and a single 29 earth masses water world.

The planet 14 has a gravity of 5.57 G, and an atmospheric pressure of 126.1. Due to it's rather close proximity to the nearby Tauri star, it's also very warm, sitting at 698 kelvin.

Screenshots for reference;

The system itself

The planet in question

Didn't get close enough to the planet to screenshot it, sorry about that -.-

The current record for most massive water world holds the record at 277 earth masses, so the mass alone is not enough to make this system stand out enough to be added to the map. Is there anyting else you can add to the description that sets it apart?
Map updated to post #1344
- You will notice that there are a whole bunch of these that do not refer to previous forums posts. You will have to check the map directly to see these changes. To find these based on their names you can use the new search function (on the left side of the map) put in place by Anthor ;)

- Overseer's Eye
- Mikros Nebula
- Lab C23 (Abandoned research facility)
- Planctae
- Maledictus Luna
- Guardian ruins - site 29, 33, 34 & 35 (southern limit for ruins)
- Guardian ruins - site 76, 77 & 78 (northern limit for ruins)
- Guardian ruins - site 104, 105 & 106 (eastern limit for ruins)
- Guardian ruins - site 68, 69 & 92 (Skaudai ruins)
- Erikson's Star (most westerly point ever reached)
- Amundsen's Star (pre-jumponium record holder for furthest system from Sol)
- Magellan's Star (most easterly point ever reached)
- Mariana ('lowest' system ever reached)
- Summit ('highest' system ever reached)

- Col 70 sector updated with links to two GalNet articles regarding the sector
- Hawkin's Gap Abandoned Settlements - alpha, beta, gamma and delta sites are now separate entries with much more flavor :)
- Bleia - added description of the 'Thargoid Wall'
- Praei - new maps and descriptions of the restricted sectors
- Ultima Centauri - changed to historical POI and added description of why
- Regor Sector - added description of Guardian ruins
- NGC 1647, NGC 2264, Col 70, Col 97, Col 121, M41, Horsehead Dark Region, Orion Molecular Cloud Complex - updated with link to video map of restricted sectors
- Shackleton's Star, Distant Angosk - updated with link to Allitnils trips to the galactic limits
- Semotus Beacon, Beagle Point, Lynx Legacy, Procul, The Treehouse - added link to the 65000 LY from Sol Club
- Sagittarius A* - added additional info on Zulu Romeos first visit, as well as the DW gathering of 3302, and the visitors list
- Planet Wilson - edited text to better keep immersion
- G2 Dust Cloud - added image and longer text

- Several entries on Guardian ruins (more than 113 sites are now known, so only sites that stand out are kept)
- Duplicate entry on the Wredguia Gateway
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Name: Samaels Heart
Type: Minor POI




A strange,large gas giant that glows ominously in an extremely tight orbit around its parent M star, completing its transit in as little as 0.2 days. The parent star is also accompanied by a secondary star, all three seeming to orbit in a beautiful dance under baleful light. From the surface of nearby planets, the circling of these three stellar bodies provides an excellent view and place to relax in the region whilst mining for Yttrium.
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Name: NGC 6664
Type: Star Cluster
System: HIP 90600

Desc: "NGC 6664 is an open star cluster of the Trumpler type III2m in the constellation Scutum on the ecliptic, approximately 4000 Ly from Sol. The cluster was originally discovered on June 16, 1784 by William Herschel. The central star of the cluster, HIP 90600, features a massive class-O star and a binary pair of black holes. Of note for astrophysicists, this is believed to be the hottest known O-type star at 115,905 K."

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The following has been added to the description of 'Jaques Station', 'Colonia Nebula' and 'Colonia (region)':


When people refer to 'Colonia' it may have several meanings depending on how broadly the term is being used.

In its most narrow sense, it may refer only to the Colonia system itself - this is the star system where Jaques Station is located.

The star system has in turn given name to the nebula it is located within - the Colonia Nebula.

In its broadest sense, 'Colonia' may also refer to the entire Colonia region of the galaxy. This area can loosely be described as an ellipse 3.000 LY in length and 2.000 LY wide, with the Colonia Nebula and Jaques Station at one focal point. In addition this galactic region also contains the Peng Nebula and Clover Nebula.

Link: The Colonia Citizens Network
New POI submission

System Name: BLAA PHOE NC-D D12-230
Proposed Map Name: Death Spiral

This system contains a Class V gas giant that orbits its white dwarf primary in only 15 minutes, and passes through the jet of the WD! Its orbital distance from the WD is 0.4 ls, so close that it cannot actually be reached using supercruise (the WD drops the ship out of SC about 2 ls out). There is also a nearby M V companion star a few ls away. As an aside, there is an unusually high number of Carbon Star systems around this location too.

The planet is so close to the WD that (a) it is within the WD's Roche Limit and should have been torn apart to form a ring system and (b) orbits faster than the WD's rotation period (which itself is only 16 minutes) and therefore is spiralling in to the WD anyway due to tidal forces. The system is also 7.8 billion years old - how the gas giant continues to survive, how it got into its current orbit around the WD, and how the WD and its planet both got so close to the M V star after the end of the WD's former red giant phase are all deep mysteries!


20 second timelapse version of 15 minute planetary orbit:

15 minute realtime video of planetary orbit:
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System needs triangulation first, work in progress :D

Image resize for submission images:


New entry submitted, it will be shown on the galactic map after validation and trilateration.
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POI Category:Minor POIs
POI Name: Mount Glenn
Game map search ref: HYPI BRA CH-M D7-85 Planet 2
Coords : 3.1857, 105.3005

Mercury 7 Expedition Report

Saturday 8th of April 3303 22:02 IGT
HYPI BRA CH-M D7-85 Planet 2
Waypoint Glenn (WP5)

The M7E Commanders SkyYeti, Jon "Cold" Tallinn, Sister Tenebrae and XFightingFalconX
climbed a Mountain near Waypoint 5 in their SRV´s guided by Cmdr Patrecleus in his Anaconda.
On their way to the top the four Commanders sufferd from motion sickness and several compass failures.
Without the help and guidance of Cmdr Sister Tenebrae and Cmdr Patrecleus [Fuel Rat] they would not have made it.
After reaching the summit the Expedition flag was set.
It was decided to give this Mountain the Name "Mount Glenn" named after the first American Astronaut orbiting Mother Earth.

Yes, the system was unknown at first and has been triangulated successfully now. You should be able to see it now as a Stellar Feature POI.

Yay, I found it on the map! That's so cool. There's not an awful lot else marked there between Gagarin Gate and Polo Harbour so at least people will have something new to head for on the way there :)
After getting some info from Allitnil the map has been updated:

It now correctly show current records for furthest Above the galactic plane (Summit) and furthest Below (Mariana). These may be broken in the future and are currently listed as Historical POIs.

In addition the map also shows the pre-jumponium era records for the furthest reached system South of Sol (Shackleton's Star), furthest reached from Sol (Nansen's Star) and furthest reached from Sag A* (Distant Angosk). These are also shown as Historical POIs.

In a few areas it is believed that the limits of the contiguous galaxy has been reached, making these systems absolute. The following systems has thus been marked as Navigational Beacons (rather than historical) to signify this:

- Furthest North of Sol + Furthest from Sol (Semotus Beacon - Ishum's Reach)
- Furthest East of Sol (Magellan's Star)
- Furthest South of Sol (Amundsen's Star)
- Furthest West of Sol (Erikson's Star)
- Furthest from Sag A (Sepositus Beacon)
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This is from a bit further up, but I only noticed it just now:

In its broadest sense, 'Colonia' may also refer to the entire Colonia region of the galaxy. This area can loosely be described as an ellipse 3.000 LY in length and 2.000 LY wide, with the Colonia Nebula and Jaques Station at one focal point. In addition this galactic region also contains the Peng Nebula and Clover Nebula.
Say, why would this Colonia region be so large? The actually inhabited part is only in the Eol Prou sector, and even then, the new bubble's space is only a small part of that. Why stick the same name on a much larger area, which as far as I know isn't really distinct from the surrounding parts of the galaxy? (Like Ishtar would be, for example.)

Personally, I'd rather the region had a different name if it must exist, because it's not the best idea to have the same name for many different locations, and surely somebody could come up with a better one.
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This is from a bit further up, but I only noticed it just now:

Say, why would this Colonia region be so large? The actually inhabited part is only in the Eol Prou sector, and even then, the new bubble's space is only a small part of that. Why stick the same name on a much larger area, which as far as I know isn't really distinct from the surrounding parts of the galaxy? (Like Ishtar would be, for example.)

Personally, I'd rather the region had a different name if it must exist, because it's not the best idea to have the same name for many different locations, and surely somebody could come up with a better one.

Ill admit that this irks me a bit as well. The update I made above brings the text description in sync with the way the Colonia Region is currently represented on the map, but even though it is more work we should perhabs consider redrawing the region on the map instead...

How about this instead:


"When people refer to 'Colonia' it may have several meanings depending on how broadly the term is being used.

In its most narrow sense, it may refer only to the Colonia system itself - this is the star system where Jaques Station is located.

The star system has in turn given name to the nebula it is located within - the Colonia Nebula - and in a broader sense, 'Colonia' may refer to all the inhabited systems within this nebula."


The 'region' remains as a clickable area on the map (but covering a smaller area centered on the Colonia Nebula).
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I have encountered a system with three Ammonia Worlds out in the Formidine Rift, which seems interesting enough to submit as a minor POI:
Name: Triptych in Bronze
Galaxy Map Search ref: MYOIDEAU JI-K D8-4
Description: Located 2000 LY away from the Abandoned Settlements in the Formidine Rift, this system is home to three Ammonia Worlds: planets 5, 6 and 7. The two outermost planets in the system, 6 and 7, are in a binary configuration. The innermost planet is a terraformable water world. Despite its habitability to other kinds of life, no signs of technological development have yet been detected here but it remains an interesting place, with the Heart and Soul nebulae still clearly visible in the distance. A jump range of 33 LY is recommended to reach this system without FSD boosting.
screenshot links:
notes: At the time of writing, I have not yet returned from this location and may not be able to play much or at all for the next couple of days but I would rather people know about it so that they can visit it in 2.3, rather than waiting until I have sold the data.
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