A great read for a stormy night with the power out, Rochester, great stuff!
Nice. How big is that sphere?From this speculation I asses Raxxla to be within this sphere of influence!
The milky wayNice. How big is that sphere?
Would you mind listing the systems you currently have that are recoded in the "The Lost Realms" Zone?I have now many thanks.
They seem to both fall into the lower realm of the storm gods.
View attachment 377470
Thanks I will review the post in detail..... and whilst I'm not as well read as your good self in the fictional areas (Milton, Holdstock, etc)...Here is the link from the thread:
Post in thread 'The Lost Realms’
These identify the key locations referenced by Robert Holdstock which I’ve found in game, as well as those with a close contextual association.
That zone technically is within the Underworld zone - because this concept of an ‘underworld’ is technically rolled up with the concept of an ‘Underworld’, which is more of a punitive Christian concept.
The Underworld zone is much wider.
There are an extensive level of star, so I’m not going to record these separately. I’m make maps based upon relationships.
Of interest to me is the shapes of these zones. I long thought the Underworld was a dense focal point; it isn’t - it’s more of a level… where as the Lost Realms, certainly is a defined area.
Similarly I found that in the Older gid network is this enclosed sphere of gods linked to Storms… I thought this at first was just a ‘bubble’ around Sol. But it clearly halts at the level of water and the Underworld. And there’s a clear ‘upper zone’ above it…
Again this what Ivwas attempting to convey in my last post. The system’s attributed to the potential gates of hell do fall upon this circumstance…
In addition - i have not posted this, because I feel it can’t be substantiated, but if we now accept this underworld level is a little wider, this technically makes sense of Jacques travels outbid the bubble…
Yes very much so I believe.Thanks I will review the post in detail..... and whilst I'm not as well read as your good self in the fictional areas (Milton, Holdstock, etc)...
Would I be right in concluding we should focus on the zones of Chaos, Lost Realms, and the triad goddesses as these zones are the most likely locations for Raxxla based on your theory?
Now my brain is buzzing...... not usually a good sign as I now have a million more thoughts to filterHere is the link from the thread:
Post in thread 'The Lost Realms’
These identify the key locations referenced by Robert Holdstock which I’ve found in game, as well as those with a close contextual association.
That zone technically is within the Underworld zone - because this concept of an ‘underworld’ is technically rolled up with the concept of an ‘Underworld’, which is more of a punitive Christian concept.
The Underworld zone is much wider.
There are an extensive level of star, so I’m not going to record these separately. I’m make maps based upon relationships.
Of interest to me is the shapes of these zones. I long thought the Underworld was a dense focal point; it isn’t - it’s more of a level… where as the Lost Realms, certainly is a defined area.
Similarly I found that in the Older gid network is this enclosed sphere of gods linked to Storms… I thought this at first was just a ‘bubble’ around Sol. But it clearly halts at the level of water and the Underworld. And there’s a clear ‘upper zone’ above it…
Again this what Ivwas attempting to convey in my last post. The system’s attributed to the potential gates of hell do fall upon this circumstance…
In addition - i have not posted this, because I feel it can’t be substantiated, but if we now accept this underworld level is a little wider, this technically makes sense of Jacques travels outbid the bubble…
View attachment 377521
I don't think they map to Rochester's hypothesis at all; the Guardian and Thargoid regions of the ED Milky Way are outside the areas that Rochester seems to be postulating. It seems that MB took aspects of several mythologies and used them to name various systems that are within the ED human bubble. I keep trying (currently without success) to map this hypothesis against this diagram from the Astronomy of Milton's poetry (see Project Gutenberg ebook https://www.gutenberg.org/files/28434/28434-h/28434-h.htm ). I need to see this overlaid to understand how the hypothesis might lead to Raxxla...Now my brain is buzzing...... not usually a good sign as I now have a million more thoughts to filter
Have you considered the 3 main races in game in relation to Paradise lost and mythology and perhaps how the regions of activity for each map to your model?
Humanity - Us - cast from Eden (Raxxla) for breaking the rules - What was lost....?
The Watchers/Olympian gods - Guardians?
Fallen Angels/Satan/Titans - Thargoids?
Guardians / The Watchers / Ancient deities: If the Guardians and ancient deities are figures who are tasked with protecting or guiding humanity. e.g. In Norse mythology, the Aesir and Vanir are groups of deities who are responsible for maintaining order in the world.... or Prometheus in Greek mythology? (Stole fire and gave it to humans... the Guardian tech?)
Thargoids / Fallen angels / Satan / Rebellious gods: Both fallen angels and rebellious gods are figures who have challenged the established order and rebelled against their creator or ruler. In Greek mythology the Titans rebelled against their father, Cronus, and were imprisoned in Tartarus.
Just a thought.... not properly thought out....
Jaque's trip and possible "bridge" is a bit far from the bubble! ;-)I don't think they map to Rochester's hypothesis at all; the Guardian and Thargoid regions of the ED Milky Way are outside the areas that Rochester seems to be postulating. It seems that MB took aspects of several mythologies and used them to name various systems that are within the ED human bubble. I keep trying (currently without success) to map this hypothesis against this diagram from the Astronomy of Milton's poetry (see Project Gutenberg ebook https://www.gutenberg.org/files/28434/28434-h/28434-h.htm ). I need to see this overlaid to understand how the hypothesis might lead to Raxxla...
Very much the caseI don't think they map to Rochester's hypothesis at all; the Guardian and Thargoid regions of the ED Milky Way are outside the areas that Rochester seems to be postulating. It seems that MB took aspects of several mythologies and used them to name various systems that are within the ED human bubble. I keep trying (currently without success) to map this hypothesis against this diagram from the Astronomy of Milton's poetry (see Project Gutenberg ebook https://www.gutenberg.org/files/28434/28434-h/28434-h.htm ). I need to see this overlaid to understand how the hypothesis might lead to Raxxla...
Have Unknown Permits been replaced by "Permit is required for this location"?From Wikipedia...
Izanami - Wikipedia
Izanami (イザナミ), formally referred to with the honorific Izanami-no-Mikoto (伊弉冉尊/伊邪那美命, meaning "She-who-invites" or the "Female-who-invites"), is the creator deity of both creation and death in Japanese mythology, as well as the Shinto mother goddess. She and her brother-husband Izanagi are the last of the seven generations of primordial deities that manifested after the formation of heaven and earth. Izanami and Izanagi are held to be the creators of the Japanese archipelago and the progenitors of many deities, which include the sun goddess Amaterasu, the moon deity Tsukuyomi and the storm god Susanoo. In mythology, she is the direct ancestor of the Japanese imperial family.
That sector contains the permit locked (not Unknown Permit!) BLEIA1, BLEIA2, BLEIA3, BLEIA4 and BLEIA5.... so probably for future content as per MB response to locked regions...?
View attachment 377452
That's a big old area.....I wonder what could be out there.....
Just a thought
Yes, but Jacques trip was down in the region of Chaos, not where I'd expect Raxxla /Eden to be from this hypothesis...Jaque's trip and possible "bridge" is a bit far from the bubble! ;-)
Ah, I was thinking wider than that in relation to Guardians/ThargoidsYes, but Jacques trip was down in the region of Chaos, not where I'd expect Raxxla /Eden to be from this hypothesis...
Culture / Reference | System Name |
Buddhist | Avici |
Celtic | Ankou |
Celtic | Cernunnos |
Chinese | Diyu |
Egyptian | Amente |
Egyptian | Anubis |
Egyptian | Nephthys |
Egyptian | Osiris |
Finnish | Tuoni |
Greek | Erebus |
Greek | Hecate |
Greek | Morpheus |
Greek | Persephone |
Greek | Styx |
Greek | Tartarus |
Greek | Thanatos |
Hindu | Yama |
Hindu | Yami |
Japanese | Izanami |
Mesopotamian | Irkalla |
Norse | Hel |
Norse | Helheim |
Mesopotamian | Gilgamesh |
Slavic | Morana |
Welsh | Annwn |
Welsh | Caer Siddi |
Galnet News 3301: ..."the explosive exploration triggered by the invention of the hyperdrive by Li Qin Jao and others in the 22nd century, first by unmanned probes, then with manned craft, overtaking the generation ships sent in the previous decades. Despite the huge dangers involved, a massive land-grab followed, fuelled by the voracious corporations."
cool, I'll stop by and take a look around both systems for a while, jump between em a few times, Supercruse for a while between them just too look for things that may be far out like the voyager probes in Sol...Well I'm pretty sure this is not going to pay off, so only go there if you're sanguine about that But it would be awesome to have someone actually check it out, just in case there's a stellar object there that's not visible on the map.
The exact location is where the circle is here in the "Newton's Vault" region:
View attachment 377325
The two nearest systems are: BYOI AUSCS BA-P D6-7 and BYOI AUSCS JR-A C15-0
If you were to go to one, and look towards the other, I think the sight-line would pass relatively close to the coordinates 23114, 584, 46931.
I've no idea how hard it is to get there, stars look pretty sparse out there.