As I always say, IMHO, this Quest line involving TDW was MB's baby (..the sequel will be played out in the game...). He left, so did the last crumbs of fantasy in this game, leaving us with SS's "creativity". (NaCl is cheap)

If they really stopped the Raxxla mystery plot line, but left the items in game it would hopefully be an level of crazy beyond SS or even Space Loarch. Fdev typically try to protect their image, and consumer friendly. The potential PR backlash if it ever got out that they had pulled Raxxla complely while still claiming it is in the game could hardly be worth it. It seems more likely something was changed or gated in a way we have not figured out yet. Sap 8's were back in the game aparrently a long while before players at large became aware.(Same goes for the thargoid worshiper missons that ref UAs rather than sensors.) This is supposed to be like the end game mystery so it seems reasonable that it would be hard to solve. Remember the community was able find surface sites from a few frames in a trailer, and figured out the UA/UP morse ship images so any big mystery need to be well hidden/gated to avoid being solved in a week.
Colonia crash site is most likely a reference to current alien story, similar to comms beacon in Nommai, Communication Hub Zeta, etc. Canonn website is correctly tagged as "Private military outfit" concerning these. Important clue here is: "Not Fed or Imperial".

My last visit to Nommai made me realize that "Private military outfit" is one actually transporting meta-alloys and UA's into human inhabited space. "Scan them". It would seem that one very famous and prestigious organization concerned with defending humanity from the threat of thargoids found out they liked having a monopoly in the business, and it would be a very lucrative one. Seeds of their return. A Great betrayal, and there is a league that already found out about it. There is a story in this game when you go looking for it.

I don't have anything new on Raxxla, not sure if there ever was anything at all. You could see subtle hints anywhere if you wanted to, and it's fine.

Adding all those mysterious salvage items in market screen was bad taste from Fdev though. Like "Mysterious Idol". There is no confirmation whether those items could be found, none have been found, and it still looks like a bug. This game can be all sorts of things you want it to be, and it's beautiful, but sometimes it's just cheating, when there is nothing to be found. Still the same post-formidine rift apathy. The great beauty and tragedy of Elite: Dangerous. Similar in weight to the fact that you should never use a flight stick in this game if a mouse is available.


This is supposed to be like the end game mystery so it seems reasonable that it would be hard to solve.
As I already said, it's Macros The Black's fault! Yes! He was coming very much too close to solve the quest (again, great work with the FP!). It made FDevs to cut off the TDW Quest line ! [yesnod]
Let's burn the Wizard ! :D
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Bumbling around this afternoon came across Acellus Prime,owned by Pilots Federation. The name seemed suggestive so I popped into the base to have a look. However nothing jumped out at me on the missions or passenger boards or astronomical bodies.
Assuming you meant Asellus Primus. That is a starting system option with Horizons thus why the PF own it / have a pressence in the system. It was not always like this. IIRC it was one of the systems back in the very first beta bubble (i bootis and aulin being two others that come to mind) Cmdrs have been all up and down that system from the very start. (Unless something new has been added)
Assuming you meant Asellus Primus. That is a starting system option with Horizons thus why the PF own it / have a pressence in the system. It was not always like this. IIRC it was one of the systems back in the very first beta bubble (i bootis and aulin being two others that come to mind) Cmdrs have been all up and down that system from the very start. (Unless something new has been added)

Wasn't it also the starter system in Beta?
Did you check system description and ages of those suns?

Assuming you meant Asellus Primus. That is a starting system option with Horizons thus why the PF own it / have a pressence in the system. It was not always like this. IIRC it was one of the systems back in the very first beta bubble (i bootis and aulin being two others that come to mind) Cmdrs have been all up and down that system from the very start. (Unless something new has been added)

Mmm, no I didn't...but it in my defence it was 30C+ sat at my PC, and I had had a large Italian meal with wine [blah]

yes, that’s the one. It struck me that Asellus is a genus of marine creature & so is the barnacle.......and Primus seems to suggest some importance.
wasn’t aware it’s a starting system & was suspicious of PF involvement. It strikes me that PF are related to the Guardians, witness the common use of the triangle/hexagon motif. I suspect the PF are a better bet to follow for clues than the DW, but there doesn’t seem much to go on.
Asellus Primus is one of the traditional names for the star Theta Bootis.
Asellus was one of the old constellations that didn't make the cut when the 88 modern constellations were defined in the 1920s.
Would anyone mind saving me the trouble of trawling through here to find the full quote about "a place that isn't a place and a key being a door"? I think I'm onto something and I want to be absolutely sure before I put the proverbial pen to paper. Thanks!
Would anyone mind saving me the trouble of trawling through here to find the full quote about "a place that isn't a place and a key being a door"? I think I'm onto something and I want to be absolutely sure before I put the proverbial pen to paper. Thanks!

It's on the first page, second post:
Thanks, I knew I saw it a couple of hours ago but when I went back to double check I must've scanned over and missed it [where is it] I hope this branch bares some fruit!
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Asellus Primus is one of the traditional names for the star Theta Bootis.
Asellus was one of the old constellations that didn't make the cut when the 88 modern constellations were defined in the 1920s.

Why would they bother renaming constellations?! Do they lack lives. I get tired of organization changing things like this. I guarantee you they don't fully know the reason behind why they were chosen originally. Even if they are in the field appropriate for it. People in certain areas are way too arrogant.
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