Have you heard of this concept? Its been mooted in the past in this thread.

Nice, I can look into it. It says "The only way to unambiguously determine whether or not a star is a TŻO is a multi-messenger detection of both the gravitational waves of the inner neutron star and an optical spectrum of the metals atypical of a normal red supergiant." that may provide an hint on how to recognise it.

An area at the center of a planet may also explain the hint "A place that is not a place", as the definition of "place" in the Oxford Dictionary is both "a particular position, point, or area in space" and "a portion of space available for being used". So a particular area in ED space that is not accessible and available, like the center of a planet, would be "A place (in the first definition) that is not a place (in the second definition)"

We have three logged hints about an unexpected gravitational event that also somehow caused the confused victim to travel to new worlds, these are:
Communication Array Delta 69 in Col 285 Sector BG-O d6-93 at coords 45.78125 / -83.84375 / 161.90625
Leucos Crashed Ship in Leucos at coords 98.65625 / -3.375 / -5.65625
Transmitter VJS-81 in HR 6890 at coords -91.3125 / 13.625 / 179.625
These three points can be used to form a 3d triangle (or a circle) that may be considered the most probable area of random impact of Raxxla.

The TZO hybrid star conjecture article linked above seems to imply that a TZO star can only be inside a Red Giant or Red Supergiant.
Of all the known Red Giants and Red Supergiants only three of them are situated inside that 3d triangle, these are:
So yeah, I am traveling there to check if there is any way to identify an unexpected object inside those giants from their "gravitational waves and atypical metals".
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I too am intrigued by these unexpected gravitational events and have previously speculated they may have some common theme and likely a grander relevance. Maybe there are more out there?

However, be wary as I’ve mapped these locations and when compared with various other comparable correlations, these systems seem improbably distant from each other, and when viewed together, their triangulated entity is, in comparison to other groupings equally too far removed, at least from any fulcrum I’ve since studied!

Other than speculation that they might be narrative hallmarks of the Thargoid / human hybrid experiments, they remain a mystery!

Good hunting O7
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Have you heard of this concept? Its been mooted in the past in this thread.
It either means Sol, since that is the astrological symbol for our sun, not a star.

My other idea is that it means the Main star is a White-Yellow (which comes off as green), and there is a star Lkke a brown dwarf, thats acting like a planet (aka Delphi, a few other systems), so its saying the "orbit" body that appears 3 times, is around the secondary star, with the main star aligned directly behind it
The symbol could equally represent an omphalos?

Or simply a hidden star.
Maybe: this is the real omphalos: https://global-geography.org/attach...hi_1/scaled-900x599-GR0280_NG622_Nabeljpg.jpg

and inside: https://global-geography.org/attach...hi_1/B032_Omphalos_Delphi_Omphalos_Delphi.jpg

With the cube perspective it definitely gives off "navel" or center of, which within a system, the main star is the center usually, and also the main star is the "door" into the system
Omphalos was a term also given to mean a raised mound; hub of a wheel etc.
I was pondering this yesterday. Yes, omphalos means navel or hub, and there was an ancient Greek omphalos stone which was conical with a central hole.
So is the omphalos actually the hole itself??

That might emphasise a Black Hole implementation
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Source: https://imgur.com/a/hFbOMzG

I dont think they created any Unregistered comms beacons around raxxla.

I think its an alignment game, and thats why its never been "found"

if you align certain planets behind stars, they create images similar to the raxxla codex image.

this is Neptune. Sol, in the middle, and a ring, just like the image.Neptune also oddly has a "void" hotspot. I don't think this is some far reached hunt, its a hunt inside a system that is or very close to Sol.

Raxxla was legend by 2296. Tau ceti was the first colony, and before that, according to lore, we basically only explored Sol, and Alpha Centauri. We tried to start a thing on eden in the 2100s and failed. So raxxla was found between 2010, and 2200. Which limits it to Sol, Alpha Centauri, Eta Cassiopeia, etc. All of those stars have entries explaining when they were explored, settled, etc. The codex entry about Tau ceti is simply guiding us on the lore timeline. if you click on them in the galmap those entries show up.

Hey guys. I've also been trying to find Raxxla from time to time and have been thinking about where it could be based on the information we have.
So, here’s my idea:

Basically, this guy is right:
Link to 3 years old post.

Raxxla should be in the Alpha Hydri system. Why?
  • I think the first people who found it were pirates hiding in systems but didn’t know how to use it (2200-2296).
  • At some point during human expansion, a group of people rediscovered it while fighting pirates. These were pilots from both the Federation and the Empire (2300 - 2325).
  • They created a peaceful pact and established bases there to harness its power.
  • Once they figured out how to use it properly, they (possibly a group of high-ranking Empire and Federation officials) started manipulating the governments of both sides and essentially ruled humanity.
  • They called themselves The Dark Wheel and became so powerful that they could lock the system, preventing anyone from accessing Raxxla except for themselves.
  • There’s a rumor that you can’t find The Dark Wheel—they’ll contact you if they decide you’re worthy.
Think about it: if such a powerful weapon or device existed near the Solar System and had been discovered long ago, would it really have been abandoned with its maps simply erased? Of course not. It’s most likely protected by military bases, and the system is hidden from prying eyes.

I look at this amazing Elite community, capable of solving incredibly difficult riddles that I could never crack, and yet they still haven’t found this planet? No way. It would have been discovered over five years ago.

So, instead of searching for the system, I think we need to focus on figuring out how to gain access through The Dark Wheel.
If there’s a way in the game, it must exist. Maybe it involves reaching a certain rank with various organizations in surrounding systems, plus maxing out ranks with both the Empire and Federation, along with something else.
Hey guys. I've also been trying to find Raxxla from time to time and have been thinking about where it could be based on the information we have.
So, here’s my idea:

Basically, this guy is right:
Link to 3 years old post.

Raxxla should be in the Alpha Hydri system. Why?
  • I think the first people who found it were pirates hiding in systems but didn’t know how to use it (2200-2296).
  • At some point during human expansion, a group of people rediscovered it while fighting pirates. These were pilots from both the Federation and the Empire (2300 - 2325).
  • They created a peaceful pact and established bases there to harness its power.
  • Once they figured out how to use it properly, they (possibly a group of high-ranking Empire and Federation officials) started manipulating the governments of both sides and essentially ruled humanity.
  • They called themselves The Dark Wheel and became so powerful that they could lock the system, preventing anyone from accessing Raxxla except for themselves.
  • There’s a rumor that you can’t find The Dark Wheel—they’ll contact you if they decide you’re worthy.
Think about it: if such a powerful weapon or device existed near the Solar System and had been discovered long ago, would it really have been abandoned with its maps simply erased? Of course not. It’s most likely protected by military bases, and the system is hidden from prying eyes.

I look at this amazing Elite community, capable of solving incredibly difficult riddles that I could never crack, and yet they still haven’t found this planet? No way. It would have been discovered over five years ago.

So, instead of searching for the system, I think we need to focus on figuring out how to gain access through The Dark Wheel.
If there’s a way in the game, it must exist. Maybe it involves reaching a certain rank with various organizations in surrounding systems, plus maxing out ranks with both the Empire and Federation, along with something else.
Alpha Hydri is

HIP 92360​

And has been in the game since the beginning. Its ~720 light years away from Sol.

sorry did not get you. Im saying about permitted system right between Tau Ceti and achenar
ohhh like a star within the triangle of three stars. Yea maybe!

You should check out my post on looking at the raxxla codex image from a different perspective, which I think is a bit of a breakthrough, and need people smarter than me to see the 3d cube shape!
ohhh like a star within the triangle of three stars. Yea maybe!

You should check out my post on looking at the raxxla codex image from a different perspective, which I think is a bit of a breakthrough, and need people smarter than me to see the 3d cube shape!

I believe that everything match simpler than we think. I believe that you could get access to Raxxla as ultimate goal after you get all ranks, all accesses and Elite ranks for 3 main playstyles. I believe that only after that you could be able to trigger new mission or something which will lead you to Raxxla.
I believe that everything match simpler than we think. I believe that you could get access to Raxxla as ultimate goal after you get all ranks, all accesses and Elite ranks for 3 main playstyles. I believe that only after that you could be able to trigger new mission or something which will lead you to Raxxla.
Much simpler than that. There are no requirements to locate the Omphalos Rift other than using tools already used to solve previous puzzles.

The difficulty comes purely from the fact that there was nothing to go on for many years, so Raxxla could have been anything, anywhere, or nothing - until the Codex added a lot more information and made it possible to at least make progress, if not solve it fully to the limits of what's there (unclear).

The Omphalos Rift is most likely* located near Stuemeae JM-W C1-5825, it appears currently unreachable. The signal that comes from it needs further 'translating', or 'decoding', or something. More info here.

*If it's not the Omphalos Rift, then there's another unsolved mystery that fits all the clues and information we have and has been in-game since launch.
I believe that everything match simpler than we think. I believe that you could get access to Raxxla as ultimate goal after you get all ranks, all accesses and Elite ranks for 3 main playstyles. I

Much simpler than that. There are no requirements to locate the Omphalos Rift other than using tools already used to solve previous puzzles.

The difficulty comes purely from the fact that there was nothing to go on for many years, so Raxxla could have been anything, anywhere, or nothing - until the Codex added a lot more information and made it possible to at least make progress, if not solve it fully to the limits of what's there (unclear).

The Omphalos Rift is most likely* located near Stuemeae JM-W C1-5825, it appears currently unreachable. The signal that comes from it needs further 'translating', or 'decoding', or something. More info here.
View attachment 407975

*If it's not the Omphalos Rift, then there's another unsolved mystery that fits all the clues and information we have and has been in-game since launch.
I dont there is any way, nor is it inline with any MB or DB mystery ever, that a small team of MB, DB, and a dev or two made all of that for raxxla.

And that is not "simple" and "under our nose" lol.

That might be the other end of the omphalos rift or something like that, but most of the raxxla clues we do have point to earth based references, and classic db riddles, with Brookes' layering that he liked to do.

The biggest clue we have with omphalos rift, is that the codex entry referencing it, the system name change to Delphi, and the Delphi Control Center in Sol, all dropped with the same release.
Well, to complete my latest failed hypothesis (https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/the-quest-to-find-raxxla.168253/post-10473715) I've just arrived at 40 Phi-2 Orionis...since I failed to find anything of note at the three Orion's Belt stars, I looked again at the Griffin/Horus image on the start screen & wondered if the horns/ears might be a pointer. They seem to point to the Lambda Orionis Cluster. Of that cluster two stars (39 Lambda Orionis/Meissa-derived from Al-Maisan which means 'The Shining One' (jewel??) and 37 Phi-1 Orionis are both permit-locked (pity because 37 Phi-1 Orionis has a Neutron Star -another possibility for Omphalos Rift?). The third is 40 Phi-2 Orionis and nothing here but about 45 Degraded Emission signals. Back to the drawing board/lavian brandy!
I believe that everything match simpler than we think. I believe that you could get access to Raxxla as ultimate goal after you get all ranks, all accesses and Elite ranks for 3 main playstyles. I believe that only after that you could be able to trigger new mission or something which will lead you to Raxxla.
Some of us made a point of obtaining all known permits and gaining the three Elite ranks (before Odyssey expanded the rank system) to gain TDW attention. Nothing has ever come of it.
Well, to complete my latest failed hypothesis (https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/the-quest-to-find-raxxla.168253/post-10473715) I've just arrived at 40 Phi-2 Orionis...since I failed to find anything of note at the three Orion's Belt stars, I looked again at the Griffin/Horus image on the start screen & wondered if the horns/ears might be a pointer. They seem to point to the Lambda Orionis Cluster. Of that cluster two stars (39 Lambda Orionis/Meissa-derived from Al-Maisan which means 'The Shining One' (jewel??) and 37 Phi-1 Orionis are both permit-locked (pity because 37 Phi-1 Orionis has a Neutron Star -another possibility for Omphalos Rift?). The third is 40 Phi-2 Orionis and nothing here but about 45 Degraded Emission signals. Back to the drawing board/lavian brandy!

Some of us made a point of obtaining all known permits and gaining the three Elite ranks (before Odyssey expanded the rank system) to gain TDW attention. Nothing has ever come of it.
I think you should try different star alignments in the system to see if anything gets revealed.

I explain why here; https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/my-raxxla-notes.629859/
Some of us made a point of obtaining all known permits and gaining the three Elite ranks (before Odyssey expanded the rank system) to gain TDW attention. Nothing has ever come of it.
It's because its hidden. But if you take devs word from one of old Live-streams where they said "Its closer then you think" i believe it's connected with ranks and reputation.

Nobody ever drop such a dangerous tech if it's been found. You should get access to it.

So, I'll concentrate on that direction I think.
Or, maybe that object does not exist and Dev's just joking on us. Because data mining never showed anything related to raxxla if i remember right.
I think you should try different star alignments in the system to see if anything gets revealed.

I explain why here; https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/my-raxxla-notes.629859/
I had toyed in the past with the idea that Raxxla is an optical illusion,however that doesnt fit the codex theme of "mysterious place, the location of which is a deadly secret...Raxxla is a definite place and it holds a mystical secret. " ...there would be no reason to keep it secret. But it may indeed be hidden and visually locateable in some sort of way.

I initially thought the same, however on further consideration there is no reason to justify Raxxla being located near to Sol from date of the first documented rumour. Even with an old-style (7ly per week's travel? 52 weeks per year, 10 year expedition) jump range some intrepid explorers and treasure hunters could have gone a long way from Sol by 2296, and how about if it wasnt discovered by someone physically stumbling upon it? What about automated probes (which were sent out before manned expeditions)? What about some information gleaned from the Martian Alien Artefact?. What about detection by radio or visual astronomy?
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