I also found this.


Celaeno is one of the seven stars of the Pleiades. On its fourth planet is the Great Library of Celaeno, which houses stone tablets containing secrets stolen from the Great Old Ones and Elder Gods. Professor Laban Shrewsbury spent some time here, transcribing the library's knowledge in his notebook—a manuscript that would later be known as the Celaeno Fragments.


Hyades is the sky field where the city of Carcosa and its planet are located. The planet-host star of Carcosa is described as "twin Suns", making it then a Solar-type binary star.[URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extraterrestrial_places_in_the_Cthulhu_Mythos#cite_note-7"][7][/URL]

Sirius or Sothis
[T]he spawn of Cthulhu ... came down from remote and ultra-telluric Xoth, the dim green double star that glitters like a daemonic eye in the blackness beyond Abbith.
—Lin Carter, "Out of the Ages"
Xoth (or Zoth) is the green binary star where Cthulhu and his ilk once lived before coming to earth. According to the Xothic legend cycle, it is where Cthulhu mated with Idh-yaa to beget Ghatanothoa, Ythogtha, and Zoth-Ommog.Xoth is also the native home of Ycnágnnisssz and Zstylzhemghi, and was the temporary home of the latter's "husband," Ghisguth, and their progeny, the infant Tsathoggua. Tsathoggua later went to live on Yuggoth. Afterward, he fled to Cykranosh to escape Cxaxukluth's cannibalistic eating habits.Xoth may be the star Sirius, since "Xoth" is similar to "Sothis", the Egyptian name for the star. However, it is more likely that Xoth coincides with the star "Zoth" in Smith's writings.

NGC 6881/Cygnus?

A planet in the "twenty-third nebula" and the supposed birthplace of Great Cthulhu.


First star of Draco constellation and former northern lodestar of Earth. Thuban is mentioned in Todd H. Fischer's "The Revelation of Alexander Dyer" (1997) as the star orbited by a forsaken alien spacecraft built up by cuttlefish-like aliens called the Rells (in turn created by a greater race of squid-like horrors, the Squal'ok-nact, likely matching with the Star-spawn of Cthulhu) who used to worship Cthulhu and Azathoth.


Polaris (or Alpha Ursae Minoris) is the brightest star of Ursa Minor constellation and current North Pole lodestar of Earth. It is mentioned as ill-omened and hypnotic celestial body in H.P. Lovecraft's "Polaris" (1918).


Stellar regions where the star Celaeno is located. The Pleiades are also mentioned as the stellar abode of the Great Old One Gtuhanai, and the mysterious alien race, known as the Aartna, as well.[URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extraterrestrial_places_in_the_Cthulhu_Mythos#cite_note-11"][11][/URL]

Argo Navis[edit]

Argo Navis is a composite sky-field collecting the constellations Carina, Vela, Puppis and Pyxis, mentioned in H.P. Lovecraft's "The Dreams in the Witch-House" (1933) as one the cosmic places visited in dreams by Walter Gilman. "Somewhere between Hydra and Argo Navis" (perhaps in Antlia constellation) is indeed an extrasolar planet orbiting three Suns, each of different hue, inhabited by starfish-like, barrel-shaped alien creatures which match with the Elder Things described two years earlier by Lovecraft in "At the Mountains of Madness" (1931).

The mythos also speaks of two ancient races warring, The Great Old Ones and The Elder Gods. Much like our Guardians and Thargoids.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extraterrestrial_places_in_the_Cthulhu_Mythos (visit here)

Hopefully one day Raxxla will be found.
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It's the hypothetical(relatively likely) planet 9: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planet_Nine

Ah, I still count Pluto! :D

Mmm, seem to remember musing (during FRift days) about Persephone being the wife of Hades god of the Underworld, & the (Ishtar’s? My memory is hazy) journey to the Underworld being the basis for Salomé’s journey to enlightenment (discarded crown, etc).

Now if Raxxla is “a door that is not a door, a lock that is also a key”, then is the Underworld cropping up again?
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then is the Underworld cropping up again?
Yeah ! Let's go:
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Just been there it definitely exists !
Within our world, it does not.

Ah, I still count Pluto! :D

Mmm, seem to remember musing (during FRift days) about Persephone being the wife of Hades god of the Underworld, & the (Ishtar’s? My memory is hazy) journey to the Underworld being the basis for Salomé’s journey to enlightenment (discarded crown, etc).

Now if Raxxla is “a door that is not a door, a lock that is also a key”, then is the Underworld cropping up again?
Hard to say, really. My bet is on Lovecraft as It fits the themes far too well.

A place that is not a place could mean a location with no recognized owner. Also, we know Raxxla has/is a gate to the Multiverse. What if Raxxla is a living thing, allowing all who wish to view/visit the Multiverse free access? It views none as it's 'owner' while the 'Corps of Elites' view it otherwise.

They kill all who seek it because there is no other way to deny access... It's quite literally Yog-Sothoth (or something like it), as he is 'a door, but also the key' and 'a place that is not a place'.
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Sure thing ! Everything's there ! :eek:
Bottom right corner looks quite interesting... It's almost as if it's ment to end right there... The forces of good and evil fighting each other, though not quite defending their own gates as they seem to be heading toward the glowing 'eye' being guarded by a tentacled, fleshy horror amongst others. Multiple entries, one goal... Raxxla?

Assuming that's it, it would be just off the head of the dragon. Maybe it's off the head of Draco? Just past Thuban...?
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i’ve visited it in-game (about a year ago). Surprisingly bright so far from the sun. I thought it’s FD’s version of Planet X

but I could be wrong :rolleyes:

Those musings (along with The Dark Wheel by Holdstock), by us old Rifters, is why one of my game accounts is named "Persephone Ryder".
The zodiac constellations can be seen when viewing the map from Sol, maybe a couple more as well. Seeing this, I decided to begin my journey to scan all 12 zodiac constellations, as well as a few more. Including Orion, Draco, Ursa Major and Minor. Could the constellations be the road map to Raxxla? To the Polaris Permit? Polaris is the tip of the handle in Ursa Minor. That will be the last jump I attempt. I'm currently using wikipedia to find the stars and am half way done. I'm working in a clockwise direction through the zodiac and can complete about 2 constellations a day. There are quite a few systems involved that are in permit locked areas. This has been a huge task and a very interesting learning experience.
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The zodiac constellations can be seen when viewing the map from Sol, maybe a couple more as well. Seeing this, I decided to begin my journey to scan all 12 zodiac constellations, as well as a few more. Including Orion, Draco, Ursa Major and Minor. Could the constellations be the road map to Raxxla? To the Polaris Permit? Polaris is the tip of the handle in Ursa Minor. That will be the last jump I attempt. I'm currently using wikipedia to find the stars and am half way done. I'm working in a clockwise direction through the zodiac and can complete about 2 constellations a day. There are quite a few systems involved that are in permit locked areas. This has been a huge task and a very interesting learning experience.

Well ... if not Raxxla then perhaps the constellations will lead us to Earth ...
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