I agree that there is a good chance you can fly through a portal.
From a progamer perspective it makes sense to make Raxxla / omphalos rift, a guardian construction. You could reuse a lot of assets. :)
Shhhhh. Don't reveal the world conspiracy.


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Dan Brown’s already written about it & there could be a film!
(Depending upon which particular conspiracy....)

The whole joke is that, last year I predicted by chance, the events that are unfolding now.


and here:

And I'm still sure that the whole theme of raxxla is spinning and has always revolved around targoids and guardians.

If we add the Tornquist diaries here and my observations on blackholes and remote sectors. Then again we will run into the fact that the worlds from where the targoids come are hidden from the players under permits.

We add to this cauldron the fact that a huge number of guardian buildings have not been investigated (I mean the sectors where they are located) and the purpose of many buildings is not yet known.

We get a hellish cocktail from the war between targoids and guardians - as well as a direct connection with raxxla.

I'll be direct , I've been playing elite since the 90s. And in Dangerous from the release. We already know that there was no raxxla in the original games. But we know that it supposedly "exists" in the current game.A lot of events are transferred from all the old games and mixed in the current elite.

Something is retconned, something is not. But the fact remains. If you want to find raxxla, dig into the history of corporations and their connections with targoids and guardians.

An important point: As players, we know almost nothing about the war between the targoids and the guardians, except for the fact that it was.

Although I have been in the elite rank for a long time, and to be honest, I'm tired of stupidly looking for a mythical planet, and I just monitor the forum periodically returning to the game and flying to check my theories.

And so far, all my discoveries come down to the fact that new questions are emerging. When the Thargoid ships came from various sectors to the bubble, I tracked the path and flew around for a long time in search of something. What did I find? Nothing but emptiness. The only sector that remains a mystery to me is the horse's head. Not because he's under a permit. But because a huge number of lore and events somehow revolve around this sector. Yes, we know that there may allegedly be large Targoid burials, or bases, or something else. But until the developers allow it, we won't know.

I'm telling you all this for what - in my personal understanding, until we reveal all the secrets of the guardians and the targoids, we will not find raxxla.

And my confidence in this is growing every year, because I see where the events of the game are directed by the developers themselves. And I can already calculate their actions so much that I predict future updates. The accuracy of which is 80%. And that's a lot.

Therefore, as I said before. Do you want to find raxxla? Dig towards the Targoids and guardians.

But do not forget - until the developers themselves allow us to find a clue, we will constantly wander in the dark)
Oh and yes. I don't want to fully lay out my theories about what will happen next in the elite and how it is related to raxxla. I don't want to be banned.

Plus, with the speed at which developers roll out updates. I think my new predictions will unfold for another two years. As it was last year with motherships.

But I'll give you a couple of hints.

Col Sectors
Wregoe sectors.

Anomaly type P06
Anomaly type L07

Human ships based on Targoid technologies (not FSD)

Pay attention to the little things and look for brown green planet(planetoid). Not a star or gas giant. Not a Raxxla - but the direction.

Cmdr Suhu Out.
Is this a bug?
Just means the discoverer only bothered to scan that moon in that system before moving on, though unusual to have no star reported, so might be a server glitch.
EDSM is an attempt by players to reconstruct the galaxy in a map which can then be interrogated more deeply than FD’s galmap. EDSM is populated only by data reported to them, most people use an automated tool for that reporting (e.g. EDDiscovery, which is very useful in its own right), but some data may have been reported incorrectly (when EDSM first started a lot of effort went into triangulating star positions from player reports, some of that may be wrong, but safeguards were built in to minimise error, however that became redundant when FD introduced the player journal file which had system coordinates) or not at all.

There’s an EDSM Discord server to raise questions & report bugs, and a forum thread
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HAH ! Typical..... I just realized they changed the format and its just totally incompatible with my phone screen.
Phone screen??

Mate, you need Pranav Antal’s “Acheron Interface” neurological implant!!

Though I note that in Greek mythology, the Acheron was was one of the rivers of the Greek underworld & known as the "river of woe", the "river of pain" or the "river of lost souls", so I anticipate that this might not go too well! 😈😈😈

@Rochester : another Underworld link! Antal’s area of influence seems to fit in.
You can’t just wander over the Acheron, you have to give Kharon payment, if you can’t pay there’s a hundred year waiting line… where have I seen that before?


But seriously… hypothetically, the position of the Adamastor I feel might have previously related to the same physical location as Tritons depiction in Brookes book cover, in relation to Yggdrasil and the Underworld… and the crossing of the river.

When mapping the ‘Lost Realms’ in this area there are a few key systems, with direct mythology links, which are far removed, if you follow their line of sight they do seem to hint towards that area…


I suspect there originally was some storyline linked to the Adamastor (which might still be in game) that may have directed us towards the underworld (pre Codex)… maybe things just got moved around or retconned… I suspect the original direction of the larger narrative would have helped us on our journey to the underworld…

But I suspect it’s not the ultimate destination…


Either way, the underworld sector (which I now classify as a Lost Realm) is actually far denser than I first imagined, as are many of the Lost Realms within it. My initial search only took into account system names, but there are numerous body names directly linked as well which I haven’t yet accounted for.

CD-65 76 for instance has only 1 body - Sheol; ‘a subterranean underworld where the souls of the dead went after the body died’. This is a Hewbrew myth not Greek. Sheol was also the focus of one of Michael Brookes drabbles (RIP).

When the Hebrew scriptures were translated into Greek in ancient Alexandria around 200 BCE, the word “Hades” was substituted for Sheol, owing to its similarities.’ Wiki.

Irrespective of the Adamastor, I do believe the Lost Realms/Underworld area, are referred in the DW missions, as being ‘Obfuscated’, this jumble of various underworlds, cities of gold, lands of youth etc are a literal lift from Holdstocks book ‘Lost Realms’ which he attended to a shared relationship of a lost Eden, and these in game are the aforementioned obfuscation…

The outer rim as I’ve hypothesised previously; I believe is a Miltonian inversion of the Celestial Sphere/s, denoted by the distance of the heavens (depicted in game by the Greek and older gods) and the underworld (depicted in game by the Greek underworld / Older gods) - which I believe correlates with the 2296 reference in the Codex as a sphere of influence.


Very peculiarly there are certain older gods far below this area, but only in a certain area, denoting the need for additional scrutiny.

It’s evident to my impression at least, then that Brookes and or Stroud, or others from FD read Holdstocks book and replicated / utilised it as a homage in game because Holdstock aligns these lands with Eden and the mythic Yggdrasil. Brookes being a Miltonian I could imagine, saw the correlation and attributed it to Paradise Losts Eden.

Raxxla is Eden, obfuscated on the outer rim.

Post in thread 'The Quest To Find Raxxla'
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