Any HOTAS with mounting screws like an X52 Pro will work for your needs.
- Buy a 45x20x2cm shelf (or just a bit of plank), drill 4mm holes in it using the mounting holes as a guide. Buy a longer shelf if you have to and use a jigsaw to cut it down.
- Buy 4 x 4x65mm bolts and wingnuts. A washer is a nice bonus. If you can't get 65mm bolts, wait until you have your stick attached to the board and use a bolt cutter to cut them down - you don't want the bolts digging into your legs.
- Glue a cushion to the plank in the middle. The cushion goes on your lap.
- Congratulations, you now have an X52 Pro mounted to a piece of wood on your lap.
I thought about that to but wouldnt the board wobble since its wider then my legs who will be supporting it ?.
How wide is the X52 or X55 actually ?
Would mounting a Warthog stick + throttle be to big and heavy for on your legs ?