I gotcha, that's what I meant by saying I re-read your post, and why I included the search for Struve 1694 in the image.

I'm saying my observations support your conclusion that it's gone :cool:

I might not have been very articulate about it, though :p

Edit: for spelling.
Ah I see haha, yeah strange one that though, It means they have removed something (Or many things) Or may even added without a patch note about it :unsure:
Well there was at some point a removal of duplicate named systems that was causing bugs when targeted.

It's likely this system was included in that.

Even if the names weren't identical, the fact it was very similar and bugged might have gotten it included in that duplicate system removal...

Otherwise yea, idk... I doubt it was removed on its own tho, likely with other systems, or possibly just renamed to not search with the old name... so it could be in a generalized patch note about system names corrected, or duplicates being fixed/removed.... who knows...
Anyone notice, most of the links in the middle of page one on this thread have been removed and a message that those pages can no longer be found.

Of course, they were archived at some point.

I asked CMDR Chiggy Vonrictofen, who has been everywhere in the Milky Way Galaxy, if in his long history of travels, if he saw any signs of Raxxla.

He refused to comment.
Well there was at some point a removal of duplicate named systems that was causing bugs when targeted.

It's likely this system was included in that.

Even if the names weren't identical, the fact it was very similar and bugged might have gotten it included in that duplicate system removal...

Otherwise yea, idk... I doubt it was removed on its own tho, likely with other systems, or possibly just renamed to not search with the old name... so it could be in a generalized patch note about system names corrected, or duplicates being fixed/removed.... who knows...
Recently, we found "I Carninae" was a duplicate system name and still in game.
So they have been removed manually or there were some exceptions...
If the Dark Wheel toast were to refer to commodities (I don't want you to believe it, but just imagine 2 minutes), what could it be? My knowledge of the commodities is very limited, I would appreciate a little help.
  • For the jewels that shine on the forehead of the mother of all galaxies!
    • Mother of all galaxies = nothingness, void
    • void jewels = Void Opal [Mining]
  • For the one who whispers in the confines of hyperspace, the siren of nothingness!
    • Thargoid whispers in the confines of hyperspace. Thargoid heart? [Combat]
  • The mourning of a parent, the sadness of a lover,
    • Sadness = tears = water.
    • Mourning = death = memorial
    • Shintara water, Rare at Jameson Memorial [Trading]
  • The desire of our wandering hearts (+fernweh)
    • Travel, exploration, desire elsewhere, discovery, treasure hunt. An item representative of Dark Wheel's vocation. Or linked to The Dark Wheel.
    • [Exploration thing?]

Not convinced by your hypothesis re Alleged Toast= commodities,
but intrigued by the hypothesis that "Astrophel and the Spiralling Stars" implies Thargoids (they're all female & young queen insects might be princesses) and the Thargoid Base machine display does show spiralling stars. Think someone else has mooted this hypothesis before but can't remember who or if anyone investigated.
It would mean that this is MB's "We did look at a story involving Raxxla, but felt that was a story that should be played out in game rather than as a novel”- Raxxla may be intimately connected (stop sniggering at the back there!) with the Thargoid/Guardian storyline. We know that Raxxla is part of the Alien Background lore document.

Has anyone checked to see if all these machine displays are identical??
I've been away for a while, but I was intrigued by the possible link of Thargs & Guardians.
Hence, I had to check some of my old notes.

I may diverge from the Tharg/Guardian link for a bit, as I forgot that I had some notes on the "Mother of galaxies".
I just want to leave it here in case someone has a better idea for followup for a possible lead.
(all notes: https://panzertard.github.io/elitedangerous-notes/xdebug) but you may want to step away from it as it's just collected notes without any conclusions .. #spacemadness

Old flashback to Andromedae as part of the Mother of Galaxies through the whole "strella and the astrophil" discussions a couple of years ago.
In summary
  • If Andromedae is Mother of Galaxies
  • Saffar may be the jewel

Jewel: Upsilon Andromedae b, Saffar
How Saffar got it's name, here, and relation to the star: https://www.iau.org/news/pressreleases/detail/iau1514/
Upsilon Andromedae b, wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upsilon_Andromedae_b
Which is coined as Saffar, wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Saffar_(planet)&redirect=no

Sorry for the break, now lets try to find some more credible links between Guardians & Thargoids.
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Back to some Guardian questions, regarding the relation to the sonnet. In the cannon-codex, the logs we have this log:
2/28 : Thargoid Log – The War Begins This data details the start of the conflict between the Guardians and the Thargoids. Several thousand years after they seeded planets in Guardian space with barnacles. the Thargoids returned. Of course, they discovered that the planets they had seeded were now occupied by the Guardians! The Thargoids immediately launched an assault. making no effort to communicate with the Guardians, which tallies with the Thargoids’ behaviour in human space.
Question: What systems do we have where both Barnacles and Guardian structure exist?
Do we have any such systems, where we know Thargoids & Guardians fought over control?
Not convinced by your hypothesis re Alleged Toast= commodities,
but intrigued by the hypothesis that "Astrophel and the Spiralling Stars" implies Thargoids (they're all female & young queen insects might be princesses) and the Thargoid Base machine display does show spiralling stars. Think someone else has mooted this hypothesis before but can't remember who or if anyone investigated.
It would mean that this is MB's "We did look at a story involving Raxxla, but felt that was a story that should be played out in game rather than as a novel”- Raxxla may be intimately connected (stop sniggering at the back there!) with the Thargoid/Guardian storyline. We know that Raxxla is part of the Alien Background lore document.

Has anyone checked to see if all these machine displays are identical??
Question: What systems do we have where both Barnacles and Guardian structure exist?
Do we have any such systems, where we know Thargoids & Guardians fought over control?

The only system I know of is where I just was taking a look around the other day...

Trapezium Sector YU-X c1-2​

there is a single planet in that system, with Human, Guardian and Thargoid sites... though I didn't look at all bio sites, so not sure if Barnacles are present specifically

very curious I must say, but I have yet to draw any solid conclusions beyond the very real possibility it was a place where somthing not so nice happened .... I dont want to spoil anything but
the fact the sites on this planet are also mostly in close proximity to each other, it appears the Thargoids were adveserly effected by the Guardian technology present and yea... as for the human site, my speculation is, someone was in the wrong place at the wrong time and paid a heafty price for it...
Here's the updated Raxxla timeline (stumbled on this while moving ships to a new base of operations). Hyperspace is viable for finding Raxxla between 2230 - 2296 per Delta Pavonis "Early Colonies" beacon. That's 66 years. I thought I had managed exclude it from possibilities but alas that wasn't the case. This probably means most of the Frontiers systems discovery and subsequent colonization happens in that 66 years. Back to looking for overlooked leads. This sadly greatly expands the search zone. So much for best laid plans 🔥. Back to the drawing board and making sure I don't have any ignored leads. Currently, I believe the following are the best bets for finding something more definitive:

-Something in or near Tau Ceti leading to the pirate cache (Tornvquist was a shipboard mechanic based out of Tau Ceti). Meaning the journal wasn't necessarily written there.

-Finding the trail of Augustus Brenquith (discover of Ackwada) and possibly most of the systems from Frontiers gazette. From the tourist beacon in Ackwada: "Inside the capsule was a message crystal with the log of the second five years of Augustus Brenquith's solitary search for new worlds, his 'glittering legacy', included in the list of planetary systems that he had stumbled upon was that of Ackwada." It should be noted: Brenquist sent capsules back to Sol. The capsule that was analyzed was already opened (as the seal had been broken). See https://eddb.io/attraction/73015 . Someone found that capsule before the Sol authorities did. I am half wondering if Tornvquist didn't intercept the Brenquist capsules (he sent several batches back to Sol).

-Missing systems from the Frontiers gazettes (there are 4-5) that aren't properly accounted for. Also, I strongly suspect Ackcanphi is intentionally mislabeled.

-Someone was chasing someone in/near Alpha Centauri and wanted them dead for unknown reasons (see listening post in Alpha Centauri).

-Discovery of Raxxla happening in or near Achenar or Capella. Capella is a suspect because of a moon name Duval's Grave).

Migrating this to Google Docs for readability sake: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fO6_y2QOxErhrC6GugcuAuyi-GgDaoLZbuFAxcunCRA/edit?usp=sharing

Still need to add in more details on the current suspected pathways to get more information. Also, notable presidents and notable Duvals lore may not start until after 2296. If so, will be migrating that to a secondary document. Regardless, for 66 years hyperspace in some primitive form is reasonable to build theories around and is supported by the official lore.
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And do we have any detailed explanation of the thargoid machine displays that might lead to new Raxxla hypotheses? FD clearly put a lot of effort into those spiralling stars......

I've been thinking a lot about the 'Thargoid Map Rooms' and the 'Spiralling Stars'.

TL : DR - I got nuthin'!

I was wondering if anyone had 'followed the trail' of 'Thargoid map rooms to see whats at the end, or plotted the locations of the Map Rooms - mainly because I wondered if the Spiraling Star map correlates to the the locations of the Thargoid Map sites. And if so, where the centre of the spiral falls? And whats there?

My best (and obvious) guess would be The Bloop (Barnards Loop).

But that's a lot of 'ifs' and a lot of work!

(not my map, see credits in image) provides the means of locating new Thargoid map sites by referencing the current Thargoid location against Merope (on the left) and another known system (Col 70 something? It's permit locked, and related to the Thargoid systems, Google Fu is letting me down right now).

Has anyone followed that 'trail' to either end yet?

Hmm. nevermind, I just found the
which would appear to render all of my rambling in this post irrelevant.

Looks like the're all clustered around the Hyades/Pleiades region in a globular fashion.

Ach, back to the clue-board.
I've been thinking a lot about the 'Thargoid Map Rooms' and the 'Spiralling Stars'.

TL : DR - I got nuthin'!

I was wondering if anyone had 'followed the trail' of 'Thargoid map rooms to see whats at the end, or plotted the locations of the Map Rooms - mainly because I wondered if the Spiraling Star map correlates to the the locations of the Thargoid Map sites. And if so, where the centre of the spiral falls? And whats there?

My best (and obvious) guess would be The Bloop (Barnards Loop).

But that's a lot of 'ifs' and a lot of work!

(not my map, see credits in image) provides the means of locating new Thargoid map sites by referencing the current Thargoid location against Merope (on the left) and another known system (Col 70 something? It's permit locked, and related to the Thargoid systems, Google Fu is letting me down right now).

Has anyone followed that 'trail' to either end yet?

Hmm. nevermind, I just found the
which would appear to render all of my rambling in this post irrelevant.

Looks like the're all clustered around the Hyades/Pleiades region in a globular fashion.

Ach, back to the clue-board.
The map may be related yet but I cannot prove it yet. I am essentially working on getting a firm understanding of what transpired between 2097 - 2296. As of now, hyperspace is a viable lore explanation with official backing per Delta Pavonis' "Early Colonies" beacon. That means between 2230 - 2296 humanity at least had moderate access to early hyperspace technology. We really need a more solid foundation for what happened between the first generation ship (2097 - Mayflower 97) and knowing that Raxxla rumors solidly exist (2296).
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Yes, I seem to remember that was the instruction sheet for how to use UAs, UPs and ULs; it was a long time ago!

I think the first thing to check out is whether all the thargoid machine spiralling star displays are identical (most likely, but needs to be checked, for science!), or whether they are different (which might well be significant). There should be a few YT vids on these, which might save some time.
I got claustrophobia looking at just one, when they were first discovered!
So, this is all a bit previous, as I'm not even Elite rated yet (returned 2 weeks ago, zeroed save), but I've been checking out some of the Cassiopeiae stars on the 'western' edge of the Bubble (not far from Khun).

Cassiopeia = Mother of Andromeda. Andromeda is a galaxy. Cassiopeia = Mother of Galaxies? It's a bit prosaic, maybe, and I'm sure I'm far from first to follow this up, but what the hell, gotta start somewhere.

Here's Caph - 'the hand' - in the representations of Cassiopeia she has her hand to her head (or brow), and Caph is a Giant star - 'the jewel that burns on the brow...' Yeah, I know, I'm stretching it...

Anyway, I went looking for the 8th moon of a gas giant:


No such luck.

Next, Schedar. 'The Breast'. Which, if we imagine 'the jewel' as a necklace or some such, would be a logical place to say a jewel was about a persons person. And maybe it's 'brow' in the toast to keep ED's child friendly rating? Again, stretching it, but every avenue and all that!

Also, its Alpha Cassiopeiae - the 'head' star, if you will. Even if it's not actually the Queen's head. Oh, now I fancy a pint!

Schedar is also a quad star featuring a K type giant, a jewel by any other name!

Here we are - no moons here. Or even any planets:


Shame. Still part of my thinking dwells upon the reported 'it is in game, and is more likely to reveal itself to a group of players'. I choose to accept this report as real, because otherwise, why bother? I've wasted plenty of time in ED on tinfoil, and though it all came to naught, I had a lot of fun, so 'jokes on you meme goes here!' :D

So I don't mind spending more time in pursuit of the impossible - but you gotta let yourself believe!

It would be the first piece of content I'm aware of that was only accessible in Open Mode, so I don't think that's what's meant by 'more likely to reveal itself to a group of players'.

So what if you have to search for USS in the right system/area to find either The Dark Wheel Station or Raxxla itself? Again, I doubt I'm the first to have this idea, but it would make sense that a number of players scanning the same area could work the RNG faster than a solitary player, right?

So anyway, I was chasing signal sources in Schedar for a bit.

I don't think I'm going to reach this one in time...


I didn't!

So, anyway, time to get at least one Elite ratingh - its off to Jellyfish then Crab Nebula for me, via Hyades, Pleiades then California Nebula!

Almost finished Pathfinder Rank now, so hopefully I'll make Elite on my return.

Sure, by 'Elite' you might have to be 'Triple Elite' (or is that Octuple Elite by now?), or maybe old school 'Combat Elite', any one of a combination of Elites, but I gotta believe, and I gotta start somewhere!

So The Princess Astrophel has been re-liveried and re-regisdtered, its time to go:


To Raxxla! Raxxla! Raxxla!

It's only a model.

Nice run for that USS @SpaceGoblin
Re. "being Elite", I firmly believes it means the same as having "one ranking of Elite in any category", as this is the same requirement for getting into Shinrarta Dezra. Anything else would be a strange design decision for this mystery.
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Well, I pursued triple elite, bashing Thargoid Scouts during lockdown until I got bad RSI in both hands & wrists. Got the rank but it hasnt helped. I too think only a single elite is required. But the first thing to do is to find the source for that supposed that saying:
“ more likely to reveal itself to a group of players”
Until we find the source it is just another unsubstantiated rumour and likely a red herring...but it could be the key to the mystery. Perhaps it’s been deleted because of that, too obvious a clue???

Cmdr Koben recalled an early (pre-Horizons, which was released 15Dec2015) video interview with David Braben that sounds similar

“Someone asked him about Raxxla and the answer was:
DB: "- It would be more likelly to reveal itself to a group of players."
Interviewer: "- How so?"
DB: "- If you are at the right place and you scan it enough..."
Interviewer: "- Advanced scanner or the basic one?"
DB: "- Basic scanning is enough."
Interviewer: "- But you have to be Elite..."
DB: "- You have to be Elite." “

IFF it is true then Raxxla must be in Shinrarta, since that is the only place that requires elite rank. If we can find the source for this rumour then it would warrant a concentrated coordinated search in Shinrarta, which is a big system so needs some evidence to justify.

I think 8th moon of a GG is a red herring, or perhaps an indirect clue to Raxxla. Rochester asked customer support about TDW station and IIRC got the answer that it is not currently in-game. So the associated Codex text is either bumpf, or misdirection with a different meaning to what we are thinking. Sufficient doubt is given in the codex over Lyta Crane’s veracity that I have never believed the claim.

And if you’re looking at the Alleged Toast the answer I think to the first part was provided in Galnet:
Jewel on brow of Mother of Galaxies: jun3301 “Sol is the birthplace of our race, the shining jewel of our galaxy.”

And the Milky Way is the only galaxy implemented in-game (other than as a background picture), and has 59 satellite galaxies (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_galaxy), so what other explanation can we have when DB is keen IRL on astronomy and scientific accuracy?
Mother of galaxies-> Milky Way
Jewel on her brow-> Sol
To the whisperer in witch-space, the siren of the deepest void! -> could have many interpretations. Dont see how Shinrarta fits, but the elite requirement implies there. Could be Felicity Farseer or Elvira Martuk as they are both experts (whisperers) in fsd technology, and Flic as an old explorer urges people to get out into the black. Could be Neutron Star or White Dwarf. Could be a pulsar since they have been said to be sirens of the void (cant find the reference at the moment, New Scientist I think, reported it previously in this thread -see my “Raxxla in Sol” hypothesis).
The parent's grief, the lover's woe, and the yearning of our vagabond hearts -> possibly just padding to complete the poetry verse. Could be the grief and woe of those left behind when you go on the quest, or find it (could be a one-way trip).
Or, the whole thing could be a toast to Raxxla: Jewel, Whisperer & Siren as she is calling us in this endless quest for something about which we know nothing, neither what it is, where it is, who put it there, why we should find it, how it got there...😱
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O7 on the Elite rank Cmdr.

When you received the rank was there anything out of the ordinary or was it the same progression process as with other ranks?

I ask because I fell upon this 5 year old Q/A with DB where he discusses the Elite: Dangerous identifiers and what he ‘wanted’ it to mean, and in particular the mention of a test!

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/599rwj/comment/d96upy3/

I suspect, like much of what DB discussed / proposed about the game, was based upon very early concepts pre-launch, and what we eventually got was some trimmed down variant.

I’m still at ‘Deadly’ which is where I’m happy to be as it’s the rank I achieved in the 84 game, I’m in no hurry to grab Elite, I know I could grind it out but I’d like it to be a natural progression.
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When you received the rank was there anything out of the ordinary or was it the same progression process as with other ranks?
No, nothing special. Just the access to SD. But it was ages ago (before Horizon I think). I don't think the badge (combat) showed up in the inbox, many of those things were bugged back then. I think only my next rank (trading) showed up properly in the inbox a year later or so.
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I agree, nothing out of the ordinary on gaining any of the elite ranks, just the Shinrarta permit each time, didn’t even acknowledge I’d already got it!
Yes, I suspect if Raxxla itself is not in Shinrarta then a clue must lie therein!
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