I don't think the players need another galaxy, so FD didn't make it. Within the Milky Way, it is difficult to find anyone, what is the point of creating a huge Andromeda (which is larger than the Milky Way)? But I like the idea that Raxxla is a gateway through which we will bring trouble upon ourselves. However, I am sure of its existence in the game, there can't be so many questions and vague answers to them to be just lies. FD is very sensitive to ED and try not to sell you something that is not in the game.

At the moment, I'm flying up to the Bovomit cluster. My journey through the Formidine Rift has been terribly boring and I'm going to be returning to the bubble soon. I don't understand why I didn't find anything, not a single sign of life. Where are the erased worlds and endless Targoid cemeteries? Probably there, in a closed cluster, still under construction...

See my thread on FD quotes: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/fdev-ed-relevant-quotes-videos.553526/#post-8671776

the quote about Thargoids, beyond the FRift,Octagonal ships blocking out the stars...
“John Harper, author of And Here The Wheel, wrote in a Kickstarter comment:

"You don't know what I've seen. I've sailed beyond the Formidine Rift, seen the fleets of Octagonal ships blocking out the stars. I've stood on lost worlds, sterilised clean by the Thargoids and erased from humanity's maps. I've seen the graves from the Thargoid wars, countless headstones stretching beyond the curvature of the horizon, little spots of reflected light dottering the abandoned continent ..."

But presumably FD didn’t implement that, and they even changed the location of the Formidine Rift, which one of the books places near the Core Worlds.
See my thread on FD quotes: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/fdev-ed-relevant-quotes-videos.553526/#post-8671776

the quote about Thargoids, beyond the FRift,Octagonal ships blocking out the stars...
“John Harper, author of And Here The Wheel, wrote in a Kickstarter comment:

"You don't know what I've seen. I've sailed beyond the Formidine Rift, seen the fleets of Octagonal ships blocking out the stars. I've stood on lost worlds, sterilised clean by the Thargoids and erased from humanity's maps. I've seen the graves from the Thargoid wars, countless headstones stretching beyond the curvature of the horizon, little spots of reflected light dottering the abandoned continent ..."

But presumably FD didn’t implement that, and they even changed the location of the Formidine Rift, which one of the books places near the Core Worlds.

Exactly! This is the quote I used when planning my trip. But other than the lifeless ice worlds, I found nothing. Even biological signals are very rare. I am inclined to the idea that we will someday open access to the Bovomit cluster where all those riddles and remnants of worlds will be.
if someone wants to understand the course of my reasoning, then I am ready to work on it. I'm ready to open up my train of thought. but I don't understand English very well and I also don't speak English very well. but gumay then you need patience and nothing is impossible

Welcome to the hunt, Sharide! More help is always welcome, regardless of where you're from or how little English you speak. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts, everyone here is very open and friendly.
Welcome to the hunt, Sharide! More help is always welcome, regardless of where you're from or how little English you speak. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts, everyone here is very open and friendly.
спасибо! извините мне стало лень писать все что я думала. мне не понравилась реакция разработчиков. мне показалось что им безразлично что их загадку ктото раскрыл. а может они привыкли что никто не может догадаться. поэтому я бросила писать эту научную диссертацию.
Translated as best as my phone could....


I knew about Elite Denzeroes for a long time. And then I decided to return because my friend sent me very beautiful and seductive screenshots of the planets from the game. I came back and came across a table that summarizes all the activities available to players.

This table is:

I really love lore in games, and then I found an interesting quest from the developers, where you need to think and look, I was encouraged that Raxxla had not been found so far. In December 2020, I got involved in an active search for this planet.

I created an ad and posted it on the Russian social network https://vk.com/elite_dangerous_ru, here it is:


I really love adventure and exploring unusual things shrouded in a veil of secrecy, it doesn't matter if it's a game or real life.

I returned to the game some time ago after a long journey to other game worlds. And again, looking at Elite Dangerous, I realized how beautiful this game is, and what interesting content it offers for its players.

I was very interested in the topic of searching for Raxla. In a nutshell, this is an "Easter egg".

I decided to focus all my efforts on finding this mysterious place.

I have a small action plan that I am ready to share and, if necessary, lead a research group for the final search for Raxla.

I invite people who:

- are interested in search,

- have a passion for secrecy,

- are extremely persistent in implementing their decisions,

- looking for similar self-realization

I will also be glad to people who want:

- it is possible to write reports in different languages,

- shoot videos, streams, if you speak different languages, then your help can be invaluable,

- everyone who is interested in the fate of Raxla,

- to all whom I could not indicate, and if you want to bring something of your own to this project, I will be very glad to you.

I will be glad for any help.

My goal is to find Raxla.

And if you do this in the course of our search, then all the glory will go to you.

There were several guys who joined the search process. In December 2020, I actively reviewed all the materials in Russian and English that were available to date. I saw very creative thoughts on this matter.

I also began to look for matches in real life for such things as Omphalos rift, Zurara (ship of generations)

As a result, my searches led me to religion and astronomy.

I reread the articles on Fnadom that dealt with Raxxla. After a while, I knitted a break, because I was tired of thinking about it day and night. Then one person cheered my search and practically within a couple of three days I found the answer.

Now I will tell you in detail how I was looking.

At the beginning of the search, I memorized and clung to every word. Now, of course, I have thrown away a lot and am ready to show the road along which I walked.

* Raxxla is not an alien, Alex. This is a ghostly world. Planet. Legend. * - in this message

It is made clear that the planet is a ghost. What is a ghost in space? Either what was killed (destroyed) - it pushed me about the asteroid belt in the solar system, or it is the dwarf planet Ceres that was discovered:

Ceres (1 Ceres in the CMP catalog) is the closest to the Sun and the smallest among the known dwarf planets of the Solar System. Located in the asteroid belt. Ceres was discovered in 1801 by the Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi at the Palermo Astronomical Observatory.

Here (link below) you can read in detail about the discovery of Ceres. It's funny that the group of people looking for her was called "Skyguards", I wonder if this has anything to do with the guardians in the game? I did not have time to play the game properly and I know little.

* Other Raxxla seekers claim that Raxxla is something completely different, starting with the assumption that she is not an inconspicuous moon to the state of cosmic enlightenment. [1] * - Look how she looks like the Moon !!! ? She is inconspicuous, she was not immediately found, yes, and many do not know about her existence. Suitable right? Of course, I experienced insight in the course of my search, because the biblical stories about the expulsion from paradise have become, as it were, not a myth but a reality. This is both an inconspicuous moon and cosmic enlightenment in one moment. But more on that later.

* In the terrestrial sky, Ceres appears as a faint star of the 7th magnitude. * - I paid attention to the number seven and remembered our 7 days in a week and creation in seven days.

*** The first account of creation occupies the entire first chapter of Genesis and the beginning of the second chapter. It describes the process of creation as a work week and a weekend (Saturday) day. The text says that on the first day God created heaven, earth and light, and separated light from darkness; on the second day - created a firmament in the middle of the water, separated the water above the firmament from the water under the firmament, and called the firmament sky; on the third - land, seas and plants, on the fourth - the stars in the firmament of heaven, on the fifth - fish, reptiles and birds. Finally, on the sixth - the beasts of the earth, cattle, reptiles of the earth and man.

* The story ends with the first three verses of the second chapter of Genesis, where it is said that the Creator “rested on the seventh day from all His deeds that He did”, and “God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it, for on that day He rested from all His deeds. His own, which God created and created "(see Gen. 1: 1 - 2: 3) * - I wonder what did he do on the 7th day? Maybe you wanted to create something? “But I didn't get my hands on it, so I dropped everything”? :))

* Rakksla is a certain place where a mysterious secret is kept * - in real life, the Omphalos Rift is kept on the ground in Israel. I think that Raxxla is a planet associated with such a concept as "paradise lost".

* Every researcher who set out in search of Raxxla, at some point in his search, is convinced that he found the right clue in the sea of rumors, but if anyone succeeded in their search, they preferred to keep their mouths shut. * - when I had an insight and all the puzzles came together into a single picture, for a long time I could not believe what I did. I thought for a long time what to do with what I learned and I also understood that there are people for whom it will be important to open this secret. So I contacted the developers, namely David Braben, Michael Brooks, Drew Wagar.

I wrote them the following:

hello. today i open raxxla. 01/23/2021. i was so happy to understand your quest and it was the best quest in my life. thank u very much for the game. What better to do with this information? May be at first u and Michael Brooks and Drew Wagar can examine me?

Unfortunately, to date, I have not received an answer.

I also wrote in

With a request to help me find these people. To date, I have not received any response.

I also started a topic here:

* The earliest documented reference to Raxxla dates back to 2296 and is based on an entry in the personal journal of Art Tornqvist, a ship mechanic from Tau Ceti. The entry does not describe Raxxl or its possible location, but its existence indicates that the legend of Raxxl was already in the public consciousness by that time. * - I believe that the theme of paradise has sufficiently settled in the public consciousness.

* Some conspiracy theories claim that Raxxla was already discovered by either a sinister clique or a loner who used Raxxla's ability to become a shadow ruler over all of humanity * - I was confused that the person who found her was a mathematician. astronomer and !! a priest !! - a kind of combination of religion and science, as far as I remember, scientists have always been ranked as the Devil and here Copernicus suffered, for example. Therefore, the statement about a sinister gang becomes more or less appropriate. A sinister clique is a gang, gang, company or community of people. I don't know how sinister these people really were, but they called themselves "Heavenly Guards." It is interesting to analyze their biographies and life path. Perhaps there will be something interesting.

* Researchers and interpreters of Raxxla lore have noted that the legend of Raxxla has a significant impact on the minds, often leading to Raxxla's seekers becoming obsessed with it. This phenomenon is compared with the concept of "wanderlust", which is perceived as an inexplicable longing for a place that a person has never seen * - I have never seen paradise in the biblical sense of this word. For they were expelled from there.

* In September 2015, Drew Wagar, one of the official contributors to Elite Dangerous, stated: “In 2014, I asked David Braben directly and he confirmed to me that“ she is there (in the game) and we (Frontier Developments) we know where she is. " “So it is.” [6] Michael Brooks said that: “There will be no clues.” * - even if I turned out to be wrong, then Raxxl should be looked for exclusively in the solar system.

* Brooks: - “Well, she's in the Milky Way, but I can't tell you where she is. This is a journey that everyone must make on their own. ”* - when I started my research, the first thing I thought was that what I was looking for was so straight in front of my nose that now I understand how difficult it was for the developers not to give themselves away.

* Brooks: “It's true, but I think it should be a little obvious for you to understand so that people generally understand what they are doing. So far I can’t add anything else to this ”* - this is an important detail. Indeed, it was understanding that drove me.

Ancient land what was that? It looks like hell. I thought, what could this be heaven? It turns out that heaven was in the place of the fifth planet. Moreover, the theory of the existence of the planet there existed. She was rejected, but in our life things often change.

* In November 2018, book author Drew Wagar said: “In my personal opinion, she (Raxxla) cannot be too far from the solar system, as it has long been available to more primitive ships. Will this be confirmed ...? I think we will find out. ”* - of course, how else can you take your eyes off the fact that lies right in front of your nose? Yes, just like that, in my opinion. Available for primitive ships. At first I thought that these were ships of a generation, but I admitted the thought that even earlier and simpler models. What is flying in space now?

* The alleged name of the artifact on Raxxl, Omphalos Rift, comes from ancient Greek culture. From the ancient Greek "omphalus" [11] means "Navel of the Earth", or the center of something, and the ancient Greeks believed that the sanctuary in Delphi was the center of the world. Interestingly, when the Knowledge Base containing the first mention of the Omphalos Rift was added to Elite: Dangerous with update 3.3, the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 system, which was the headquarters of the anti-Thargoid organization, Aegis , "Was also renamed Delphi. * - it is a little unclear why Delphi was moved to another star system? A very strong interweaving of the Raxxle myth and real objects, events, names, bibles and astronomy. In theory, there must be something in Delphi.

In this link you can learn about the assumptions about the possibility of life on this planet (Ceres).

Ну привет Коммандер :) Используй гугл переводчик и выстраивай предложения проще. Твой текст очень сложно анализируется Гуглом даже для меня. Я сам не переводчик, но здесь и вправду очень дружелюбное комьюнити. Добро пожаловать!

Sorry, this was a small explanation of how best to translate the text and read the forum if you come from Russia ahaha
я в игре это cmdr Mary Wong я так же играла 10 лет под этим ником в eve online. я умираю от красоты и осознания космоса и того факта что мы живем и существуем посреди такой красоты. и так хотела бы узнать много больше о нашей истории.
Ну привет Коммандер :) Используй гугл переводчик и выстраивай предложения проще. Твой текст очень сложно анализируется Гуглом даже для меня. Я сам не переводчик, но здесь и вправду очень дружелюбное комьюнити. Добро пожаловать!

Sorry, this was a small explanation of how best to translate the text and read the forum if you come from Russia ahaha

i dont plan to share this info. that why so difficalt. sorry
Back to the topic.

We have to admit that the most exciting question for everyone is whether Raxxla exists and is currently available in the game?
It doesn't matter what it is or how difficult it is to find it. The community does not need any hints, we are happy to continue all this search, but we are not sure about the technical availability of Raxxla.
Can someone from the developers already answer these simple questions?
Despite my lack of graphical/Gimp/artistic expertise I've had a little play around with the Raxxla logo and asteroid belt sectors from the sysmap. The latter was generated by me from an overhead, screenshot in the orrery view, which may not have been exactly overhead so I think there's a little distortion. But two more variants to add to that already created by Cmdr Burning Scull (https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/the-quest-to-find-raxxla.168253/post-8923705) are:
Source: https://imgur.com/lexsFlc
and Source: https://imgur.com/Olt6Ezg

I think the three dotted lines signifies the asteroid belt, so in the first I put those at the inner edge of the belt. It is interesting that the dotted line (an engineering drawing convention meaning something is hidden https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/the-quest-to-find-raxxla.168253/post-8912557) runs at the outer edge of the belt- reminiscent of the "Hidden in the Outer RIm" elite mission that used to be at Shin Dez and I've been finding the green glow towards the outer edge of the belt..

In the second image I enlarged the logo so the three arcs fit the middle of the asteroid belt. The circle then fits the inner edge of the belt. The dotted line then lies outside the belt, which might align with the direction of some of the videos for the glow light source .

I'm just playing around with possibilites here as I don't want to get stuck on one possible explanation without some supporting evidence (I've thought for ages the logo is a clue). I personally still think the logo is more symbolic than actual map- the inner dot and circle represent Sol star, the three arcs represent the asteroid belt, the dottend line represents something hidden. The meaning of the green coridoors and black shapes are open to debate IMHO. I suspect it represents a dodecahedron station which is Raxxla...we'll find out when we find it! :)
Despite my lack of graphical/Gimp/artistic expertise I've had a little play around with the Raxxla logo and asteroid belt sectors from the sysmap. The latter was generated by me from an overhead, screenshot in the orrery view, which may not have been exactly overhead so I think there's a little distortion. But two more variants to add to that already created by Cmdr Burning Scull (https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/the-quest-to-find-raxxla.168253/post-8923705) are:
Source: https://imgur.com/lexsFlc
and Source: https://imgur.com/Olt6Ezg

I think the three dotted lines signifies the asteroid belt, so in the first I put those at the inner edge of the belt. It is interesting that the dotted line (an engineering drawing convention meaning something is hidden https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/the-quest-to-find-raxxla.168253/post-8912557) runs at the outer edge of the belt- reminiscent of the "Hidden in the Outer RIm" elite mission that used to be at Shin Dez and I've been finding the green glow towards the outer edge of the belt..

In the second image I enlarged the logo so the three arcs fit the middle of the asteroid belt. The circle then fits the inner edge of the belt. The dotted line then lies outside the belt, which might align with the direction of some of the videos for the glow light source .

I'm just playing around with possibilites here as I don't want to get stuck on one possible explanation without some supporting evidence (I've thought for ages the logo is a clue). I personally still think the logo is more symbolic than actual map- the inner dot and circle represent Sol star, the three arcs represent the asteroid belt, the dottend line represents something hidden. The meaning of the green coridoors and black shapes are open to debate IMHO. I suspect it represents a dodecahedron station which is Raxxla...we'll find out when we find it! :)

I'll try to mention the Hilda-asteroids again, which would fit the three arcs better, since the Hildas are in three clusters, please take a look at the picture on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilda_asteroid
You are right, the Raxxla logo is a symbolism, not a map. But any symbol is built on the principle of logic, the shape and location, the number of elements-correspond to reality. We just need to understand the symbol correctly and link it to the available materials and guesses.

I'm still pretty sure the green glow isn't a bug:
It is only available in the Sol system.
It occurs at a certain distance from the center.
It interacts with the position of the asteroid belt.
So far, no reliable assumptions have been provided about what might cause it.

I think it's worth looking at Sol from the ceiling of the system. Perhaps this will give some hints.
I'll try to mention the Hilda-asteroids again, which would fit the three arcs better, since the Hildas are in three clusters, please take a look at the picture on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilda_asteroid

Mmm, didn't see your first mention, good call! I like the fact that the Hildas move in a triangular orbit so I see the possible resemblance to the three arcs of the logo.
Hildas are ~ 4.0 AU semimajor axis = 1996 ls. Might be worth a look!
You are right, the Raxxla logo is a symbolism, not a map. But any symbol is built on the principle of logic, the shape and location, the number of elements-correspond to reality. We just need to understand the symbol correctly and link it to the available materials and guesses.

I'm still pretty sure the green glow isn't a bug:
It is only available in the Sol system.
It occurs at a certain distance from the center.
It interacts with the position of the asteroid belt.
So far, no reliable assumptions have been provided about what might cause it.

I think it's worth looking at Sol from the ceiling of the system. Perhaps this will give some hints.

see my original theory post if you want some (reasonable?) assumptions

what we need is exploration, investigation & evidence! ;)
I'll give the Hildas idea a try later, got to walk the copawlot!! 👨‍🚀🐶
ANOTHER update???
can't see anything on Staff/Developer thread
OR is it the last update objecting to my removal of station haze and canopy dust????

maybe FD have heard of SPliffz's CTD during green glow search and have got around to correcting the Raxxla instancing bug! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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In Polaris system!
Fits all the facts:
  • exists
  • is in the Milky Way
  • devs (or a select few of them) know where it is
  • devs know why players haven't been able to find it (permit lock, duh!)
The problem with Polaris is that it was accessible in FFE. Placing Raxxla there would be weak, from a lore perspective.

It did have an ailen portal in FFE. A bit silly with another, perhaps?
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