A fair point, but DB specifically implied they had not generated other galaxies. He never said Andromeda wasn't in the game, he said, "Does the Stellar Forge have the capacity to generate a second galaxy? Yes it does, it has the capacity to generate an infinite number of galaxies because we've just got to get all of the parameters right, but it's the benefit of that. Our galaxy is so flipping big, it's just so vast, that having an extra galaxy is fairly meaningless."

You could argue this is a non-answer, technically Braben never said they hadn't created another galaxy, but at the very least it's safe to put the galaxy theory very low on the tier list. If you watch any DB interviews you'll know that he has trouble lying. His three approaches answering a question are yes, maybe and no, all of which are delivered quite plainly; it's obvious when he's trying to be cryptic. Michael Brookes is skillfully vague and answers questions in ways that are designed to make you wonder what he's actually saying.

In the videos where DB talks about secondary galaxy creations he speaks matter-of-factly, as if he's absolutely sure that what he's saying is a simple answer to a simple question. There are none of the shady smiles, shrugged responses or playful airs he usually puts on whenever there's a mystery to be solved.
the forge doesnt need to generate another galaxy to include it in the lore.
the mysterious jump gate could be a story arc that is used as a means of introducing an alien race to the milky way. think mass effect.
if we find it we may be facing an invasion
they spent millions of years bouncing around the universe and thats all thats left? seems unlikely
They weren't messy monkeys like us humans, they cleaned after themselves.
And maybe the few last millions of years of their rampage, they'd manifest themselves like natural forces if they were in any way detectable to E: D -era human civilization.
They weren't messy monkeys like us humans, they cleaned after themselves.
And maybe the few last millions of years of their rampage, they'd manifest themselves like natural forces if they were in any way detectable to E: D -era human civilization.
as I understand it the oisir raxxla society degraded over time and lost most of their original technology and lost sight of the original mission. seems unlikely they would have erased their own traces. all civilizations leave their mark.

hell, we have more evidence of ancient pre intelligent life on a single planet dating back more that 100 million years than we do of a so called advanced civilization that supposedly flung it's self across multiple galaxies.

it seems there is another hand in this. something or someone is removing the evidence. could this be what Thargoids are really up to
Pyramids at Giza according to Rob Holdstock :)

There's the Mars Relic too.. possibly ... maybe..

The Mars relic is the reason why I'm following the Egyptian-myth trail; if there's an alien Mars relic, then there's the possibility that ancient aliens in ED have visited Earth. Here's an interesting fact: In the ancient Egypt-times Thuban was the polar star, not Polaris; the pyramids were oriented with respect to Thuban.
The problem with this approach: That Egyptian-Alien-stuff is really crazy and I don't want my Youtube/Google-suggestions get crowded with crazy conspiracy-stuff.
I don't think the players need another galaxy, so FD didn't make it. Within the Milky Way, it is difficult to find anyone, what is the point of creating a huge Andromeda (which is larger than the Milky Way)? But I like the idea that Raxxla is a gateway through which we will bring trouble upon ourselves. However, I am sure of its existence in the game, there can't be so many questions and vague answers to them to be just lies. FD is very sensitive to ED and try not to sell you something that is not in the game.

At the moment, I'm flying up to the Bovomit cluster. My journey through the Formidine Rift has been terribly boring and I'm going to be returning to the bubble soon. I don't understand why I didn't find anything, not a single sign of life. Where are the erased worlds and endless Targoid cemeteries? Probably there, in a closed cluster, still under construction...
Atm a good few of us Raxxla hunters are scouring where the asteroid belt should be right now. There is a few videos showing some of the interesting anomalies they've found and documented on the previous page I believe
Atm a good few of us Raxxla hunters are scouring where the asteroid belt should be right now. There is a few videos showing some of the interesting anomalies they've found and documented on the previous page I believe
yes!! but it lost planet seemsed like paradise(bible) .I know that scientists have rejected the idea that there could be a planet there. but how many millions of years ago did they consider? I think they are wrong in their statements
Atm a good few of us Raxxla hunters are scouring where the asteroid belt should be right now. There is a few videos showing some of the interesting anomalies they've found and documented on the previous page I believe
it impossible to reach. asteroid belt just only in picture in system.
as I understand it the oisir raxxla society degraded over time and lost most of their original technology and lost sight of the original mission. seems unlikely they would have erased their own traces. all civilizations leave their mark.

hell, we have more evidence of ancient pre intelligent life on a single planet dating back more that 100 million years than we do of a so called advanced civilization that supposedly flung it's self across multiple galaxies.

it seems there is another hand in this. something or someone is removing the evidence. could this be what Thargoids are really up to

The Osir-Raxxla had sent out "generation ships", where the inhabitants were meant to live and die for literal generations until their task was complete. The task itself was to construct a machine that spanned the entire galaxy and would have allowed them to control the flow of time. Unfortunately there were some mistakes when they built the pyramids (the calibration part of the machine), where they diffused the gravity into the pyramid's base instead of focusing it at the point. This effectively ruined the whole machine. The crew of the generation ship had lost sight of their founder's reverence for details and only knew of their tasks, as that was the only information passed down. The fate of this specific generation ship is unknown.

It's been theorized that the Mars artifact was part of this machine, but it's uncertain. What we do know is that they weren't the only race to exist in the galaxy, as the place they came from was actually home to a number of races.

All of this is heresay because we don't know whether Steven Eisler's writings are even canon in the current Elite Dangerous game.
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if someone wants to understand the course of my reasoning, then I am ready to work on it. I'm ready to open up my train of thought. but I don't understand English very well and I also don't speak English very well. but gumay then you need patience and nothing is impossible
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