Find and follow Lucifer’s bridge and you find Eden.

And now they’ (Sinn and Death) ‘brought the work by wondrous art pontifical a ridge of pendent rock, over the vexed Abyss, following the track of Satan to the self same place where he first lighted” - “with pubs of adamant and chains they made all fast, too fast they made durable” Paradise Lost - John Milton.
Alioth has the following:
Station: Golden Gate (Heaven reference) orbiting the gas giant Bifrost. Bifrost is the burning rainbow bridge of Norse cosmogony. There is a separate system named Bifrost that is 102.99 LY distance. @Rochester would this be the bridge you are looking for?
These are all potential possibilities, we need to investigate because there does seem to be multiple possibilities.

We have the region of hell in the Greek underworld, and it too is mixed in with Holdstock’s Lost Realms.

Holdstock attributes Eden as being similarly to these, as a lost realm. Where as Milton proposes Eden is fixed between heaven and hell.

The codex it might be presumed, then tells us to follow (in my opinion) the path of Persephone to the underworld, it then describes the Holdstock realm. The Brookes tour takes us there also?

So is Raxxla in the lost realms area or is it above it? Or is it elsewhere, because hell is likewise a perversion of heaven, so it too might sit below this region!

Is Lucifers viaduct in game, or is that too much of one particular influence over another?

We also have the path of Jacques, which does intersect a system called Bridge!
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Augustus Brenquith (possible previous alias for Jaques) is also linked to Alioth via Donaldson (it is the only one by this name) starport. From the Frontier gazetteer on Quphieth (the Imperials name for Alioth):

An independent world in which feudal land barons are propped up with 'aid' from the Empire, to avoid this world and its interesting biology being consumed by the Federation.

• The Quphieth system was first visited by Augustus Brenquith, a rich eccentric from Old Earth who spent the latter half of his life exploring and opening up new stellar systems. He was one of the great early explorers, and left Earth in a highly modified Griffon class freighter. His ship was extensively altered, to enable it to make very long jumps (for the time) and most of the cargo space was converted to life support and message capsules. He left Earth just after the third algae war and vowed never to return. His aim was to explore the surrounding stellar systems and provide a legacy of inhabitable planets for the people of Earth.

• For a period of 35 years, message capsules from Brenquith returned to the Sol system, bearing news of new worlds or hazardous planets which he had encountered. Each new arrival spurred a wave of colonists out from the home planet to the new world. His descriptions of the planets he visited were often poetically tinged, and after so long without human company became rather unreliable, but were always great media sensations.

• His initial description of Quphieth centred mainly on the rich and diverse life of the main continent, and he wrongly concluded from his initial aerial survey that there was no large animal life present, only a rich variety of plants and insects. The world is now famous for the peculiar biology which has produced the most successful non-standard (i.e neither plant, animal nor fungoid) life form so far encountered. All the creatures of Quphieth combine features which lead to classification as plant and animal, according to Earth standards and they continue to surprise and amaze scientific surveys to this day.

• The system is now most famous for the so called 'whispering palms', which produce sounds and mimic the cries of local flying creatures. These plants form huge forests and the din created when the planimals echo the sounds of a violent thunder storm have to be heard to be believed. Visitors to the system are restricted, and export of the local species has been strictly controlled ever since the Doleviera incident. It is unusual for permission to be granted for individual trips to any of the islands, where scientists are still attempting to catalogue the local life forms.

Entry by David Massey

This is probably why there was so much fighting over Alioth (beyond having very rich resources).
Alioth has the following:
Station: Golden Gate (Heaven reference) orbiting the gas giant Bifrost. Bifrost is the burning rainbow bridge of Norse cosmogony. There is a separate system named Bifrost that is 102.99 LY distance. @Rochester would this be the bridge you are looking for?
Thats one possibility I’ve previously entertained, but disregarded due to an absence of correlative evidence. Until recently.

It could help us determine the hemisphere of heaven, because just below it is the system Hera - wife of Zeus. Thing is are there any systems there about which could denote a ‘Paradise of fools’?

Now if that’s true - then Eden (Raxxla) is anywhere potentially between the realm of the gods and the realm of demons! There are some weird systems in this area, remember Shibboleth and the Sampo, lest we forget Mary’s journey to Acadia!

It’s still this same general area… question is; is this accurate to Raxxla or something else or is it obfuscation!

Note there is a ‘Cockaigne’ system within the Lost Realms area!

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Alioth has the following:
Station: Golden Gate (Heaven reference) orbiting the gas giant Bifrost. Bifrost is the burning rainbow bridge of Norse cosmogony. There is a separate system named Bifrost that is 102.99 LY distance. @Rochester would this be the bridge you are looking for?
Also smack-dab in the heart of the Alliance... contrasting with the lost realms which are in Imperial space.

...wait. puts on tinfoil

There's a bunch of threes all over the Raxxla story, including the Miltonian Heaven/World/Hell trio. You know what else is in threes in the ED verse?

The Federation is based on Sol - can't get more earthly than that.
The Empire is "below" it according to the reference frame we adopted, and we found a ton of Underworld-related stars there.
Which would leave the Alliance, being "above" Federal space, as the heavenly counterpart - and the (3296-era) Bubble as the cosmos.

Unfortunately it's still working hours here, buuuuuut I just got intrigued with this line of thought.

EDIT: I'm having this hunch that our traditional navigational stars (which include both Alioth and Achenar) might play a role - the Oisir-Raxxla of the book were presumably using them as a reference when on Earth, after all.
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I am wondering where Artemis fits into this ^^

There is a system called Sin and I think a few with death or death-god-related names (e.g. Anubis, which I visited today and is an empty system).

I have also found a few Eve-related names (e.g. Maev, Maeve).

There are many mythologies present in system names so I think we have to look at what is common, rather than asking which is the correct one to use.
This will hopefully give an indication of a path to follow. (e.g. Persephone to Bridge, then Sin, not sure where after that.)
I am back to thinking that there is a route-as-password and we have to pass through key systems in the correct order for the final jump to allow Raxxla to be visible, or perhaps just to be sure we are arriving at the right system.
I still hope that checking ring systems in the correct system is the way to go, rather than depending on taking the right heading for millions of Ls into deep space. My investigations have taught me that unmapped bodies are extremely rare and even remote bodies have first footfalls, so I do not think Raxxla is something that will show up on a scan of any kind.
Also smack-dab in the heart of the Alliance... contrasting with the lost realms which are in Imperial space.

...wait. puts on tinfoil

There's a bunch of threes all over the Raxxla story, including the Miltonian Heaven/World/Hell trio. You know what else is in threes in the ED verse?

The Federation is based on Sol - can't get more earthly than that.
The Empire is "below" it according to the reference frame we adopted, and we found a ton of Underworld-related stars there.
Which would leave the Alliance, being "above" Federal space, as the heavenly counterpart - and the (3296-era) Bubble as the cosmos.

Unfortunately it's still working hours here, buuuuuut I just got intrigued with this line of thought.

EDIT: I'm having this hunch that our traditional navigational stars (which include both Alioth and Achenar) might play a role - the Oisir-Raxxla of the book were presumably using them as a reference when on Earth, after all.
You probably need to include Lave, Zaonce (new financial capital), and the old financial capital Andceeth (it had the Trouble Vault and was subjected to Wrekcht's Raid). Andceeth is the only other human system that has a planet named Capitol other than Achenar.

Lave is further above than Sol. Zaonce is obviously close to Lave. Andceeth is about 104 LY away from Lave itself.
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Midgard was actually in the lower celestial realm in Norse mythology, if you follow traditional galactic north in game it’s unusually too far north, but when you apply the Greek compas theory, it fists perfectly in line with Bifrost which seemingly is now in the heavens and very close by to Alfheim which was described as being the highest level of the Norse universe.

Again this goes to confirm my hypothesis that using the Greek winds denotes the correct alignment of Yggdrasil!



*Purple denotes, Midgard (bottom) Alioth then Bifrost (top). Alfheim is highlighted. Green denotes the Greek wind compass.

White denotes the Triad Greek goddesses focusing upon Persephone, with the Lost Realms area opposite.
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I am wondering where Artemis fits into this ^^

Very much this. Looking at Legacy - the story also has two characters Selene and Sabiha Mehta … who could be described as related to Artemis and well the Moon. Also curious about Darik and Darius …. Both meaning Darius … also with his father Rex. And of course the Twin Vipers and two Eagles relating to the axis.

Artemis relating to the Moon and Orion and arguably Sagittarius….

King? - Imperials? ….Achenar?

This could be pointing at an Axis between Achenar and Orion…. Or maybe we need King rank to access a secret imperial base on the moon by flying in at a particular azimuth…..🧐. Or is there a system unlock at king rank we need to look at?
King rank does not unlock anything that I'm aware of (same for the final Federal Auxiliary Navy rank). (I have both just in case they are needed for anything).

There is a system called Rex but I don't think there's anything there ( I have data on it and visited nearby systems today but did not go back for that reason).

Looking back at Rochester's diagrams showing the triangles of the Greek Triad goddesses and the Midgard-Alioth-Bifrost, they both align to form pyramids with Axis Mundi and Artemis may be a clue as to what distance from Axis Mundi to look within those pyramids. This is still a lot to search, even if this is the correct way of reading it. That is why the route is so important.

A further complication is that some of these systems were in the previous games and one of the lore videos (forget which but it was one of the Michael Brookes ones) mentioned that they had to be stretched a bit to fit into the ED galaxy (though I suppose stretching could have been done to make sure that they lined up in the right way for us to find a route to Raxxla...).

I did some searching nearer Hecate today but I wandered about the place a lot, aiming for named systems with no population. The only thing I found in passing was a listening post pointing to the Generation Ship where there was a child 'saviour' who persuaded the population to space themselves looking for the promised land... .
This could be pointing at an Axis between Achenar and Orion…. Or maybe we need King rank to access a secret imperial base on the moon by flying in at a particular azimuth…..🧐. Or is there a system unlock at king rank we need to look at?
Facece unlocks at Earl. If you haven't read the official novel Nemorensis do so - it is important and reinforces this concept to a degree. Though, with Rex Nemorensis from Rome someone has to overthrow the current King/High Priest of the Grove.*

* - Or stop the process from recurring.

With the Imperials the highest rank you earn anything is 11/Earl and that is access to Facece. With the Feds, it is 12/Rear Admiral and that grants access to Federal Corvette. The maximum rank for Feds is 14/Admiral. Similarly, with the Imperials the max earnable is at 12/Duke and is the Imperial Cutter. Though, the top Imperial rank is 14/King.

Info on Nemorensis:

Potential Spoilers:
Notable that in Nemorensis (the Elite Dangerous novel) and Rex Nemorensis this was a ritualized murder. In the book, it is tied to the propagation of a species from Baltah'Sine that may or may not be connected to Baltah'Sine Vacuum Krill from that system. This species hijacks a human AI which becomes sentient and wants revenge against humanity.

For the record: I think the above spoiler is only part of the bigger picture. This likely isn't Raxxla but may connect to
The Club Conspiracy

The concept of
ritualized murder/sacrifice idea is further reinforced by the planet Laphria in the Artemis system.

TL;DR: There is a particular cycle that must be stopped at ANY cost. Only then can humanity be free.
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If you are wondering how I know this, I had the most amazing Latin teacher in existence and was able to spend 6 weeks in Italy as a sophomore in high school 20 some odd years ago. Mediterranean mythology has been a long interest of mine.
seeing how the clues might fit with Milton i am struck by his Arcades…

“But els in deep of night when drowsines
Hath lockt up mortal sense, then listen I
To the celestial Sirens harmony,
That sit upon the nine enfolded Sphears
And sing to those that hold the vital shears [ 65 ]
And turn the Adamantine spindle round,
On which the fate of gods and men is wound.
Such sweet compulsion doth in musick ly,
To lull the daughters of Necessity,
And keep unsteddy Nature to her law, [ 70 ]
And the low world in measur'd motion draw
After the heavenly tune, which none can hear
Of human mould with grosse unpurged ear;
And yet such musick worthiest were to blaze
The peerles height of her immortal praise, [ 75 ]
Whose lustre leads us, and for her most fit,
If my inferior hand or voice could hit
Inimitable sounds, yet as we go,
What ere the skill of lesser gods can show,
I will assay, her worth to celebrate, [ 80 ]
And so attend ye toward her glittering state;
Where ye may all that are of noble stemm
Approach, and kiss her sacred vestures hemm.”

Has - listening , sirens. Spheres, Necessity(fate), and the spindle (axis)

But mostly is talking about listening to the heavenly music to find her…

Arcades - Arcadia - phillip Sidney - Artemis

The two vipers were Darius and Simeon
Darius the great king … and Simeon… the one who listens….

Maybe back to listening for things?
In the Arcadian Stream?
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Just got around to actually read on the Miltonian cosmology.

He describes the earthly world as carved out of Chaos (the middle realm) right beside Heaven.
...aren't the Old Worlds on the Alliance/Federation border? Raxxla being right there on the series' roots would be undeniably amusing.
Very much this. Looking at Legacy - the story also has two characters Selene and Sabiha Mehta … who could be described as related to Artemis and well the Moon. Also curious about Darik and Darius …. Both meaning Darius … also with his father Rex. And of course the Twin Vipers and two Eagles relating to the axis.

Artemis relating to the Moon and Orion and arguably Sagittarius….

King? - Imperials? ….Achenar?

This could be pointing at an Axis between Achenar and Orion…. Or maybe we need King rank to access a secret imperial base on the moon by flying in at a particular azimuth…..🧐. Or is there a system unlock at king rank we need to look at?

Looking at Legacy - Possible clues/Mythological references (from Wikipedia):

Artemis, goddess of chastity, hunting, and the moon

Laphria, a surname of Artemis among the Calydonians

Darius, the Great a Persian king of kings

Selene, goddess and personification of the Moon, aka Mene, often identified with Artemis. Roman equivalent was Luna. Selene and Artemis were also associated with Hecate (a daughter of Demeter and sister to Persephone).

Julia, gens Julia was one of the most prominent patrician families in ancient Rome. Only daughter of first Roman emperor Augustus. The name Julia means “youthful” or “Jove's child” and was once an imperial Roman name given to those born in the house of Julius Caesar.

Demeter, Olympian goddess of the harvest, agricultural fertility and protector of marriage and women, health & birth (Roman counterpart: Ceres)

Lina Mater (Gentle Mother)

Mmm, isnt Ram Tah based at Meene?
Laphria, a surname of Artemis among the Calydonians
It's a lot more than that. Please read up on the Laphria festival on Wikipedia. Welcome to the dark side of the lore. There is ritual sacrifice related to the King. Nemorensis (official novel by Simon Spurrier) is all about this ritualistic sacrifice. The leadership of humanity got infected. This is why dichotomy is central to the lore. I really cannot say more. Suffice it say I was trying to be cautious when I earlier stated humans were different from other species but we are running out of time (see today's GalNet). The traditional-branch figured out a way to get back at us for pulling a Prometheus and stealing the secret of Raxxla. It is a cycle the must be broken at ANY COST.

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