The Galactic Mapping Project & Historical Archive of Exploration

Found my first ever EWL in my first expedition, and it turned out to be a binary EWL! The system had another ammonia world but is otherwise unremarkable

Found two earthlikes orbiting each other with a terraformable water world in the system. Think two earths orbiting each other is pretty cool! :D

Binary ELWs, in themselves, are not POI-worthy. If you would like to post about something you've found, I would recommend this thread by Orvidius or this thread by Zieman.
NameCrash Site
Game map refWise 2056+ 1459 4
DescriptionLocated by FSS on planet 4, 1 signal identified as "other". The point doesn't appear on the nav panel until directly targeted after a detailed surface scanner.
It's a sidewinder, crashed, with 2 containers dropped through the landing trail.
There's a data link with one last log. It says:
"I know they say space travel is a lonely business, but nothing prepares you for being totally alone like this. No comms, no ships. What I wouldn't give to hear another person's voice right now."
Srv detected 4 more containers abroad, with no other radar sign or clue.

As on 30 May 2020 - this crash site no longer appears to exist - I have done a detailed Surface Scan of the planet and there are no POIs or anything else on the planet.
Game map search ref:Athaihn DL-Y e1830
Description:Black hole system with 2 neutron stars in close orbit and a 3rd neutron star orbiting 4000 ls away. System has a landable MRB some 200ls away from the black hole that gives a jaw dropping view of the 2 neutron stars orbiting the black hole. Further in the system there are twho Class IV gas giants in binary orbit and a ringed Class IV overlooking them.
In one of the craters on ABC1 there was a crashed probe.
Name is chosen after the Chineese mythological creature Ao, a turtle who's legs were used to hold up the sky.
Screenshot reference:
dark gate landing.png

the dark gate.png

dance of giants.png


Name:Aristotle's Legacy
Game map search ref:Athaihn LX-U E2-5352
Description:Black hole system with the following configuration:
3 bodies in close orbit: black hole, K class 4ls away, neutron star 35ls away
2 bodies in close orbit: white dwarf, G class 3ls apart
2 bodies in close orbit: G class, K class some aprox 10ls apart. These have 5 HMCW in orbit and one rocky body all landable except FG5.
The orbital planes are very chaotic probably due to the configuration of the 5 central bodies.
Name is chosen after Aristotle's death in 322 BC.
Screenshot reference:


Name:Norma's Garden
Game map search ref:EESHORKS VQ-D D12-1057
Description:Binary System (one Neutron Star), two Earth-like worlds around the main sequence star, plus one Water World.
Screenshot reference:
Norma's Garden.jpg
Binary ELWs, in themselves, are not POI-worthy. If you would like to post about something you've found, I would recommend this thread by Orvidius or this thread by Zieman.

As noted, binary ELW are not POI worthy. Trinary ELW and systems with three ELW may be worth submissions, particularly if they have other factors. 4 ELW in a system is an automatic POI given how rare those are.
Name:The Black Perl
Game map search ref:Kyloall QE-Q e5-8177
Description:This attractive blue double bubble planetary nebula has a an unusually dark water world 3628 light seconds from the neutron star.
Screenshot reference:
That shot is more meant to show the orbit, but I'll change it to include the stats for the ELW.

I tried adding that into Space Engine to see what it looked like and wondered why it output a 3000°C inferno world. And then realised the tidal heating would be absolutely insane on a world that close to a brown dwarf with such a high eccentricity! Oh well :p
I managed to beat it into shape to ignore the tidal heating! So here's the view from the surface of Halley's World (in Space Engine)! I used the system parameters that Mooing showed here and what I could glean from

The first pic is near closest approach to the BD at 370,000 km - the companion star that the BD orbits is providing the illumination on the right. (at closest approach, more like 350,000 km - the BD actually eclipses the star (not all the time, just at this point in its orbit around the other star)). The BD takes up about 35° of sky at this point (70 times the width of the full moon from Earth!).
The second pic is at furthest approach from the BD (0.0375 AU). It's only 2.25° across here now (4.5 times the width of the full moon).

Maybe when Odyssey comes out we can see this in game... :)


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Name:Magellan's Oasis
Game map search ref:Dryeou Fleau CR-N d6-1
Description:This system, with one Earth-like world and three water worlds (one of them a candidate for terraforming), would be merely unusual almost anywhere else in the Galaxy. Out here, in the barren far East reaches of Tenebrae near the end of the Perseus Arm, it is an unexpected delight. Close to half-way between Void's Brink and Magellan's Star, commanders weary of the great empty reaches at the galaxy's edge can pause to study the space-borne ice and silicate crystal flora at the ELW's L4 and L5 Lagrange points, and to admire the views back towards the distant Milky way and on, unimpeded, to the unattainable beckoning Magellanic Clouds, before resuming their journey.

In addition to the four terrestrial worlds already mentioned there are three further terraformable worlds in this system, which was discovered during the Eastern Promise expedition.
Screenshot reference:

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Name:Land of the Young (because Tír na nÓg)
Game map search ref:Vegnooe SN-K d8-3606
Description:In this unremarkable at the first glance system I found one of the most wonderful worlds I've ever seen. On the blueish-grey boring moon 2 a I noticed bright green spots which appeared to be canyons where I could see layers of green formation.
When landed on one of these places the planet can be taken for an earth-like world because of green surface and hills around.
While driving my SRV around Geo site 1 I saw that trails that the SRV leaves on the grey surface were sometimes bright green and sometimes blue which gives ideas for collective SRV shenanigans.
Screenshot reference:

Description:This attractive blue double bubble planetary nebula has a an unusually dark water world 3628 light seconds from the neutron star.

No planetary nebula will be accepted as new POI unless they are exceptionally worthwhile, given the large number of PN.

Is there a searchable web page for looking up entries.

You can put in the name of a POI to look for it on the GMP map; or you can look at the complete list by name at Those are the only options.
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