One of the great things I love about the search for Raxxla, is it has brought me back to these and other text, and encouraged me to contextualise them through the prism of astronomy and fine art.

Much is open to interpretation.
Ever considered contextualising it through the main protagonists in game?

Satan as the Thargoids?
Guardians as angels or God?
and humans being the sinful people we are coming from Earth?


Searching for The Dark Wheel?​

Loved the read and your comments and made me stop and think :)

So picking up on some of your thoughts and questions and here's some of mine in exchange :)

Searching for The Dark Wheel?

1. "Honestly I think we've already found the Dark Wheel home system, and the Dark Wheel itself. The confirmation is that we're told in the Codex entry that fake DW get shut down, and that hasn't happened to the Shinrarta faction (the exact opposite, actually)."

I can't really argue with this, however it doesn't mean Shin Rez is their home system?

However the search I am on is for the Dark Wheel base and/or how to get an invite to The Dark Wheel faction and visit the base legitimately.

If you believe any parts of the Codex then I guess you have to believe the others until it's ruled out as an option and as "the original group was based in a disused starport orbiting the eigth moon of an unamed gas giant. The station was toroid, hence the 'wheel', and operated with minimal power output so as to avoid detection, hence 'dark'" then it's their station I am looking for and rule out if there's any link to Raxxla...

2. "A while later you get awarded the rank of Elite by the Pilot's Federation (after much adventuring) This matches the Codex "revealing their true identity only once a suitable test of courage and skill has been discreetly administered, and passed". You find you've got a permit to a mysterious system named Shinrarta Dezhra. You go there and spend a while reading all the entries in the (previously entirely inaccessible) beacons there; Massive Lore drop containing all sort of previously unknown revelations!

You dock up at the station named for the most famous of all pilots, and you see for the first time you can accept missions from THE DARK WHEEL!

Narratively, that's pretty awesome and does match, approximately, the template established in the myth."

I was one of the ones who accidentally got access to Shin Rez from the start as I was only a Beta backer but shouldn't have access... but FD didn't kick us out most likely as we'd all gone in straight away and it might have caused a bit of a backlash....

To my constant dismay I basically ignored most of the missions from the Dark Wheel back then, but I did do some (too busy using the 10% discount and getting to Elite in combat!)

Is your description how people gain access to Shin Rez who have to get access the intended way?
Is there a message players get mentioning Shin Rez and passing a test or do they just a permit added to their permit list?

3. "We also know that originally there was some sort of special missions relating to the Dark Wheel that were later removed"

You mention the backers who had access, I do sometimes think the many more beta backers like myself poking around in Shin Rez that may have led to the missions being removed as we weren't Elite but we were still getting them...

4. "Personally, I think the Dark Wheel is a dead end anyway. All the lore says they were searching for Raxxla and never found it."

"To the jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of galaxies! To the whisperer in witchspace, the siren of the deepest void! The parent's grief, the lover's woe, and the yearning of our vagabond hearts. To Raxxla!

— Alleged toast of the Dark Wheel"

Is it directions to Raxxla? If so I guess they found it.... but then forgot how to decrypt it? ;-)

If not then you could be right...

5. LFT 509 is permit locked by the PF, but so it Bellica, Alpha Hydri, Ross 354, Mingfu, Witch's Reach, and I'm sure many more... other than a galmap bug relating to star catalogue names I'm not seeing what makes LFT 509 more interesting than any of those others?

It may not be more interesting than any of the others but it's probably the most weird out of the bunch?
a) Missions you can't do...
b) Popping up as weird Thargoid attacks being around some of those you've listed and LFT 509...
c)The 8th Moon of a gas giant being a possibility based on the system information bought in game from carriers when FD hadn't blocked it...
d) That weird galaxy map bug... or is it...
e) Permit being reported as available by FD support? - "So it should be possible to obtain a system permit for LFT 509, but the permit holder and requisites are unknown" - Which kinda doesn't match what it says in game for the permits...

Or it's just a normal system in Elite Dangerous with some buggy code, bad support people, bad devs wasting time/money on developing missions customers can't enjoy, etc, etc... ;-)

Just some thoughts :)
So who's jumping to LFT 509?

Wake scanning high wakes.

System: Kaupolock
Outpost: Eyharts Orbital

MoonwolfKaupolock PLC
Federal AgentFelicia Winters
Harry 'Bullseye' SpeightKaupolock PLC
Lee Shannon91st Intergalactic Corps
Dietmar HenseEarth Defense Fleet
RatEarth Defense Fleet
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The problem that I see is this, space.

As Douglas Adams said:

“Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space.”

So there we have it we are searching in such a massive area that chances of success without at least some breadcrumbs to follow are not that high disappointingly.
The problem of space being too big becomes less troublesome once you rule out all the areas not relevant.

For a long time this has been a significant issue, as no direct clues was ever communicated. I suspect because historically it was to part of a removed narrative.

But I do suppose a bread crumb trial does exist in my opinion that is essentially the codex.

I don’t presume to have interpreted all of it, but I will stake my professional experience that part of it correlates to the Lost Realms. I did not come to this conclusion lightly but from separate perspectives, which converged upon this logical outcome.

If this is a sold clue, then we know where it might be within a scope of reliability. Ruling out a vast majority of said empty space.

If we go further, and extrapolate the codex further, when talking of Cora coming home, is that an allusion towards the myth of Persephone, then as I have established there is a level of probability that these do correlate given the common focal point and relationship links.

If this hypothesis is correct we have a potential key hotspot. Considering the enormity of space, this logically drastically reduces said empty space that we now don’t need to search…

Of course who’s to say it’s no where near this area, but its something at least. Which is potentially far more substantial than chasing hypothetical dark wheel missions FD has confirmed were removed long ago, or permits FD has said are likewise buried.

I could only presume Raxxla ‘used’ to be part of something else, narratively. But now I could suppose, the codex represented a shift, and what it is now is totally different, and I could suppose a retconned version of affairs, all the locations are the same, but the interweaving language may be is now redundant. Raxxla may simply be out there, it’s either a place or a wider concept, supporting or supported by these locations.

There for eyes to see…
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When you get your first Elite ranking you get an inbox message of congratulations that also informs you that you have been granted the Shinrarta Dezhra permit, which simultaneously shows up in your list of permits.

The Dark Wheel missions referred to were Elite-ranked, which back then meant that you had to have a specific Elite rank to accept them. There was one that required exploration rank, one for trade and one for combat. It was not only The Dark Wheel that issued these missions and I could see them pop up anywhere. Now that I think about it, they were labelled Elite or Founder, so if you had been classed as a Founder, then you could have taken them at any time.
(As I reached Exploration Elite in early August 3301, it was in time for me to take many of the exploration missions (they were data courier missions and paid about 1 million Cr - much more than any other courier missions at the time) ).

I think Louis Calvert makes a very good point that our perception of what induction into The Dark Wheel is like is skewed by our long experience. That view, of the in-game journey leading to Elite rank and then everything, lore and otherwise, in Shinrarta Dezhra is a possible interpretation of what that could be. The catch, as Emperor says, is that it leaves unanswered questions about The Dark Wheel base and what they know, and don't know, about Raxxla. I also feel that there is still more to discover. We could just be unlucky: the Great Raxxla Potato Hunt has now scanned more than 75% of all systems within 200LY of Sol. It could also mean that there are more conditions for discovery... .

(Also, to answer a question about the ELW in an uninhabited system I encountered recently, it is only unusual for its high surface gravity of 1.37g. The atmosphere is a humid 2.4% water but comfortable 0.68 bars pressure, decent oxygen %, 287K surface temperature and it is tidally locked.)
If you believe any parts of the Codex then I guess you have to believe the others until it's ruled out as an option and as "the original group was based in a disused starport orbiting the eigth moon of an unamed gas giant. The station was toroid, hence the 'wheel', and operated with minimal power output so as to avoid detection, hence 'dark'" then it's their station I am looking for and rule out if there's any link to Raxxla...

2. "A while later you get awarded the rank of Elite by the Pilot's Federation (after much adventuring) This matches the Codex "revealing their true identity only once a suitable test of courage and skill has been discreetly administered, and passed". You find you've got a permit to a mysterious system named Shinrarta Dezhra.
I am pretty sure the disused starport is not one but multiple starports. We are given details on them in the closing paragraph for Brewer Corporation discussing the Nostrum starports. Additionally, the official novel Wanted discussed the most famous of the Nostrum starports - Black Mausoleum in Beta Hydri. The one in Tau Ceti is Ortiz Moreno City. These are the stations that have colloquially been termed the palm tree 🌴 stations. We know of a small fraction of these stations. They seem disproportionately linked to Frontier gazetteer and Engineers but have been found elsewhere. I do therefore believe the Dark Wheel HQ station is not in Shinrarta Dezra despite that is where Elite CMDRs can retire in peace.

NOTE: These look like garden-variety Orbis until you dock. They are elaborately decorated with palm trees (believe they are Delta Phoenicis Palms as Trade Post in Delta Phoenicis is another Nostrum starport), parks with fountains and walkways, glass covered public spaces. They are Imperial designed so they have a very Gutamaya aesthetic to the design (revealed in Wanted). I still hold out hope that one of these carries some treasure that proves The Dark Wheel's origins (unless the treasure is the palms - which are a natural insectoidal repellant).
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With the Dark Wheel we only have in my opinion, supposition and speculation generated through conflicting communication.

This was one of my primary initial points at the beginning of my quest. To establish the veracity of one of the most ‘obvious’ clues.

Doing so would either put one upon the correct path, stress test other Cmdrs findings but ultimately, rule out unnecessary dead-ends.

Let’s break it down:

As it is presented in game to ‘fresh eyes’ so to speak, ignoring all other sources of information. The player is presented via the still official manual with a mystery, with no clues, namely a secret organisation in the Pilots Federation (PF) who say they are being monitored.

In game the player is already effectively part of a secret organisation namely the PF, all other members of the public are the NPCs, and they are not part of the PF.

In game the PF home system of Shinrarta Dezhra (SD) is portrayed to the general public as mysterious and a place effectively secret.

In game SD is also the home base of the faction the Dark Wheel (DW). Certain beacons attest this is a splinter or sub-faction of the PF.

In game they DW has various NPCs flying around doing odd stuff, carrying various odd stuff…

Then we have the Trinkets of Hidden Fortune.

Then finally in the the codex, that hint’s strongly the DW may be bogus, but with a twist of logic that they may not (namely that if they were they should have been shut down). It also presents two new elements of information never seen in previous games prior to the codex, that the DW has/had a unique low power station, and that it orbits a gas body with eight moons.

Ignoring 3rd party research, if you a player we’re to ask Frontier Developments (FD) today about the DW and Raxxla, their official front facing office ’support’ will tell you the DW faction hands out special mystery missions…(I check regularly and yes they do say this).

Now with 3rd part information:

Look to page one of this thread and you will observe evidence of Cmdrs challenging FD over these missions, which ultimately resolved with the confirmation that they were removed, and that the ‘trinkets’ were linked to this ‘story’.

If you challenge FD Support now with information obtained via this quest, they will then get a Dev to confirm that yes the information they give out is redundant and there are no missions.

This might be construed as counterproductive, but it’s only evident Support only have limited information very likely obtained off Wikipedia.

Next we have a Drew Wagars admission that he was told as part of the initial writer pack and other 3rd party discussions (not replicated here due to being unsubstantiated) that said DW was bogus, and that the DW missions were potentially part of a grander narrative not written, due to various unverified allegations.


The admission of FD Devs that the missions and effectively the Trinkets, are now gone leads one to believe these logically now lead nowhere.

The historical in game and 3rd party information about the DW being bogus, may be accurate.

The current official FD statement would lead us to speculate the DW faction is initially real.

The inclusion of new information about a station and a new location via the codex, may lead one to suspect the DW faction is ‘now’ effectively redundant, and or ‘real’. But a new game mechanic has been retro fitted and is now an unknown station ‘somewhere’ and Cmdrs simply have to find it.

I believe the DW exists in game, but the faction is redundant. The real DW is giving the assets available to FD m, to be a low signal ‘dead’ space port, Gen ship of carrier. That it cannot be found via the scanner but only via close quarters detection or the Mki eyeball scanner.

I believe it doesn’t lead anywhere, but very likely has custom voice actor logs which gives some spurious information about the DW history and/or the first clue towards a path towards Raxxla?

Technically said station if real, is very likely in a tight location around Sol no further out than Achenar.

It very likely is ‘anywhere’ within said system with a gas giant with eight moons.

I don’t suppose it’s permit locked, if it is then it’s almost certainly narratively locked, if so there is logically no point going looking for it. Therefore if it were - like FD confirmation about permits, FD ought to have confirmed it’s inaccessible, which they have not, so logically it’s out there, just floating around in the dark.

Or it’s not.
When you get your first Elite ranking you get an inbox message of congratulations that also informs you that you have been granted the Shinrarta Dezhra permit, which simultaneously shows up in your list of permits.

The Dark Wheel missions referred to were Elite-ranked, which back then meant that you had to have a specific Elite rank to accept them. There was one that required exploration rank, one for trade and one for combat. It was not only The Dark Wheel that issued these missions and I could see them pop up anywhere. Now that I think about it, they were labelled Elite or Founder, so if you had been classed as a Founder, then you could have taken them at any time.
(As I reached Exploration Elite in early August 3301, it was in time for me to take many of the exploration missions (they were data courier missions and paid about 1 million Cr - much more than any other courier missions at the time) ).

I think Louis Calvert makes a very good point that our perception of what induction into The Dark Wheel is like is skewed by our long experience. That view, of the in-game journey leading to Elite rank and then everything, lore and otherwise, in Shinrarta Dezhra is a possible interpretation of what that could be. The catch, as Emperor says, is that it leaves unanswered questions about The Dark Wheel base and what they know, and don't know, about Raxxla. I also feel that there is still more to discover. We could just be unlucky: the Great Raxxla Potato Hunt has now scanned more than 75% of all systems within 200LY of Sol. It could also mean that there are more conditions for discovery... .

(Also, to answer a question about the ELW in an uninhabited system I encountered recently, it is only unusual for its high surface gravity of 1.37g. The atmosphere is a humid 2.4% water but comfortable 0.68 bars pressure, decent oxygen %, 287K surface temperature and it is tidally locked.)
I started engaging in the ED universe too late to try the E/F missions, by the time I'd got to Elite rank those missions had disappeared. However reading the descriptions of them from Macros' OP it seemed to me that they were given by the Pilots' Federation at Jameson against the interests of The Dark Wheel. This started me hypothesising that this was the "real" DW acting against the"false" DW- the Tourist Beacons tell us that DW is a faction within PF, and when I first got into Shinrarta and visited the TBs there it was evident that there were numerous spellings of Pilots' Federation, which struck me as so odd that it must be intentionnal. I speculated that this was a hint to those different factions and hinted that we needed to get allied with the "real" DW to progress that storyline. This fitted with the fact that you get separate Allied achievement statements through entering SD, Thargoid bashing/Rescue missions, etc. Drew Wagar had his Premonition story explicitly talk about "wheels within wheels" and false versus real DW, which must have all been approved by Michael Brookes so it must have fitted with MB's ideas of the game lore. I reported those ideas way back and I think those E/F missions were part of the storyline (though possibly as obfuscation). However we have seen the correction of those PF spelling differences, the removal of those E/F missions, and the failure after 8 years for anyone to report any progress with the Dark Wheel. So I think that the DW storyline was removed from the game when MB departed and the game focus was moved completely onto theThargoid War.

I still think Raxxla is hidden in game and is likely a tribute to Holdstock, so it will be a location of some value (possibly in Credits but more likely from lore value), but is hidden on the FD server until it's download is triggered by some lucky pilot finding the "Omphalos Rift" trigger event. While MB had a great love of Milton and Lovecraft I am personally doubtful that he would have buried Raxxla too deeply behind Miltonian lore. I suspect the most obvious clue is his tattoo, which was undoubtedly quite a painful experience so I suspect that it was not about a forthcoming story which he apparently never wrote, but about the one he had written- Raxxla within ED! That tattoo shows a journey through the Underworld, starting with Triton, then Styx, descending down to a muddle of various depictions of Lovecraft and Miltonian ideas, then rising up on the right hand side through the gates of Paradise to Eden. Now some of those figures are represented by in-game systems, and I suspect you have to undertake the journey in the correct order of systems to trigger the Omphalos. Eden is around an hour's flight within Alphi Centauri, which has always struck me as a bit odd but would make an aptly testing final part of MB's "personal journey". Of course get one system wrong and the whole journey would be nullified- so a very difficult test indeed. And there's obfuscation there too -e.g. is the starting point the Triton system or the Triton moon in Sol? MB had an in-game character quote in an early Galnet that "Sol is the birthplace of our race, the shining jewel of our galaxy”, so was that a hint by MB to the start of the journey?
Galnet 14 June 3301

Shining jewel is the first part of the alleged toast, then it goes onto whisperer in Witchspace (in Paradise Lost Satan whispered to tempt Eve and Satan inhabited the Underworld/Witchspace), death is the cause of Parent's grief and lover's woe (death is the start of the journey into the Underworld) and Raxxla is the yearning for Paradise...
I don’t suppose it’s permit locked, if it is then it’s almost certainly narratively locked, if so there is logically no point going looking for it. Therefore if it were - like FD confirmation about permits, FD ought to have confirmed it’s inaccessible, which they have not, so logically it’s out there, just floating around in the dark.

Or it’s not.
From a pure entertainment and business perspective, wouldn't FD want to build momentum on Raxxla at various time points in game history (ie in the past ten years) if it was something they really wanted to capitalize on? And yet nothing happened.
And wouldn't Raxxla be something FD would capitalize on, if it was the greatest mystery to be solved in game? And yet, they spent real cash building completely different scenarii, instead of making the quest for Raxxla some multi-layered enigma with hard events like they did for any other narratives that happened in game. Not necessarily to reveal anything. But just so people can engage in this narrative knowing it is supported by FD as a quest, and not dead codex lore.
Not even a damn lost relay or ship or log in YEARS, that would mention that Raxxla is actually something solvable or that the Dark Wheel is active in the galaxy. Not even a Galnet news that some efforts are being conducted by (idk) some powers or research lunatics or anything.
Not a proof as something doesn't exists in game of course as it cannot be disproven by the players, but only by FD themselves.

To make a long post short: I find troubling FD apparent lack of interest or support for this quest line, if it is actually one.
From a pure entertainment and business perspective, wouldn't FD want to build momentum on Raxxla at various time points in game history (ie in the past ten years) if it was something they really wanted to capitalize on? And yet nothing happened.
And wouldn't Raxxla be something FD would capitalize on, if it was the greatest mystery to be solved in game? And yet, they spent real cash building completely different scenarii, instead of making the quest for Raxxla some multi-layered enigma with hard events like they did for any other narratives that happened in game. Not necessarily to reveal anything. But just so people can engage in this narrative knowing it is supported by FD as a quest, and not dead codex lore.
Not even a damn lost relay or ship or log in YEARS, that would mention that Raxxla is actually something solvable or that the Dark Wheel is active in the galaxy. Not even a Galnet news that some efforts are being conducted by (idk) some powers or research lunatics or anything.
Not a proof as something doesn't exists in game of course as it cannot be disproven by the players, but only by FD themselves.

To make a long post short: I find troubling FD apparent lack of interest or support for this quest line, if it is actually one.
We have had the Brookes Tour, with its sequence of Tourist Beacons starting in Artemis, culminating in a direct reference to Raxxla. (With a hint that supports the possibility of it being in the Lost Realms region.)

FD have a very delicate line to walk with Raxxla. It is a great and mysterious quest precisely because we are having to do all the work on little evidence and a wide variety of skillsets and knowledge (both in-game and out) are required - it could be solved by one person but in this thread it is effectively a crowdsourced problem. One hint too many and Raxxla will be found in a week.

The quest has to be hard to be meaningful - and that might also solve another problem: once found it will become the number one ganker hangout in the Galaxy. If there is a convoluted sequence of tasks and achievements, then it will take time for that to happen. (But it will still happen). As for FD making efforts to support the quest with R&D, assets etc. I think that is done by a very small number of people, behind the scenes. The chances of a secret being discovered are proportional to the square of the number of people who know about it. It might get tested by David Braben himself after significant updates and take advantage of new tech but otherwise it is simmering quietly on the backburner - and we are the ones who must bring it to the boil.
Indeed. Looks like every NPC Joe and his mom has the permit...
LOL.... And I presume that's standard functionality for permit locked systems? (both obtainable and unobtainable permits?)...

Any of them going to Ross 54? ;-)

I was wondering if the galmap shenanigans (plotting a jump or actually trying to jump to Ross 54 or LFT 509) might work if you are carrying something in your ship (SAP 8 cores, Trinkets, Tharg stuff, Guardian stuff, Grelics, etc).....

I guess scanning cargo of ships jumping there might be a bit tricky unless everyone and their mother is jumping there... ;-)
I Suppose i have to give some clarification here in order to avoid having people waste their time.
I Found the information regarding lft 509 permit being available even tho ross 54 is completely glitched at least weird. so i contacted support again. apparently the information regarding lft 509 came from some outdated source, but upon consulting with the devs it was confirmed that lft 509 permit is not available. i will leave the full answer here.

In order to ensure that we're giving you fully up-to-date information, I've gone back to our Development Team to clarify the current situation with the permits for LFT 509 and Polaris.​

They have confirmed that these permits are currently unavailable, and cannot be obtained in-game at this point in time. I do apologise for any conflicting information that you may have previously received.​

This means that the wording of 'This system is locked by the Pilots' Federation, no permits are currently issued' would roughly translate to the permits being unavailable at this point in time.​

Regarding the second issue that you highlighted - I have brought this to the attention of the relevant team for their review. Unfortunately I'm unable to advise as to what exactly may be occurring with the system at this point in time, but please rest assured that it has been raised and is being looked into.​

Now, this does match the idea of @Rochester that maybe at some point these were in tha game(thus the outdated reply by support regarding their status) but for some weapon became narratively blocked by fdev. maybe the entire idea was scratched? who knows.
I Suppose i have to give some clarification here in order to avoid having people waste their time.
I Found the information regarding lft 509 permit being available even tho ross 54 is completely glitched at least weird. so i contacted support again. apparently the information regarding lft 509 came from some outdated source, but upon consulting with the devs it was confirmed that lft 509 permit is not available. i will leave the full answer here.

In order to ensure that we're giving you fully up-to-date information, I've gone back to our Development Team to clarify the current situation with the permits for LFT 509 and Polaris.​

They have confirmed that these permits are currently unavailable, and cannot be obtained in-game at this point in time. I do apologise for any conflicting information that you may have previously received.​

This means that the wording of 'This system is locked by the Pilots' Federation, no permits are currently issued' would roughly translate to the permits being unavailable at this point in time.​

Regarding the second issue that you highlighted - I have brought this to the attention of the relevant team for their review. Unfortunately I'm unable to advise as to what exactly may be occurring with the system at this point in time, but please rest assured that it has been raised and is being looked into.​

Now, this does match the idea of @Rochester that maybe at some point these were in tha game(thus the outdated reply by support regarding their status) but for some weapon became narratively blocked by fdev. maybe the entire idea was scratched? who knows.
So we can save time by not looking to gain a permit... but can a permit requirement be bypassed.....
From a pure entertainment and business perspective, wouldn't FD want to build momentum on Raxxla at various time points in game history (ie in the past ten years) if it was something they really wanted to capitalize on? And yet nothing happened.
And wouldn't Raxxla be something FD would capitalize on, if it was the greatest mystery to be solved in game? And yet, they spent real cash building completely different scenarii, instead of making the quest for Raxxla some multi-layered enigma with hard events like they did for any other narratives that happened in game. Not necessarily to reveal anything. But just so people can engage in this narrative knowing it is supported by FD as a quest, and not dead codex lore.
Not even a damn lost relay or ship or log in YEARS, that would mention that Raxxla is actually something solvable or that the Dark Wheel is active in the galaxy. Not even a Galnet news that some efforts are being conducted by (idk) some powers or research lunatics or anything.
Not a proof as something doesn't exists in game of course as it cannot be disproven by the players, but only by FD themselves.

To make a long post short: I find troubling FD apparent lack of interest or support for this quest line, if it is actually one.
Ive once heard that obfuscation of truth is major element in elites lore. We could be looking at proofs of raxxla all the time just without our knowledge...
So who's jumping to LFT 509, Hrimfaxi, Blackwell City edition.

Seems like the same pattern, although it seemed to be less frequent jumps to LFT 509.

Wrt wasting time on the permit; every time I startup ED, it's essentially a massive waste of time. I just do it for fun. Besides, I needed Datamined Wake Solutions anyway :)

Scanning wakes with Tanaga
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Any of them going to Ross 54? ;-)
Ross 54
HIP 34104
LFT 509

They are all names for the same system. As with any binary system, if you have the permit, you'll drop at the more massive of the two stars.

Source: SIMBAD

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