Another interesting read and an excellent insight into the John Milton quote used within the Brookes Galactic Tours: of ‘
This pendent world’.
Milton. A Collection of Critical Essays. Edited by Louis L Martz. P1966.
‘Milton, having established map-consciousness and space-through-eye movement, adds actual physical movement (both of flying and of sturdily plowing ships) as Satan starts the first of many journeys. Circling with him over the whole universe familiarizes us with the vast locale of the poem, thoroughly explored muscularly with swift ease or laborious difficulty by flying, walking, crawling, wading, swimming, climbing. We are even privileged through Satan's eyes to see the whole world, not just the earth, in relation to Empyrean from outside, shrunk to relative insignificance in the immense cosmos: And fast by hanging in a golden chain. This pendent world, in bigness as a star Of smallest magnitude close by the moon.
So if we accept this quote is linked to the Codex; The Jewel which burns on the brow. Raxxla is such a pendant world (orb/globe) but its size is insignificant in comparison to
another enormous entity.
What might that entity be; the ‘mother of galaxies’ I believe is grammatically an explanation of something being ’the biggest’.
This makes sense in the context of the Miltonian quote in the FD galactic tours and in relation to the direct pictorial representation in Paradise Lost because that pendant world hung from the expansive enormity of heaven, but remember in Miltons text, the
Empyrean was not everything, it existed in a cosmos outside our universe, a formless ‘
Chaos’, with Hell below it.
In game we know where Hell is; this I establish to be the
Greek underworld set by the location of ‘
Pandemonium’ and of heaven by the system ‘
Fall’; the point from which Satan was cast out of heaven, being in the same location of where Eden hung - as established in Paradise Lost by the entity ’Chaos’.
To that side Heav'n from whence your Legions fell”.
We know comparatively where heaven is (heaven’s) in that in game conglomeration of systems named after the various parental deities, which all exist within the upper celestial sphere, and which correlate with the position of
Fall and of
This is where things get fascinating, because I believe it’s evident that Michael Brookes has followed the classical representation of the ‘underworld’ - not as in the limiting punitive Christian Hell, similar to that in Paradise Lost; but more so as any other classical ‘
Otherworld’, combining it with the Celtic cosmology established by
Robert Holdstock.
As Margaret Atwood, outlined about ‘ustopias’, they must obey cartographical concerns as a mappable place, or we will not suspend our disbelief.
where is it, when is it, and – in relation to maps – what shape is it?
For Raxxla to exist in game it must obey this and have contextualisation with its environment. If that is so Raxxla location can be identified by understanding that context, but the problem is which - Holdstock or Milton?
In Holdstocks concept there is a world tree above an axis mundi. In game this can be attributed to the Yggdrasil systems, sitting above the Otherworld, a level of systems named after ‘water’ and ‘mountains’ separating it. Because, the Celtic Otherworld likewise was hidden across water or / and under hills or mountains.
In this instance I believe this ‘Otherworld’ to be all of those ‘
Lost Realms‘ I’ve identified, and these form a new cosmological model universe mirroring that documented by Milton and that imagined by Holdstock, a microcosm galaxy of ‘Otherworlds’. Literally obfuscated on the outer rim of this construct.
This Pendant World then might hang from this ‘Otherworld’. Is this why the Brrookes Tours - out of
Artemis aligns, is that why the path of the
Sampo aligns?
Contextually is the Codex telling us to go to ‘Mother of galaxies’ then towards the underworld and look upon this ‘lost realm’ zone for Raxxla, obfuscated within, or upon or below it?
Or does the in game cosmology of Brookes mirror the Miltonian model?
There is a clear segregation in game of two areas, of ‘upper deities’ and of ‘lower deities’, the Brookes tour originates from its centre from Artemis.
Given this wider cosmological model we could project the upper realm as the Empyrean, if you follow the Miltonian model, Paradise would actually be hung from its wall, not within the underworld/Otherworld; it’s would instead be in alignment with the underworld, but much higher up, above and from the perspective of the ‘
throne of Chaos’.
Chaos was a zone but also a character in Paradise Lost, described as a deity (they had a throne) and being the womb of nature, aka the source of all things; is this the ‘
Mother of Galaxies’?
Again Satan was given directions by Chaos on how to get to Paradise. Is Raxxla upon the Brow of Chaos, if viewed upon the path/fall of Satan… if so
where in game could ‘Chaos’ be?
There is a zone populated by deities linked to chaos, and one such possibility could be the
female deity Tiamat,
Michael Brookes did write a Drabble about her, and in game the system falls between the path of the Sampo (Shibboleth) and of Brookes Tour!
Alternatively if we follow the path of the
Shibboleth upwards, it does intersect perfectly with
Badb of the triad goddess system of the
Morrigan system, does Badb represent the wall of heaven or the
Mother of Galaxies!
Please remember, the path of the
Sampo / Shibboleth does also correlate to two triads of Celtic Goddesses - below and goddess’s above!
And Satan although he fell straight down initially, did not fly directly upwards to Eden. Before meeting Chaos, he first had to escape the confines of Hell, flying up to the ceiling and to the gates of Hell, guarded by his daughter
Sin and son Death.
The system Sin is relatively close to
Tiamat if one imagines such a path from Pandemonium; of course it’s equally possible and more likely the system Sin is the
Sumerian Moon god linked to
Gilgamesh which is very close by, as is Sin which is the god Gilgamesh preyed to, and directly below is Aspu!
Satan then flew with no direction until happening upon that deity, who then set his course correct upward.
Is Tiamat the Mother of Galaxies, does she point the way?
*Note - if we draw a direct line upwards, to the same Y coordinate of ‘Fall’ from Tiamat we do intersect an area upon the same correlation of the Byfrost journey, an area also relative to various other ‘upper deities’!
And remember, the path of Brookes Tours does intersect a triad of goddesses, as does the path of the Sampo, rather too perfectly, and below that is the system Michel?
And the system Tiamat does sit upon the ridge of the hypothetical ‘mountains’ systems, and hypothetically the path from Pandemonium to Sin to Tiamat goes ‘over’ the mountains!
But if so, why would the Codex initially point us directly to Tiamat / Chaos, then hypothetically draw our attention downwards to the Underworld and by my reconstruction the ‘Lost Reslms’; unless Raxxla was below that area, if the Mother of Galaxies is Chaos, Milton’s pendent world out not to reside there; because it’s hung below heavens brow; it ought to be higher up!
All rather perplexing, but we’re getting closer, our pilgrimage is gaining momentum!
Post in thread 'The Path of The Sampo Device’
*currently not in game!