I wonder if, rather than trying to match the signal to an in-game location, it might better match either a real-world mountain or even a book cover for something by Robert Holdstock? The problem with in-game terrain is that it is now tile-based, meaning there are similar formations everywhere that are rescaled and re-oriented by the procedural generation.
Oh I'm not advocating looking for that mountain range in-game at all. It might be anywhere across billions of planets, or even on an atmo planet we can't reach (though I hope not).

I'm suggesting that the signal shows us the goal. Gives us an idea of what we're heading towards. It's like putting an X on a treasure map, then tearing up the map and giving us the bit with the X on it. We know there's a map, we know that there's the treasure, but we don't know where it is or how to get there! It also fits with the Lore - people know Raxxla exists and can roughly describe it, yet it's still 'lost'?! We've all asked how is that possible?! - this is how. People see it, like Halsey and Gan did - in visions and dreams - but don't know how to get there.

I'm proposing that the method by which it's shown gives us a clue as to how to find more clues - special audio in key locations. The Codex (and other things) tell us where we might start looking for these additional audio. All this is in-game, using in-game clues and in-game knowledge of lore and events.

NLTT 46621 Investigation​

I've been trying to find a list of system descriptions from as early as possible, this is the best I've got so far. Thanks to Lord_Zapan for compiling this back in 2015. I've also looked on the ED wiki page (although less reliable, it also doesn't list NLTT 46621's description).

Obviously these lists are almost certainly not complete at their times of last update, however Lord-Zapan's list at least is decent snapshot of systems from the early days, and the wiki page shows systems that people cared enough to update.

I can't find NLTT 46621's description on any list or post other than here in the last few weeks, however I have seen several references to the system over the years but no-one comments on the system description, sadly. I've also been unable to dig up any reference to a player group calling itself "The Link", which does tally with INARA and EDSM saying it's not a player faction. If it is, they don't seem to have posted anything anywhere. The CoR database lists the Tourist beacon there, as do other places, so it was known and visited, yet... for whatever reason the system description was never noted even though it's weird! It's also not got the system description on EDSM, which many of the older systems with description do (but not even nearly all of them). EDSM lists the system as first being visited (for EDSM) in 2014, so that's extremely early - well within the timeframe Lord_Zapan was compiling their list.

Lack of proof isn't proof of anything other than I can't find it though.

Not sure if this helps, but it at least eliminates a few lines of enquiry. Maybe someone could make a post on the forum asking if anyone knows if The Link is a player faction? Someone might just have the answer.
So, interesting development. The Link was just reporting as a non-player faction originally. This morning, it changed to related to the squadron Sezione 42 which has an encrypted description at https://inara.cz/elite/squadron/13783/.

Original text:
Sjivb ablfcrjtnrb, fm qubstf ojrsbl af ajtf leb lf afvfanmn ejf trnvjtn ij iulb, ejf sbduftn ij strjaj ba ejf trnvjtn kb. Vunf sjobrb lef sfjkn? vunf sjobrb obrleé sfjkn mbiij sbzfnmb abslrfttfvj af umn squjarnmb? fi tun obmsfbrn è jmlnrj inmtjmn ajiij iulb. Mnm snmn ib ankjmab dfustb aj onrtf, ij vbrj ankjmaj è: l’è Fifnm? B sb l’è, anv’è? B sb anv’è, lef è? B sb lef è, obrleé? Be?! Fm qubstn kjmtn af stbiib jajdfjtn su um nlbjmn af nmab drjvftjzfnmjif, ij iulb sf afsofbdj afmjmzf jf kfmuslnif bssbrf vfvbmtf fmljojlf af rnkobrb fi vbin abi vuntn. Fmdjmmjtf ajiij iulb abiib stbiib lnkb cjibmb lf rnmzjmn fmtnrmn obr onf sojrfrb fm um pjttftn af ouisjr. Mbiij iulb knitf lrbanmn af vbabrb, lblef, jllbljtf aj qubiij stbssj iulb leb fanijtrjmn. Ij vbrftà è mbii’nslurn vuntn abi lnskn, inmtjmn ajiij iulb fmdjmmjtrflb. Ij iulb knstrj snin lfò leb vunib, fi pufn rfvbij tuttn, è bqujib, è fkojrzfjib, tuttn rflnorb, muiij mjslnmab. Mbi vuntn mnf lbrlefjkn Fifnm, mbi vuntn tnrmfjkn jii’nrfdfmb, mbi vuntn trnvfjkn fi mnstrn cuturn...

Independent Raxxla Hunters decoded it as...(Thanks to @El Saico).

This is a monoalphabetic cipher, the substitution alphabet starts with "jpl". Here's the plaintext:
Salve decifratore, in questi parsec di dati che ci dividono hai trovato la luce, hai seguito la strada ed hai trovato me. Vuoi sapere chi siamo? vuoi sapere perché siamo nella sezione descrittiva di uno squadrone? il tuo pensiero è ancora lontano dalla luce. Non sono le domande giuste da porti, la vera domanda è:c’è Ilion?E se c’è, dov’è? E se dov’è, chi è? E se chi è, perché? Eh?!
In questo manto di stelle adagiato su un oceano di onde gravitazionali, la luce si dispiega dinanzi ai minuscoli esseri viventi incapaci di rompere il velo del vuoto. Ingannati dalla luce delle stelle come falene ci ronzano intorno per poi sparire in un battito di pulsar. Nella luce molti credono di vedere, cechi, accecati da quella stessa luce che idolatrano. La verità è nell’oscuro vuoto del cosmo, lontano dalla luce ingannatrice. La luce mostra solo ciò che vuole, il buio rivela tutto, è equale, è imparziale, tutto ricopre, nulla nasconde. Nel vuoto noi cerchiamo Ilion, nel vuoto torniamo all’origine, nel vuoto troviamo il nostro futuro...

Then we let Google Translate work some magic...
Hello decipherer, in these parsecs of data that divide us you found the light, you followed the path and you found me. Do you want to know who we are? do you want to know why we are in the description section of a squadron? your thoughts are still far from the light. These are not the right questions to ask, the real question is:
is Ilion there?
And if he is there, where is he?
And if where is he, who is he?
And if who is it, why? Huh?!

In this blanket of stars lying on an ocean of gravitational waves, light unfolds before tiny living beings incapable of breaking the veil of the void. Deceived by the light of the stars, they buzz around us like moths and then disappear in a pulsar beat. In the light many believe they see, blind, blinded by that same light that they idolize. The truth is in the dark void of the cosmos, far from the deceiving light. The light shows only what it wants, the darkness reveals everything, it is equal, it is impartial, it covers everything, it hides nothing. In the void we search for Ilion, in the void we return to the origin, in the void we find our future...

Any thoughts as to is this FDev saying we found something important. It seems like a lot of trouble to have to gone through otherwise.

The Ilion reference seems oddly specific:
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Worth mentioning, technically in the timeframe of Elite Polaris would no longer be our pole/north star, it would be Gamma Cephei named Alrai ingame HIP 116727 or Errai (Different naming convention)
Aren't there the Blood Brothers from Alrai?

Original text:

Independent Raxxla Hunters decoded it as...(Thanks to @El Saico).

This is a monoalphabetic cipher, the substitution alphabet starts with "jpl". Here's the plaintext:

Then we let Google Translate work some magic...

Any thoughts as to is this FDev saying we found something important. It seems like a lot of trouble to have to gone through otherwise.

The Ilion reference seems oddly specific:
after quick look, that Faction on INARA was created 1 year ago....
looks like they have just gone on INARA and chose to support this faction... one of their Fcs shows updated 20min ago...
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Yeah looks like they became related due to Inara updates, Inara is a bit funny where it can relate your faction automatically if you spend a good deal of time in a system doing CZ's etc where no other player faction is really operating in
Yeah looks like they became related due to Inara updates, Inara is a bit funny where it can relate your faction automatically if you spend a good deal of time in a system doing CZ's etc where no other player faction is really operating in
If that were the case it would have happened to me, I've been in that system for about 7 months or so. I think it's some fans joining in with the lore, playing a role.
If that were the case it would have happened to me, I've been in that system for about 7 months or so. I think it's some fans joining in with the lore, playing a role.
Looking at your profile you are not assigned to a squadron nor is your profile fully setup so no you wouldnt have gotten a tick

Worth mentioning, technically in the timeframe of Elite Polaris would no longer be our pole/north star, it would be Gamma Cephei named Alrai ingame HIP 116727 or Errai (Different naming convention)
There was some discussion earlier around the link between female astronomers and the codex entry. Henrietta Leavitt is associated with the Cepheid constellation for her discovery of Cepheid variable brightness stars.

Speaking of variables, has the Zeta Puppis system been explored in depth?
I was looking for where RS Puppis (brightest variable in the galaxy) is located in ED but only Zeta Puppis (Naos) comes up.

However, this system has a similar extremely large, bright main star, and FOUR T Tauri stars orbiting.
Two of these stars have a planet orbiting VERY close to them:
Zeta Puppis 3 = 40ls,
Zeta Puppis 5 = 8 light seconds

Can someone do me a big favour and please scan around these bodies for me? for science? 😇😇😇
TDW post.png

This aligns further with the idea of Henrietta Leavitt (Princess Astrophel / Female Astronomer and the spiralling (brightness) stars) - T Tauri are a class of variables as well.
Zeta Puppis is a system where all five stars are variables!
There was some discussion earlier around the link between female astronomers and the codex entry. Henrietta Leavitt is associated with the Cepheid constellation for her discovery of Cepheid variable brightness stars.

Speaking of variables, has the Zeta Puppis system been explored in depth?
I was looking for where RS Puppis (brightest variable in the galaxy) is located in ED but only Zeta Puppis (Naos) comes up.

However, this system has a similar extremely large, bright main star, and FOUR T Tauri stars orbiting.
Two of these stars have a planet orbiting VERY close to them:
Zeta Puppis 3 = 40ls,
Zeta Puppis 5 = 8 light seconds

Can someone do me a big favour and please scan around these bodies for me? for science? 😇😇😇

This aligns further with the idea of Henrietta Leavitt (Princess Astrophel / Female Astronomer and the spiralling (brightness) stars) - T Tauri are a class of variables as well.
Zeta Puppis is a system where all five stars are variables!
SIMBAD is, as always, our friend: https://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/simbad/sim-basic?Ident=RS+Puppis

As it turns out, RS Puppis is listed ingame by another identifier, HD 68860.
Anything on squadron search? If the faction was added 9 June 2019 then it may well have a squadron with a similar name available.
(PC, PC Legacy, XBox and PS4 squadrons are all separate lists, so you'd ideally want to check all of them)
Yeah nothing on Squadron Search either (on PC), didn't know about the Xbox/PS4 specific ones, that makes a lot of sense.

I'm wondering now if maybe a player faction co-opted a local faction. This 'Section 42' or similar made a player faction based in NLTT 46621 so they could create the system description for The Link and wrap it into their group's lore.

The stuff posted above seems to suggest to me that it's a player group interested in doing some myth-making of their own :)
I'm wondering now if maybe a player faction co-opted a local faction. This 'Section 42' or similar made a player faction based in NLTT 46621 so they could create the system description for The Link and wrap it into their group's lore.
It probably pays to be very specific with the terminology here to avoid confusion:
- faction = the in-game entity which can have influence and states and own stations
- squadron = the in-game entity which contains players as members and can optionally be aligned to a faction (multiple squadrons - including on the same platform - can align to the same faction)
- group = the out-of-game collection of players which can run one or more squadrons (on one or more platforms) and which may or may not have any registration on Inara, which could until last year request a faction be created (but got no exclusivity over it after creation) and which can of course have an interest in the state of as many factions as it likes.

Looking at the factions present in NLTT 46621, all of them except The Link have names matching the form of standard procedural factions, and two are clearly native to nearby Eos or LHS 3343 respectively. Further, from the EliteBGS archive, no new factions have entered or old factions left the system since the addition of The Link in mid-2019.

So, this gives the following possibilities:
1) The Link is the player faction, which was created in June 2019 at the request of "Section 42", who submitted the description
2) The Link is the player faction, which was created in June 2019 at the request of an unknown and possibly extinct player group who submitted the description. "Section 42" have since adopted it, with or without the knowledge or agreement of its original creators.
3) There is no player faction in the system. Frontier added the faction in June 2019 for their own unknown reasons, and added the description either at the same time or at another date. "Section 42" have since adopted it.
4) {unlikely, but still possible} The Link is the player faction, which was created in June 2019 in a system which already had that Frontier-entered description prior to that date. The group requesting the faction chose not to submit a description since Frontier had already added one; whatever earlier reason Frontier had to add the description did not trip any of the "no lore significant systems" rules for requesting player factions.
5) {excessively unlikely but technically possible} One of the factions with NLTT 46621 in the name is a player faction created before October 2017, which has been named deliberately to resemble an original procedural faction. Either they didn't submit a system description, or it referred to "The Link" for no obvious reason. In June 2019 for even less clear reasons Frontier added a faction called "The Link" to the system anyway despite it being a player faction home system. "Section 42" may or may not have anything to do with it.

The influence curve of the faction prior to Welsh Dragon's adoption 7 months ago is certainly compatible with "new player faction added to a busy high-population system that they do not have the firepower or knowledge to handle" (especially the rise and then fall back to equilibrium in the first month of its existence), though that's definitely not the only possible explanation.
if any of you have not been keeping up with Drew he's been helping a visit out to the Formidine rift and retelling the story and providing some foot notes that might be interesting on what happened as the Salome story unfolded and how he worked in secret with MB on the early parts of the story even before the game was released while the galaxy was being built by MB... "Michael Brookes didn’t want the rest of fdev to know about it either as he thought it might get stopped, so it was a bit of a secret pact!"

(Drew is also back talking about Elite Dangerous.... "Drew Wagar's twitch stream will be running weekly from the 11th of January 2024 at 8pm UTC/GMT.")

Here's his advert...
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZaLzwq9nRs

Anyway some of the footnotes from the Formidine rift site in the spoiler below give a flavour of the types of clues, game changes that MB and Drew discussed and put in place... as well as some of the issues and fails by FD...lol

And perhaps the saddest footnote:
"We were all set to continue this story, but MB was moved to Jurassic Park in 2017 and after that the Oresrian/Thargoid war story and various other bits of lore were stopped or retconned. It would have been fun…"

The "Greek Mythology" page I found interesting based on this comment and how MB worked his clues...
"There’s a lot of Greek mythology and astronomy in Drew’s clues and work. The Thargoid story (by the late, great Michael Brookes) was mostly codes and cyphers, very maths and science. Drew wanted a different route that was more accessible for more players. General knowledge, language puzzles and lateral thinking."

You'll need to read the site for the full context (and how vague/hard it was!), but as I mentioned perhaps a little insight in to the puzzle creation process of MB which is relevant here...

This had its genesis in the ending of Elite Reclamation, when MB asked me for some mystery ideas. All the authors chucked ideas in, but The Formidine Rift was the one that got Michael excited, so we developed it from there.
We were aiming for a sort of “The Da Vinci Code in space” 🙂
BTW – Formidine is “Fear” in latin. We wanted it to be spooky. 🙂

Historical note. The Formidine Rift idea was actually concocted by Michael Brookes and myself prior to the launch of ED. We were both working through in a private writers’ forum hidden on the main fdev forms. We discussed a “raxxla-esque” type of story (raxxla itself was off-limits to the writers) that would play out in game and I embedded the first clue in Reclamation during 2013 as it was being written.

The way it was supposed to work is as follows.
Michael Brookes and I collaborated on putting a small code in the text of systems scattered across the bubble. This was done when Michael Brookes was creating the starmap for the stellarforge in an Excel spreadsheet before ED went live. Michael Brookes didn’t want the rest of fdev to know about it either as he thought it might get stopped, so it was a bit of a secret pact!
We embedded a code “EBP” in various systems across ED and seeded the galaxy. These systems had Greek mythological names as a clue that they were linked in some unusual way… It was supposed to be a bit like “Bad Wolf” in Dr. Who

The idea was that in systems throughout ED with Greek mythological names in them, there would be an odd repeating code in the text descriptions of those systems…. the letters “EBP”…

Eventually EBP was revealed a code used by MB and myself to indicate folks were on the right track. EBP is a -13 caesar cipher which gave “ROC” – Right on, Commander. – There were several “EBP”s in various Galnets issued.

"Take a line from Reorte to Riedquat and carry on to the edge of the arm
The “curious transmission” pointed at constellations2 in the same direction"

This was “technically” the first clue, as it was put in the text of Reclamation before the game went live. MB organised Reorte and Riedquat so they would indicate a general direction in space towards the outer edge of the galaxy…
The “curious transmission” was the first in-game clue that confirmed to players that the story was an actual in-game thing, not just an easter egg for the book.

In terms of selling the exploration data...
When I first discussed this idea with the Dev team and MB, I was told it wouldn’t work because players always go with the money. I said, let’s try it and make the Federal CG more lucrative… but the CoR less lucrative… but indicate that the CoR is the “right thing to do”. The CoR CG won. I think it’s one of the only examples of a competitive CG where the underdog won. Players changed the galaxy that day. 🙂

FD Fail...
The delays in spawning the bases due to the patch problem was the main issue here. We had a skip a clue that would require players to visit all the Greek myth “EBP” tagged systems, because there wasn’t any more time in the dev cycle and Frontier wanted the book published in the summer. So we had to issue an “fast track” clue.

Each of these names are spread across the ED galaxy in various please and were, at the time, connected with EBP clues in text descriptions. Unfortunately a lot of them have been replaced now, so it’s not possible to find and follow the original clues. However, the intention was for players to visit the various locales, find the EBP… slowly assemble the bits and then get the final location as a result…

"The Zurara Megaship"
As mentioned before, originally a wrecked Anaconda with text logs prior to me being commissioned to write Premonition. It was later upgraded… a bit cheeky… but since no one had found it, MB and I thought it was a great way to introduce megaships and voice acting into ED.

FD Fail...
"Salomé had the answers, in the lore, at this point and wanted to release them to everyone rather than them being hidden."
These logs were inadvertently released into the game too early by an error by Fdev. They should have only appeared when one of the four protagonists reached Teorge. But they appeared during the chase. Something similar happened with the Galnets for the Gnosis – Fdev QA was a bit hit and miss!
Thanks Emperor! I have watched some of Drew's streams and his writing videos before so I knew some of this but certainly not all.

It is fascinating to read that:
FD had a hidden check to determine if you had visited every member of a given set of systems.
That's the kind of thing that could hold back finding the next step in the quest for Raxxla, or Raxxla itself. Maybe the reason FD can say that they know why no one has found it is because they can check whether anyone has done this. If finding Raxxla was down to the methodology of people exploring, it becomes less tangible to know why something has not been found. e.g. if FD were asked why no one found the Voyager probes before they did, they would not be able to say that they know the reason, because it could have been just missed by someone flying 1001 Ls away, or too fast to notice the signal source pop up.

Today I visited Goibniu and Ogma for the first time, these being relevant to the Sidhe mythology, and also Berkanan, which I think (hope), is the last of the tree-runes. In addition, I noticed a system called Ragnorak (quite the Shibboleth!) and visited that for the first time as well (it is well away from interesting areas, being close to the frontier of the Bubble way up in Alliance space on the Colonia-facing side). Another system I visited for the first time was Ovid, which has an Earth-like World called Kenash with a very close-orbiting moon, Paseguru, perhaps another mountain (a preliminary check online for both planet and moon has not yielded any references at all)? Both planet and moon have stations orbiting them but outside the moon's orbit - the one supposed to be orbiting the moon orbits further out than the one orbiting the planet - it does not look like it ought to be gravitationally bound to just the moon, so I suspect this is a hand-crafted location. The Sidhe systems are all over the Bubble and it is hard to see a pattern, though Brigid is close to the Epona, Dana and Idunn triad around Beta Sculptoris. I have encountered some more unusual system names that I plan to visit soon. I'm back to wandering around the region below the Empyrean, looking for places I have not been or interesting names.
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